diff --git a/demo/Snakefile b/demo/Snakefile
index 6f187275..bf53d090 100755
--- a/demo/Snakefile
+++ b/demo/Snakefile
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ configfile: "../modules/lofreq/1.0/config/default.yaml"
 configfile: "../modules/starfish/2.0/config/default.yaml"
 configfile: "../modules/sage/1.0/config/default.yaml"
 configfile: "../modules/slms_3/1.0/config/default.yaml"
+configfile: "../modules/ichorcna/1.0/config/default.yaml"
 # Load project-specific config, which includes the shared 
 # configuration and some module-specific config updates
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ include: "../modules/controlfreec/1.1/controlfreec.smk"
 include: "../modules/lofreq/1.0/lofreq.smk"
 include: "../modules/starfish/2.0/starfish.smk"
 include: "../modules/sage/1.0/sage.smk"
+include: "../modules/ichorcna/1.0/ichorcna.smk"
 ##### TARGETS ######
@@ -91,9 +91,13 @@ rule all:
+        rules._liftover_all.input,
+        rules._controlfreec_all.input,
-        rules._slms_3_all.input
+        rules._slms_3_all.input,
+        rules._ichorcna_all.input
diff --git a/demo/config.yaml b/demo/config.yaml
index 011540c2..5069451c 100755
--- a/demo/config.yaml
+++ b/demo/config.yaml
@@ -139,6 +139,17 @@ lcr-modules:
             sample_bam: "data/{sample_id}.bam"
             sample_bai: "data/{sample_id}.bam.bai"
+    liftover:
+        tool: "battenberg"
+        inputs:
+            sample_seg: "data/{tool}/hg38/{tumour_sample_id}--{normal_sample_id}_subclones.igv.seg"
+    ichorcna:
+        inputs:
+            sample_bam: "data/{sample_id}.bam"
+            sample_bai: "data/{sample_id}.bam.bai"
         scratch_subdirectories: [] # mpileup should be in scratch space
diff --git a/modules/ichorcna/1.0/config/default.yaml b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/config/default.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37a33898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/config/default.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+    ichorcna:
+        inputs:
+            # Available wildcards: {seq_type} {genome_build} {sample_id}
+            sample_bam: "__UPDATE__"
+            sample_bai: "__UPDATE__"
+        scratch_subdirectories: []
+        options:
+            readcounter:
+                qual: 20 # only includes reads with mapping quality greater than 20
+                binSize:  1000000 # set window size to compute coverage 
+                # available binSizes are: 1000000, 500000, 50000, 10000
+            run:
+                ichorCNA_libdir: ""
+                ichorCNA_rscript:  "{MODSDIR}/src/runIchorCNA.R"
+                # use panel matching same bin size (optional)
+                ichorCNA_normalPanel: 
+                    "1000000": "inst/extdata/HD_ULP_PoN_{genome_build}_1Mb_median_normAutosome_median.rds"
+                    "500000": "inst/extdata/HD_ULP_PoN_{genome_build}_500kb_median_normAutosome_median.rds"
+                # must use gc wig file corresponding to same binSize (required)
+                ichorCNA_gcWig:
+                    "1000000": "inst/extdata/gc_{genome_build}_1000kb.wig"
+                    "500000": "inst/extdata/gc_{genome_build}_500kb.wig"
+                    "50000": "inst/extdata/gc_{genome_build}_50kb.wig"
+                    "10000": "inst/extdata/gc_{genome_build}_10kb.wig"
+                # must use map wig file corresponding to same binSize (required)
+                ichorCNA_mapWig:  
+                    "1000000": "inst/extdata/map_{genome_build}_1000kb.wig"
+                    "500000": "inst/extdata/map_{genome_build}_500kb.wig"
+                    "50000": "inst/extdata/map_{genome_build}_50kb.wig"
+                    "10000": "inst/extdata/map_{genome_build}_10kb.wig"
+                # use bed file if sample has targeted regions, eg. exome data (optional)
+                ichorCNA_exons:  NULL
+                ichorCNA_centromere:  
+                    grch37: "inst/extdata/GRCh37.p13_centromere_UCSC-gapTable.txt"
+                    hg19: "inst/extdata/GRCh37.p13_centromere_UCSC-gapTable.txt"
+                    hs37d5: "inst/extdata/GRCh37.p13_centromere_UCSC-gapTable.txt"
+                    grch38: "inst/extdata/GRCh38.GCA_000001405.2_centromere_acen.txt"
+                    hg38: "inst/extdata/GRCh38.GCA_000001405.2_centromere_acen.txt"
+                ichorCNA_minMapScore: 0.75
+                ichorCNA_fracReadsInChrYForMale: 0.002 # Threshold for fraction of reads in chrY to assign as male
+                ichorCNA_genomeStyle:  # can set this to UCSC or NCBI
+                    grch37: "NCBI"
+                    hg19: "NCBI"
+                    hs37d5: "NCBI"
+                    grch38: "UCSC"
+                    hg38: "UCSC"
+                # chrs used for training ichorCNA parameters, e.g. tumor fraction. 
