This document provides guidance for upgrading between major versions of Lighthouse.
The configuration options often change between major versions.
Compare your lighthouse.php
against the latest default configuration.
Methods you need to explicitly call to set up test traits were removed in favor of automatically set up test traits.
Keep in mind they only work when your test class extends Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase
- Just remove calls to
. - Replace calls to
withuse Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\TestsSubscriptions
The middleware Nuwave\Lighthouse\Http\Middleware\EnsureXHR
is enabled in the default configuration.
It will prevent the following type of HTTP requests:
requests that can be created using HTML forms
The @can
directive was removed in favor of more specialized directives:
- with
field set:@canFind
- with
field set:@canQuery
- with
field set:@canRoot
- with
field set:@canResolved
- if none of the above are set:
type Mutation {
- createPost(input: PostInput! @spread): Post! @can(ability: "create") @create
+ createPost(input: PostInput! @spread): Post! @canModel(ability: "create") @create
- updatePost(input: PostInput! @spread): Post! @can(find: "", ability: "edit") @update
+ updatePost(input: PostInput! @spread): Post! @canFind(find: "", ability: "edit") @update
- deletePosts(ids: [ID!]! @whereKey): [Post!]! @can(query: true, ability: "delete") @delete
+ deletePosts(ids: [ID!]! @whereKey): [Post!]! @canQuery(ability: "delete") @delete
type Query {
- posts: [Post!]! @can(resolved: true, ability: "view") @paginate
+ posts: [Post!]! @canResolved(ability: "view") @paginate
type Post {
- sensitiveInformation: String @can(root: true, ability: "admin")
+ sensitiveInformation: String @canRoot(ability: "admin")
Lighthouse previously allowed passing a map with arbitrary keys as the messages
argument of @rules
and @rulesForArray
. Such a construct is impossible to define
within the directive definition and leads to static validation errors.
apply: ["max:280"],
- messages: {
- max: "Tweets have a limit of 280 characters"
- }
+ messages: [
+ {
+ rule: "max"
+ message: "Tweets have a limit of 280 characters"
+ }
+ ]
Whereas previously, those directives enforced the usage of a single argument and assumed that
to be the ID or list of IDs of the models to modify, they now leverage argument filter directives.
This brings them in line with other directives such as @find
and @all
You will need to explicitly add @whereKey
to the argument that contained the ID or IDs.
type Mutation {
- deleteUser(id: ID!): User! @delete
+ deleteUser(id: ID! @whereKey): User! @delete
- restoreUsers(userIDs: [ID!]!): [User!]! @restore
+ restoreUsers(userIDs: [ID!]! @whereKey): [User!]! @restore
The @delete
, @forceDelete
, @restore
and @upsert
directives no longer offer the
argument. Use @globalId
on the argument instead.
type Mutation {
- deleteUser(id: ID!): User! @delete(globalId: true)
+ deleteUser(id: ID! @globalId @whereKey): User! @delete
Due to Lighthouse's ongoing effort to provide static schema validation,
the with
argument of @guard
must now be provided as a list of strings.
type Mutation {
- somethingSensitive: Boolean @guard(with: "api")
+ somethingSensitive: Boolean @guard(with: ["api"])
The previous version 1 contained a redundant key channels
and is no longer supported.
"data": {...},
"extensions": {
"lighthouse_subscriptions": {
- "version": 1,
+ "version": 2,
"channel": "channel-name"
- "channels": {
- "subscriptionName": "channel-name"
- },
It is recommended to switch to version 2 before upgrading Lighthouse to give clients a smooth transition period.
Generated result types of paginated lists are now always marked as non-nullable.
The setting non_null_pagination_results
was removed and now always behaves as if it were true
This is generally more convenient for clients, but will cause validation errors to bubble further up in the result.
Previously, the pagination argument first
was either marked as non-nullable,
or non-nullable with a default value.
Now, it will always be marked as non-nullable, regardless if it has a default or not.
This prevents clients from passing an invalid explicit null
Prior to v6
, overwriting the default query complexity calculation on paginated fields
required the usage of @complexity
without any arguments. Now, @paginate
performs that
calculation by default - with the additional change that it also includes the cost of the
field itself, adding a value of 1
to represent the complexity more accurately.
Using @complexity
without the resolver
argument is now no longer supported.
