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Abstract contexts structures
Our whole development utilizes well-scoped and well-typed terms. In this style, the most
+common binder representation is by using lists as contexts and well-typed DeBruijn indices
+as variables. This is nice and good, but sometimes we would rather have had another,
+isomorphic, representation. Indeed in an intensional type theory like Coq, sometimes
+crossing an isomorphism is pretty painful.
As such, we here define what it means for an alternate definition of contexts to
+"behave like lists and DeBruijn indices".
This is a very natural extension to the theory of substitution by Marcelo Fiore and
+Dimitri Szamozvancev, and in fact a variant of the "Nameless, Painless" approach by
+Nicolas Pouillard.
Categorically, it very simple. Contexts are represented by a set C, a distinguished
+element ∅ and a binary operation - +▶ -. Additionally it has a map representing
+variable 𝐯 : C → 𝐀 where 𝐀 is a sufficiently well-behaved category, typically a
+presheaf category. We then ask that
𝐯 ∅ ≈ ⊥, where ⊥ is the initial object in 𝐀 and
𝐯 (Γ +▶ Δ) ≈ 𝐯 Γ + 𝐯 Δ where + is the coproduct in 𝐀.
Our category of contexts is then the full image of 𝐯, which has the structure of a
+commutative monoid. Then, given a family X : C → 𝐀, it is easy to define
+assignments as:
+Γ =[X]> Δ ≔ 𝐀[ 𝐯 Γ , X Δ ]
And renamings as:
+Γ ⊆ Δ ≔ Γ =[ 𝐯 ]> Δ
+ ≔ 𝐀[ 𝐯 Γ , 𝐯 Δ ]
Assuming 𝐀 is (co-)powered over Set, the substitution tensor product and substitution
+internal hom in C → 𝐀 are given by:
+( X ⊗ Y ) Γ ≔ ∫^Δ X Δ × (Δ =[ Y ]> Γ)
+⟦ X , Y ⟧ Γ ≔ ∫_Δ (Γ =[ X ]> Δ) → Y Δ
More generally, given a category 𝐁 (co-)powered over Set we can define the the
+following functors, generalizing the substitution tensor and hom to heretogeneous
+( - ⊗ - ) : (C → 𝐁) → (C → 𝐀) → (C → 𝐁)
+( X ⊗ Y ) Γ ≔ ∫^Δ X Δ × (Δ =[ Y ]> Γ)
+⟦ - , - ⟧ : (C → 𝐀) → (C → 𝐁) → (C → 𝐁)
+⟦ X , Y ⟧ Γ ≔ ∫_Δ (Γ =[ X ]> Δ) → Y Δ
We here apply the above theory to the case where 𝐀 is the family category T → Set
+for some set T. Taking T to the set of types of some object language, families
+C → 𝐀, ie C → T → Set, model nicely well-scoped and well-typed families. To
+capture non-typed syntactic categories, indexed only by a scope, we develop the special
+case where 𝐁 is just Set.
We then instanciate this abstract structure with the usual lists and DeBruijn indices,
+but also with two useful instances: the direct sum, where the notion of variables 𝐯
+is the pointwise coproduct and the subset, where the notion of variables is preserved.
In further work we wish to tacle this in more generality, notable treating the case for
+the idiomatic presentation of well-scoped untyped syntax where 𝐀 is Set, C
+is ℕ and 𝐯 is Fin. Currently, we do treat untyped syntax, but using the
+non-idiomatic "unityped" presentation.
The first part of the context structure: the distinguished empty context, the binary
+concatenation and the family of variables.
Classcontext (TC : Type) := {
+ c_emp : C ;
+ c_cat : C -> C -> C ;
+ c_var : C -> T -> Type ;
+#[global] Notation"∅" := c_emp : ctx_scope.
+#[global] Notation"Γ +▶ Δ" := (c_cat Γ Δ) : ctx_scope.
+#[global] Notation"Γ ∋ t" := (c_var Γ%ctx t).
Next we need to formalize the isomorphisms stating that variables map the empty context
+to the initial family and the concatenation to the coproduct family. To do this we will
+not write the usual forward map and backward map that compose to the identity, but we
+will rather formalize injections with inhabited fibers. The reason for this equivalent
+presentation is that it will ease dependent pattern matching by providing the isomorphisms
+as "views" (see "The view from the left" by Conor McBride).
First lets define the two injection maps.
Classcontext_cat_wkn (TC : Type) {CC : context T C} := {
+ r_cat_l {Γ Δ} [t] : Γ ∋ t -> Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t ;
+ r_cat_r {Γ Δ} [t] : Δ ∋ t -> Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t ;
Then, assuming such a structure, we define two inductive families characterizing the
+Context `{C : context_cat_wkn X T}.
+Variantc_emp_viewt : ∅ ∋ t -> Type := .
Variantc_cat_viewΓΔt : Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t -> Type :=
+ | Vcat_l (i : Γ ∋ t) : c_cat_view Γ Δ t (r_cat_l i)
+ | Vcat_r (j : Δ ∋ t) : c_cat_view Γ Δ t (r_cat_r j)
+ .
Finally we give the rest of the laws: functions witnessing the inhabitedness of the fibers
+and the injectivity of the two injection maps. This last statement is split into 3 as we
+have separated the embedding for coproducts into two separate maps.
Classcontext_lawsTC {CC : context T C} := {
+ c_var_cat :: context_cat_wkn T C ;
+ c_view_emp {t} i : c_emp_view t i ;
+ c_view_cat {Γ Δ t} i : c_cat_view Γ Δ t i ;
+ r_cat_l_inj {Γ Δ t} : injective (@r_cat_l _ _ _ _ Γ Δ t) ;
+ r_cat_r_inj {Γ Δ t} : injective (@r_cat_r _ _ _ _ Γ Δ t) ;
+ r_cat_disj {Γ Δ t} (i : Γ ∋ t) (j : Δ ∋ t) : ¬ (r_cat_l i = r_cat_r j) ;
+} .
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Adequacy (Prop. 7)
We prove in this module that the composition of strategy is adequate.
+The proof essentially proceeds by showing that "evaluating and observing",
+i.e., reduce, is a solution of the same equations as is the composition
+of strategies.
This argument assumes we can rely on the unicity of such a solution (Prop. 6):
+we prove this fact by proving that these equations are eventually guarded in
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an
+appropriate axiomatization.
Context {TC} {CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
+ Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
+ Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
+ Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs} {ML : machine_laws val conf obs}.
+ Context {VV : var_assumptions val}.
We define reduce, called "zip-then-eval-then-observe" (z-e-obs) in the paper.
Equipped with eventually guarded equations, we are ready to prove the adequacy.
First a technical lemma, which unfolds one step of composition, then reduce to a simpler
+more explicit form.
Lemmacompo_reduce_simpl {Δ} (x : reduce_t Δ) :
+ (compo_body x >>= fun_r =>
+ match r with
+ | inl y => reduce' _ y
+ | inr o => Ret' (o : (fun_ => obs∙ _) _)
+ end)
+ ≊
+ (eval x.(red_act).(ms_conf) >>= fun_n =>
+ match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with
+ | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i ⋅ nf_obs n)
+ | Vcat_r j => reduce' _ (RedT (m_strat_resp x.(red_pas) (j ⋅ nf_obs n))
+ (x.(red_act).(ms_env) ;⁻ nf_args n))
+ end).
+ Proof.
+ do2 (etransitivity; [ nowapply fmap_bind_com | ]).
+ apply (subst_eq (RX := fun_ => eq)); eauto.
+ intros ? [ ? i [ ? ? ] ] ? <-.
+ unfold m_strat_wrap; cbn.
+ nowdestruct (c_view_cat i).
+ Qed.
Next we derive a variant of "evaluation respects substitution", working with
+partial assignments [ a_id , e ] instead of full assignments.
Definitioneval_split_sub {ΓΔ} (c : conf (Δ +▶ Γ)) (e : Γ =[val]> Δ)
+ : delay (nf obs val Δ)
+ := eval c >>= fun'T1_0n =>
+ match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with
+ | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i ⋅ nf_obs n ⦇ nf_args n ⊛ [ v_var, e ] ⦈)
+ | Vcat_r j => eval (e _ j ⊙ nf_obs n ⦗ nf_args n ⊛ [ v_var, e ] ⦘)
+ end .
+ Lemmaeval_split {ΓΔ} (c : conf (Δ +▶ Γ)) (e : Γ =[val]> Δ) :
+ eval (c ₜ⊛ [ a_id , e ]) ≋ eval_split_sub c e .
+ Proof.
+ unfold eval_split_sub.
+ rewrite (eval_sub c ([ v_var , e ])).
+ apply (subst_eq (RX := fun_ => eq)); eauto.
+ intros [] [ ? i [ o a ] ] ? <-; unfold emb; cbn.
+ destruct (c_view_cat i).
+ + unfold nf_args, fill_args, cut_r.
+ rewrite app_sub, v_sub_var.
+ cbn; rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l.
+ nowapply (eval_nf_ret (i ⋅ o ⦇ a ⊛ [a_id, e] ⦈)).
+ + rewrite app_sub, v_sub_var.
+ cbn; nowrewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r.
+ Qed.
Note the use of iter_evg_uniq: the proof of adequacy is proved by unicity
+of the fixed point, which is made possible by equivalently viewing the fixpoint
+combinator used to define the composition of strategy as a fixpoint of eventually
+guarded equations. We here prove the generalization of adequacy, namely that
+reduce is a fixed point of the composition equation.
Lemmaadequacy_gen {Δa} (c : m_strat_act Δ a) (e : m_strat_pas Δ a) :
+ reduce (RedT c e) ≊ (c ∥g e).
+ Proof.
+ refine (iter_evg_uniq (fun'T1_0u => compo_body u) (fun'T1_0u => reduce u) _ _ T1_0 _).
+ clear a c e; intros [] [ ? [ u v ] ].
+ etransitivity; [ | symmetry; apply compo_reduce_simpl ].
+ unfold reduce at1, evalₒ at1; rewrite eval_split.
+ etransitivity; [ apply bind_fmap_com | ].
+ apply (subst_eq (RX := fun_ => eq)); eauto.
+ intros [] [ ? i [ o a ] ] ? <-; unfold emb; cbn.
+ destruct (c_view_cat i).
+ - rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l.
+ apply it_eq_unstep; cbn; do2econstructor.
+ - rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r.
+ unfold reduce; cbn; unfold nf_args, cut_r, fill_args; cbn.
+ assert (H : (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j ⊙ o ⦗ a ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)
+ = ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘
+ ₜ⊛ [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])).
+ rewrite app_sub, <- v_sub_sub.
+ (* AAAAA setoid rewriting!!!! *)
+ etransitivity; cycle1.
+ unshelveerewrite v_sub_proper.
+ 5: { rewrite (a_ren_r_simpl _ r_cat3_1 _).
+ nowrewrite r_cat3_1_simpl; eauto.
+ }
+ 3,4: reflexivity.
+ change (?r ᵣ⊛ a_id)%asgn with (r_emb r); rewrite a_ren_r_simpl.
+ unfold r_cat_rr; rewrite a_ren_l_comp.
+ rewrite2 a_cat_proj_r.
+ pose proof (H := collapse_fix_pas v red_pas _ j).
+ cbnin H; nowrewrite H.
+ exact _.
+ pose (xx := bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j ⊙ o ⦗ a ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘).
+ change (bicollapse v _ _ _ ⊙ o ⦗ _ ⦘) with xx in H |- *.
+ nowrewrite H.
+ Qed.
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From OGS.Ctx Require Export Abstract Family Assignment Renaming.
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In this file we define assignments for a given abstract context structure. We also define
+several combinators based on them: the internal substitution hom, filled operations,
+copairing, etc.
Definition of assignments (Def. 5)
We distinguish assignments, mapping variables in a context to terms, from
+substitutions, applying an assignment to a term. Assignments are intrinsically
+typed, mapping variables of a context Γ to open terms with variables in Δ.
Definitionassignment (F : Fam₁ T C) (ΓΔ : C) := forallx, Γ ∋ x -> F Δ x.
+Notation"Γ =[ F ]> Δ" := (assignment F Γ%ctx Δ%ctx).
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ, Δ: C
Equivalence (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ, Δ: C
Equivalence (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ, Δ: C
Reflexive (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ, Δ: C
Symmetric (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ, Δ: C
Transitive (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ, Δ: C
Reflexive (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
nowintros u ? i.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ, Δ: C
Symmetric (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
intros u h ? ? i; symmetry; nowapply (H _ i).
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ, Δ: C
Transitive (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
intros u v w h1 h2 ? i; transitivity (v _ i); [ nowapply h1 | nowapply h2 ].
Internal hom functors. The monoidal product for substitution is a bit cumbersome as
+it is expressed as a coend, that is, a quotient. Following the formalization by
+Dima Szamozvancev, we instead prefer to express everything in terms of its adjoint,
+the internal hom.
For example the monoidal multiplication map will not be typed X ⊗ X ⇒ X but
+X ⇒ ⟦ X , X ⟧.
It is an end, that is, a subset, which are far more easy to work with as they can
+simply be encoded as a record pairing an element and a proof. The proof part is not
+written here but encoded later on.
The real one is ⟦-,-⟧₁, but in fact we can define an analogue to this bifunctor
+for any functor category ctx → C, which we do here for Fam₀ and Fam₂ (unsorted and
+bisorted, scoped families). This will be helpful to define what it means to
+substitute other kinds of syntactic objects.
See Ctx/Abstract.v for more details on the theory. This is called
+the _power object_ (Def. 6) in the paper.
Definitioninternal_hom₀ : Fam₁ T C -> Fam₀ T C -> Fam₀ T C
+ := funFGΓ => forallΔ, Γ =[F]> Δ -> G Δ.
+Definitioninternal_hom₁ : Fam₁ T C -> Fam₁ T C -> Fam₁ T C
+ := funFGΓx => forallΔ, Γ =[F]> Δ -> G Δ x.
+Definitioninternal_hom₂ : Fam₁ T C -> Fam₂ T C -> Fam₂ T C
+ := funFGΓxy => forallΔ, Γ =[F]> Δ -> G Δ x y.