+                ichorCNA_chrTrain:  
+                    grch37: "c(1:22)"
+                    hg19: "c(1:22)"
+                    hs37d5: "c(1:22)"
+                    grch38: "paste0('chr', c(1:22))"
+                    hg38: "paste0('chr', c(1:22))"
+                # non-tumor fraction parameter restart values; higher values should be included for cfDNA
+                ichorCNA_normal:  "c(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,0.95)"
+                # ploidy parameter restart values
+                ichorCNA_ploidy:  "c(2,3,4)"
+                ichorCNA_estimateNormal:  TRUE
+                ichorCNA_estimatePloidy:  TRUE
+                ichorCNA_estimateClonality: TRUE
+                # states to use for subclonal CN
+                ichorCNA_scStates:  "c(1,3)"
+                # set maximum copy number to use
+                ichorCNA_maxCN:  5
+                # TRUE/FALSE to include homozygous deletion state # FALSE for low coverage libraries (ex. 0.1x) ; can turn on for higher coverage data (ex. >10x)
+                ichorCNA_includeHOMD: FALSE
+                # Exclude solutions if total length of subclonal CNAs > this fraction of the genome 
+                ichorCNA_maxFracGenomeSubclone: 0.5
+                # Exclude solutions if total length of subclonal CNAs > this fraction of total CNA length
+                ichorCNA_maxFracCNASubclone: 0.7
+                # control segmentation - higher (e.g. 0.9999999) leads to higher specificity and fewer segments
+                # lower (e.g. 0.99) leads to higher sensitivity and more segments
+                ichorCNA_txnE:  0.9399999
+                # control segmentation - higher (e.g. 10000000) leads to higher specificity and fewer segments
+                # lower (e.g. 100) leads to higher sensitivity and more segments
+                ichorCNA_txnStrength:  10000
+                ichorCNA_plotFileType:  "pdf"
+                ichorCNA_plotYlim:  "c(-2,2)"
+        conda_envs:
+            ichorcna: "{MODSDIR}/envs/ichorcna.env.yaml"
+            hmmcopy_utils: "{MODSDIR}/envs/hmmcopy_utils.env.yaml"
+        threads:
+            readcounter: 4
+            run: 4
+        resources:
+            readcounter:
+                mem_mb: 2000
+                bam: 1
+            run: 
+                mem_mb: 2000
+                bam: 1
+        pairing_config:
+            genome:
+                run_paired_tumours: False
+                run_unpaired_tumours_with: "no_normal"
+                run_paired_tumours_as_unpaired: True
diff --git a/modules/ichorcna/1.0/envs/ichorcna.env.yaml b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/envs/ichorcna.env.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..208fd501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/envs/ichorcna.env.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+name: null
+  - conda-forge
+  - dranew
+  - bioconda
+  - defaults
+  - r
+  - _libgcc_mutex=0.1
+  - _openmp_mutex=4.5
+  - _r-mutex=1.0.1
+  - binutils_impl_linux-64=2.35.1
+  - binutils_linux-64=2.35
+  - bioconductor-biocgenerics=0.36.0
+  - bioconductor-genomeinfodb=1.26.0
+  - bioconductor-genomeinfodbdata=1.2.4
+  - bioconductor-genomicranges=1.42.0
+  - bioconductor-hmmcopy=1.32.0
+  - bioconductor-iranges=2.24.0
+  - bioconductor-s4vectors=0.28.0
+  - bioconductor-xvector=0.30.0
+  - bioconductor-zlibbioc=1.36.0
+  - bwidget=1.9.14
+  - bzip2=1.0.8
+  - ca-certificates=2020.12.5
+  - cairo=1.16.0
+  - curl=7.71.1
+  - fontconfig=2.13.1
+  - freetype=2.10.4
+  - fribidi=1.0.10
+  - gcc_impl_linux-64=9.3.0
+  - gcc_linux-64=9.3.0
+  - gettext=
+  - gfortran_impl_linux-64=9.3.0
+  - gfortran_linux-64=9.3.0
+  - graphite2=1.3.13
+  - gsl=2.6
+  - gxx_impl_linux-64=9.3.0
+  - gxx_linux-64=9.3.0
+  - harfbuzz=2.8.0
+  - hmmcopy_utils=0.0.1
+  - icu=68.1
+  - jpeg=9d
+  - kernel-headers_linux-64=2.6.32
+  - krb5=1.17.2
+  - ld_impl_linux-64=2.35.1
+  - libblas=3.8.0
+  - libcblas=3.8.0
+  - libcurl=7.71.1
+  - libedit=3.1.20191231
+  - libffi=3.3
+  - libgcc-devel_linux-64=9.3.0
+  - libgcc-ng=9.3.0
+  - libgfortran-ng=9.3.0
+  - libgfortran5=9.3.0
+  - libglib=2.66.7
+  - libgomp=9.3.0
+  - libiconv=1.16
+  - liblapack=3.8.0
+  - libopenblas=0.3.10
+  - libpng=1.6.37
+  - libssh2=1.9.0
+  - libstdcxx-devel_linux-64=9.3.0
+  - libstdcxx-ng=9.3.0
+  - libtiff=4.2.0
+  - libuuid=2.32.1
+  - libwebp-base=1.2.0
+  - libxcb=1.13
+  - libxml2=2.9.10
+  - lz4-c=1.9.3
+  - make=4.3
+  - ncurses=6.2
+  - openssl=1.1.1j
+  - pango=1.42.4
+  - pcre=8.44
+  - pcre2=10.36
+  - pixman=0.40.0
+  - pthread-stubs=0.4
+  - r-base=4.0.3
+  - r-bitops=1.0_6
+  - r-data.table=1.14.0
+  - r-getopt=1.20.3
+  - r-ichorcna=0.2.0
+  - r-optparse=1.6.6
+  - r-plyr=1.8.6
+  - r-rcpp=1.0.6
+  - r-rcurl=1.98_1.2
+  - readline=8.0
+  - sed=4.8
+  - sysroot_linux-64=2.12
+  - tk=8.6.10
+  - tktable=2.10
+  - xorg-kbproto=1.0.7
+  - xorg-libice=1.0.10
+  - xorg-libsm=1.2.3
+  - xorg-libx11=1.7.0
+  - xorg-libxau=1.0.9
+  - xorg-libxdmcp=1.1.3
+  - xorg-libxext=1.3.4
+  - xorg-libxrender=0.9.10
+  - xorg-libxt=1.2.1
+  - xorg-renderproto=0.11.1
+  - xorg-xextproto=7.3.0
+  - xorg-xproto=7.0.31
+  - xz=5.2.5
+  - zlib=1.2.11
+  - zstd=1.4.9
+prefix: /projects/rmorin/projects/tumour_contam/envs/ichorcna
diff --git a/modules/ichorcna/1.0/ichorcna.smk b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/ichorcna.smk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74c54f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/ichorcna.smk
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env snakemake
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+##### ATTRIBUTION #####
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Original snakemake author: Jasper Wong
+# Module author: Jasper Wong
+# Additional contributors: N/A
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+##### SETUP #####
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+### Modules ###
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import oncopipe as op
+import glob
+import os
+# Check that the oncopipe dependency is up-to-date. Add all the following lines to any module that uses new features in oncopipe
+import pkg_resources
+    from packaging import version
+except ModuleNotFoundError:
+    sys.exit("The packaging module dependency is missing. Please install it ('pip install packaging') and ensure you are using the most up-to-date oncopipe version")
+# To avoid this we need to add the "packaging" module as a dependency for LCR-modules or oncopipe
+current_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("oncopipe").version
+if version.parse(current_version) < version.parse(min_oncopipe_version):
+    logger.warning(
+                '\x1b[0;31;40m' + f'ERROR: oncopipe version installed: {current_version}'
+                "\n" f"ERROR: This module requires oncopipe version >= {min_oncopipe_version}. Please update oncopipe in your environment" + '\x1b[0m'
+                )
+    sys.exit("Instructions for updating to the current version of oncopipe are available at https://lcr-modules.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ (use option 2)")
+# End of dependency checking section 
+### Directories ###
+# Setup module and store module-specific configuration in `CFG`.