Prior to v6
, Lighthouse would extract the internal $value
from instances of
before passing it to ArgBuilderDirective::handleBuilder()
if the setting unbox_bensampo_enum_enum_instances
was true
This is generally unnecessary, because Laravel automagically calls the Enum's __toString()
method when using it in a query. This might affect users who use an ArgBuilderDirective
that delegates to a method that relies on an internal value being passed.
type Query {
withEnum(byType: AOrB @scope): WithEnum @find
// WithEnum.php
public function scopeByType(Builder $builder, int $aOrB): Builder
return $builder->where('type', $aOrB);
In the future, Lighthouse will pass the actual Enum instance along. You can opt in to
the new behaviour before upgrading by setting unbox_bensampo_enum_enum_instances
to false
public function scopeByType(Builder $builder, AOrB $aOrB): Builder
Instead of calling FieldValue::setResolver()
, directly return the resolver function.
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Values\FieldValue;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\FieldResolver;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext;
final class MyDirective extends BaseDirective implements FieldResolver
- public function resolveField(FieldValue $fieldValue): FieldValue
- {
- $fieldValue->setResolver(function (mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): int {
- return 42;
- });
- return $fieldValue;
+ public function resolveField(FieldValue $fieldValue): callable
+ {
+ return function (mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): int {
+ return 42;
+ };
Wrapping resolvers is very common in FieldMiddleware
directives and is now simplified.
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Values\FieldValue;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\FieldMiddleware;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext;
final class MyDirective extends BaseDirective implements FieldMiddleware
- public function handleField(FieldValue $fieldValue, \Closure $next): FieldValue
- {
- $previousResolver = $fieldValue->getResolver();
- $fieldValue->setResolver(function (mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo) use ($previousResolver) {
- return $previousResolver($root, $args, $context, $resolveInfo);
- });
- return $next($fieldValue);
+ public function handleField(FieldValue $fieldValue): void
+ {
+ $fieldValue->wrapResolver(fn (callable $previousResolver) => function (mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo) use ($previousResolver) {
+ return $previousResolver($root, $args, $context, $resolveInfo);
+ });
Lighthouse now passes the typical 4 resolver arguments to FieldBuilderDirective::handleFieldBuilder()
Custom directives the implement FieldBuilderDirective
now have to accept those extra arguments.
+ use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ResolveInfo
+ use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext;
final class MyDirective extends BaseDirective implements FieldBuilderDirective
- public function handleFieldBuilder(object $builder): object;
+ public function handleFieldBuilder(object $builder, mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): object;
was removed.
You must now call ResolveInfo::enhanceBuilder()
and pass the resolver arguments.
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext;
// Some resolver function or directive middleware
function (mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo) {
- $resolveInfo->argumentSet->enhanceBuilder($builder, $scopes, $directiveFilter);
+ $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder($builder, $scopes, $root, $args, $context, $resolveInfo, $directiveFilter);
Use executeQueryString()
for executing a string query or executeParsedQuery()
executing an already parsed DocumentNode
You can leverage GraphQL\Error\ProvidesExtensions
to restore category
in your custom exceptions. Additionally, you may implement a custom error handler
that wraps well-known third-party exceptions with your own exception that adds an appropriate category
Use GraphQL\Error\ProvidesExtensions::getExtensions()
over Nuwave\Lighthouse\Exceptions\RendersErrorsExtensions::extensionsContent()
to return extra information from exceptions:
use Exception;
-use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Exceptions\RendersErrorsExtensions;
+use GraphQL\Error\ClientAware;
+use GraphQL\Error\ProvidesExtensions;
-class CustomException extends Exception implements RendersErrorsExtensions
+class CustomException extends Exception implements ClientAware, ProvidesExtensions
- public function extensionsContent(): array
+ public function getExtensions(): array
The ClearsSchemaCache
testing trait was prone to race conditions when running tests in parallel.
-use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\ClearsSchemaCache;
+use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\RefreshesSchemaCache;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase;
abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
use CreatesApplication;
- use ClearsSchemaCache;
+ use RefreshesSchemaCache;
protected function setUp(): void
- $this->bootClearsSchemaCache();
+ $this->bootRefreshesSchemaCache();
Schema caching now uses v2 only. That means, the schema cache will be written to a php file that OPCache will pick up instead of being written to the configured cache driver. This significantly reduces memory usage.
If you had previously depended on the presence of the schema in your cache, then you will need to change your code.
If you use the @search
directive in your schema,
you will now need to register the service provider Nuwave\Lighthouse\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider
it is no longer registered by default.
See registering providers in Laravel.
The lighthouse.guard
configuration key was renamed to lighthouse.guards
and expects an array.