+Notation"⟦ F , G ⟧₀" := (internal_hom₀ F G).
+Notation"⟦ F , G ⟧₁" := (internal_hom₁ F G).
+Notation"⟦ F , G ⟧₂" := (internal_hom₂ F G).
Constructing a sorted family of operations from O with arguments taken from the family F.
Recordfilled_op (O : Oper T C) (F : Fam₁ T C) (Γ : C) (t : T) :=
+ OFill { fill_op : O t ; fill_args : o_dom fill_op =[F]> Γ }.
+Notation"S # F" := (filled_op S F).
We can forget the arguments and get back a bare operation.
Definitionforget_args {O : Oper T C} {F} : (O # F) ⇒₁ ⦉ O ⦊
+ := fun__ => fill_op.
The empty assignment.
Definitiona_empty {FΓ} : ∅ =[F]> Γ
+ := fun_i => match c_view_emp i withend.
The copairing of assignments.
Definitiona_cat {FΓ1Γ2Δ} (u : Γ1 =[F]> Δ) (v : Γ2 =[F]> Δ) : (Γ1 +▶ Γ2) =[F]> Δ
+ := funti => match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i => u _ i
+ | Vcat_r j => v _ j
+ end.
A kind relaxed of pointwise mapping.
Definitiona_map {FG : Fam₁ T C} {ΓΔ1Δ2} (u : Γ =[F]> Δ1) (f : forallx, F Δ1 x -> G Δ2 x)
+ : Γ =[G]> Δ2
+ := fun_i => f _ (u _ i) .
Copairing respects pointwise equality.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Δ: C
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Δ: C x, y: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ Hu: x ≡ₐ y x0, y0: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ Hv: x0 ≡ₐ y0 a: T a0: Γ1 +▶ Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat a0 with
+| Vcat_l i => x a i
+| Vcat_r j => x0 a j
+end =
+match c_view_cat a0 with
+| Vcat_l i => y a i
+| Vcat_r j => y0 a j
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Eventual guardedness of the composition (Prop. 6)
We want to prove adequacy by unicity of solutions to the set of equations defining the
+composition. To do so, we rely on the notion of guarded iteration introduced in
+ITree/Guarded.v. Through this file, we prove that the composition is
+indeed eventually guarded. The proof relies crucially on the "focused redex" assumption
+(Def. 28, here denoted by the law eval_app_not_var).
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an
+appropriate axiomatization.
Context `{CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
+ Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
+ Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
+ Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs}.
+ Context {ML : machine_laws val conf obs} {VV : var_assumptions val}.
+ Notationogs_ctx := (ogs_ctx (C:=C)).
A central elements in the proof lies in ensuring that there exists a unique solution
+to compo_body. Since the composition of strategies is defined as such a solution,
+adequacy can be established by proving that evaluating and observing the substituted
+term is also a solution of compo_body.
By iter_evg_uniq, we know that eventually guarded equations admit a unique fixed point:
+we hence start by proving this eventual guardedness, captured in lemma
This proof will among other be using an induction on the age of a variable, ie it's
+height in the OGS position Φ. We provide this definition and utilities.
Equationsvar_heightΦp {x} : ↓[p]Φ ∋ x -> nat :=
+ var_height ∅ₓ Pas i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
+ var_height ∅ₓ Act i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
+ var_height (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Pas i := var_height Φ Act i ;
+ var_height (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Act i with c_view_cat i := {
+ | Vcat_l j := var_height Φ Pas j ;
+ | Vcat_r j := 1 + c_length Φ } .
+ #[global] Arguments var_height {Φ p x} i.
+ Lemmavar_height_pos {Φpx} (i : ↓[p]Φ ∋ x) : 0 < var_height i .
+ Proof.
+ funelim (var_height i).
+ - apply H.
+ - rewrite <- Heqcall; apply H.
+ - rewrite <- Heqcall; apply Nat.lt_0_succ.
+ Qed.
+ Equationslt_bound : polarity -> relation nat :=
+ lt_bound Act := lt ;
+ lt_bound Pas := le .
+ Lemmavar_height_bound {Φpx} (i : ↓[p]Φ ∋ x)
+ : lt_bound p (var_height i) (1 + c_length Φ).
+ Proof.
+ funelim (var_height i); cbn.
+ - nowapply Nat.lt_succ_r, Nat.le_le_succ_r, Nat.le_le_succ_r.
+ - rewrite Heq; nowapply Nat.lt_succ_r.
+ - rewrite Heq; apply Nat.lt_succ_diag_r.
+ Qed.
+ Equationsvar_height' {ΔΦpx} : Δ +▶ ↓[p]Φ ∋ x -> nat :=
+ var_height' i with c_view_cat i := {
+ | Vcat_l j := O ;
+ | Vcat_r j := var_height j } .
This is the main theorem about height: if we lookup a variable in an OGS environment and
+obtain another variable, then this new variable is strictly lower than the first one.
We are now ready to prove eventual guardedness. In fact the main lemma will have a slightly
+different statement, considering a particular kind of pair of OGS states: the ones we
+obtain when restarting after an interaction. As the statement is quite long we factor
+it in a definition first.
Definitioncompo_body_guarded_aux_stmt {ΔΦ} (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ)
+ {x} (o : obs x) (γ : dom o =[val]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x) : Prop
+ := ev_guarded
+ (fun'T1_0 => compo_body)
+ (compo_body (RedT (MS ((ₐ↓v _ j ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1) ⊙ o⦗r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id⦘)
+ (v ;⁺))
+ (u ;⁻ γ))) .
Now the main proof.
The reference ogs_env was not found in the current
First we setup an induction on the accessibility of the current observation in the relation
+given by the "no-infinite redex" property.
revert Φ u v γ j.
+pose (o' := (x ,' o)); change x with (projT1 o'); change o with (projT2 o').
+generalize o'; clear x o o'; intro o.
+pose (wf := eval_app_not_var o); inductionwf.
+destruct x as [ x o ]; cbn [ projT1 projT2 ] in *.
+clear H; rename H0 into IHred; intros Φ u v γ j.
Next we setup an induction on the height of the current variable we have restarted on.
pose (h := lt_wf (var_height j)); remember (var_height j) as n.
+revert Φ u v γ j Heqn; induction h.
+clear H; rename x0 into n, H0 into IHvar; intros Φ u v γ j Heqn.
Then we case split on whether ₐ↓ v x j is a variable or not.
unfold compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt.
+pose (vv := ₐ↓ v x j); fold vv.
+ destruct (is_var_dec vv).
Next, we are evaluating a normal form, so we know by hypothesis eval_nf_ret that it
+will reduce to the same normal form. We need some trickery to rewrite by this bisimilarity.
pose proof (Heval :=
+ eval_nf_ret ((r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈)).
+ unfold comp_eq in Heval; apply it_eq_step in Heval.
+ change (eval _) with
+ (eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘))
+ in Heval.
+ remember (eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘))
+ as tt; clear Heqtt.
+ remember (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈) as ttn.
+ cbnin Heval; dependent destruction Heval.
+ rewrite Heqttn in r_rel; clear Heqttn.
+ dependent elimination r_rel.
+ unfold observe in x; rewrite <- x; clear x; cbn.
+ unfold m_strat_wrap, r_cat3_1; cbn.
+ remember (ₐ↓v _ j) as vv.
Now, we case split to see whether this variable was a final variable or one given by
+the opponent.
destruct i; cbn; destruct (c_view_cat i).
In case of a final variable the composition is ended, hence guarded, hence eventually
+rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l; nowdo2econstructor.
In the other case, there is an interaction. Since we have looked-up a variable and
+obtained another variable, we know it is strictly older and use our induction hypothesis
+on the height of the current variable.
Case 2: the looked-up value is not a variable. In this case we look at one step of the
+evaluation. If there is a redex we are happy. Else, our resumed configuration was
+still a normal form and we can exhibit a proof of the bad instanciation relation, which
+enables us to call our other induction hypothesis.
Now the actual proof of eventual guardedness is just about unfolding a bit of the beginning
+of the interactions until we attain a resume and can apply our main lemma.
Lemmacompo_body_guarded {Δ} : eqn_ev_guarded (fun'T1_0 => compo_body (Δ := Δ)).
+ Proof.
+ intros [] [ Γ [ c u ] v ]; unfold m_strat_pas in v.
+ unfold ev_guarded; cbn.
+ pose (ot := _observe (eval c)); change (_observe (eval c)) with ot.
+ destruct ot; trynowdo2econstructor.
+ destruct r as [ x i [ o a ] ]; unfold m_strat_wrap; cbn.
+ destruct (c_view_cat i); trynowdo2econstructor.
+ refine (GNext _); apply compo_body_guarded_aux.
+ Qed.
From the previous proof we can directly apply the strong fixed point construction on
+eventually guarded equations and obtain a composition operator without any Tau node
+at interaction points (Prop. 6).
Definitioncompo_ev_guarded {Δa} (u : m_strat_act Δ a) (v : m_strat_pas Δ a)
+ : delay (obs∙ Δ)
+ := iter_ev_guarded _ compo_body_guarded T1_0 (RedT u v).
+#[global] Notation"u ∥g v" := (compo_ev_guarded u v) (at level40).
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Congruence (Prop. 4)
We prove in this module that weak bisimilarity is a congruence for composition. The proof
+makes a slight technical side step: we prove the composition to be equivalent to an
+alternate definition, dully named compo_alt.
Indeed, congruence is a very easy result, demanding basically no assumption. What is
+actually hard, is to manage weak bisimilarity proofs, which in contrast to strong
+bisimilarity can be hard to tame: instead of synchronizing, at every step they can eat
+any number of Tau node on either side, forcing us to do complex inductions in the
+middle of our bisimilarity proofs.
Because of this, since our main definition compo is the specific case of composition
+of two instances of the machine strategy in the OGS game, we know much more than what we
+actually care about. Hence we define the much more general compo_alt composing
+any two abstract strategy for the OGS game and prove that one congruent w.r.t. weak
+bisimilarity. We then connect these two alternative definitions with a strong bisimilarity,
+much more structured, hence easy to prove.
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an
+appropriate axiomatization.
Context {TC} {CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
+ Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
+ Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
+ Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs}.
+ Context {ML : machine_laws val conf obs} {VV : var_assumptions val}.
We start off by defining this new, opaque composition.
The reference C was not found in the current
+#[global] Arguments AltT {Δ Φ} u v : rename.
+#[global] Arguments alt_ctx {Δ}.
+#[global] Arguments alt_act {Δ}.
+#[global] Arguments alt_pas {Δ}.
+ Definitioncompo_alt_body {Δ}
+ : compo_alt_t Δ -> delay (compo_alt_t Δ + obs∙ Δ)
+ := cofix _compo_body x :=
+ go match x.(alt_act).(_observe) with
+ | RetF r => RetD (inr r)
+ | TauF t => TauD (_compo_body (AltT t x.(alt_pas)))
+ | VisF e k => RetD (inl (AltT (x.(alt_pas) e) k))
+ end .
+ Definitioncompo_alt {Δa} (u : ogs_act Δ a) (v : ogs_pas Δ a) : delay (obs∙ Δ)
+ := iter_delay compo_alt_body (AltT u v).
Now we define our bisimulation candidates, for weak and strong bisimilarity.
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Covering for free contexts
In Ctx/Ctx.v we have instanciated the relevant part of the abstract interface
+for concrete contexts. Here we tackle the rest of the structure. Basically, we need to
+provide case-splitting for deciding if a variable i : (Γ +▶ Δ) ∋ x is in Γ or in
+Δ. We could do this directly but we prove a slight generalization, going through the
+definition of coverings, a ternary relationship on concrete contexts witnessing that a
+context is covered by the two others (respecting order).
A covering
This inductive family provides proofs that some context zs is obtained by "zipping"
+together two other contexts xs and ys.
A covering gives us two injective renamings, left embedding and right embedding.
Equationsr_cover_l {xsyszs} : xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs -> xs ⊆ zs :=
+ r_cover_l (CLeft c) _ top := top ;
+ r_cover_l (CLeft c) _ (pop i) := pop (r_cover_l c _ i) ;
+ r_cover_l (CRight c) _ i := pop (r_cover_l c _ i) .
+Equationsr_cover_r {xsyszs} : xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs -> ys ⊆ zs :=
+ r_cover_r (CLeft c) _ i := pop (r_cover_r c _ i) ;
+ r_cover_r (CRight c) _ top := top ;
+ r_cover_r (CRight c) _ (pop i) := pop (r_cover_r c _ i) .