+CFG = op.setup_module(
+    name = "ichorcna", 
+    version = "1.0",
+    subdirectories = ["inputs", "readDepth", "seg", "outputs"]
+    _ichorcna_input_bam,
+    _ichorcna_output,
+    _ichorcna_all
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+##### RULES #####
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+### Set-up dependencies and packages ###
+# Download github and all external files for ichorCNA: (needed since their extdata is not complete for all genome builds)
+rule _install_ichorcna:
+    output:
+        complete = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "ichorcna_dependencies_installed.success"
+    params:
+        outdir = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "ichorCNA/"
+    conda:
+        CFG["conda_envs"]["ichorcna"]
+    shell:
+        op.as_one_line("""
+        git clone git@github.com:broadinstitute/ichorCNA.git {params.outdir} &&            
+        touch {output.complete}""")
+# This defines the script/extdata directory used by ichorCNA in the subsequent rules:
+ichorDir = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "ichorCNA/inst/extdata/" 
+# Symlinks the extdata appropriately
+rule _setup_ichorcna_extdata:
+    input:
+        complete = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "ichorcna_dependencies_installed.success"
+    params:
+        hg19_1Mb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_1Mb_median_normAutosome_mapScoreFiltered_median.rds",
+        hg19_500kb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_500kb_median_normAutosome_mapScoreFiltered_median.rds",
+        hg38_1Mb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_hg38_1Mb_median_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        hg38_500kb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_hg38_500kb_median_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        hg19_1000kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hg19_1000kb.wig",
+        hg19_500kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hg19_500kb.wig",
+        hg19_50kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hg19_50kb.wig",
+        hg19_10kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hg19_10kb.wig",
+        hg38_1000kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hg38_1000kb.wig",
+        hg38_500kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hg38_500kb.wig",
+        hg38_50kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hg38_50kb.wig",
+        hg38_10kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hg38_10kb.wig",
+        hg19_1000kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hg19_1000kb.wig",
+        hg19_500kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hg19_500kb.wig",
+        hg19_50kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hg19_50kb.wig",
+        hg19_10kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hg19_10kb.wig",
+        hg38_1000kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hg38_1000kb.wig",
+        hg38_500kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hg38_500kb.wig",
+        hg38_50kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hg38_50kb.wig",
+        hg38_10kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hg38_10kb.wig",
+    output:
+        hg19_1Mb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_hg19_1Mb_median_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        hg19_500kb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_hg19_500kb_median_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        grch37_1Mb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_grch37_1Mb_median_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        grch37_500kb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_grch37_500kb_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        hs37d5_1Mb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_hs37d5_1Mb_median_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        hs37d5_500kb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_hs37d5_500kb_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        grch38_1Mb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_grch38_1Mb_median_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        grch38_500kb_rds = ichorDir + "HD_ULP_PoN_grch38_500kb_median_normAutosome_median.rds",
+        grch37_1000kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_grch37_1000kb.wig",
+        grch37_500kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_grch37_500kb.wig",
+        grch37_50kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_grch37_50kb.wig",
+        grch37_10kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_grch37_10kb.wig",
+        hs37d5_1000kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hs37d5_1000kb.wig",
+        hs37d5_500kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hs37d5_500kb.wig",
+        hs37d5_50kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hs37d5_50kb.wig",
+        hs37d5_10kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_hs37d5_10kb.wig",
+        grch38_1000kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_grch38_1000kb.wig",
+        grch38_500kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_grch38_500kb.wig",
+        grch38_50kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_grch38_50kb.wig",
+        grch38_10kb_gc = ichorDir + "gc_grch38_10kb.wig",
+        grch37_1000kb_map = ichorDir + "map_grch37_1000kb.wig",
+        grch37_500kb_map = ichorDir + "map_grch37_500kb.wig",
+        grch37_50kb_map = ichorDir + "map_grch37_50kb.wig",
+        grch37_10kb_map = ichorDir + "map_grch37_10kb.wig",
+        hs37d5_1000kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hs37d5_1000kb.wig",
+        hs37d5_500kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hs37d5_500kb.wig",
+        hs37d5_50kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hs37d5_50kb.wig",
+        hs37d5_10kb_map = ichorDir + "map_hs37d5_10kb.wig",
+        grch38_1000kb_map = ichorDir + "map_grch38_1000kb.wig",
+        grch38_500kb_map = ichorDir + "map_grch38_500kb.wig",
+        grch38_50kb_map = ichorDir + "map_grch38_50kb.wig",
+        grch38_10kb_map = ichorDir + "map_grch38_10kb.wig",
+        complete = touch(ichorDir + "symlink.done")
+    run:
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_1Mb_rds, output.hg19_1Mb_rds)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_500kb_rds, output.hg19_500kb_rds)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_1Mb_rds, output.grch37_1Mb_rds)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_1Mb_rds, output.hs37d5_1Mb_rds)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_500kb_rds, output.grch37_500kb_rds)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_500kb_rds, output.hs37d5_500kb_rds)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_1Mb_rds, output.grch38_1Mb_rds)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_500kb_rds, output.grch38_500kb_rds)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_1000kb_gc, output.grch37_1000kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_500kb_gc, output.grch37_500kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_50kb_gc, output.grch37_50kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_10kb_gc, output.grch37_10kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_1000kb_gc, output.hs37d5_1000kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_500kb_gc, output.hs37d5_500kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_50kb_gc, output.hs37d5_50kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_10kb_gc, output.hs37d5_10kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_1000kb_gc, output.grch38_1000kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_500kb_gc, output.grch38_500kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_50kb_gc, output.grch38_50kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_10kb_gc, output.grch38_10kb_gc)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_1000kb_map, output.grch37_1000kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_500kb_map, output.grch37_500kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_50kb_map, output.grch37_50kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_10kb_map, output.grch37_10kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_1000kb_map, output.hs37d5_1000kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_500kb_map, output.hs37d5_500kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_50kb_map, output.hs37d5_50kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg19_10kb_map, output.hs37d5_10kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_1000kb_map, output.grch38_1000kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_500kb_map, output.grch38_500kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_50kb_map, output.grch38_50kb_map)
+        op.relative_symlink(params.hg38_10kb_map, output.grch38_10kb_map)
+### Run ichorCNA ###
+# Symlinks the input files into the module results directory (under '00-inputs/')
+rule _ichorcna_input_bam:
+    input:
+        bam = CFG["inputs"]["sample_bam"],
+        bai = CFG["inputs"]["sample_bai"]
+    output:
+        bam = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "bam/{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{sample_id}.bam",
+        bai = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "bam/{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{sample_id}.bam.bai", # specific to readCounter
+    run:
+        op.absolute_symlink(input.bam, output.bam)
+        op.absolute_symlink(input.bai, output.bai)
+# This function will return a comma-separated list of chromosomes to include in readCounter
+def get_chromosomes(wildcards):
+    chromosomes=[]
+    for i in range(1,23):
+        chromosomes.append(str(i))
+    chromosomes.append("X")
+    chromosomes.append("Y")
+    if "38" in str(wildcards.genome_build):
+        chromosomes = ["chr" + x for x in chromosomes]
+    chromosomes= ",".join(chromosomes)    
+    return chromosomes
+rule _ichorcna_read_counter:
+    input:
+        bam = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "bam/{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{sample_id}.bam",
