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+++ b/docs/contributing.rst
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+- `How to add a new calculation
+ strategy <#How-to-add-a-new-calculation-strategy>`__
+ - `Preliminary Checks <#Preliminary-Checks>`__
+ - `Adding New Parameters <#Adding-New-Parameters>`__
+ - `Strategy Implementation <#Strategy-Implementation>`__
+ - `Method Specifications <#Method-Specifications>`__
+ - `Dependencies <#Dependencies>`__
+ - `Calculate method <#Calculate-method>`__
+- `How to add a new parameter <#How-to-add-a-new-parameter>`__
+ - `Unit Conversion <#Unit-Conversion>`__
+- `Linting <#Linting>`__
+- `Git Guidelines <#Git-Guidelines>`__
+ - `Branching Strategy <#Branching-Strategy>`__
+ - `Commit Message Format <#Commit-Message-Format>`__
+ - `Types <#Types>`__
+ - `Best Practices for Pull
+ Requests <#Best-Practices-for-Pull-Requests>`__
+- `SPICE <#SPICE>`__
+How to add a new calculation strategy
+Preliminary Checks
+1. Review Existing Strategies: Inspect all the calculation strategies in
+ the calculation_strategies folder to ensure your strategy hasn’t
+ already been implemented.
+2. Review Parameters: Examine the parameters defined in
+ ``/data/default.json``. Determine if new parameters are needed for
+ your strategy.
+Adding New Parameters
+3. Parameter Addition: If your strategy introduces new parameters, add
+ them to the ``default.json`` file. Refer to the Adding a New
+ Parameter section for detailed guidance.4. Check all the existing
+ Nodes you can use. The list of existing nodes and their calculation
+ strategy can be found in ``src/controler/controller.py``.
+Strategy Implementation
+4. Utilize Existing Nodes: Explore the list of nodes in
+ ``src/controller/controller.py``\ to understand the available
+ calculation strategies. Avoid recalculating nodes.
+.. code:: python
+ self.engine.add_or_update_node('frequency_vector', FrequencyVectorStrategy())
+ self.engine.add_or_update_node('resistance', AnalyticalResistanceStrategy())
+ self.engine.add_or_update_node('Nz', AnalyticalNzStrategy())
+ ...
+DO NOT recalculate the same node with a different strategy. Instead,
+apply your new strategy to an existing node.
+5. If your calculation strategy is not implemented, create a new file in
+ the ``src/model/strategies/strategy_lib/`` folder with the name of
+ your calculation strategy.
+This file should: - Inherit from the ``CalculationStrategy`` class. -
+Implement the ``calculate`` method. - Implement the ``get_dependencies``
+6. Node Association: Incorporate your newly created strategy into the
+ controller by assigning it to a node.
+.. code:: python
+ self.engine.add_or_update_node('node_name', YourStrategy())
+Method Specifications
+- The get_dependencies method must return a list of required parameters
+ or nodes as strings, matching their names in the default.json file or
+ controller. ### Calculate method The ``calculate`` method must return
+ the result of the calculation. The method takes two arguments:
+- ``dependencies``: A dictionary containing the values of all the nodes
+ available in the engine. The keys are the names of the nodes, and the
+ values are the results of the calculation.
+- ``parameters``: An instance of the ``InputParameters`` class
+ containing the values of the parameters entered by the user.
+This method must return the result of the calculation. The result can be
+on of the following: - A single value (int, float, etc.) - A Tensor (2D
+array) containing the result of the calculation for each frequency
+value. The first column must be the frequency values or (the x_axis for
+the plot), and the following columns must be the result of the
+ALL OUTPUTS MUST BE IN SI UNITS in linear scale (no dB, no log scale).
+Examples :
+.. code:: python
+ class AnalyticalResistanceStrategy(CalculationStrategy):
+ def calculate(self, dependencies: dict, parameters: InputParameters):
+ N = parameters.data['nb_spire']
+ Rs = parameters.data['ray_spire']
+ rho = parameters.data['rho_whire']
+ return N * (2 * np.pi * Rs) * rho
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_dependencies():
+ return ['nb_spire', 'ray_spire', 'rho_whire']
+.. code:: python
+ class AnalyticalImpedanceStrategy(CalculationStrategy):
+ def calculate(self, dependencies: dict, parameters: InputParameters):
+ R = dependencies['resistance']
+ L = dependencies['inductance']
+ C = dependencies['capacitance']
+ frequency_vector = dependencies['frequency_vector']
+ vectorized_impedance = np.vectorize(self.calculate_impedance)
+ impedance_values = vectorized_impedance(R, L, C, frequency_vector)
+ frequency_impedance_tensor = np.column_stack((frequency_vector, impedance_values))
+ return frequency_impedance_tensor
+ def calculate_impedance(self, R, L, C, f):
+ impedance_num = (R ** 2) + (L * 2 * np.pi * f) ** 2
+ impedance_den = (1 - L * C * (2 * np.pi * f) ** 2) ** 2 + (R * C * (2 * np.pi * f)) ** 2
+ return np.sqrt(impedance_num / impedance_den)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_dependencies():
+ return ['resistance', 'inductance', 'capacitance', 'frequency_vector']
+How to add a new parameter
+1. **Existing Parameters:** Verify if the new parameter exists within
+ /data/default.json.