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X i, j: xs ∋ x H: r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X i, j: xs ∋ x H: r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X i, j: ∅ₓ ∋ x H: r_cover_l CNil x i = r_cover_l CNil x j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x0: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X i, j: xs ▶ₓ x0 ∋ x H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) x i = r_cover_l (CLeft p) x j IHp: forallij : xs ∋ x, r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j -> i = j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x0: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X i, j: xs ∋ x H: r_cover_l (CRight p) x i =
+r_cover_l (CRight p) x j IHp: forallij : xs ∋ x, r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j -> i = j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X i, j: ∅ₓ ∋ x H: r_cover_l CNil x i = r_cover_l CNil x j
i = j
dependent elimination i.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x0: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X i, j: xs ▶ₓ x0 ∋ x H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) x i = r_cover_l (CLeft p) x j IHp: forallij : xs ∋ x, r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j -> i = j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y0: X Γ1, ys, zs: ctx X p: Γ1 ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X v, v0: var x Γ1 H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) x (pop v) =
+r_cover_l (CLeft p) x (pop v0) IHp: forallij : Γ1 ∋ x, r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j -> i = j
pop v = pop v0
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y0: X Γ1, ys, zs: ctx X p: Γ1 ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X v, v0: var x Γ1 H: NoConfusion (r_cover_l (CLeft p) x (pop v))
+ (r_cover_l (CLeft p) x (pop v0)) IHp: forallij : Γ1 ∋ x, r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j -> i = j
pop v = pop v0
+f_equal; nowapply IHp.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x0: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X i, j: xs ∋ x H: r_cover_l (CRight p) x i =
+r_cover_l (CRight p) x j IHp: forallij : xs ∋ x, r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j -> i = j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x0: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs x: X i, j: xs ∋ x H: NoConfusion (r_cover_l (CRight p) x i)
+ (r_cover_l (CRight p) x j) IHp: forallij : xs ∋ x, r_cover_l p x i = r_cover_l p x j -> i = j
i = j
+nowapply IHp.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs y: X i, j: ys ∋ y H: r_cover_r p y i = r_cover_r p y j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs y: X i, j: ys ∋ y H: r_cover_r p y i = r_cover_r p y j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y: X i, j: ∅ₓ ∋ y H: r_cover_r CNil y i = r_cover_r CNil y j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs y: X i, j: ys ∋ y H: r_cover_r (CLeft p) y i = r_cover_r (CLeft p) y j IHp: forallij : ys ∋ y, r_cover_r p y i = r_cover_r p y j -> i = j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs y: X i, j: ys ▶ₓ x ∋ y H: r_cover_r (CRight p) y i =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) y j IHp: forallij : ys ∋ y, r_cover_r p y i = r_cover_r p y j -> i = j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y: X i, j: ∅ₓ ∋ y H: r_cover_r CNil y i = r_cover_r CNil y j
i = j
dependent elimination i.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs y: X i, j: ys ∋ y H: r_cover_r (CLeft p) y i = r_cover_r (CLeft p) y j IHp: forallij : ys ∋ y, r_cover_r p y i = r_cover_r p y j -> i = j
i = j
apply noConfusion_inv in H; nowapply IHp.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs y: X i, j: ys ▶ₓ x ∋ y H: r_cover_r (CRight p) y i =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) y j IHp: forallij : ys ∋ y, r_cover_r p y i = r_cover_r p y j -> i = j
i = j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y1: X xs, Γ1, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ Γ1 ≡ zs y: X v, v0: var y Γ1 H: r_cover_r (CRight p) y (pop v) =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) y (pop v0) IHp: forallij : Γ1 ∋ y, r_cover_r p y i = r_cover_r p y j -> i = j
pop v = pop v0
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y1: X xs, Γ1, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ Γ1 ≡ zs y: X v, v0: var y Γ1 H: NoConfusion (r_cover_r (CRight p) y (pop v))
+ (r_cover_r (CRight p) y (pop v0)) IHp: forallij : Γ1 ∋ y, r_cover_r p y i = r_cover_r p y j -> i = j
pop v = pop v0
+f_equal; nowapply IHp.
The two embeddings have disjoint images.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X i: xs ∋ a j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X i: xs ∋ a j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) a: X i, j: ∅ₓ ∋ a H: r_cover_l CNil a i = r_cover_r CNil a j
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X i: xs ▶ₓ x ∋ a j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) a i = r_cover_r (CLeft p) a j IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X i: xs ∋ a j: ys ▶ₓ x ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CRight p) a i =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) a j IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) a: X i, j: ∅ₓ ∋ a H: r_cover_l CNil a i = r_cover_r CNil a j
inversion i.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X i: xs ▶ₓ x ∋ a j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) a i = r_cover_r (CLeft p) a j IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) a: X Γ, ys, zs: ctx X p: Γ ⊎ ys ≡ zs j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) a top =
+r_cover_r (CLeft p) a j IHp: forall (i : Γ ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y: X Γ0, ys, zs: ctx X p: Γ0 ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X v: var a Γ0 j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) a (pop v) =
+r_cover_r (CLeft p) a j IHp: forall (i : Γ0 ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) a: X Γ, ys, zs: ctx X p: Γ ⊎ ys ≡ zs j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) a top =
+r_cover_r (CLeft p) a j IHp: forall (i : Γ ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
inversion H.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y: X Γ0, ys, zs: ctx X p: Γ0 ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X v: var a Γ0 j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CLeft p) a (pop v) =
+r_cover_r (CLeft p) a j IHp: forall (i : Γ0 ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y: X Γ0, ys, zs: ctx X p: Γ0 ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X v: var a Γ0 j: ys ∋ a H: r_cover_l p a v = r_cover_r p a j IHp: forall (i : Γ0 ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
+exact (IHp v j H).
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) x: X xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs a: X i: xs ∋ a j: ys ▶ₓ x ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CRight p) a i =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) a j IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : ys ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) a: X xs, Γ, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ Γ ≡ zs i: xs ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CRight p) a i =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) a top IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : Γ ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y: X xs, Γ0, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ Γ0 ≡ zs a: X i: xs ∋ a v: var a Γ0 H: r_cover_l (CRight p) a i =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) a (pop v) IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : Γ0 ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) a: X xs, Γ, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ Γ ≡ zs i: xs ∋ a H: r_cover_l (CRight p) a i =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) a top IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : Γ ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
inversion H.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y: X xs, Γ0, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ Γ0 ≡ zs a: X i: xs ∋ a v: var a Γ0 H: r_cover_l (CRight p) a i =
+r_cover_r (CRight p) a (pop v) IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : Γ0 ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) y: X xs, Γ0, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ Γ0 ≡ zs a: X i: xs ∋ a v: var a Γ0 H: r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a v IHp: forall (i : xs ∋ a) (j : Γ0 ∋ a), ¬ (r_cover_l p a i = r_cover_r p a j)
+exact (IHp i v H).
Now we can start proving that the copairing of the two embeddings has non-empty fibers,
+ie, we can case split.
Variantcover_view {xsyszs} (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs) [z] : zs ∋ z -> Type :=
+ | Vcov_l (i : xs ∋ z) : cover_view p (r_cover_l p _ i)
+ | Vcov_r (j : ys ∋ z) : cover_view p (r_cover_r p _ j)
+ .
+#[global] Arguments Vcov_l {xs ys zs p z}.
+#[global] Arguments Vcov_r {xs ys zs p z}.
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs z: X i: zs ∋ z
cover_view p i
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) xs, ys, zs: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs z: X i: zs ∋ z
cover_view p i
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) Γ: ctx X z: X IHzs: forall (i : Γ ∋ z) (xsys : ctx X)
+ (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ Γ), cover_view p i xs, ys: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ (Γ ▶ₓ z)
cover_view p top
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) Γ0: ctx X y, z: X v: var z Γ0 IHzs: forall (i : Γ0 ∋ z) (xsys : ctx X)
+ (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ Γ0), cover_view p i xs, ys: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ (Γ0 ▶ₓ y)
cover_view p (pop v)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) Γ: ctx X z: X IHzs: forall (i : Γ ∋ z) (xsys : ctx X)
+ (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ Γ), cover_view p i xs, ys: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ (Γ ▶ₓ z)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) Γ0: ctx X y, z: X v: var z Γ0 IHzs: forall (i : Γ0 ∋ z) (xsys : ctx X)
+ (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ Γ0), cover_view p i xs, ys: ctx X p: xs ⊎ ys ≡ (Γ0 ▶ₓ y)
cover_view p (pop v)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) zs: ctx X x, z: X v: var z zs IHzs: forall (i : zs ∋ z) (xsys : ctx X)
+ (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs), cover_view p i xs0, ys0: ctx X c: xs0 ⊎ ys0 ≡ zs
cover_view (CLeft c) (pop v)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) zs0: ctx X x0, z: X v: var z zs0 IHzs: forall (i : zs0 ∋ z) (xsys : ctx X)
+ (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs0), cover_view p i xs1, ys1: ctx X c0: xs1 ⊎ ys1 ≡ zs0
cover_view (CRight c0) (pop v)
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) zs: ctx X x, z: X v: var z zs IHzs: forall (i : zs ∋ z) (xsys : ctx X)
+ (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs), cover_view p i xs0, ys0: ctx X c: xs0 ⊎ ys0 ≡ zs
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) zs0: ctx X x0, z: X v: var z zs0 IHzs: forall (i : zs0 ∋ z) (xsys : ctx X)
+ (p : xs ⊎ ys ≡ zs0), cover_view p i xs1, ys1: ctx X c0: xs1 ⊎ ys1 ≡ zs0
X: Type F: Fam₁ X (ctx X) Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: ctx X H: Γ1 ⊎ Γ2 ≡ Γ3 x, y: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ H1: x ≡ₐ y x0, y0: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ H2: x0 ≡ₐ y0 a: X i: Γ3 ∋ a
match view_cover H i with
+| Vcov_l i => x a i
+| Vcov_r j => x0 a j
+end =
+match view_cover H i with
+| Vcov_l i => y a i
+| Vcov_r j => y0 a j
+destruct (view_cover H i); [ nowapply H1 | nowapply H2 ].
+#[global] Notation"a ⊎ b ≡ c" := (cover a b c).
+#[global] Notation"a ▶ₐ v" := (a_append a v) : asgn_scope.
+#[global] Notation"[ u , H , v ]" := (a_cover H u v) : asgn_scope.
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Free context structure
Here we instanciate our abstract notion of context structure with the most common example:
+lists and DeBruijn indices. More pedantically, this is the free context structure over
+a given set X.
Contexts are simply lists, with the purely aesthetic choice of representing cons as
+coming from the right. Note on paper: we write here "Γ ▶ x" instead of "Γ , x".
Inductivectx (X : Type) : Type :=
+| cnil : ctx X
+| ccon : ctx X -> X -> ctx X.
We wish to manipulate intrinsically typed terms. We hence need a tightly typed notion of
+position in the context: rather than a loose index, var x Γ is a proof of membership
+of x to Γ: a well-scoped and well-typed DeBruijn index. See Ex. 5.
Inductivevar {X} (x : X) : ctx X -> Type :=
+| top {Γ} : var x (Γ ▶ₓ x)
+| pop {Γ y} : var x Γ -> var x (Γ ▶ₓ y).
+Definitioncvar {X} Γx := @var X x Γ.
A couple basic functions: length, concatenation and pointwise function application.
Equationsc_length {X} (Γ : ctx X) : nat :=
+ c_length ∅ₓ := Datatypes.O ;
+ c_length (Γ ▶ₓ _) := Datatypes.S (c_length Γ) .
+Equationsccat {X} : ctx X -> ctx X -> ctx X :=
+ ccat Γ ∅ₓ := Γ ;
+ ccat Γ (Δ ▶ₓ x) := ccat Γ Δ ▶ₓ x .
+Equationsc_map {XY} : (X -> Y) -> ctx X -> ctx Y :=
+ c_map f ∅ₓ := cnil ;
+ c_map f (Γ ▶ₓ x) := c_map f Γ ▶ₓ f x .
Implementation of the revelant part of the abstract context interface.
This is the end for now, but we have not yet instanciated the rest of the abstract
+context structure. This is a bit more work, it takes place in another file:
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Delay Monad
Instead of defining the delay monad from scratch, we construct it as a special case of
+itree, namely ones with an empty signature ∅ₑ (disallowing Vis nodes) and
+indexed over the singleton type T1.
The delay monad (Def. 9) is formalized as an itree over an empty signature: in the
+absence of events, Tau and Ret are the only possible transitions.
Relevant definitions can be found:
for the underlying itree datatype, in ITree/ITree.v,
Embedding delay into itrees over arbitrary signatures.
Definitionemb_delay {I} {E : event I I} {Xi} : delay X -> itree E (X @ i) i :=
+ cofix _emb_delay x :=
+ go (match x.(_observe) with
+ | RetF r => RetF (Fib r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (_emb_delay t)
+ | VisF e k => match e withend
+ end).
+#[global] Notation"'RetD' x" := (RetF (x : (fun_ : T1 => _) T1_0)) (at level40).
+#[global] Notation"'TauD' t" := (TauF (t : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => _) T1_0)) (at level40).
Specialization of the operations to the delay monad. Most of them are a bit cumbersome
+since our definition of itree is indexed, but delay should not. As such there
+is a bit of a dance around the singleton type T1 which is used as index. Too bad,
+since Coq does not have typed conversion we don't get definitional eta-law for the unit
Definitionret_delay {X} : X -> delay X := funx => Ret' x .
+Definitiontau_delay {X} : delay X -> delay X :=
+ funt => go (TauF (t : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0)) .
Binding a delay computation in the context of an itree.
Definitionbind_delay {I} {E : event I I} {XYi}
+ : delay X -> (X -> itree E Y i) -> itree E Y i
+ := funxf => bind (emb_delay x) (fun_ '(Fib x) => f x) .
Simpler definition of bind when the conclusion is again in delay.
+See Not. 4.
Definitionbind_delay' {XY}
+ : delay X -> (X -> delay Y) -> delay Y
+ := funxf => bind x (fun'T1_0y => f y).
Functorial action on maps.
Definitionfmap_delay {XY} (f : X -> Y) : delay X -> delay Y :=
+ fmap (fun_ => f) T1_0 .
Iteration operator.
Definitioniter_delay {XY} : (X -> delay (X + Y)) -> X -> delay Y :=
+ funf => iter (fun'T1_0 => f) T1_0 .
Alternative to bind_delay, written from scratch.
Definitionsubst_delay {I} {E : event I I} {XYi} (f : X -> itree E Y i)
+ : delay X -> itree E Y i
+ := cofix _subst_delay x := go match x.(_observe) with
+ | RetF r => (f r).(_observe)
+ | TauF t => TauF (_subst_delay t)
+ | VisF e k => match e withend
+ end .