+        bai = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "bam/{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{sample_id}.bam.bai",
+        ichorcna_package = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "ichorcna_dependencies_installed.success",
+        symlink_complete = ichorDir + "symlink.done"
+    output:
+        CFG["dirs"]["readDepth"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{sample_id}.bin{binSize}.wig"
+    params:
+        binSize = CFG["options"]["readcounter"]["binSize"],
+        qual = CFG["options"]["readcounter"]["qual"],
+        chrs = get_chromosomes
+    conda: CFG["conda_envs"]["ichorcna"]
+    threads: CFG["threads"]["readcounter"]
+    resources:
+        **CFG["resources"]["readcounter"]
+    log:
+        CFG["logs"]["readDepth"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{sample_id}.bin{binSize}.log"
+    shell:
+        "readCounter {input.bam} -c {params.chrs} -w {params.binSize} -q {params.qual} > {output} 2> {log}"
+# This function will return a comma-separated list of chromosomes to include in readCounter
+def get_chromosomes_R(wildcards):
+    chromosomesR=[]
+    stringStart="c('"
+    for i in range(1,23):
+        chromosomesR.append(str(i))
+    chromosomesR.append("X")
+    chromosomesR.append("Y")
+    if "38" in str(wildcards.genome_build):
+        chromosomesR = ["chr" + x for x in chromosomesR]
+    chromosomesR= "','".join(chromosomesR)
+    stringEnd="')"
+    return stringStart + chromosomesR + stringEnd
+rule _run_ichorcna:
+    input:
+        tum = CFG["dirs"]["readDepth"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}.bin{binSize}.wig",
+    output:
+        corrDepth = CFG["dirs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}/{tumour_id}.correctedDepth.txt",
+        param = CFG["dirs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}/{tumour_id}.params.txt",
+        cna = CFG["dirs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}/{tumour_id}.cna.seg",
+        segTxt = CFG["dirs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}/{tumour_id}.seg.txt",
+        seg = CFG["dirs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}/{tumour_id}.seg",
+        plot = CFG["dirs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}/{tumour_id}/{tumour_id}_genomeWide.pdf",
+    params:
+        ichorDir = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "ichorCNA/",
+        outDir = CFG["dirs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}/",
+        rscript = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_rscript"],
+        name = "{tumour_id}",
+        ploidy = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_ploidy"],
+        normal = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_normal"],
+        gcwig = op.switch_on_wildcard("binSize", CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_gcWig"]),
+        mapwig = op.switch_on_wildcard("binSize", CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_mapWig"]),
+        normalpanel = op.switch_on_wildcard("binSize", CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_normalPanel"]),
+        estimateNormal = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_estimateNormal"],
+        estimatePloidy = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_estimatePloidy"],
+        estimateClonality = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_estimateClonality"],
+        scStates = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_scStates"],
+        maxCN = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_maxCN"],
+        includeHOMD = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_includeHOMD"],
+        chrs = get_chromosomes_R,
+        chrTrain = op.switch_on_wildcard("genome_build", CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_chrTrain"]),
+        genomeBuild = "{genome_build}",
+        genomeStyle = op.switch_on_wildcard("genome_build", CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_genomeStyle"]),
+        centromere = op.switch_on_wildcard("genome_build", CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_centromere"]),
+        fracReadsChrYMale = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_fracReadsInChrYForMale"],
+        minMapScore = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_minMapScore"],
+        maxFracGenomeSubclone = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_maxFracGenomeSubclone"],
+        maxFracCNASubclone = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_maxFracCNASubclone"],
+        exons = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_exons"],
+        txnE = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_txnE"],
+        txnStrength = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_txnStrength"],
+        plotFileType = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_plotFileType"],
+        plotYlim = CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_plotYlim"],
+        libdir = CFG["dirs"]["inputs"] + "ichorCNA/" + CFG["options"]["run"]["ichorCNA_libdir"]
+    conda: CFG["conda_envs"]["ichorcna"]
+    threads: CFG["threads"]["run"]
+    resources:
+        **CFG["resources"]["run"]
+    log:
+        stdout = CFG["logs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}.stdout.log",
+        stderr = CFG["logs"]["seg"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}.stderr.log"
+    shell:
+        "Rscript {params.rscript} --id {params.name} --libdir {params.libdir} --WIG {input.tum} --gcWig {params.ichorDir}{params.gcwig} --mapWig {params.ichorDir}{params.mapwig} --normalPanel {params.ichorDir}{params.normalpanel} --ploidy \"{params.ploidy}\" --normal \"{params.normal}\" --maxCN {params.maxCN} --includeHOMD {params.includeHOMD} --chrs \"{params.chrs}\" --chrTrain \"{params.chrTrain}\" --genomeStyle {params.genomeStyle} --genomeBuild {params.genomeBuild} --estimateNormal {params.estimateNormal} --estimatePloidy {params.estimatePloidy} --estimateScPrevalence {params.estimateClonality} --scStates \"{params.scStates}\" --centromere {params.ichorDir}{params.centromere} --exons.bed {params.exons} --txnE {params.txnE} --txnStrength {params.txnStrength} --minMapScore {params.minMapScore} --fracReadsInChrYForMale {params.fracReadsChrYMale} --maxFracGenomeSubclone {params.maxFracGenomeSubclone} --maxFracCNASubclone {params.maxFracCNASubclone} --plotFileType {params.plotFileType} --plotYLim \"{params.plotYlim}\" --outDir {params.outDir} > {log.stdout} 2> {log.stderr}"
+# Symlinks the final output files into the module results directory (under '99-outputs/')
+rule _ichorcna_output:
+    input:
+        corrDepth = str(rules._run_ichorcna.output.corrDepth),
+        param = str(rules._run_ichorcna.output.param),
+        cna = str(rules._run_ichorcna.output.cna),
+        segTxt = str(rules._run_ichorcna.output.segTxt),
+        seg = str(rules._run_ichorcna.output.seg),
+        plot = str(rules._run_ichorcna.output.plot)
+    output:
+        corrDepth = CFG["dirs"]["outputs"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/corrDepth/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}.corrDepth.txt",
+        param = CFG["dirs"]["outputs"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/param/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}.param.txt",
+        cna = CFG["dirs"]["outputs"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/binCNA/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}.cna.seg",
+        segTxt = CFG["dirs"]["outputs"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/seg_txt/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}.seg.txt",
+        seg = CFG["dirs"]["outputs"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/seg/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}.seg",
+        plot = CFG["dirs"]["outputs"] + "{seq_type}--{genome_build}/plot/{binSize}/{tumour_id}--{normal_id}--{pair_status}_genomeWide.pdf"
+    run:
+        op.relative_symlink(input.corrDepth, output.corrDepth, in_module=True)
+        op.relative_symlink(input.param, output.param, in_module=True)
+        op.relative_symlink(input.cna, output.cna, in_module=True)
+        op.relative_symlink(input.segTxt, output.segTxt, in_module=True)
+        op.relative_symlink(input.seg, output.seg, in_module=True)
+        op.relative_symlink(input.plot, output.plot, in_module=True)
+# Generates the target sentinels for each run, which generate the symlinks
+rule _ichorcna_all:
+    input:
+        expand(
+            [
+                str(rules._ichorcna_output.output.corrDepth),
+                str(rules._ichorcna_output.output.param),
+                str(rules._ichorcna_output.output.cna),
+                str(rules._ichorcna_output.output.segTxt),
+                str(rules._ichorcna_output.output.seg),
+                str(rules._ichorcna_output.output.plot)
+            ],
+            zip,  # Run expand() with zip(), not product()
+            seq_type=CFG["runs"]["tumour_seq_type"],
+            genome_build=CFG["runs"]["tumour_genome_build"],
+            pair_status=CFG["runs"]["pair_status"],
+            tumour_id=CFG["runs"]["tumour_sample_id"],
+            normal_id=CFG["runs"]["normal_sample_id"],
+            binSize=[CFG["options"]["readcounter"]["binSize"]] * len(CFG["runs"]["tumour_sample_id"]))
+##### CLEANUP #####
+# Perform some clean-up tasks, including storing the module-specific
+# configuration on disk and deleting the `CFG` variable
diff --git a/modules/ichorcna/1.0/schemas/base-1.0.yaml b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/schemas/base-1.0.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..0a69d1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/schemas/base-1.0.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ichorcna/1.0/src/runIchorCNA.R b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/src/runIchorCNA.R
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ec1d7384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ichorcna/1.0/src/runIchorCNA.R
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+# file:   ichorCNA.R
+# authors: Gavin Ha, Ph.D.