- 'guard' => 'api',
+ 'guards' => ['api'],
If lighthouse.guards
configuration is missing,
the default Laravel authentication guard will be used (auth.defaults.guard
The guard
argument of @auth
and @whereAuth
directives has been renamed to guards
and now expects a list instead of a single string.
- @auth(guard: "api")
+ @auth(guards: ["api"])
- @whereAuth(guard: "api")
+ @whereAuth(guards: ["api"])
The following versions are now the minimal required versions:
- PHP 7.2
- Laravel 5.6
- PHPUnit 7
Parts of the final schema are automatically generated by Lighthouse. Clients that depend on specific fields or type names may have to adapt. The recommended process for finding breaking changes is:
- Print your schema before upgrading:
php artisan lighthouse:print-schema > old.graphql
- Upgrade, then re-print your schema:
php artisan lighthouse:print-schema > new.graphql
- Use graphql-inspector to compare your
graphql-inspector diff old.graphql new.graphql
Field resolver classes now only support the method name __invoke
, using
the name resolve
no longer works.
namespace App\GraphQL\Queries;
class SomeField
- public function resolve(...
+ public function __invoke(...
The @middleware
directive has been removed, as it violates the boundary between HTTP and GraphQL request handling.
Laravel middleware acts upon the HTTP request as a whole, whereas field middleware must only apply to a part of it.
If you used @middleware
for authentication, replace it with @guard:
type Query {
- profile: User! @middleware(checks: ["auth"])
+ profile: User! @guard
Note that @guard does not log in users.
To ensure the user is logged in, add the AttemptAuthenticate
middleware to your lighthouse.php
middleware config, see the default config for an example.
If you used @middleware
for authorization, replace it with @can.
Other functionality can be replaced by a custom FieldMiddleware
directive. Just like Laravel Middleware, it can wrap around individual field resolvers.
The interface \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\Directive
now has the same functionality
as the removed \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\DefinedDirective
. If you previously
implemented DefinedDirective
, remove it from your directives:
-use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\DefinedDirective;
-class TrimDirective extends BaseDirective implements ArgTransformerDirective, DefinedDirective
+class TrimDirective extends BaseDirective implements ArgTransformerDirective
Instead of just providing the name of the directive, all directives must now return an SDL definition that formally describes them.
- public function name()
- {
- return 'trim';
- }
+ /**
+ * Formal directive specification in schema definition language (SDL).
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public static function definition(): string
+ {
+ return /** @lang GraphQL */ <<<'GRAPHQL'
+A description of what this directive does.
+directive @trim(
+ """
+ Directives can have arguments to parameterize them.
+ """
+ someArg: String
+ }
The argument to specify the column to order by when using @orderBy
was renamed
to column
to match the @whereConditions
Client queries will have to be changed like this:
posts (
orderBy: [
- field: POSTED_AT
+ column: POSTED_AT
order: ASC
) {
If you absolutely cannot break your clients, you can re-implement @orderBy
in your
project - it is a relatively simple ArgManipulator
The @model
directive was repurposed to take the place of @modelClass
. As a replacement
for the current functionality of @model
, the new @node
directive was added,
see nuwave#974 for details.
You can adapt to this change in two refactoring steps that must be done in order:
Rename all usages of
, e.g.:-type User @model { +type User @node { id: ID! @globalId }
Rename all usages of
, e.g.-type PaginatedPost @modelClass(class: "\\App\\Post") { +type PaginatedPost @model(class: "\\App\\Post") { id: ID! }
The new @hash
directive is also used for password hashing, but respects the
configuration settings of your Laravel project.
type Mutation {
name: String!
- password: String! @bcrypt
+ password: String! @hash
): User!
Instead of passing down the usual resolver arguments, the @method
directive will
now pass just the arguments given to a field. This behaviour could previously be
enabled through the passOrdered
option, which is now removed.
type User {
purchasedItemsCount(year: Int!, includeReturns: Boolean): Int @method
The method will have to change like this:
-public function purchasedItemsCount(mixed $root, array $args)
+public function purchasedItemsCount(int $year, ?bool $includeReturns)
This affects custom directives that implemented one of the following interfaces:
Whereas those interfaces previously extended \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\ArgDirective
, you now
have to choose if you want them to apply to entire lists of arguments, elements within that list, or both.