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0) (subst_delay y y0) t1, t2: itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 H: it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) t1 t2
it_eq_bt E RY R i (subst_delay x t1)
+ (subst_delay y t2)
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0) (subst_delay y y0) t1, t2: itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 H: it_eqF ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => RX)
+ (it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX)) T1_0 (_observe t1)
+ (_observe t2)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (x r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (subst_delay x t)
+ | VisF e _ => match e return (itree' E Y i) with
+ end
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (y r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (subst_delay y t)
+ | VisF e _ => match e return (itree' E Y i) with
+ end
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0) (subst_delay y y0) t2: itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 ot1: itree' ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 H: it_eqF ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => RX)
+ (it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX)) T1_0 ot1
+ (_observe t2)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match ot1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (x r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (subst_delay x t)
+ | VisF e _ => match e return (itree' E Y i) with
+ end
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (y r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (subst_delay y t)
+ | VisF e _ => match e return (itree' E Y i) with
+ end
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0) (subst_delay y y0) ot1, ot2: itree' ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 H: it_eqF ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => RX)
+ (it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX)) T1_0 ot1 ot2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match ot1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (x r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (subst_delay x t)
+ | VisF e _ => match e return (itree' E Y i) with
+ end
+ end
+ match ot2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (y r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (subst_delay y t)
+ | VisF e _ => match e return (itree' E Y i) with
+ end
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0) (subst_delay y y0) r1, r2: (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 r_rel: (fun_ : T1 => RX) T1_0 r1 r2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i (_observe (x r1))
+ (_observe (y r2))
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0)
+ (subst_delay y y0) t1, t2: itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 t_rel: it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (TauF (subst_delay x t1))
+ (TauF (subst_delay y t2))
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0)
+ (subst_delay y y0) q: e_qry T1_0 k1, k2: forallx : e_rsp q,
+itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match q return (itree' E Y i) with
+ endmatch q return (itree' E Y i) with
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0)
+ (subst_delay y y0) r1, r2: (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 r_rel: (fun_ : T1 => RX) T1_0 r1 r2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe (x r1)) (_observe (y r2))
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0)
+ (subst_delay y y0) r1, r2: (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 r_rel: (fun_ : T1 => RX) T1_0 r1 r2
it_eqF E RY (gfp (it_eq_map E RY)) i
+ (_observe (x r1)) (_observe (y r2))
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0)
+ (subst_delay y y0) t1, t2: itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0 t_rel: it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (TauF (subst_delay x t1))
+ (TauF (subst_delay y t2))
econstructor; nowapply CIH.
I: Type E: event I I X: Type RX: relation X Y: psh I RY: relᵢ Y Y i: I x, y: X -> itree E Y i Hf: (RX ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature x y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forallx0y0 : itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) T1_0,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) x0 y0 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (subst_delay x x0)
+ (subst_delay y y0) q: e_qry T1_0 k1, k2: forallx : e_rsp q,
+itree ∅ₑ (fun_ : T1 => X) (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq (fun_ : T1 => RX) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match q return (itree' E Y i) with
+ endmatch q return (itree' E Y i) with
+ end
destruct q.
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+Direct sum of context structure
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Direct sum of context structure
A random calculus you may find in the wild will most likely not fit into the rigid
+well-scoped and well-typed format with concrete contexts and DeBruijn indices. Sometimes
+this is because the designers have found useful to formalize this calculus with two
+contexts, storing two kinds of variables for different use. The usual trick is to change
+the set of types to a coproduct and store everything in one big context, eg using
+ctx (S + T) instead of ctx S × ctx T. This does work, but it might make some things
+more cumbersome.
Using our abstraction over context structures, we can readily express the case of two
+separate contexts: the direct sum.
Now the interesting part: variables! The new set of types is either a type from the
+first context or from the second: T₁ + T₂. We then compute the set of variables
+by case splitting on this coproduct: either a variable from the left or from the right.
forall (ΓΔ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2),
+ match
+ t as s
+ return (c_var2 Γ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s)
+ with
+ | inl a => funi : fst Γ ∋ a => r_cat_l i
+ | inr b => funi : snd Γ ∋ b => r_cat_l i
+ end
forall (ΓΔ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2),
+ match
+ t as s
+ return (c_var2 Δ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s)
+ with
+ | inl a => funi : fst Δ ∋ a => r_cat_r i
+ | inr b => funi : snd Δ ∋ b => r_cat_r i
+ end
forall (ΓΔ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2),
+ match
+ t as s
+ return (c_var2 Γ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s)
+ with
+ | inl a => funi : fst Γ ∋ a => r_cat_l i
+ | inr b => funi : snd Γ ∋ b => r_cat_l i
+ end
forall (ΓΔ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2),
+ match
+ t as s
+ return (c_var2 Δ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s)
+ with
+ | inl a => funi : fst Δ ∋ a => r_cat_r i
+ | inr b => funi : snd Δ ∋ b => r_cat_r i
+ end
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Interaction Trees: (weak) bisimilarity
As is usual with coinductive types in Coq, eq is not the right notion of equivalence.
+We define through this file strong and weak bisimilarity of itrees, and their
+generalization lifting value relations.
These coinductive relations are implemented using Damien Pous's coinduction library.
+Indeed, our previous coinductive definitions like itree where implemented using Coq's
+native coinductive types, but their manipulation is a bit brittle due to the syntactic
+guardedness criterion. For the case of bisimilarity---which is also a coinductive types---
+we have better tools. Indeed bisimilarity is a Prop-valued relation, and since Coq's
+Prop universe feature impredicativity, the set of Prop-valued relation enjoy the
+structure of a complete lattice. This enables us to derive greatest fixpoints ourselves,
+using an off-the-shelf fixpoint construction on complete lattices.
The version of coinduction we use constructs greatest fixpoints using the "companion"
+construction, enjoying good properties w.r.t. up-to techniques: we will be able to
+discharge bisimilarity proof by providing less than a full-blown bisimulation relation.
+Since the time of writing, the library has been upgraded to an even more practical
+construction based on tower-induction, but we have not yet ported our code to this
+upgraded API.
Strong bisimilarity
Strong bisimilarity is very useful as it is the natural notion of extensional
+equality for coinductive types. Here we introduce it_eq RR, a slight generalization
+where the relation on the leaves of the tree does not need to be equality on the type
+of the leaves, but only a proof of the relation RR, which might be heterogeneous. This
+might be described as the relational lifting of itree arising from strong bisimilarity.
We will write ≅ for strong bisimilarity, aka it_eq (eqᵢ _).
First, we define a monotone endofunction it_eq_map over indexed relations between
+trees. Strong bisimilarity is then defined the greatest fixpoint of it_eq_map RR,
+for a fixed value relation RR.
Equationsit_eqF_mon {IEX1X2RXY1Y2}
+ : Proper (leq ==> leq) (@it_eqF I E X1 X2 RX Y1 Y2) :=
+ it_eqF_mon _ _ H1 _ _ _ (EqRet r_rel) := EqRet r_rel ;
+ it_eqF_mon _ _ H1 _ _ _ (EqTau t_rel) := EqTau (H1 _ _ _ t_rel) ;
+ it_eqF_mon _ _ H1 _ _ _ (EqVis k_rel) := EqVis (funr => H1 _ _ _ (k_rel r)) .
+#[global] Existing Instanceit_eqF_mon.
+Definitionit_eq_map {I} E {X1X2} RX : mon (relᵢ (@itree I E X1) (@itree I E X2)) := {|
+ body RR i x y := it_eqF E RX RR i (observe x) (observe y) ;
+ Hbody _ _ H _ _ _ r := it_eqF_mon _ _ H _ _ _ r ;
Now the definition of the bisimilarity itself as greatest fixed point. See Def. 10.
Definitionit_eq {IEX1X2} RX [i] := gfp (@it_eq_map I E X1 X2 RX) i.
+#[global] Notationit_eq_t E RX := (t (it_eq_map E RX)).
+#[global] Notationit_eq_bt E RX := (bt (it_eq_map E RX)).
+#[global] Notationit_eq_T E RX := (T (it_eq_map E RX)).
+#[global] Notation"a ≊ b" := (it_eq (eqᵢ _) a b) (at level20).
Basic properties
Definitionit_eq' {IEX1X2} RX [i]
+ := @it_eqF I E X1 X2 RX (itree E X1) (itree E X2) (it_eq RX) i.
+Definitionit_eq_step {IEX1X2RX} : it_eq RX <= @it_eq_map I E X1 X2 RX (it_eq RX)
+ := funixy => proj1 (gfp_fp (it_eq_map E RX) i x y) .
+Definitionit_eq_unstep {IEX1X2RX} : @it_eq_map I E X1 X2 RX (it_eq RX) <= it_eq RX
+ := funixy => proj2 (gfp_fp (it_eq_map E RX) i x y) .
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2
Proper (leq ==> leq) (it_eq_bt E RX)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2
Proper (leq ==> leq) (it_eq_bt E RX)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R1, R2: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) H: R1 <= R2 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i
it_eq_bt E RX R1 i x y <= it_eq_bt E RX R2 i x y
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R1, R2: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) H: R1 <= R2 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i
it_eq_t E RX R1 <= it_eq_t E RX R2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R1, R2: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) H: R1 <= R2 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i
it_eq_t E RX R2 <= it_eq_t E RX R2
Justifying strong bisimulations up-to reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.
+Context {I} {E : event I I} {X : psh I} {RX : relᵢ X X}.
Reversal, symmetry.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Symmetricᵢ0: Symmetricᵢ RX Y1, Y2: psh I RR: relᵢ Y1 Y2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX Y1, Y2, Y3: psh I R1: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R2: relᵢ Y2 Y3
(it_eqF E RX R1 ⨟ it_eqF E RX R2) <=
+it_eqF E RX (R1 ⨟ R2)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX Y1, Y2, Y3: psh I R1: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R2: relᵢ Y2 Y3
(it_eqF E RX R1 ⨟ it_eqF E RX R2) <=
+it_eqF E RX (R1 ⨟ R2)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX Y1, Y2, Y3: psh I R1: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R2: relᵢ Y2 Y3 a: I a0: itreeF E X Y1 a a1: itreeF E X Y3 a x: itreeF E X Y2 a u: it_eqF E RX R1 a a0 x v: it_eqF E RX R2 a x a1
it_eqF E RX (R1 ⨟ R2) a a0 a1
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX Y1, Y2, Y3: psh I R1: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R2: relᵢ Y2 Y3 a: I r3, r1, r2: X a r_rel: RX a r1 r2 r_rel0: RX a r2 r3
it_eqF E RX (R1 ⨟ R2) a (RetF r1) (RetF r3)
+econstructor; transitivity r2; auto.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX
squareᵢ <= it_eq_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX
squareᵢ <= it_eq_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX a: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) a0: I a1, a2, x: itree E X a0 H: it_eqF E RX a a0 (observe a1) (observe x) /\
+it_eqF E RX a a0 (observe x) (observe a2)
it_eqF E RX (a ⨟ a) a0 (observe a1) (observe a2)
+apply it_eqF_tra; eauto.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Transitiveᵢ (it_eq_t E RX RR)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
We can now package the previous properties as equivalences.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Equivalenceᵢ (it_eq_t E RX RR)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Equivalenceᵢ (it_eq_t E RX RR)
econstructor; typeclasses eauto.Qed.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Equivalenceᵢ (it_eq_bt E RX RR)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Equivalenceᵢ (it_eq_bt E RX RR)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
eqᵢ (itree E X) <= it_eq_bt E RX RR
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
converseᵢ (it_eq_bt E RX RR) <= it_eq_bt E RX RR
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
squareᵢ (it_eq_bt E RX RR) <= it_eq_bt E RX RR
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
eqᵢ (itree E X) <= it_eq_bt E RX RR
apply (fbt_bt it_eq_up2rfl).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
converseᵢ (it_eq_bt E RX RR) <= it_eq_bt E RX RR
apply (fbt_bt it_eq_up2sym).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Equivalenceᵢ0: Equivalenceᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
squareᵢ (it_eq_bt E RX RR) <= it_eq_bt E RX RR
apply (fbt_bt it_eq_up2tra).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Subrelationᵢ (it_eq RX) (it_eq_bt E RX RR)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Subrelationᵢ (it_eq RX) (it_eq_bt E RX RR)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I x, y: itree E X i r: it_eq RX x y
it_eq_bt E RX RR i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I x, y: itree E X i r: it_eq_map E RX (gfp (it_eq_map E RX)) i x y
it_eq_bt E RX RR i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I x, y: itree E X i r: it_eqF E RX (gfp (it_eq_map E RX)) i (observe x)
+ (observe y)
it_eqF E RX (it_eq_t E RX RR) i (observe x)
+ (observe y)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I RX: relᵢ X X t1, t2: itree E X i t_rel: gfp (it_eq_map E RX) i t1 t2 x0: itree E X i
it_eqF E RX (it_eq_t E RX RR) i (TauF t1) (TauF t2)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I RX: relᵢ X X q: e_qry i k1, k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r) x0: itree E X i
it_eqF E RX (it_eq_t E RX RR) i
+ (VisF q k1) (VisF q k2)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I RX: relᵢ X X t1, t2: itree E X i t_rel: gfp (it_eq_map E RX) i t1 t2 x0: itree E X i
it_eqF E RX (it_eq_t E RX RR) i (TauF t1) (TauF t2)
econstructor; apply (gfp_t (it_eq_map E RX)); auto.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I RX: relᵢ X X q: e_qry i k1, k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r) x0: itree E X i
it_eqF E RX (it_eq_t E RX RR) i (VisF q k1)
+ (VisF q k2)
Similarly to strong bisimilarity, we define weak bisimilarity as the greatest fixpoint
+of a monotone endofunction. A characteristic of weak bisimilarity is that it can
+"skip over" a finite number of Tau nodes on either side. As such, the endofunction
+will allow "eating" a number of Tau nodes before a synchronization step.
Note that itree encodes deterministic LTSs, hence we do not need to worry about
+allowing to strip off Tau nodes after the synchronization as well.
We will start by defining an inductive "eating" relation, such that intuitively
+it_eat X Y := ∃ n, X = Tau^n(Y).
+Context {I : Type} {E : event I I} {R : psh I}.
+Inductiveit_eati : itree' E R i -> itree' E R i -> Prop :=
+ | EatRefl {t} : it_eat i t t
+ | EatStep {t1 t2} : it_eat _ (observe t1) t2 -> it_eat i (TauF t1) t2
+ .
Let's prove some easy properties.
I: Type E: event I I R: psh I
Transitiveᵢ it_eat
I: Type E: event I I R: psh I
Transitiveᵢ it_eat
+intros i x y z r1 r2; dependent induction r1; auto.