+#          Fred Hutch
+# contact: <gha@fredhutch.org>
+#         Justin Rhoades
+#          Broad Institute
+# contact: <rhoades@broadinstitute.org>
+# ichorCNA: https://github.com/broadinstitute/ichorCNA
+# date:   July 24, 2019
+# description: Hidden Markov model (HMM) to analyze Ultra-low pass whole genome sequencing (ULP-WGS) data.
+# This script is the main script to run the HMM.
+option_list <- list(
+  make_option(c("--WIG"), type = "character", help = "Path to tumor WIG file. Required."),
+  make_option(c("--NORMWIG"), type = "character", default=NULL, help = "Path to normal WIG file. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--gcWig"), type = "character", help = "Path to GC-content WIG file; Required"),
+  make_option(c("--mapWig"), type = "character", default=NULL, help = "Path to mappability score WIG file. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--normalPanel"), type="character", default=NULL, help="Median corrected depth from panel of normals. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--exons.bed"), type = "character", default=NULL, help = "Path to bed file containing exon regions. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--id"), type = "character", default="test", help = "Patient ID. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--centromere"), type="character", default=NULL, help = "File containing Centromere locations; if not provided then will use hg19 version from ichorCNA package. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--minMapScore"), type = "numeric", default=0.9, help="Include bins with a minimum mappability score of this value. Default: [%default]."),
+  make_option(c("--rmCentromereFlankLength"), type="numeric", default=1e5, help="Length of region flanking centromere to remove. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--normal"), type="character", default="0.5", help = "Initial normal contamination; can be more than one value if additional normal initializations are desired. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--scStates"), type="character", default="NULL", help = "Subclonal states to consider. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--coverage"), type="numeric", default=NULL, help = "PICARD sequencing coverage. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--lambda"), type="character", default="NULL", help="Initial Student's t precision; must contain 4 values (e.g. c(1500,1500,1500,1500)); if not provided then will automatically use based on variance of data. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--lambdaScaleHyperParam"), type="numeric", default=3, help="Hyperparameter (scale) for Gamma prior on Student's-t precision. Default: [%default]"),
+  #	make_option(c("--kappa"), type="character", default=50, help="Initial state distribution"),
+  make_option(c("--ploidy"), type="character", default="2", help = "Initial tumour ploidy; can be more than one value if additional ploidy initializations are desired. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--maxCN"), type="numeric", default=7, help = "Total clonal CN states. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--estimateNormal"), type="logical", default=TRUE, help = "Estimate normal. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--estimateScPrevalence"), type="logical", default=TRUE, help = "Estimate subclonal prevalence. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--estimatePloidy"), type="logical", default=TRUE, help = "Estimate tumour ploidy. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--maxFracCNASubclone"), type="numeric", default=0.7, help="Exclude solutions with fraction of subclonal events greater than this value. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--maxFracGenomeSubclone"), type="numeric", default=0.5, help="Exclude solutions with subclonal genome fraction greater than this value. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--minSegmentBins"), type="numeric", default=50, help="Minimum number of bins for largest segment threshold required to estimate tumor fraction; if below this threshold, then will be assigned zero tumor fraction."),
+  make_option(c("--altFracThreshold"), type="numeric", default=0.05, help="Minimum proportion of bins altered required to estimate tumor fraction; if below this threshold, then will be assigned zero tumor fraction. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--chrNormalize"), type="character", default="c(1:22)", help = "Specify chromosomes to normalize GC/mappability biases. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--chrTrain"), type="character", default="c(1:22)", help = "Specify chromosomes to estimate params. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--chrs"), type="character", default="c(1:22,\"X\")", help = "Specify chromosomes to analyze. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--genomeBuild"), type="character", default="hg19", help="Geome build. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--genomeStyle"), type = "character", default = "NCBI", help = "NCBI or UCSC chromosome naming convention; use UCSC if desired output is to have \"chr\" string. [Default: %default]"),
+  make_option(c("--normalizeMaleX"), type="logical", default=TRUE, help = "If male, then normalize chrX by median. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--minTumFracToCorrect"), type="numeric", default=0.1, help = "Tumor-fraction correction of bin and segment-level CNA if sample has minimum estimated tumor fraction. [Default: %default]"), 
+  make_option(c("--fracReadsInChrYForMale"), type="numeric", default=0.001, help = "Threshold for fraction of reads in chrY to assign as male. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--includeHOMD"), type="logical", default=FALSE, help="If FALSE, then exclude HOMD state. Useful when using large bins (e.g. 1Mb). Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--txnE"), type="numeric", default=0.9999999, help = "Self-transition probability. Increase to decrease number of segments. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--txnStrength"), type="numeric", default=1e7, help = "Transition pseudo-counts. Exponent should be the same as the number of decimal places of --txnE. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--plotFileType"), type="character", default="pdf", help = "File format for output plots. Default: [%default]"),
