diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b83b960..bac05c7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -468,6 +468,21 @@ make -j8
 # VSOME TOOL: https://github.com/COVESA/capicxx-someip-tools
 # SEE: https://github.com/SEA-ME-COSS/DES-Head-Unit/tree/main/setting
+#delete "src-gen-carinfo" folder if it exists
+if [ -d "src-gen-carinfo" ]; then
+    rm -rf src-gen-carinfo
+#run generator
+/home/seame02/generator/core-generator/commonapi-core-generator-linux-x86_64 -sk ./fidl/carinfo.fidl -d ./src-gen-carinfo/core
+/home/seame02/generator/someip-generator/commonapi-someip-generator-linux-x86_64  ./fidl/carinfo.fdepl -d ./src-gen-carinfo/someip
+################## NOTE ##################
+# This needs to be run before running Build.sh
+# Unfornauteley, the generator does not run on the target system (Raspberry Pi). 
+# Therefore, the teams laptop is used.
+# Paths on Genenrator needs to be modified regarding the used machine.
 #################  PERMISSION SETTINGS   #################
 # cd ..
 # chmod 755 /car_control