+Equationseat_cmp : (revᵢ it_eat ⨟ it_eat) <= (it_eat ∨ᵢ revᵢ it_eat) :=
+ eat_cmp i' x' y' (ex_intro _ z' (conj p' q')) := _eat_cmp p' q'
+ where _eat_cmp {i x y z}
+ : it_eat i x y -> it_eat i x z -> (it_eat i y z \/ it_eat i z y) :=
+ _eat_cmp (EatRefl) q := or_introl q ;
+ _eat_cmp p (EatRefl) := or_intror p ;
+ _eat_cmp (EatStep p) (EatStep q) := _eat_cmp p q .
+Definitionit_eat' : relᵢ (itree E R) (itree E R) :=
+ funiuv => it_eat i u.(_observe) v.(_observe).
I: Type E: event I I R: psh I i: I x, y: itree E R i H: it_eat i (TauF x) (TauF y)
it_eat i (_observe x) (_observe y)
I: Type E: event I I R: psh I i: I x, y: itree E R i H: it_eat i (TauF x) (TauF y)
it_eat i (_observe x) (_observe y)
I: Type E: event I I R: psh I i: I x, y: itree E R i H: it_eat i (observe x) (TauF y) IHit_eat: forally0x0 : itree E R i,
+observe x = TauF x0 ->
+TauF y = TauF y0 ->
+it_eat i (_observe x0) (_observe y0)
#[global] Notation"a ≈ b" := (it_wbisim (eqᵢ _) _ a b) (at level20).
Definitionit_wbisim_step {IEX1X2RX} :
+ it_wbisim RX <= @it_wbisim_map I E X1 X2 RX (it_wbisim RX) :=
+ funixy => proj1 (gfp_fp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i x y) .
+Definitionit_wbisim_unstep {IEX1X2RX} :
+ @it_wbisim_map I E X1 X2 RX (it_wbisim RX) <= it_wbisim RX :=
+ funixy => proj2 (gfp_fp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i x y) .
Weak bisimilarity up to synchronization.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2
it_eq_map E RX <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2
it_eq_map E RX <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i H: (it_eq_map E RX ° it_wbisim_map E RX) R i x y
bT (it_wbisim_map E RX) (it_eq_map E RX) R i x y
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x0, t1: itree E X1 i t2: itree E X2 i t_rel: it_wbisimF E RX R i (observe t1) (observe t2)
it_wbisim_T E RX (it_eq_map E RX) R i t1 t2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x0: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisimF E RX R (e_nxt r)
+ (observe (k1 r)) (observe (k2 r))
forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim_T E RX (it_eq_map E RX) R
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x0, t1: itree E X1 i t2: itree E X2 i t_rel: it_wbisimF E RX R i (observe t1) (observe t2)
it_wbisim_T E RX (it_eq_map E RX) R i t1 t2
apply (b_T (it_wbisim_map E RX)), t_rel.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x0: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisimF E RX R (e_nxt r)
+ (observe (k1 r)) (observe (k2 r))
forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim_T E RX (it_eq_map E RX) R (e_nxt r) (k1 r)
+ (k2 r)
Transitivity will be quite more involved to prove than for strong bisimilarity. In order
+to prove it, we will need quite a bit of lemmata for moving synchronization points around.
First a helper for go/_observe ("in"/"out") maps of the final coalgebra.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i
it_wbisim RX i x y ->
+it_wbisim RX i {| _observe := _observe x |}
+ {| _observe := _observe y |}
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i
it_wbisim RX i x y ->
+it_wbisim RX i {| _observe := _observe x |}
+ {| _observe := _observe y |}
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i H: it_wbisim RX i x y
it_wbisim RX i {| _observe := _observe x |}
+ {| _observe := _observe y |}
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i H: it_wbisim_map E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x y
it_wbisim RX i {| _observe := _observe x |}
+ {| _observe := _observe y |}
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i H: it_wbisim_map E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x y
it_wbisim_map E RX (it_wbisim RX) i
+ {| _observe := _observe x |}
+ {| _observe := _observe y |}
+exact H.
Strong bisimilarity implies weak bisimilarity.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2
it_eq RX <= it_wbisim RX
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2
it_eq RX <= it_wbisim RX
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2
forall (a : I) (a0 : itree E X1 a) (a1 : itree E X2 a),
+Basics.impl (it_eq RX a0 a1)
+ (gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a a0 a1)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2
forall (a : I) (a0 : itree E X1 a) (a1 : itree E X2 a),
+it_eq RX a0 a1 -> gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a a0 a1
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) CIH: forall (a : I) (a0 : itree E X1 a) (a1 : itree E X2 a),
+it_eq RX a0 a1 -> it_wbisim_t E RX R a a0 a1 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i H: it_eq RX x y
it_wbisim_bt E RX R i x y
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) CIH: forall (a : I) (a0 : itree E X1 a) (a1 : itree E X2 a),
+it_eq RX a0 a1 -> it_wbisim_t E RX R a a0 a1 i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree E X2 i H: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe x) (observe y)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_t E RX R) i (observe x)
+ (observe y)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x: itree' E X1 i y: itree E X2 i
it_wbisimF E RX R i x (observe y) ->
+it_wbisimF E RX R i x (TauF y)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x: itree' E X1 i y: itree E X2 i
it_wbisimF E RX R i x (observe y) ->
+it_wbisimF E RX R i x (TauF y)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x: itree' E X1 i y: itree E X2 i x1: itree' E X1 i x2: itree' E X2 i r1: it_eat i x x1 r2: it_eat i (observe y) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RX R i x (TauF y)
exact (WBisim r1 (EatStep r2) rr).
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree' E X2 i
it_wbisimF E RX R i (observe x) y ->
+it_wbisimF E RX R i (TauF x) y
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree' E X2 i
it_wbisimF E RX R i (observe x) y ->
+it_wbisimF E RX R i (TauF x) y
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 R: relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2) i: I x: itree E X1 i y: itree' E X2 i x1: itree' E X1 i x2: itree' E X2 i r1: it_eat i (observe x) x1 r2: it_eat i y x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RX R i (TauF x) y
exact (WBisim (EatStep r1) r2 rr).
Removing a Tau left or right.
Equationswbisim_step_l {ixy} :
+ it_wbisim' E RX i x (TauF y) ->
+ it_wbisim' E RX i x (observe y)
+ :=
+ wbisim_step_l (WBisim p (EatRefl) (EqTau r))
+ with it_wbisim_step _ _ _ r :=
+ { | WBisim w1 w2 s := WBisim (eat_trans _ _ _ _ p (EatStep w1)) w2 s } ;
+ wbisim_step_l (WBisim p (EatStep q) v) := WBisim p q v.
+Equationswbisim_step_r {ixy} :
+ it_wbisim' E RX i (TauF x) y ->
+ it_wbisim' E RX i (observe x) y
+ :=
+ wbisim_step_r (WBisim (EatRefl) q (EqTau r))
+ with it_wbisim_step _ _ _ r :=
+ { | WBisim w1 w2 s := WBisim w1 (eat_trans _ _ _ _ q (EatStep w2)) s } ;
+ wbisim_step_r (WBisim (EatStep p) q v) := WBisim p q v.
Pulling a Tau synchronization point up.
Equationswbisim_tau_up_r {ixyz}
+ (u : it_eat i x (TauF y))
+ (v : it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (TauF y) z) :
+ it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x z
+ :=
+ wbisim_tau_up_r (EatRefl) q := q ;
+ wbisim_tau_up_r (EatStep p) (EqTau q) with it_wbisim_step _ _ _ q := {
+ | WBisim w1 w2 s :=
+ EqTau (it_wbisim_unstep _ _ _ (WBisim (eat_trans _ _ _ _ p (EatStep w1)) w2 s))
+ }.
+Equationswbisim_tau_up_l {ixyz}
+ (u : it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x (TauF y))
+ (v : it_eat i z (TauF y)) :
+ it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x z
+ :=
+ wbisim_tau_up_l p (EatRefl) := p ;
+ wbisim_tau_up_l (EqTau p) (EatStep q) with it_wbisim_step _ _ _ p := {
+ | WBisim w1 w2 s :=
+ EqTau (it_wbisim_unstep _ _ _ (WBisim w1 (eat_trans _ _ _ _ q (EatStep w2)) s))
+ }.
Pushing a Ret or Vis synchronization down.
Equationswbisim_ret_down_l {ixyr} :
+ it_wbisim' E RX i x y ->
+ it_eat i y (RetF r) ->
+ (it_eat ⨟ it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX)) i x (RetF r)
+ :=
+ wbisim_ret_down_l (WBisim p (EatRefl) w) (EatRefl) := p ⨟⨟ w ;
+ wbisim_ret_down_l w (EatStep q) := wbisim_ret_down_l
+ (wbisim_step_l w) q.
+Equationswbisim_ret_down_r {ixyr} :
+ it_eat i x (RetF r) ->
+ it_wbisim' E RX i x y ->
+ (it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) ⨟ revᵢ it_eat) i (RetF r) y
+ :=
+ wbisim_ret_down_r (EatRefl) (WBisim (EatRefl) q w) := w ⨟⨟ q ;
+ wbisim_ret_down_r (EatStep p) w := wbisim_ret_down_r p
+ (wbisim_step_r w).
+Equationswbisim_vis_down_l {ixyek} :
+ it_wbisim' E RX i x y ->
+ it_eat i y (VisF e k) ->
+ (it_eat ⨟ it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX)) i x (VisF e k)
+ :=
+ wbisim_vis_down_l (WBisim p (EatRefl) w) (EatRefl) := p ⨟⨟ w ;
+ wbisim_vis_down_l w (EatStep q) := wbisim_vis_down_l
+ (wbisim_step_l w) q.
+Equationswbisim_vis_down_r {ixyek} :
+ it_eat i x (VisF e k) ->
+ it_wbisim' E RX i x y ->
+ (it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) ⨟ revᵢ it_eat) i (VisF e k) y
+ :=
+ wbisim_vis_down_r (EatRefl) (WBisim (EatRefl) q w) := w ⨟⨟ q ;
+ wbisim_vis_down_r (EatStep p) w := wbisim_vis_down_r p
+ (wbisim_step_r w) .
We are now ready to prove the useful properties.
+Context {I : Type} {E : event I I} {X : psh I} {RX : relᵢ X X}.
Registering that strong bisimilarity is a subrelation.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RX
const (eqᵢ (itree E X)) <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RX
const (eqᵢ (itree E X)) <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RX
const (eqᵢ (itree E X)) ° it_wbisim_map E RX <=
+it_wbisim_map E RX ° const (eqᵢ (itree E X))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RX a: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) a0: I a1, a2: itree E X a0 H: (const (eqᵢ (itree E X)) ° it_wbisim_map E RX) a
+ a0 a1 a2
(it_wbisim_map E RX ° const (eqᵢ (itree E X))) a a0 a1
+ a2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RX a: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) a0: I a1, a2: itree E X a0 H: (const (eqᵢ (itree E X)) ° it_wbisim_map E RX) a
+ a0 a1 a2
(it_wbisim_map E RX ° const (eqᵢ (itree E X))) a a0 a2
+ a2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RX a: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) a0: I a1, a2: itree E X a0 H: (const (eqᵢ (itree E X)) ° it_wbisim_map E RX) a
+ a0 a1 a2
it_eqF E RX (const (eqᵢ (itree E X)) a) a0
+ (observe a2) (observe a2)
+nowapply it_eqF_rfl.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Reflexiveᵢ (it_wbisim_t E RX RR)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Symmetricᵢ0: Symmetricᵢ RX
converseᵢ <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Symmetricᵢ0: Symmetricᵢ RX
converseᵢ <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Symmetricᵢ0: Symmetricᵢ RX a: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) a0: I a1, a2: itree E X a0 x1, x2: itree' E X a0 r1: it_eat a0 (observe a2) x1 r2: it_eat a0 (observe a1) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX a a0 x1 x2
(it_wbisim_map E RX ° converseᵢ) a a0 a1 a2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Symmetricᵢ0: Symmetricᵢ RX a: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) a0: I a1, a2: itree E X a0 x1, x2: itree' E X a0 r1: it_eat a0 (observe a2) x1 r2: it_eat a0 (observe a1) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX a a0 x1 x2
it_eqF E RX (converseᵢ a) a0 x2 x1
+nowapply it_eqF_sym.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Symmetricᵢ0: Symmetricᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
Symmetricᵢ (it_wbisim_t E RX RR)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Symmetricᵢ0: Symmetricᵢ RX RR: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX
(it_wbisim' E RX ⨟ it_wbisim' E RX) <=
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX
(it_wbisim' E RX ⨟ it_wbisim' E RX) <=
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, z, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 u2: it_eat i z x2 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 y1, y2: itree' E X i v1: it_eat i z y1 v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: it_eat i x2 y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: revᵢ it_eat i x2 y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: it_eat i x2 y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 r: X i y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (RetF r) y2 w: it_eat i x2 (RetF r)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 t: itree E X i y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (TauF t) y2 w: it_eat i x2 (TauF t)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt r) y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (VisF q k) y2 w: it_eat i x2 (VisF q k)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 r: X i y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (RetF r) y2 w: it_eat i x2 (RetF r)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i r: X i y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (RetF r) y2 z: itree' E X i w1: it_eat i x z ww: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i z (RetF r)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i r, r2: X i v2: it_eat i y (RetF r2) r_rel: RX i r r2 r1: X i w1: it_eat i x (RetF r1) r_rel0: RX i r1 r
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
+refine (WBisim w1 v2 (EqRet _)); nowtransitivity r.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 t: itree E X i y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (TauF t) y2 w: it_eat i x2 (TauF t)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt r) y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (VisF q k) y2 w: it_eat i x2 (VisF q k)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt r) y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (VisF q k) y2 z: itree' E X i w1: it_eat i x z ww: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i z (VisF q k)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i q: e_qry i k, k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) v2: it_eat i y (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim RX (e_nxt r) (k r) (k2 r) k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) w1: it_eat i x (VisF q k1) k_rel0: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim RX (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k r)
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1, x2: itree' E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 x2 y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: revᵢ it_eat i x2 y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1: itree' E X i r: X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 (RetF r) y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: revᵢ it_eat i (RetF r) y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1: itree' E X i t: itree E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 (TauF t) y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: revᵢ it_eat i (TauF t) y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1: itree' E X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt r) u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 (VisF q k) y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: revᵢ it_eat i (VisF q k) y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1: itree' E X i r: X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 (RetF r) y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: revᵢ it_eat i (RetF r) y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1: itree' E X i r: X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 (RetF r) y1, y2, z: itree' E X i ww: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (RetF r) z w1: revᵢ it_eat i z y
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y: itree' E X i r1, r: X i u1: it_eat i x (RetF r1) r_rel: RX i r1 r y1, y2: itree' E X i r2: X i r_rel0: RX i r r2 w1: revᵢ it_eat i (RetF r2) y
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
+refine (WBisim u1 w1 (EqRet _)); nowtransitivity r.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1: itree' E X i t: itree E X i u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 (TauF t) y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: revᵢ it_eat i (TauF t) y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
exact (WBisim u1 v2 (it_eqF_tra _ _ _ (wbisim_tau_up_l uS w ⨟⨟ vS))).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1: itree' E X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt r) u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 (VisF q k) y1, y2: itree' E X i v2: it_eat i y y2 vS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i y1 y2 w: revᵢ it_eat i (VisF q k) y1
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y, x1: itree' E X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt r) u1: it_eat i x x1 uS: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i x1 (VisF q k) y1, y2, z: itree' E X i ww: it_eqF E RX (it_wbisim RX) i (VisF q k) z w1: revᵢ it_eat i z y
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX i: I x, y: itree' E X i q: e_qry i k1, k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt r) u1: it_eat i x (VisF q k1) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim RX (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k r) y1, y2: itree' E X i k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) k_rel0: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim RX (e_nxt r) (k r) (k2 r) w1: revᵢ it_eat i (VisF q k2) y
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim RX ⨟ it_wbisim RX) i x y
We have proven that strong bisimilarity entails weak bisimilarity, but now we prove the
+much more powerful fact that we can prove weak bisimilarity up-to strong bisimilarity.