+	make_option(c("--plotYLim"), type="character", default="c(-2,2)", help = "ylim to use for chromosome plots. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--outDir"), type="character", default="./", help = "Output Directory. Default: [%default]"),
+  make_option(c("--libdir"), type = "character", default=NULL, help = "Script library path. Usually exclude this argument unless custom modifications have been made to the ichorCNA R package code and the user would like to source those R files. Default: [%default]")
+parseobj <- OptionParser(option_list=option_list)
+opt <- parse_args(parseobj)
+options(scipen=0, stringsAsFactors=F)
+patientID <- opt$id
+tumour_file <- opt$WIG
+normal_file <- opt$NORMWIG
+gcWig <- opt$gcWig
+mapWig <- opt$mapWig
+normal_panel <- opt$normalPanel
+exons.bed <- opt$exons.bed  # "0" if none specified
+centromere <- opt$centromere
+minMapScore <- opt$minMapScore
+flankLength <- opt$rmCentromereFlankLength
+normal <- eval(parse(text = opt$normal))
+scStates <- eval(parse(text = opt$scStates))
+lambda <- eval(parse(text = opt$lambda))
+lambdaScaleHyperParam <- opt$lambdaScaleHyperParam
+estimateNormal <- opt$estimateNormal
+estimatePloidy <- opt$estimatePloidy
+estimateScPrevalence <- opt$estimateScPrevalence
+maxFracCNASubclone <- opt$maxFracCNASubclone
+maxFracGenomeSubclone <- opt$maxFracGenomeSubclone
+minSegmentBins <- opt$minSegmentBins
+altFracThreshold <- opt$altFracThreshold
+ploidy <- eval(parse(text = opt$ploidy))
+coverage <- opt$coverage
+maxCN <- opt$maxCN
+txnE <- opt$txnE
+txnStrength <- opt$txnStrength
+normalizeMaleX <- as.logical(opt$normalizeMaleX)
+includeHOMD <- as.logical(opt$includeHOMD)
+minTumFracToCorrect <- opt$minTumFracToCorrect
+fracReadsInChrYForMale <- opt$fracReadsInChrYForMale
+chrXMedianForMale <- -0.1
+outDir <- opt$outDir
+libdir <- opt$libdir
+plotFileType <- opt$plotFileType
+plotYLim <- eval(parse(text=opt$plotYLim))
+gender <- NULL
+outImage <- paste0(outDir,"/", patientID,".RData")
+genomeBuild <- opt$genomeBuild
+genomeStyle <- opt$genomeStyle
+chrs <- as.character(eval(parse(text = opt$chrs)))
+chrTrain <- as.character(eval(parse(text=opt$chrTrain))); 
+chrNormalize <- as.character(eval(parse(text=opt$chrNormalize))); 
+seqlevelsStyle(chrs) <- genomeStyle
+seqlevelsStyle(chrNormalize) <- genomeStyle
+seqlevelsStyle(chrTrain) <- genomeStyle
+## load ichorCNA library or source R scripts
+if (!is.null(libdir) && libdir != "None"){
+	source(paste0(libdir,"/R/utils.R"))
+	source(paste0(libdir,"/R/segmentation.R"))
+	source(paste0(libdir,"/R/EM.R"))
+	source(paste0(libdir,"/R/output.R"))
+	source(paste0(libdir,"/R/plotting.R"))
+} else {
+    library(ichorCNA)
+## load seqinfo 
+# seqinfo <- getSeqInfo(genomeBuild, genomeStyle)
+seqinfo <- NULL
+if (substr(tumour_file,nchar(tumour_file)-2,nchar(tumour_file)) == "wig") {
+  wigFiles <- data.frame(cbind(patientID, tumour_file))
+} else {
+  wigFiles <- read.delim(tumour_file, header=F, as.is=T)
+## add gc and map to GRanges object ##
+if (is.null(exons.bed) || exons.bed == "None" || exons.bed == "NULL"){
+  targetedSequences <- NULL
+  targetedSequences <- read.delim(exons.bed, header=T, sep="\t")  
+## load PoN
+if (is.null(normal_panel) || normal_panel == "None" || normal_panel == "NULL"){
+	normal_panel <- NULL
+if (is.null(centromere) || centromere == "None" || centromere == "NULL"){ # no centromere file provided
+	centromere <- system.file("extdata", "GRCh37.p13_centromere_UCSC-gapTable.txt", 
+			package = "ichorCNA")
+centromere <- read.delim(centromere,header=T,stringsAsFactors=F,sep="\t")
+numSamples <- nrow(wigFiles)
+tumour_copy <- list()
+for (i in 1:numSamples) {
+  id <- wigFiles[i,1]
+  ## create output directories for each sample ##
+  dir.create(paste0(outDir, "/", id, "/"), recursive = TRUE)
+  message("Loading tumour file:", wigFiles[i,1])
+  tumour_reads <- wigToGRanges(wigFiles[i,2])
+  # find the bin size and load corresponding wig files #
+  binSize <- as.data.frame(tumour_reads[1,])$width 
+  message("Reading GC and mappability files")
+  if (is.null(gcWig) || gcWig == "None" || gcWig == "NULL"){
+      stop("GC wig file is required")
+  }
+  gc <- wigToGRanges(gcWig)
+  if (is.null(mapWig) || mapWig == "None" || mapWig == "NULL"){
+      message("No mappability wig file input, excluding from correction")
+      map <- NULL
+  } else {
+      map <- wigToGRanges(mapWig)
+  }
+  message("Correcting Tumour")
+  counts <- loadReadCountsFromWig(tumour_reads, chrs = chrs, gc = gc, map = map, 
+                                       centromere = centromere, flankLength = flankLength, 
+                                       targetedSequences = targetedSequences, chrXMedianForMale = chrXMedianForMale,
+                                       genomeStyle = genomeStyle, fracReadsInChrYForMale = fracReadsInChrYForMale,
+                                       chrNormalize = chrNormalize, mapScoreThres = minMapScore)
+  tumour_copy[[id]] <- counts$counts #as(counts$counts, "GRanges")
+  gender <- counts$gender
+  ## load in normal file if provided 
+  if (!is.null(normal_file) && normal_file != "None" && normal_file != "NULL"){
+	message("Loading normal file:", normal_file)
+	normal_reads <- wigToGRanges(normal_file)
+	message("Correcting Normal")
+	counts <- loadReadCountsFromWig(normal_reads, chrs=chrs, gc=gc, map=map, 
+			centromere=centromere, flankLength = flankLength, targetedSequences=targetedSequences,
+			genomeStyle = genomeStyle, chrNormalize = chrNormalize, mapScoreThres = minMapScore)
+	normal_copy <- counts$counts #as(counts$counts, "GRanges")