+2. **Addition:** Introduce new parameters to ``default.json`` as needed,
+ adhering to the specified format: The file must be in the following
+ format:
+.. code:: json
+ { "section_name":
+ {
+ "param_name": {
+ "default": XX,
+ "min": XX,
+ "max": XX,
+ "description": "Short description, used for the user interface",
+ "input_unit": "",
+ "target_unit": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Note that the ``section_name`` is the name of the section in the user
+interface. The ``param_name`` is the name of the parameter in the user
+interface. Each section can have multiple parameters.
+These are the fields that must be filled in if your parameter is a
+number that require unit conversion:
+.. code:: json
+ "input_unit": "",
+ "target_unit": ""
+Unit Conversion
+For example, you don’t want to input a lenght in mm and write 0.001 m in
+the input field. You can define the input unit as mm and the target unit
+as m. The user will input 1 mm and the system will convert it to 0.001
+Utilize the ``pint`` library for unit conversion. Input and target units
+should be defined for parameters requiring conversion. For comprehensive
+unit support and details, visit Pint’s documentation.
+.. code:: json
+ "capa_triwire": {
+ "default": 150,
+ "min": 10,
+ "max": 1000,
+ "description": "Triwire capacitance in picofarads",
+ "input_unit": "picofarad",
+ "target_unit": "farad"
+ }
+We use pylint to ensure compliance with PEP8 guidelines. Lint your code
+.. code:: bash
+ pylint --rcfile pylintrc src/folder/file.py
+Replace ``src/folder/file.py`` with the path to the file you want to
+lint. Check the return of the command to see if there are any errors or
+warnings in the code. Adapt and correct the code according to the pylint
+You can read the `pylint
+documentation `__ for more
+information on how to use pylint.
+Git Guidelines
+To maintain the repository’s integrity and streamline development
+processes, we adhere to a GitFlow-inspired workflow and specific naming
+conventions for branches and commit messages. Below is a comprehensive
+guide on how to contribute code to this project effectively.
+Branching Strategy
+We use a branching strategy that categorizes work based on the nature of
+changes, ensuring that our repository remains organized and manageable.
+When starting work on a new feature, bug fix, or other tasks, you must
+create a new branch following these conventions:
+- **Feature Branches**: ``engine/branch-name``, ``UI/branch-name``,
+ ``controller/branch-name``
+- **Refactoring**: ``refactor/branch-name``
+**Important**: Direct commits to the ``dev`` branch are prohibited.
+Always create a new branch for your work, branching off from the latest
+``dev`` branch.
+Commit Message Format
+Commit messages should be clear, concise, and follow a formal structure
+to simplify the repository’s history. Use the following format:
+ [optional body]
+ [optional footer(s)]
+**Tags**: Include ``#issue_id`` if your work addresses a specific open
+- ``FEAT``: Introduces a new feature.
+- ``FIX``: Fixes a bug.
+- ``CHORE``: Changes that don’t affect the source or test files, like
+ updating dependencies.
+- ``REFACTOR``: Code changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature.
+- ``DOC``: Documentation updates.
+- ``QUAL``: General code quality improvements.
+- ``TEST``: Adds or updates tests.
+- ``PERF``: Performance improvements.
+- ``REVERT``: Reverts a previous commit.
+For more detailed examples and best practices on commit messages, refer
+to `this
+article `__.
+Best Practices for Pull Requests
+- **Scope**: Keep your pull requests small and focused on a single
+ feature or bug fix to facilitate the review process.
+- **Adherence to Standards**: Ensure your contributions follow the
+ project’s coding standards and guidelines.
+- **Stay Updated**: Regularly update your fork to keep it in sync with
+ the main project. This helps in minimizing merge conflicts.
+- **Linting**: Run the linter on your code before submitting a pull
+ request to ensure compliance with PEP8 guidelines.
+- **Documentation**: Update the documentation if your changes affect
+ the project’s functionality or require additional information.