+That is, we will be allowed to close any weak bisimulation candidate by strong bisimilarity.
+Let us first define a helper relation taking a relation to its saturation by strong
Varianteq_clo (R : relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)) i (xy : itree E X i) : Prop :=
+ | EqClo {a b} : it_eq RX x a -> it_eq RX b y -> R i a b -> eq_clo R i x y
+ .
+#[global] Arguments EqClo {R i x y a b}.
This helper is monotone...
Definitioneq_clo_map : mon (relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)) :=
+ {| body R := eq_clo R ;
+ Hbody _ _ H _ _ _ '(EqClo p q r) := EqClo p q (H _ _ _ r) |}.
... and below the companion of weak bisimilarity, hence justifying the up-to.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX
eq_clo_map <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX
eq_clo_map <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eq RX a c v: it_eq RX d b x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
bT (it_wbisim_map E RX) eq_clo_map R i a b
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe a) (observe c) v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe d) (observe b) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i
+ (observe a) (observe b)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I b, c, d: itree E X i oa: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa (observe c) v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe d) (observe b) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ (observe b)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I c, d: itree E X i oa: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa (observe c) ob: itree' E X i v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe d) ob x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I d: itree E X i oa, oc: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa oc ob: itree' E X i v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe d) ob x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i oc x1 r2: it_eat i (observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I oa, oc: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa oc ob, od: itree' E X i v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i oc x1 r2: it_eat i od x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t, oa, ob, od, x2: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t r2: it_eat i od x2 v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t1: itree E X i t2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe t1) t2 IHr1: foralloaobodx2 : itree' E X i,
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa (observe t1) ->
+it_eat i od x2 ->
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob ->
+it_eqF E RX R i t2 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R)
+ i oa ob oa, ob, od, x2: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa (TauF t1) r2: it_eat i od x2 v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t2 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t, oa, ob, od, x2: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t r2: it_eat i od x2 v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t, t0, oa, ob: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i t0 ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t t0
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t: itree' E X i t1: itree E X i t2: itree' E X i r2: it_eat i (observe t1) t2 IHr2: foralloaob : itree' E X i,
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t ->
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe t1) ob ->
+it_eqF E RX R i t t2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R)
+ i oa ob oa, ob: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (TauF t1) ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t t2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t, t0, oa, ob: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i t0 ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t t0
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I r3, r5, r4: X i r_rel0: RX i r3 r4 r1: X i r_rel1: RX i r1 r5 r_rel: RX i r4 r1
RX i r3 r5
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t3, t5, t4: itree E X i t_rel0: it_eq RX t3 t4 t1: itree E X i t_rel1: it_eq RX t1 t5 t_rel: R i t4 t1
it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R i t3 t5
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I q: e_qry i k3, k5, k4: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) k_rel0: forallr : e_rsp q, it_eq RX (k3 r) (k4 r) k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) k_rel1: forallr : e_rsp q, it_eq RX (k1 r) (k5 r) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q, R (e_nxt r) (k4 r) (k1 r)
forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R (e_nxt r) (k3 r) (k5 r)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I r3, r5, r4: X i r_rel0: RX i r3 r4 r1: X i r_rel1: RX i r1 r5 r_rel: RX i r4 r1
RX i r3 r5
transitivity r4; auto; transitivity r1; auto.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t3, t5, t4: itree E X i t_rel0: it_eq RX t3 t4 t1: itree E X i t_rel1: it_eq RX t1 t5 t_rel: R i t4 t1
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I q: e_qry i k3, k5, k4: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) k_rel0: forallr : e_rsp q, it_eq RX (k3 r) (k4 r) k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) k_rel1: forallr : e_rsp q, it_eq RX (k1 r) (k5 r) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q, R (e_nxt r) (k4 r) (k1 r)
forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R (e_nxt r) (k3 r) (k5 r)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t: itree' E X i t1: itree E X i t2: itree' E X i r2: it_eat i (observe t1) t2 IHr2: foralloaob : itree' E X i,
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t ->
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe t1) ob ->
+it_eqF E RX R i t t2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R)
+ i oa ob oa, ob: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (TauF t1) ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t t2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t: itree' E X i t3: itree E X i t2: itree' E X i r2: it_eat i (observe t3) t2 IHr2: foralloaob : itree' E X i,
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t ->
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe t3) ob ->
+it_eqF E RX R i t t2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R)
+ i oa ob oa: itree' E X i t4: itree E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t t_rel: it_eq RX t3 t4 rr: it_eqF E RX R i t t2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ (TauF t4)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t: itree' E X i t3: itree E X i t2: itree' E X i r2: it_eat i (observe t3) t2 IHr2: foralloaob : itree' E X i,
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t ->
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i (observe t3) ob ->
+it_eqF E RX R i t t2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R)
+ i oa ob oa: itree' E X i t4: itree E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa t t_rel: it_eq_map E RX (it_eq RX) i t3 t4 rr: it_eqF E RX R i t t2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ (TauF t4)
+apply wbisim_unstep_l, IHr2; auto.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t1: itree E X i t2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe t1) t2 IHr1: foralloaobodx2 : itree' E X i,
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa (observe t1) ->
+it_eat i od x2 ->
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob ->
+it_eqF E RX R i t2 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R)
+ i oa ob oa, ob, od, x2: itree' E X i u: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa (TauF t1) r2: it_eat i od x2 v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t2 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i oa
+ ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t4: itree E X i t2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe t4) t2 IHr1: foralloaobodx2 : itree' E X i,
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa (observe t4) ->
+it_eat i od x2 ->
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob ->
+it_eqF E RX R i t2 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R)
+ i oa ob t3: itree E X i ob, od, x2: itree' E X i t_rel: it_eq RX t3 t4 r2: it_eat i od x2 v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t2 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i
+ (TauF t3) ob
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I t4: itree E X i t2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe t4) t2 IHr1: foralloaobodx2 : itree' E X i,
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i oa (observe t4) ->
+it_eat i od x2 ->
+it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob ->
+it_eqF E RX R i t2 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R)
+ i oa ob t3: itree E X i ob, od, x2: itree' E X i t_rel: it_eq_map E RX (it_eq RX) i t3 t4 r2: it_eat i od x2 v: it_eqF E RX (it_eq RX) i od ob rr: it_eqF E RX R i t2 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (it_wbisim_T E RX eq_clo_map R) i
+ (TauF t3) ob
+apply wbisim_unstep_r, (IHr1 (observe t3) ob od x2); auto.
We now do the same for up-to eating.
Varianteat_clo (R : relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)) i (xy : itree E X i) : Prop :=
+ | EatClo {a b} : it_eat' i x a -> it_eat' i y b -> R i a b -> eat_clo R i x y
+ .
+#[global] Arguments EatClo {R i x y a b}.
+Definitioneat_clo_map : mon (relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X)) :=
+ {| body R := eat_clo R ;
+ Hbody _ _ H _ _ _ '(EatClo p q r) := EatClo p q (H _ _ _ r) |}.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX
eat_clo_map <= it_wbisim_t E RX
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat' i a c v: it_eat' i b d x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
(it_wbisim_map E RX ° eat_clo_map) R i a b
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat i (_observe a) (_observe c) v: it_eat i (_observe b) (_observe d) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RX (eat_clo R) i (_observe a)
+ (_observe b)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat i (_observe a) (_observe c) v: it_eat i (_observe b) (_observe d) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_eat i (_observe a) ?x1
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat i (_observe a) (_observe c) v: it_eat i (_observe b) (_observe d) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_eat i (_observe b) ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat i (_observe a) (_observe c) v: it_eat i (_observe b) (_observe d) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_eqF E RX (eat_clo R) i ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat i (_observe a) (_observe c) v: it_eat i (_observe b) (_observe d) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_eat i (_observe a) ?x1
etransitivity; [ exact u | exact r1 ].
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat i (_observe a) (_observe c) v: it_eat i (_observe b) (_observe d) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_eat i (_observe b) ?x2
etransitivity; [ exact v | exact r2 ].
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat i (_observe a) (_observe c) v: it_eat i (_observe b) (_observe d) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe d) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX R i x1 x2
it_eqF E RX (eat_clo R) i x1 x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: relᵢ X X Transitiveᵢ0: Transitiveᵢ RX R: relᵢ (itree E X) (itree E X) i: I a, b, c, d: itree E X i u: it_eat i (_observe a) (_observe c) v: it_eat i (_observe b) (_observe d) x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe c) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe d) x2
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Game event
In order to specify the set of visible moves of an indexed interaction tree, we use the
+notion of indexed polynomial functor. See "Indexed Containers" by Thorsten Altenkirch,
+Neil Ghani, Peter Hancock, Conor McBride, and Peter Morris.
In our interaction-oriented nomenclature, an indexed container consists of a family of
+queries e_qry, a family of responses e_rsp and a function assigning the next
+index to each response e_nxt.
Recordevent (IJ : Type) : Type := Event {
+ e_qry : I -> Type ;
+ e_rsp : foralli, e_qry i -> Type ;
+ e_nxt : foralli (q : e_qry i), e_rsp i q -> J
Finally we can interpret an event as a functor from families over J to families
+over I.
Definitione_interp {IJ} (E : event I J) (X : psh J) : psh I :=
+ funi => { q : E.(e_qry) i & forall (r : E.(e_rsp) q), X (E.(e_nxt) r) } .
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Scoped and sorted families
In this file we bootstrap the abstract theory of contexts, variables and substitution
+by defining a special case of type-families: families indexed by a set of contexts C
+and possibly a number of times by a set of types T.
DefinitionFam₀ (TC : Type) := C -> Type .
+DefinitionFam₁ (TC : Type) := C -> T -> Type .
+DefinitionFam₂ (TC : Type) := C -> T -> T -> Type .
Additionally, to represent binders we use the following alternative to sorted families
+Fam₁. In this definition, the set of binders is indexed by the set of types T but
+not by the set of contexts C. Instead, we have a projection into C. This is important
+for reasons of bidirectional typing information flow. We could go with Fam₁ instead, but
+this would entail quite a bit of equality dance when manipulating it.
RecordOperTC := {
+ o_op : T -> Type ;
+ o_dom : forallx, o_op x -> C ;
Now a first combinator: the formal cut of two families. This takes two 1-indexed families
+and returns the 0-indexed family consisting pairs of matching elements.
Recordf_cut {TC} (FG : Fam₁ T C) (Γ : C) :=
+ Cut { cut_ty : T ; cut_l : F Γ cut_ty ; cut_r : G Γ cut_ty }.
We embed binder descriptions into sorted families, by dropping the context.
Definitionbare_op {TC} (O : Oper T C) : Fam₁ T C := fun_x => O x.
We define maps of these families, their identity and composition.
Definitionarr_fam₀ (FG : Fam₀ T C) := forallΓ, F Γ -> G Γ.
+Definitionarr_fam₁ (FG : Fam₁ T C) := forallΓx, F Γ x -> G Γ x.
+Definitionarr_fam₂ (FG : Fam₂ T C) := forallΓxy, F Γ x y -> G Γ x y.
+Notation"F ⇒₀ G" := (arr_fam₀ F G).
+Notation"F ⇒₁ G" := (arr_fam₁ F G).
+Notation"F ⇒₂ G" := (arr_fam₂ F G).
+Definitionf_id₀ {F : Fam₀ T C} : F ⇒₀ F := fun_a => a.
+Definitionf_id₁ {F : Fam₁ T C} : F ⇒₁ F := fun__a => a.
+Definitionf_id₂ {F : Fam₂ T C} : F ⇒₂ F := fun___a => a.
+Definitionf_comp₀ {FGH : Fam₀ T C} (u : G ⇒₀ H) (v : F ⇒₀ G) : F ⇒₀ H
+ := fun_x => u _ (v _ x).
