- 1.1.5
- updated changelogs
- 1.1.4
- updated changelogs
- Contributors: Jenkins
- Setting correct version number. The changelogs will be regenerated because the ones from the release branch would not be consistent with the changes made in the devel branch.
- Adding explicit queue_size argument to get rid of indigo warning
- Changed launch files to new format.
- Changed launch files to new format.
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updating changelogs and adjusting version numbers
- 0.0.12
- Adjusting version number.
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.3
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.2
- Updated changelog
- 0.0.1
- Created changelogs
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updating changelogs and manually bumping version number.
- 0.0.11
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.10
- Updating changelog
- 0.0.9
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.8
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.7
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.6
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.5
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.4
- Updating changelogs
- Removing the leg_detector from the run_dependencies of the launch package for indigo release. leg_detector is not released for indigo yet.
- 0.0.3
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.2
- Updated changelog
- 0.0.1
- Created changelogs
- 0.0.11
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.10
- Updating changelog
- 0.0.9
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.8
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.7
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.6
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.5
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.4
- Updating changelogs
- Removing the leg_detector from the run_dependencies of the launch package for indigo release. leg_detector is not released for indigo yet.
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Adjusting version number.
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.3
- Updated changelogs
- 0.0.2
- Updated changelog
- 0.0.1
- Created changelogs
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updated changelogs
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updating changelog
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updated changelogs
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updated changelogs
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updated changelogs
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updated changelogs
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updated changelogs
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updating changelogs
- Removing the leg_detector from the run_dependencies of the launch package for indigo release. leg_detector is not released for indigo yet.
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Updated changelogs
- Added LICENSE files. Fixes #101
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup, Lucas Beyer
- Updated changelog
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup
- Created changelogs
- Fixed missing things
- Prepared detector_msg_to_pose_array for release.
- Splitting utils package into seperate packages.
- Contributors: Christian Dondrup