+By following these guidelines, you contribute to the efficiency and
+clarity of the project, making it easier for others to review your
+contributions and maintain the project’s health.
+Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) is a
+general-purpose analog electronic circuit simulator. It is a powerful
+tool for simulating and analyzing circuits, providing valuable insights
+into circuit behavior and performance. SPICE is widely used in the
+electronics industry for designing and testing circuits, making it an
+essential tool for electrical engineers and circuit designers.
+In PLASMAG, we integrate spice simulations to allow the user to create
+their own models and have more accurate results.
+How to add a new SPICE model
+1. Prepare the JSON Configuration for the SPICE Module
+Each SPICE module is defined in a JSON file, which outlines the circuit
+characteristics along with associated parameters and calculation
+strategies. Here are the steps to prepare this file:
+1. **Module Key Creation:** Add a new key in the JSON file (e.g.,
+ **spice_new_model**) that will act as a unique identifier for the new
+ module.
+2. **Defining Module Attributes:**
+ - **name:** The name of the module, such as “New OP AMP Model”.
+ - **description:** A detailed description of the module, used for
+ the user interface.
+ - **image:** The filename of the image representing the circuit
+ (must be pre-added to the relevant images directory).
+3. **Parameters:** Define all necessary parameters for the module. Each
+ parameter should include:
+ - **default, min, max:** Default, minimum, and maximum values.
+ - **description:** A description of the parameter for the user
+ interface.
+ - **input_unit and target_unit:** Input and conversion units, if
+ applicable.
+4. **Strategies:**
+ - Add references to specific calculation strategies used by this
+ module in the ``src/model/strategies/strategy_lib/`` directory.
+ - Each strategy must have a **name** and a **file** pointing to the
+ Python script implementing the strategy.
+Example JSON Section for a New SPICE Module
+.. code:: json
+ "spice_new_model" : {
+ "name" : "New OP AMP Model",
+ "description" : "An advanced test circuit for the spice simulator",
+ "image" : "new_op_amp_model.png",
+ "parameters" : {
+ "R1": {
+ "default": 500,
+ "min": 10,
+ "max": 10000,
+ "description": "Spice test resistance",
+ "input_unit": "ohm",
+ "target_unit": "ohm"
+ }
+ },
+ "strategies" : {
+ "SPICE_impedance" : {
+ "name" : "SPICE Impedance",
+ "file" : "src/model/strategies/strategy_lib/SPICE.py"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+2. Implement Calculation Strategies
+For each strategy listed in the JSON configuration:
+- Create a Python class in the specified file within
+ ``src/model/strategies/strategy_lib/``.
+- Each class should inherit from the **CalculationStrategy** class and
+ implement necessary methods such as **calculate** and
+ **get_dependencies**.
+- The calculate method should handle the specific SPICE simulation
+ logic based on input parameters and dependencies defined in the
+ module.
+3. Test and Validate
+Once the new module is configured and the strategies are implemented:
+- Test the module extensively to ensure that it works as expected with
+ the SPICE simulator. You can try the script outside of PLASMAG in the
+ ``if __name__ == "__main__"``, with mock data.
+- Validate that all parameters and calculations produce accurate and
+ reliable results.
+4. Update User Documentation and Interface
+- Add any necessary documentation to help users understand how to use
+ the new SPICE module.
+5. Commit Changes
+Follow the project’s Git guidelines to commit and push the new module to
+the repository:
+- Create a feature branch, e.g., feature/spice_new_model.
+- Commit your changes with a clear message describing the addition of
+ the new SPICE module.
+- Open a pull request for review.
+5. MISC
+- Make sure to return the results in SI units for consistency. X-axis
+ values should be in Hz, or seconds for time-domain simulations.
+- If the X-axis is in the time domain, make sure to return the time
+ vector as the first column of the tensor, with the following label :
+ “Time”
+- If you are returning the Gain and the Phase, make sure to return a
+ linear Gain, and the phase in radians. The first column should be the
+ frequency values, the second column the gain, and the third column
+ the phase, with the following labels : “Frequency”, “Gain”, “Phase”
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index 6086eda..cc30c8c 100644
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You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
+**(Python Library for Accurate Space Magnetometer Adjustments with
+PLASMAG is a simulation software specifically designed for space
+magnetometers. At its core, PLASMAG serves as a comprehensive tool for
+the parameters adjustment.
+Currently, PLASMAG is tailored to support search coil type instruments.