+Definitionf_comp₁ {FGH : Fam₁ T C} (u : G ⇒₁ H) (v : F ⇒₁ G) : F ⇒₁ H
+ := fun__x => u _ _ (v _ _ x).
+Definitionf_comp₂ {FGH : Fam₂ T C} (u : G ⇒₂ H) (v : F ⇒₂ G) : F ⇒₂ H
+ := fun___x => u _ _ _ (v _ _ _ x).
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An half games (Def 5.1) is composed of "moves" as an indexed family of types,
+and a "next" map computing the next index following a move.
Recordhalf_game (IJ : Type) := {
+ g_move : I -> Type ;
+ g_next : foralli, g_move i -> J
Action (h_actv) and reaction (h_pasv) functors (Def 5.8)
Definitionh_actv {IJ} (H : half_game I J) (X : psh J) : psh I :=
+ funi => { m : H.(g_move) i & X (H.(g_next) m) } .
+Definitionh_actvR {IJ} (H : half_game I J) {XY : psh J} (R : relᵢ X Y)
+ : relᵢ (h_actv H X) (h_actv H Y) :=
+ funiuv => existsp : projT1 u = projT1 v , R _ (rew p in projT2 u) (projT2 v) .
+Definitionh_pasv {IJ} (H : half_game I J) (X : psh J) : psh I :=
+ funi => forall (m : H.(g_move) i), X (H.(g_next) m) .
+Definitionh_pasvR {IJ} (H : half_game I J) {XY : psh J} (R : relᵢ X Y)
+ : relᵢ (h_pasv H X) (h_pasv H Y) := funiuv => forallm, R _ (u m) (v m) .
A game (Def 5.4) is composed of two compatible half games.
Recordgame (IJ : Type) : Type := {
+ g_client : half_game I J ;
+ g_server : half_game J I
Given a game, we can construct an event. See ITree/Event.v
Definitione_of_g {IJ} (G : game I J) : event I I :=
+ {| e_qry := funi => G.(g_client).(g_move) i ;
+ e_rsp := funiq => G.(g_server).(g_move) (G.(g_client).(g_next) q) ;
+ e_nxt := funiqr => G.(g_server).(g_next) r |} .
The OGS Game (§ 5.2)
First let us define a datatype for polarities, active and passive (called "waiting") in
+the paper.
Variantpolarity : Type := Act | Pas .
+DeriveNoConfusionfor polarity.
+Equationsp_switch : polarity -> polarity :=
+ p_switch Act := Pas ;
+ p_switch Pas := Act .
+#[global] Notation"p ^" := (p_switch p) (at level5).
We consider an observation structure, given by a set of types T, a notion of contexts
+C and a operator giving the observations and their domain. See
+Ctx/Family.v and OGS/Obs.v.
Context `{CC : context T C} {obs : obs_struct T C}.
Interleaved contexts (Def 5.12) are given by the free context structure over C.
Definitionogs_ctx := ctx C.
We define the collapsing functions (Def 5.13).
Equationsjoin_pol : polarity -> ogs_ctx -> C :=
+ join_pol Act ∅ₓ := ∅ ;
+ join_pol Act (Ψ ▶ₓ Γ) := join_pol Pas Ψ +▶ Γ ;
+ join_pol Pas ∅ₓ := ∅ ;
+ join_pol Pas (Ψ ▶ₓ Γ) := join_pol Act Ψ .
+Notation"↓⁺ Ψ" := (join_pol Act Ψ).
+Notation"↓⁻ Ψ" := (join_pol Pas Ψ).
+Notation"↓[ p ] Ψ" := (join_pol p Ψ).
Finally we define the OGS half-game and game (Def 5.15).
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Guarded Iteration
The iter combinator, adapted directly from the Interaction Tree library,
+happily builds a computation iter f for any set of equations f.
+The resulting computation satisfies in particular an unfolding equation:
+iter f i ≈ f i >>= case_ (iter f) (ret)
+In general, this solution is however not unique, depriving us from a
+powerful tool to prove the equivalence of two computations.
Through this file, we recover uniqueness by introducing an alternate
+combinator iter_guarded restricted to so-called guarded sets of equations:
+they cannot be reduced to immediately returning a new index to iterate over.
+Both combinators agree over guarded equations (w.r.t. to weak bisimilarity), but
+the new one satisfies uniqueness.
Then, we refine the result to allow more sets of equations: not all must
+be guarded, but they must always finitely lead to a guarded one.
Guarded iteration
+Context {I} {E : event I I}.
A set of equations is an (indexed) family of computations, i.e. body fed to the
+combinator (Def. 30).
DefinitioneqnRXY : Type := X ⇒ᵢ itree E (Y +ᵢ R) .
+Definitionapply_eqn {RXY} (q : eqn R X Y) : itree E (X +ᵢ R) ⇒ᵢ itree E (Y +ᵢ R) :=
+ fun_t => t >>= fun_r => match r with
+ | inl x => q _ x
+ | inr y => Ret' (inr y)
+ end .
A computation is guarded if it is not reduced to Ret (inl i), i.e.
+if as part of the loop, this specific iteration will be observable w.r.t.
+strong bisimilarity. It therefore may:
end the iteration
produce a silent step
produce an external event
A set of equation is then said to be guarded if all its equations are guarded
+(Def. 33).
Variantguarded' {XYi} : itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i -> Prop :=
+ | GRet y : guarded' (RetF (inr y))
+ | GTau t : guarded' (TauF t)
+ | GVis e k : guarded' (VisF e k)
+ .
+Definitionguarded {XYi} (t : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i)
+ := guarded' t.(_observe).
+Definitioneqn_guarded {RXY} (e : eqn R X Y) : Prop
+ := foralli (x : X i), guarded (e i x) .
The iter combinator gets away with putting no restriction on the equations
+by aggressively guarding with Tau all recursive calls.
+In contrast, by assuming the equations are guarded, we do not need to introduce
+any spurious guard: they are only legitimate in the case of returning immediately
+a new index, which we can here rule out via elim_guarded.
Equationselim_guarded {RXix} : @guarded' R X i (RetF (inl x)) -> T0 := | ! .
+Definitioniter_guarded_aux {RX}
+ (e : eqn R X X) (EG : eqn_guarded e)
+ : itree E (X +ᵢ R) ⇒ᵢ itree E R
+ := cofix CIH i t :=
+ t >>= fun_r =>
+ go match r with
+ | inl x => match (e _ x).(_observe) as t return guarded' t -> _ with
+ | RetF (inl x) => fung => ex_falso (elim_guarded g)
+ | RetF (inr r) => fun_ => RetF r
+ | TauF t => fun_ => TauF (CIH _ t)
+ | VisF q k => fun_ => VisF q (funr => CIH _ (k r))
+ end (EG _ x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end .
A better iteration for guarded equations.
Definitioniter_guarded {RX}
+ (f : eqn R X X) (EG : eqn_guarded f)
+ : X ⇒ᵢ itree E R
+ := fun_x =>
+ go (match (f _ x).(_observe) as t return guarded' t -> _ with
+ | RetF (inl x) => fung => ex_falso (elim_guarded g)
+ | RetF (inr r) => fun_ => RetF r
+ | TauF t => fun_ => TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG _ t)
+ | VisF q k => fun_ => VisF q (funr => iter_guarded_aux f EG _ (k r))
+ end (EG _ x)) .
The absence of a spurious guard is reflected in the unfolding equation:
+w.r.t. strong bisimilarity, it directly satisfies what one would expect,
+i.e. we run the current equation, and either terminate or jump to the next
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eq RY (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eq RY (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eq_bt E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i ot:= _observe t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match ot with
+ | RetF (inl x) =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r1 =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r1)) =>
+ RetF r1
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr0 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r0) (k r0))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t0
+ return
+ (guarded' t0 -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 =>
+ ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r1 =>
+ fun
+ _ : guarded'
+ (RetF (inr r1)) =>
+ RetF r1
+ end
+ | TauF t0 =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t0) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr0 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG
+ (e_nxt r0) (k r0))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return
+ (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r1 =>
+ match
+ r1 as r2
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r2) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 =>
+ ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r2 =>
+ fun
+ _ : guarded'
+ (RetF (inr r2)) =>
+ RetF r2
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k0 =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k0) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr1 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG
+ (e_nxt r1) (k0 r1))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match ot with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i x: X i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (EG i x))
+ (match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (EG i x))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i y: Y i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i (RetF y) (RetF y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r1 =>
+ fun
+ _ : guarded' (RetF (inr r1))
+ => RetF r1
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr0 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r0)
+ (k r0))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t0))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r1 =>
+ match
+ r1 as r2
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r2) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r2 =>
+ fun
+ _ : guarded' (RetF (inr r2))
+ => RetF r2
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr1 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r1)
+ (k r1))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i x: X i y: Y i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i (RetF y) (RetF y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i x: X i t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0))
+ (TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r)))
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r)))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i y: Y i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i (RetF y) (RetF y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r1 =>
+ fun
+ _ : guarded' (RetF (inr r1))
+ => RetF r1
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr0 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r0)
+ (k r0))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t0))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r1 =>
+ match
+ r1 as r2
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r2) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r2 =>
+ fun
+ _ : guarded' (RetF (inr r2))
+ => RetF r2
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr1 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r1)
+ (k r1))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eq_t E RY R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r1 =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r1))
+ => RetF r1
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr0 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r0)
+ (k r0))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r)
forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq_t E RY R (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r1 =>
+ match
+ r1 as r2
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r2) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r2 =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r2))
+ => RetF r2
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr1 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r1)
+ (k r1))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eq_t E RY R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r1 =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r1))
+ => RetF r1
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr0 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r0)
+ (k r0))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) r: e_rsp q
it_eq_t E RY R (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) ->
+ itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r1 =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r1))
+ => RetF r1
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr0 : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r0)
+ (k r0))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) =>
+ RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t0)
+(t0 >>=
+(fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_guarded f EG i0 x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+end)) i: I t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) r: e_rsp q
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x =>
+ match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return
+ (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x0 => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) =>
+ RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (EG i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+all: intros ? ? x2 ->; destruct x2; auto.
Guarded iteration is a fixed point of the equation w.r.t. strong bisimilarity.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I x: X i
it_eq RY (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I x: X i
it_eq RY (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I x: X i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (EG i x))
+ match _observe (f i x) with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I x: X i p:= EG i x: guarded' (_observe (f i x))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ _observe (f i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end p)
+ match _observe (f i x) with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I x: X i ot:= _observe (f i x): itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i p:= EG i x: guarded' ot
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ ot as t return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF (iter_guarded_aux f EG i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux f EG (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end p)
+ match ot with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
+destruct p; econstructor; [ nowapply H | | intro r ]; apply iter_guarded_aux_unfold.
The payoff: iter_guarded does not only deliver a solution to the equations,
+but it also is the unique such.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i
it_eq_bt E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i
it_eq_bt E RY R i (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i x) with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (f i x) with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i a:= _observe (f i x): itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match a with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match a with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i a:= _observe (f i x): itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i Ha:= EG i x: guarded' a
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match a with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match a with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eq_t E RY R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) r: e_rsp e
it_eq_t E RY R (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eq_t E RY R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) r: e_rsp e
it_eq_t E RY R (e_nxt r)
+ (k r >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (k r >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
(it_eq_t E RY ° it_eq_t E RY) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) r: e_rsp e
(it_eq_t E RY ° it_eq_t E RY) R (e_nxt r)
+ (k r >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (k r >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) r: e_rsp e
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+all: intros ? ? ? <-; destruct x1; auto.
Furthermore, w.r.t. weak bisimilarity, we compute the same solution as what iter does.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I i: I s, t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i EQ: it_eq' (eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y)) s t g: guarded' s
guarded' t
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I i: I s, t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i EQ: it_eq' (eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y)) s t g: guarded' s
guarded' t
+destruct EQ as [ [] | | ]; [ dependent elimination g | rewrite <- r_rel | | ]; econstructor.
+Definitionguarded_cong {XY} {i} (st : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i)
+ (EQ : s ≊ t) (g : guarded s) : guarded t
+ := guarded_cong' s.(_observe) t.(_observe) (it_eq_step _ _ _ EQ) g .
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I x: X i
iter_guarded f EG i x ≈ iter f i x
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f i: I x: X i
iter_guarded f EG i x ≈ iter f i x
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
(eq_clo_map ° it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y)) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
iter_guarded f EG i x ≊ ?a
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
?b ≊ iter f i x
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i ?a?b
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
?b ≊ iter f i x
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) ?b
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i g: guarded (f i x)
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: guarded t
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: guarded' (_observe t)
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i ot: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: ot = _observe t g: guarded' ot
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i y: Y i Heqot: RetF (inr y) = _observe t
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (RetF y) (RetF y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t r: e_rsp e
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R
+ (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t
(it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) ° it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)) R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t r: e_rsp e
(it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) ° it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)) R
+ (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t r: e_rsp e
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => iter_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t i0: I x0: X i0
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i0
+ (iter_guarded f EG i0 x0)
+ (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t r: e_rsp e i0: I x0: X i0
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i0
+ (iter_guarded f EG i0 x0)
+ (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, t0: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t i0: I x0: X i0
(it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) ° it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)) R i0
+ (iter_guarded f EG i0 x0)
+ (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t r: e_rsp e i0: I x0: X i0
(it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) ° it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)) R i0
+ (iter_guarded f EG i0 x0)
+ (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
I: Type E: event I I R, X: psh I i: I t: itree E (R +ᵢ X) i p, q: guarded t
p = q
+apply guarded'_irrelevant.
Eventually guarded iteration
For our purpose, proving the soundness of the ogs, guardedness is a bit too
+restrictive: while not all equations are guarded, they all inductively lead
+to a guarded one. We capture this intuition via the notion of "eventually
+guarded" set of equations, and establish similar result to ones in the
+guarded case (these properties are collectively refered to as Prop. 5 in the
+Context {I} {E : event I I}.
A set of equations is eventually guarded if they all admit an inductive path following
+its non-guarded indirections that leads to a guarded equation (Def. 34).
Unset Elimination Schemes.
