A weekly slice of devops news.
The best DevOps links of the week
Sysadmin Casts - bite-sized sysadmin screencasts (released weekly).
Teaching the server tech you need for development and production.
A weekly newsletter, delivered to you every Sunday, with news & tools tailored to Linux sysadmins
A curated list of awesome SysAdmin tools, software and resources.
latest monitoring news, articles, and tools right to your inbox.
SRE Weekly is a newsletter devoted to everything related to keeping a site or service available as consistently as possible.
weekly newsletter on Web operations, infrastructure, performance, and tooling, from the browser down to the metal.
top news in the Microsoft Azure ecosystem
weekly newsletter about serverless architectures and paradigms
Google Cloud Weekly is a summary of the week's top news, tutorials, videos, podcasts
A weekly roundup of news from Amazon's cloud ecosystem
Your curated weekly kubernetes information reconciliation loop
Interesting weekly news about Kubernetes in the form of a newsletter
weekly newsletter summarizing code activity in the Kubernetes project
weekly round-up of the releases, articles, and links that affect Web developers working on the mobile-facing Web.
Free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android Development.
curated list of awesome Android packages and resources
Xamarin development
weekly newsletter for Mobile Developers
every Monday all the news about Flutter and the world of mobility.
A weekly French newsletter about Flutter and Dart.
Every Monday morning, receive the latest news, tutorials, tips… about Android.
A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles and jobs related to Data Science
weekly Data Engineering news (Formerly Hadoop Weekly)
A weekly newsletter of the best data science news and resources from around the web
A weekly collection of the best news and resources on Artificial Intelligence amd Machine Learning.
A weekly AI & Deep Learning newsletter.
A weekly roundup of ML & AI news.
Weekly newsletter bringing you the latest in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Neurotechnology.
updates on open source frameworks, tutorials and articles curated by machine learning professionals
a weekly dose of blockchain reality with a heavy bias toward the technical.
daily curated newsletter containing links and summaries of the most interesting stories in tech
Tech news with a daily e-mail
4 short links about (mostly research oriented) technology every weekday.
An interesting/influential/important paper from the world of CS every weekday morning, as selected by Adrian Colyer.
summary in near real-time of what is new and generating conversation in technology
Developer trends newsletter
Insightful articles about company culture, leadership and building software in general.
A weekly newsletter with five interesting stories about building teams, leadership, and engineering culture
latest breaking news and trends about digital marketing without all the fluff
A weekly email with 5-minute case study with actionable tips
Biweekly tried-and-tested content growth experiments.
As, lessons, and news articles to help startups and business owners understand how to implement pricing strategy.
month's most important news articles and blog posts regarding Amazon businesses
Weekly intelligence brief on navigating the index fund age, understanding the economy, and hacking capitalism.
The best of the startup world, curated weekly.
The startup community’s newsletter with the best content from and for founders.
A weekly newsletter, covering everything that hits open source radar.
Discover top trending repos at GitHub, detected by a peak detection algorithm.
Inspiration in your inbox by TED
Projects We Love archive by KickStarter
Curated reading materials from around the world, customized by your interests.
independent online magazine
A free WordPress Newsletter, once a week
The Think Clearly newsletter gives you little reflection exercises to help you in your daily life
A weekly newsletter, collects links that aim to improve programming knowledge general
weekly newsletter that delivers Hacker News
Get a series of curated essays on the mindset of a senior software engineer.
A weekly newsletter with news, projects and research related to robotics.
Learn from Resilence Engineering research without having to dig through long, academic papers.
A security-focused monthly newsletter curated by Bruce Schneier, one of the most famous security experts in the world.
weekly distillation of the best security tools, blog posts, and conference talks
A weekly email with a roundup of Security Advisories published by the major software vendors.
A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content,
weekly & brief newsletter with all the latest news and activities on WebRTC.
weekly newsletter for people are interested in the Web Audio API
A weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets.
A weekly newsletter for startup founders that rounds up the best resources from startup ecosystem.
Learn code via cartoons via email.
A directory of free software solutions and web applications which can be hosted locally.
A weekly roundup of Linux Kernel Mailing List threads but with a lot more sarcasm.
A free, unique "lottery" newsletter where a subscriber is picked whose email submission is sent to all of the other subscribers
Curated knowledge, inspiration and background stories for startups
short weekly newsletter for tech professionals
A weekly email showcasing trending projects on GitHub
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