+	gender.normal <- counts$gender
+  }else{
+	normal_copy <- NULL
+  }
+  ## if normal file not given, use chrY, else use chrX
+  message("Determining gender...", appendLF = FALSE)
+  gender.mismatch <- FALSE
+  if (!is.null(normal_copy)){
+	if (gender$gender != gender.normal$gender){ #use tumour # use normal if given
+	# check if normal is same gender as tumour
+	  gender.mismatch <- TRUE
+	}
+  }
+  message("Gender ", gender$gender)
+  tumour_copy[[id]] <- normalizeByPanelOrMatchedNormal(tumour_copy[[id]], chrs = chrs, 
+      normal_panel = normal_panel, normal_copy = normal_copy, 
+      gender = gender$gender, normalizeMaleX = normalizeMaleX)
+	### OUTPUT FILE ###
+	outMat <- as.data.frame(tumour_copy[[id]])
+	#outMat <- outMat[,c(1,2,3,12)]
+	outMat <- outMat[,c("seqnames","start","end","copy")]
+	colnames(outMat) <- c("chr","start","end","log2_TNratio_corrected")
+	outFile <- paste0(outDir,"/",id,".correctedDepth.txt")
+	message(paste("Outputting to:", outFile))
+	write.table(outMat, file=outFile, row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F, sep="\t")
+} ## end of for each sample
+chrInd <- as.character(seqnames(tumour_copy[[1]])) %in% chrTrain
+## get positions that are valid
+valid <- tumour_copy[[1]]$valid
+if (length(tumour_copy) >= 2) {
+  for (i in 2:length(tumour_copy)){ 
+    valid <- valid & tumour_copy[[i]]$valid 
+  } 
+### RUN HMM ###
+## store the results for different normal and ploidy solutions ##
+ptmTotalSolutions <- proc.time() # start total timer
+results <- list()
+loglik <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(normal) * length(ploidy), ncol = 7, 
+                 dimnames = list(c(), c("init", "n_est", "phi_est", "BIC", 
+                 												"Frac_genome_subclonal", "Frac_CNA_subclonal", "loglik"))))
+counter <- 1
+compNames <- rep(NA, nrow(loglik))
+mainName <- rep(NA, length(normal) * length(ploidy))
+#### restart for purity and ploidy values ####
+for (n in normal){
+  for (p in ploidy){
+    if (n == 0.95 & p != 2) {
+        next
+    }
+    logR <- as.data.frame(lapply(tumour_copy, function(x) { x$copy })) # NEED TO EXCLUDE CHR X #
+    param <- getDefaultParameters(logR[valid & chrInd, , drop=F], maxCN = maxCN, includeHOMD = includeHOMD, 
+                ct.sc=scStates, ploidy = floor(p), e=txnE, e.same = 50, strength=txnStrength)
+    param$phi_0 <- rep(p, numSamples)
+    param$n_0 <- rep(n, numSamples)
+    ############################################
+    ######## CUSTOM PARAMETER SETTINGS #########
+    ############################################
+    # 0.1x cfDNA #
+    if (is.null(lambda)){
+			logR.var <- 1 / ((apply(logR, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(length(param$ct))) ^ 2)
+			param$lambda <- rep(logR.var, length(param$ct))
+			param$lambda[param$ct %in% c(2)] <- logR.var 
+			param$lambda[param$ct %in% c(1,3)] <- logR.var 
+			param$lambda[param$ct >= 4] <- logR.var / 5
+			param$lambda[param$ct == max(param$ct)] <- logR.var / 15
+			param$lambda[param$ct.sc.status] <- logR.var / 10
+    }else{
+			param$lambda[param$ct %in% c(2)] <- lambda[2]
+			param$lambda[param$ct %in% c(1)] <- lambda[1]
+			param$lambda[param$ct %in% c(3)] <- lambda[3]
+			param$lambda[param$ct >= 4] <- lambda[4]
+			param$lambda[param$ct == max(param$ct)] <- lambda[2] / 15
+			param$lambda[param$ct.sc.status] <- lambda[2] / 10
+		}
+		param$alphaLambda <- rep(lambdaScaleHyperParam, length(param$ct))  
+    # 1x bulk tumors #
+    #param$lambda[param$ct %in% c(2)] <- 2000
+    #param$lambda[param$ct %in% c(1)] <- 1750
+    #param$lambda[param$ct %in% c(3)] <- 1750
+    #param$lambda[param$ct >= 4] <- 1500
+    #param$lambda[param$ct == max(param$ct)] <- 1000 / 25
+		#param$lambda[param$ct.sc.status] <- 1000 / 75
+		#param$alphaLambda[param$ct.sc.status] <- 4
+		#param$alphaLambda[param$ct %in% c(1,3)] <- 5
+		#param$alphaLambda[param$ct %in% c(2)] <- 5
+		#param$alphaLambda[param$ct == max(param$ct)] <- 4
+		#############################################
+		################ RUN HMM ####################
+		#############################################
+    hmmResults.cor <- HMMsegment(tumour_copy, valid, dataType = "copy", 
+                                 param = param, chrTrain = chrTrain, maxiter = 50,
+                                 estimateNormal = estimateNormal, estimatePloidy = estimatePloidy,
+                                 estimateSubclone = estimateScPrevalence, verbose = TRUE)
+    for (s in 1:numSamples){
+  		iter <- hmmResults.cor$results$iter
+  		id <- names(hmmResults.cor$cna)[s]
+  		## convert full diploid solution (of chrs to train) to have 1.0 normal or 0.0 purity
+  		## check if there is an altered segment that has at least a minimum # of bins
+  		segsS <- hmmResults.cor$results$segs[[s]]
+  		segsS <- segsS[segsS$chr %in% chrTrain, ]
+  		segAltInd <- which(segsS$event != "NEUT")
+  		maxBinLength = -Inf
+  		if (sum(segAltInd) > 0){
+  			maxInd <- which.max(segsS$end[segAltInd] - segsS$start[segAltInd] + 1)
+  			maxSegRD <- GRanges(seqnames=segsS$chr[segAltInd[maxInd]], 
+  								ranges=IRanges(start=segsS$start[segAltInd[maxInd]], end=segsS$end[segAltInd[maxInd]]))
+  			hits <- findOverlaps(query=maxSegRD, subject=tumour_copy[[s]][valid, ])
+  			maxBinLength <- length(subjectHits(hits))
+  		}
+  		## check if there are proportion of total bins altered 
+  		# if segment size smaller than minSegmentBins, but altFrac > altFracThreshold, then still estimate TF
+  		cnaS <- hmmResults.cor$cna[[s]]
+  		altInd <- cnaS[cnaS$chr %in% chrTrain, "event"] == "NEUT"
+  		altFrac <- sum(!altInd, na.rm=TRUE) / length(altInd)
+  		if ((maxBinLength <= minSegmentBins) & (altFrac <= altFracThreshold)){
+  			hmmResults.cor$results$n[s, iter] <- 1.0
+  		}
+      # correct integer copy number based on estimated purity and ploidy
+      correctedResults <- correctIntegerCN(cn = hmmResults.cor$cna[[s]],
+            segs = hmmResults.cor$results$segs[[s]], 