Change them as follows to make them behave like in v4:
+use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\ArgDirective;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\ArgTransformerDirective;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\DefinedDirective;
-class MyCustomArgDirective extends BaseDirective implements ArgTransformerDirective, DefinedDirective
+class MyCustomArgDirective extends BaseDirective implements ArgTransformerDirective, DefinedDirective, ArgDirective
The application of directives that implement the ArgDirective
interface is
split into three distinct phases:
- Sanitize: Clean the input, e.g. trim whitespace.
Directives can hook into this phase by implementing
. - Validate: Ensure the input conforms to the expectations, e.g. check a valid email is given
- Transform: Change the input before processing it further, e.g. hashing passwords.
Directives can hook into this phase by implementing
The ValidationDirective
abstract class was removed in favour of validator classes.
They represent a more lightweight way and flexible way to reuse complex validation rules,
not only on fields but also on input objects.
To convert an existing custom validation directive to a validator class, change it as follows:
-namespace App\GraphQL\Directives;
+namespace App\GraphQL\Validators;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
-use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Directives\ValidationDirective;
+use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Validation\Validator;
-class UpdateUserValidationDirective extends ValidationDirective
+class UpdateUserValidator extends Validator
* @return array<string, array<mixed>>
public function rules(): array
return [
'id' => ['required'],
- 'name' => ['sometimes', Rule::unique('users', 'name')->ignore($this->args['id'], 'id')],
+ 'name' => ['sometimes', Rule::unique('users', 'name')->ignore($this->arg('id'), 'id')],
Instead of directly using this class as a directive, place the @validator
directive on your field.
type Mutation {
- updateUser(id: ID, name: String): User @update @updateUserValidation
+ updateUser(id: ID, name: String): User @update @validator
The event is no longer fired, and the event class was removed. Lighthouse now uses a queued job instead.
If you manually fired the event, replace it by queuing a Nuwave\Lighthouse\Subscriptions\BroadcastSubscriptionJob
or a call to Nuwave\Lighthouse\Subscriptions\Contracts\BroadcastsSubscriptions::queueBroadcast()
In case you depend on an event being fired whenever a subscription is queued, you can bind your
own implementation of Nuwave\Lighthouse\Subscriptions\Contracts\BroadcastsSubscriptions
Calling register()
on the \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\TypeRegistry
now throws when passing
a type that was already registered, as this most likely is an error.
If you want to previous behaviour of overwriting existing types, use overwrite()
$typeRegistry = app(\Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\TypeRegistry::class);
Since GraphQL constrains allowed inputs by design, mass assignment protection is not needed.
By default, Lighthouse will use forceFill()
when populating a model with arguments in mutation directives.
This allows you to use mass assignment protection for other cases where it is actually useful.
If you need to revert to the old behavior of using fill()
, you can change your lighthouse.php
- 'force_fill' => true,
+ 'force_fill' => false,
Collecting partial errors is now done through the singleton \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ErrorPool
instead of \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ErrorBuffer
try {
// Something that might fail but still allows for a partial result
} catch (\Throwable $error) {
$errorPool = app(\Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ErrorPool::class);
return $result;
The TestResponse::jsonGet()
mixin was removed in favor of the ->json()
natively supported by Laravel starting from version 5.6.
$response = $this->graphQL(...);
The native parser from webonyx/graphql-php now supports partial parsing.
-use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\AST\PartialParser;
+use GraphQL\Language\Parser;
Most methods work the same:
-PartialParser::directive(/** @lang GraphQL */ '@deferrable')
+Parser::constDirective(/** @lang GraphQL */ '@deferrable')
A few are different:
-PartialParser::inputValueDefinitions([$foo, $bar]);
Since the addition of the HAS
input in whereCondition
there has to be a default operator for the HAS
If you implement your own custom operator, implement defaultHasOperator
For example, this is the implementation of the default \Nuwave\Lighthouse\WhereConditions\SQLOperator
public function defaultHasOperator(): string
return 'GTE';
If you implemented your own error handler, change it like this:
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ErrorHandler;
class ExtensionErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler
- public static function handle(Error $error, Closure $next): array
+ public function __invoke(?Error $error, Closure $next): ?array
You can now discard errors by returning null
from the handler.
If you use complex where condition directives, such as @whereConditions
upgrade mll-lab/graphql-php-scalars
to v4:
composer require mll-lab/graphql-php-scalars:^4
Subscriptions only use version 2 now. That means, the extensions content
will not contain the channels
and version
key anymore.
"data": {...},
"extensions": {
"lighthouse_subscriptions": {
- "version": 1,
"channel": "channel-name",
- "channels": {
- "subscriptionName": "channel-name"
- }