This changelog references the relevant changes done between versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
- 0.7.5
- Fixed issues running PHPCsFixer due to invalid path. No he path is relative to root directory (lin3s_cs.yml location)
- 0.7.4
- Restored the
as required dependency. - Made library compatible with the last requirements around Symfony Process.
- Fixed bug with
files when there are disabled in theparameters.yml
- Restored the
- 0.7.3
- Made library compatible with Symfony 4.
- 0.7.2
- Fixed dependencies.
- 0.7.1
- Removed the
dependency from requirement because it's not compatible with Symfony v4. - Made the library compatible with Symfony 4.0.
- Removed the
- 0.7.0
- Added TwigCS to lint the Twig files.
- Added installation steps when the ESLint or Stylelint are not installed in the machine.
- Added JsonParserErrorException to make more human readable the
parser errors. - [BC break] Removed output params and made more strict CS Application.
- 0.6.4
- Fixed
bug related with the invalid json format.
- Fixed
- 0.6.3
- Fixed
bug related with the invalid json format.
- Fixed
- 0.6.2
- Fixed rule about "selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation". Now pseudo elements must be with double colon.
- Improved Readme's prerequisites section.
- Fixed bug related with the ESLint v4.0 configuration file.
- 0.6.1
- Disabled
rule by default.
- Disabled
- 0.6.0
- [BC break] Removed scss-lint in favour of Stylelint.
- 0.5.0
- [BC break] Changed the
to satisfy the ESLint CS. - [BC break] Renamed
according Scss-lint standards. - Added support for spec files in the PHP-CS-Fixer.
- [BC break] Now, PHP-CS-Fixer can execute in standalone way.
- [BC break] Updated PHP minimum stability to v7.1.
- [BC break] Moved all the project to the according folder structure.
- Upgraded the PHPCsFixer to v2.
- [BC break] Changed the