+            purity = 1 - hmmResults.cor$results$n[s, iter], ploidy = hmmResults.cor$results$phi[s, iter],
+            cellPrev = 1 - hmmResults.cor$results$sp[s, iter], 
+            maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes = maxCN, maxCNtoCorrect.X = maxCN, minPurityToCorrect = minTumFracToCorrect, 
+            gender = gender$gender, chrs = chrs, correctHOMD = includeHOMD)
+      hmmResults.cor$results$segs[[s]] <- correctedResults$segs
+      hmmResults.cor$cna[[s]] <- correctedResults$cn
+      	## plot solution ##
+  		outPlotFile <- paste0(outDir, "/", id, "/", id, "_genomeWide_", "n", n, "-p", p)
+  		mainName[counter] <- paste0(id, ", n: ", n, ", p: ", p, ", log likelihood: ", signif(hmmResults.cor$results$loglik[hmmResults.cor$results$iter], digits = 4))
+  		plotGWSolution(hmmResults.cor, s=s, outPlotFile=outPlotFile, plotFileType=plotFileType, 
+            logR.column = "logR", call.column = "Corrected_Call",
+  					 plotYLim=plotYLim, estimateScPrevalence=estimateScPrevalence, seqinfo=seqinfo, main=mainName[counter])
+    }
+    iter <- hmmResults.cor$results$iter
+    results[[counter]] <- hmmResults.cor
+    loglik[counter, "loglik"] <- signif(hmmResults.cor$results$loglik[iter], digits = 4)
+    subClonalBinCount <- unlist(lapply(hmmResults.cor$cna, function(x){ sum(x$subclone.status) }))
+    fracGenomeSub <- subClonalBinCount / unlist(lapply(hmmResults.cor$cna, function(x){ nrow(x) }))
+    fracAltSub <- subClonalBinCount / unlist(lapply(hmmResults.cor$cna, function(x){ sum(x$copy.number != 2) }))
+    fracAltSub <- lapply(fracAltSub, function(x){if (is.na(x)){0}else{x}})
+    loglik[counter, "Frac_genome_subclonal"] <- paste0(signif(fracGenomeSub, digits=2), collapse=",")
+    loglik[counter, "Frac_CNA_subclonal"] <- paste0(signif(as.numeric(fracAltSub), digits=2), collapse=",")
+    loglik[counter, "init"] <- paste0("n", n, "-p", p)
+    loglik[counter, "n_est"] <- paste(signif(hmmResults.cor$results$n[, iter], digits = 2), collapse = ",")
+    loglik[counter, "phi_est"] <- paste(signif(hmmResults.cor$results$phi[, iter], digits = 4), collapse = ",")
+    counter <- counter + 1
+  }
+## get total time for all solutions ##
+elapsedTimeSolutions <- proc.time() - ptmTotalSolutions
+message("Total ULP-WGS HMM Runtime: ", format(elapsedTimeSolutions[3] / 60, digits = 2), " min.")
+### SAVE R IMAGE ###
+#save(tumour_copy, results, loglik, file=paste0(outDir,"/",id,".RData"))
+loglik <- loglik[!is.na(loglik$init), ]
+if (estimateScPrevalence){ ## sort but excluding solutions with too large % subclonal 
+	fracInd <- which(loglik[, "Frac_CNA_subclonal"] <= maxFracCNASubclone & 
+						 		   loglik[, "Frac_genome_subclonal"] <= maxFracGenomeSubclone)
+	if (length(fracInd) > 0){ ## if there is a solution satisfying % subclonal
+		ind <- fracInd[order(loglik[fracInd, "loglik"], decreasing=TRUE)]
+	}else{ # otherwise just take largest likelihood
+		ind <- order(as.numeric(loglik[, "loglik"]), decreasing=TRUE) 
+	}
+}else{#sort by likelihood only
+  ind <- order(as.numeric(loglik[, "loglik"]), decreasing=TRUE) 
+#new loop by order of solutions (ind)
+outPlotFile <- paste0(outDir, "/", id, "/", id, "_genomeWide_all_sols")
+for(i in 1:length(ind)) {
+  hmmResults.cor <- results[[ind[i]]]
+  turnDevOff <- FALSE
+  turnDevOn <- FALSE
+  if (i == 1){
+  	turnDevOn <- TRUE
+  }
+  if (i == length(ind)){
+  	turnDevOff <- TRUE
+  }
+  plotGWSolution(hmmResults.cor, s=s, outPlotFile=outPlotFile, plotFileType="pdf", 
+                     logR.column = "logR", call.column = "Corrected_Call",
+                     plotYLim=plotYLim, estimateScPrevalence=estimateScPrevalence, 
+                     seqinfo = seqinfo,
+                     turnDevOn = turnDevOn, turnDevOff = turnDevOff, main=mainName[ind[i]])
+hmmResults.cor <- results[[ind[1]]]
+hmmResults.cor$results$loglik <- as.data.frame(loglik)
+hmmResults.cor$results$gender <- gender$gender
+hmmResults.cor$results$chrYCov <- gender$chrYCovRatio
+hmmResults.cor$results$chrXMedian <- gender$chrXMedian
+hmmResults.cor$results$coverage <- coverage
+outputHMM(cna = hmmResults.cor$cna, segs = hmmResults.cor$results$segs, 
+                      results = hmmResults.cor$results, patientID = patientID, outDir=outDir)
+outFile <- paste0(outDir, "/", patientID, ".params.txt")
+outputParametersToFile(hmmResults.cor, file = outFile)
+## plot solutions for all samples 
+plotSolutions(hmmResults.cor, tumour_copy, chrs, outDir, numSamples=numSamples,
+              logR.column = "logR", call.column = "Corrected_Call",
+              plotFileType=plotFileType, plotYLim=plotYLim, seqinfo = seqinfo,
+              estimateScPrevalence=estimateScPrevalence, maxCN=maxCN)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ichorcna/CHANGELOG.md b/modules/ichorcna/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2a9de048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ichorcna/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Changelog
+All notable changes to the `ichorcna` module will be documented in this file.
+The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
+and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
+## [1.0] - 2021-03-31
+This release was authored by jawong.
+IchorCNA requires indices to be ".bam.bai" format. Modified the initial symlink rule appropriately.
+Modified runIchorCNA.R - line 128: seqinfo <- NULL - to allow for flexibility in genome builds (i.e. hs37d5).
+IchorCNA is currently set up to run in unpaired mode using a panel of normals. It currently does not work with CRAM files.
+The output files in 99-outputs include:
+- .cna.seg - per-bin CNA state and log ratio
+- .seg - segments called by the Viterbi algorithm - IGV compatible
+- .segTxt - same as .seg but also includes subclonal status of segments (0 = clonal; 1 = subclonal) - not IGV compatible
+- .genomeWide.pdf - CNA profile
+- .param.txt - parameters including ploidy, tumour fraction, sex
+- .corrDepth.txt - per-bin size corrected depth
\ No newline at end of file