The app can recommend a film that you would most likely enjoy according to either your direct input or, if you have an account, films that you've checked in the app so far. You can check the film's synopsis, cast, genres and trailer.
In its core the app leverages the Tastedive API for the suggestion functionality and TMDB API to fetch particular film data
‼ You need Git and Node installed in your system
Fork this repository
Clone the forked repository to your machine
in your terminal enter:
git clone
Install the required node packages via npm:
in your terminal enter:
cd /Recomate
npm i
after successful command execution enter:
cd /client
npm i
Run the development scripts (starting the React and Server daemons):
In your terminal check the directory to be
enter the following command:
npm start
Now you should be able to open the app in your browser at: http://localhost:5005/
After successful changes commit and push to your repository:
cd /Recomate
git add .
git commit -m <describe the change>
git push origin master
Open new pull request