+However, its architecture is built with flexibility and extensibility in
+mind. This means PLASMAG is not only limited to current implementations
+but is also designed to easily accommodate the addition of new
+instruments and the integration of diverse calculation methods and
+Table of Contents
+- `Quick Setup <#quick-setup>`__
+- `Installation <#installation>`__
+ - `Prerequisites <#prerequisites>`__
+ - `Installing Conda <#installing-conda>`__
+ - `Setting Up the Project <#setting-up-the-project>`__
+- `Usage <#usage>`__
+- `Availables Models <#availables-models>`__
+- `Documentation <#documentation>`__
+- `Contributing <#contributing>`__
+- `License <#license>`__
+- `Acknowledgments <#acknowledgments>`__
+Quick Setup
+Clone the repository :
+.. code:: bash
+ git clone https://github.com/LaboratoryOfPlasmaPhysics/PLASMAG
+1. Simulation Capabilities:
+- Full Electrokinetic Simulation: Uses SPICE kernel via PySPICE for
+ comprehensive electrokinetic modeling.
+- (WIP) Real Data Fitting: Incorporates a two-step data fitting tool
+ that includes denoising and neural network fitting for accurate
+ simulations based on measured data.
+2. Visualization Tools:
+- Adaptive Input Section: Adjusts input options based on the
+ magnetometer parameter set.
+- Real-time Parameter Variation: Sliders and real-time calculations to
+ visualize the impact of parameter changes.
+- Modular Plot Section: Allows up to 5 simultaneous displays of various
+ products, providing a comprehensive view of simulation results.
+3. Modularity and Flexibility:
+- Strategy Design Pattern: Implements a modular engine design using the
+ strategy pattern, allowing dynamic changes in computation methods and
+ easy adaptation to new requirements.
+- Parallel Computation: Supports parallelization of computations for
+ improved efficiency.
+- Graph Visualization Tools: Provides full graph visualization to
+ monitor computation dependencies and processes.
+4. Export and Import Capabilities:
+- Export Data: Allows exporting of any product or parameter for
+ plotting or later re-importation.
+5. Optimization Module (Work in Progress):
+- Genetic Optimization (DEAP): Utilizes evolutionary algorithms to find
+ optimal parameter sets.
+- Particle Swarm Optimization: Implements swarm intelligence techniques
+ to explore solution spaces.
+- Simulated Annealing: Employs probabilistic techniques to approximate
+ global optimization.
+- Mono-parameter and Multi-parameter Optimization: Supports
+ optimization for single and multiple parameters.
+- Mono-criteria and Multi-criteria Optimization: Handles single and
+ multiple criteria, combining them into a single framework using
+ weighted polynomials.
+Availables Models
+At the moment, the PLASMAG simulation model has only one model
+implemented: a simple search coil MAGNETOMETER analytic model.
+The simulation was validated by comparing the simulation results with
+the real data from the JUICE mission.
+The parameters for JUICE’s search coil can be found in the
+data/JUICE.json file.”
+The implemented simulation model performs quite well, demonstrating high
+accuracy for low frequency values. This is reflected in the impedance
+plot, where the plotted curves all maintain consistent levels and
+However, challenges arise when extending the analysis to higher
+frequency ranges. Specifically, for the NEMI and Closed Loop Transfer
+Function (CLTF), the model tends to diverge slightly at high
+frequencies. This divergence becomes particularly evident after the
+resonance frequency. At this juncture, analytically describing the
+‘capacitance’ part of the system grows increasingly difficult, leading
+to a slight deviation from expected behaviors. This discrepancy
+underlines a current limitation of the model, spotlighting the need for
+further refinement and development to enhance its accuracy.
+To generate project documentation:
+.. code:: bash
+ pip install sphinx
+ cd docs
+ make html
+Navigate to docs/_build/html/index.html to view the documentation.
+The project is open to contributions. Please refer to the
+`CONTRIBUTING.md `__ file for more information.
+- **Maxime RONCERAY** - Developer - LPP/CNRS/X
+ `contact-me `__
+- **Malik MANSOUR** - Supervisor - LPP/CNRS/X
+ malik.mansour@lpp.polytechnique.fr
+- **Claire REVILLET** - IT/Dev supervisor - CNRS Orleans/LPC2E
+- **Guillaume JANNET** - Electronics Engineer - CNRS Orleans/LPC2E
Welcome to PLASMAG's documentation!
@@ -10,10 +159,12 @@ Welcome to PLASMAG's documentation!
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
- main
+ installation
+ contributing
Indices and tables
@@ -21,3 +172,4 @@ Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/installation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Ensure you have Conda installed. If not, follow the instructions here:
+Linux conda installation
+Linux Conda Installation
+Install Conda using the following commands:
+.. code:: bash
+ mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
+ wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
+ bash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
+ rm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
+Add conda to your PATH
+.. code:: bash
+ ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
+ ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh
+Restart your terminal and verify the Conda installation:
+.. code:: bash
+ conda --version
+Setting Up the Project
+Create and activate a new Conda environment:
+.. code:: bash
+ conda env create -f environment.yml
+Activate the environment
+.. code:: bash
+ conda activate PLASMAG
+Run the application
+.. code:: bash
+ python PLASMAG.py
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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-Main Module
-.. automodule:: src.main
- :members:
- :undoc-members:
- :show-inheritance:
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+User Manual
+This manual is intended to help you get started with PLASMAG. Most of
+the features are described exhaustively.
+How to use the program
+The UI
+The UI is divided into three main sections: the toolbar, the parameter
+panel, and the canvas.
+.. figure:: docs/images/img.png
+ :alt: img.png
+ img.png
+The toolbar is located at the top of the window and contains the
+following buttons:
+- **File:** contains the buttons to open and save files.
+ - .. figure:: docs/images/img_1.png
+ :alt: img_1.png
+ img_1.png
+ - **Export Parameters:** exports the parameters of to a JSON file,
+ can be edited by hand and imported back
+ - **Import Parameters:** imports the parameters from a JSON file,
+ must be in the correct format
+ - **Import Flicker Params :** imports the flicker parameters from a
+ JSON file, must be in the correct format
+ - **Export Results:** exports the results of the simulation to a csv
+ file than can be opened in Excel or any other spreadsheet software
+- **Options:** contains the buttons to change the settings of the
+ program.
+ - .. figure:: docs/images/img_2.png
+ :alt: img_2.png
+ img_2.png
+ - **Change Plot count:** changes the number of plots that are
+ displayed in the right panel
+.. figure:: docs/images/img_4.png
+ :alt: img_4.png
+ img_4.png
+It’s used to switch between differents functionalities of the program.
+Parameters Section
+.. figure:: docs/images/img_5.png
+ :alt: img_5.png
+ img_5.png
+The parameters section is located on the left side of the window and
+contains the parameters of the simulation. All of the parameters are
+grouped by category.
+How to change a parameter
+Option 1 : - Click on the line edit field of the parameter you want to
+change - Enter the new value - Press Enter - If the value is valid, the
+calculation will be triggered. If the value is invalid, the field will
+turn red and the calculation will not be triggered.
+Option 2: - Click on the line edit field of the parameter you want to
+change - Use the sliders to change the value, the value will be updated
+in real time and the calculation will be triggered
+At every moment, you can reset the value of a parameter by clicking on
+the reset button. Or force trigger the calculation by clicking on the
+calculate button. |img_6.png| You can use the frequency range double
+slider to select the frequency range you want to simulate.
+Strategy selection
+.. figure:: docs/images/img_7.png
+ :alt: img_7.png
+ img_7.png
+One of the most importants features of PLASMAG is to be modular and to
+allow the user to choose the strategy he wants to use to simulate a
+particular value (like the resistance, the capacitance, etc…). You can
+easily implement your own strategy by following the instructions in the
+`Contributing Guide `__. If you did everything well,
+your strategy will appear in the strategy selection combobox. You can
+now select it and it will be used in the simulation.
+When you select a strategy if an error occurs, the error message will be
+displayed in a popup. It often means that the parameters are not valid
+for the selected strategy, or your implementation is not valid and
+implicate cyclic dependencies between differents calculations nodes.
+The canvas is located on the right side of the window and contains the
+plots of the simulation. You can adjust the number of plots displayed by
+clicking on the options button and changing the plot count (from 1 to 5,
+default 3)
+.. figure:: docs/images/img_9.png
+ :alt: img_9.png
+ img_9.png
+Using the combo box you can chose to display whatever you want in the
+plot. The list contains every node that can be calculated in the
+program. The graph will be updated in real time when you change the
+parameters. The data is linear but plotted in a logarithmic scale, for x
+and y axis.
+If you want to fit existing data by tunign parameters, you can load a
+curve in background by clicking on the load curve button. You can then
+select a csv file that contains the curve you want to display. The file
+must be in the correct format (frequency, value) and the frequency must
+be in Hz.
+- As PLASMAG is a tuning tool, it’s important to be able to compare the
+ results of different simulations. To do so, you can save the results
+ of a simulation by clicking on one of the save button (1,2,3). The
+ results/parameters will be saved in memory and you can load them back
+ by clicking on the load button.
+- When data are stored in memory, the save button will turn green.
+- You can “reset” parameters to the saved state by clicking again on a
+ green save button.
+- Memory is not saved when you close the program.
+- You can clear the memory by clicking on the clear memory button.
+.. |img_6.png| image:: docs/images/img_6.png