+Inductiveev_guarded' {XY} (e : eqn Y X X) {i} : itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i -> Prop :=
+ | GHead t : guarded' t -> ev_guarded' e t
+ | GNext x : ev_guarded' e (e i x).(_observe) -> ev_guarded' e (RetF (inl x))
+ .
+#[global] Arguments GHead {X Y e i t}.
+#[global] Arguments GNext {X Y e i x}.
+Schemeev_guarded'_ind := Induction for ev_guarded' SortProp.
+Set Elimination Schemes.
+Definitionev_guarded {XY} (e : eqn Y X X) {i} (t : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i)
+ := ev_guarded' e t.(_observe).
+Definitioneqn_ev_guarded {XY} (e : eqn Y X X) : Type
+ := foralli (x : X i), ev_guarded e (e i x) .
+Equationselim_ev_guarded' {XYeix} (g : @ev_guarded' X Y e i (RetF (inl x)))
+ : ev_guarded' e (e i x).(_observe) :=
+ elim_ev_guarded' (GNext g) := g .
Given eventually guarded equations e, we can build a set of guarded equations
+eqn_evg_unroll_guarded e: we simply map all indices to their reachable guarded
+equations. Iteration over eventually guarded equations is hence defined as guarded
+iteration over their guarded counterpart.
Fixpointevg_unroll' {XY} (e : eqn Y X X) {i}
+ (t : itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i) (g : ev_guarded' e t) { structg } : itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i
+ := match t as t' return ev_guarded' e t' -> _ with
+ | RetF (inl x) => fung => evg_unroll' e (e _ x).(_observe) (elim_ev_guarded' g)
+ | RetF (inr y) => fun_ => RetF (inr y)
+ | TauF t => fun_ => TauF t
+ | VisF q k => fun_ => VisF q k
+ end g .
+Definitionevg_unroll {XY} (e : eqn Y X X) {i}
+ (t : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i) (g : ev_guarded e t) : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i
+ := go (evg_unroll' e t.(_observe) g) .
+Definitioneqn_evg_unroll {XY} (e : eqn Y X X) (H : eqn_ev_guarded e) : eqn Y X X
+ := fun_x => evg_unroll e _ (H _ x) .
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I e: eqn Y X X i: I t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: ev_guarded' e t
guarded' (evg_unroll' e t g)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I e: eqn Y X X i: I t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: ev_guarded' e t
guarded' (evg_unroll' e t g)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I e: eqn Y X X i: I t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: guarded' t
guarded' (evg_unroll' e t (GHead g))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I e: eqn Y X X i: I x: X i g: guarded' (RetF (inl x))
guarded' (evg_unroll' e (RetF (inl x)) (GHead g))
+dependent elimination g.
+Definitionevg_unroll_guarded {XY} (e : eqn Y X X) {i}
+ (t : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i) (EG : ev_guarded e t) : guarded (evg_unroll e t EG)
+ := evg_unroll_guarded' e t.(_observe) EG.
+Definitioneqn_evg_unroll_guarded {XY}
+ (e : eqn Y X X) (EG : eqn_ev_guarded e) : eqn_guarded (eqn_evg_unroll e EG)
+ := fun_x => evg_unroll_guarded e _ (EG _ x) .
Definitioniter_ev_guarded {RX}
+ (e : eqn R X X) (EG : eqn_ev_guarded e) : X ⇒ᵢ itree E R
+ := fun_x => iter_guarded _ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded e EG) _ x .
Once again, we establish the expected unfolding lemma, for eventually guarded iteration.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I e: eqn Y X X i: I x: X i g: ev_guarded' e (RetF (inl x))
evg_unroll' e (RetF (inl x)) g =
+evg_unroll' e (_observe (e i x)) (elim_ev_guarded' g)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I e: eqn Y X X i: I x: X i g: ev_guarded' e (RetF (inl x))
evg_unroll' e (RetF (inl x)) g =
+evg_unroll' e (_observe (e i x)) (elim_ev_guarded' g)
I: Type E: event I I R, X: psh I e: eqn X R R i: I t: itree' E (R +ᵢ X) i p, q: ev_guarded' e t
p = q
I: Type E: event I I R, X: psh I e: eqn X R R i: I t: itree' E (R +ᵢ X) i p, q: ev_guarded' e t
p = q
I: Type E: event I I R, X: psh I e: eqn X R R i: I t: itree' E (R +ᵢ X) i g: guarded' t q: ev_guarded' e t
GHead g = q
I: Type E: event I I R, X: psh I e: eqn X R R i: I x: R i p: ev_guarded' e (_observe (e i x)) q: ev_guarded' e (RetF (inl x)) IHp: forallq : ev_guarded' e (_observe (e i x)), p = q
GNext p = q
I: Type E: event I I R, X: psh I e: eqn X R R i: I t: itree' E (R +ᵢ X) i g: guarded' t q: ev_guarded' e t
GHead g = q
destruct t as [ [] | | ]; [ dependent elimination g | | | ];
+ dependent elimination q; f_equal; apply guarded'_irrelevant.
I: Type E: event I I R, X: psh I e: eqn X R R i: I x: R i p: ev_guarded' e (_observe (e i x)) q: ev_guarded' e (RetF (inl x)) IHp: forallq : ev_guarded' e (_observe (e i x)), p = q
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i p: _observe (f i x1) = RetF (inl x2)
it_eq RY (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x1)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i p: _observe (f i x1) = RetF (inl x2)
it_eq RY (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x1)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i p: _observe (f i x1) = RetF (inl x2)
it_eq RY
+ (iter_guarded (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i x1)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i p: _observe (f i x1) = RetF (inl x2)
it_eq RY
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG i x1 >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x =>
+ iter_guarded (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i p: _observe (f i x1) = RetF (inl x2)
it_eq RY
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG i x1 >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i p: _observe (f i x1) = RetF (inl x2) q: ev_guarded f (f i x1)
it_eq RY
+ (evg_unroll f (f i x1) q >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i p: _observe (f i x1) = RetF (inl x2) q: ev_guarded f (f i x1)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ match evg_unroll' f (_observe (f i x1)) q with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i q: ev_guarded' f (RetF (inl x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ match evg_unroll' f (RetF (inl x2)) q with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ match
+ evg_unroll' f (_observe (f i x2)) (EG i x2)
+ with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x1, x2: X i
it_eq_map E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (evg_unroll f (f i x2) (EG i x2) >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i0 x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x2)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i
it_eq RY (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i
it_eq RY (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ match _observe (f i x) with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ match _observe (f i x) with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i i0: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqi0: i0 = _observe (f i x) g: ev_guarded' f i0
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ match i0 with
+ | RetF r =>
+ _observe
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x, x0: X i Heqi0: RetF (inl x0) = _observe (f i x) g: ev_guarded' f (RetF (inl x0))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ (_observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i y: Y i Heqi0: RetF (inr y) = _observe (f i x) g: ev_guarded' f (RetF (inr y))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ (_observe (Ret' y))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqi0: TauF t = _observe (f i x) g: ev_guarded' f (TauF t)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqi0: VisF q k = _observe (f i x) g: ev_guarded' f (VisF q k)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i y: Y i Heqi0: RetF (inr y) = _observe (f i x) g: ev_guarded' f (RetF (inr y))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ (_observe (Ret' y))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqi0: TauF t = _observe (f i x) g: ev_guarded' f (TauF t)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqi0: VisF q k = _observe (f i x) g: ev_guarded' f (VisF q k)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i y: Y i Heqi0: RetF (inr y) = _observe (f i x)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (_observe (f i x)) (EG i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end
+ (evg_unroll_guarded' f
+ (_observe (f i x))
+ (EG i x))) (RetF y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqi0: TauF t = _observe (f i x)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (_observe (f i x)) (EG i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end
+ (evg_unroll_guarded' f
+ (_observe (f i x))
+ (EG i x)))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqi0: VisF q k = _observe (f i x)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (_observe (f i x)) (EG i x) as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end
+ (evg_unroll_guarded' f
+ (_observe (f i x))
+ (EG i x)))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i y: Y i Heqi0: RetF (inr y) = _observe (f i x) g': ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (_observe (f i x)) g' as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (evg_unroll_guarded' f (_observe (f i x)) g'))
+ (RetF y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqi0: TauF t = _observe (f i x) g': ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (_observe (f i x)) g' as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (evg_unroll_guarded' f (_observe (f i x)) g'))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqi0: VisF q k = _observe (f i x) g': ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (_observe (f i x)) g' as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (evg_unroll_guarded' f (_observe (f i x)) g'))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i y: Y i Heqi0: RetF (inr y) = _observe (f i x) g': ev_guarded' f (RetF (inr y))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (RetF (inr y)) g' as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (evg_unroll_guarded' f (RetF (inr y)) g'))
+ (RetF y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqi0: TauF t = _observe (f i x) g': ev_guarded' f (TauF t)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (TauF t) g' as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (evg_unroll_guarded' f (TauF t) g'))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqi0: VisF q k = _observe (f i x) g': ev_guarded' f (VisF q k)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq RY) i
+ (match
+ evg_unroll' f (VisF q k) g' as t
+ return (guarded' t -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | RetF r0 =>
+ match
+ r0 as r1
+ return (guarded' (RetF r1) -> itree' E Y i)
+ with
+ | inl x => ex_falso ∘ elim_guarded
+ | inr r =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (RetF (inr r)) => RetF r
+ end
+ | TauF t =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (TauF t) =>
+ TauF
+ (iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ fun_ : guarded' (VisF q k) =>
+ VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ iter_guarded_aux
+ (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ end (evg_unroll_guarded' f (VisF q k) g'))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqi0: TauF t = _observe (f i x) g: guarded' (TauF t)
it_eq RY
+ (iter_guarded_aux (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG) i t)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i q: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp q, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) Heqi0: VisF q k = _observe (f i x) g: guarded' (VisF q k) r: e_rsp q
it_eq RY
+ (iter_guarded_aux (eqn_evg_unroll f EG)
+ (eqn_evg_unroll_guarded f EG)
+ (e_nxt r) (k r))
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+all: apply iter_guarded_aux_unfold.
Uniqueness still holds.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i
it_eq_bt E RY R i (g i x) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i
it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i Ha: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x))
it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Ha: ev_guarded' f (_observe t)
it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i), it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i ot: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: ot = _observe t Ha: ev_guarded' f ot
it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i g0: guarded' t t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: t = _observe t'
it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t' >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t' >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x, x0: X i Ha: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHHa: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe t'
it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t' >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t' >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i g0: guarded' t t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: t = _observe t'
it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t' >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t' >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t0, t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t'
it_eq_t E RY R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t' r: e_rsp e
it_eq_t E RY R (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t0, t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t'
(it_eq_t E RY ° it_eq_t E RY) R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t' r: e_rsp e
(it_eq_t E RY ° it_eq_t E RY) R
+ (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i t0, t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t0 = _observe t'
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe t' r: e_rsp e
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+all: intros ? ? x2 ->; destruct x2; auto.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x, x0: X i Ha: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHHa: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe t'
it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t' >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t' >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x, x0: X i Ha: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHHa: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe t'
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe (g i x0))
+ (_observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x, x0: X i Ha: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHHa: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe t'
it_eq_map E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (g i x0) (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) H: Equivalenceᵢ RY f: eqn Y X X g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y EG: eqn_ev_guarded f EQ: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq RY (g i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i0 : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i0) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x0 => g i0 x0
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_eq_t E RY R i (g i x)
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) i: I x, x0: X i Ha: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHHa: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_eq_bt E RY R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) t': itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe t'
it_eq_map E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (f i x0 >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => g i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (f i x0 >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+apply IHHa; auto.
And w.r.t. weak bisimilarity, we still perform the same computation.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i
iter_ev_guarded f EG i x ≈ iter f i x
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f i: I x: X i
iter_ev_guarded f EG i x ≈ iter f i x
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
(eq_clo_map ° it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y)) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
iter_ev_guarded f EG i x ≊ ?a
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
?b ≊ iter f i x
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i ?a?b
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
?b ≊ iter f i x
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) ?b
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i g: ev_guarded f (f i x)
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: ev_guarded f t
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe t)
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i ot: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: ot = _observe t g: ev_guarded' f ot
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: guarded' t u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: t = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (u >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (u >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (u >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (u >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t: itree' E (X +ᵢ Y) i g: guarded' t u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: t = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (u >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (u >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i y: Y i u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inr y) = _observe u
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (RetF y) (RetF y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t = _observe u
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe u
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t = _observe u
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe u
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r))
+ (VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t = _observe u
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe u r: e_rsp e
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R
+ (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t = _observe u
(it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) ° it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)) R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< t)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe u r: e_rsp e
(it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) ° it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)) R
+ (e_nxt r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end) =<< k r)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t = _observe u
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe u r: e_rsp e
forall (i : I) (x1x2 : (X +ᵢ Y) i),
+eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y) i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t = _observe u i0: I x0: X i0
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i0
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i0 x0) (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe u r: e_rsp e i0: I x0: X i0
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i0
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i0 x0)
+ (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x: X i t, u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: TauF t = _observe u i0: I x0: X i0
(it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) ° it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)) R i0
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i0 x0) (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x: X i e: e_qry i k: forallr : e_rsp e, itree E (X +ᵢ Y) (e_nxt r) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: VisF e k = _observe u r: e_rsp e i0: I x0: X i0
(it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) ° it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)) R i0
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i0 x0)
+ (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (u >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (u >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
it_wbisimF E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R) i
+ (_observe (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0))
+ (TauF (iter f i x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0)
+ (Tau' (iter f i x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
?f <= it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
(?f ° it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y)) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0)
+ (Tau' (iter f i x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
(eat_clo_map ° it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y)) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0) (Tau' (iter f i x0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0)
+ (iter f i x0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
?f <= it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
(?f ° it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y)) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0)
+ (iter f i x0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
(eq_clo_map ° it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y)) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0) (iter f i x0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
iter_ev_guarded f EG i x0 ≊ ?a
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
?b ≊ iter f i x0
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i ?a?b
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
?b ≊ iter f i x0
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x)
+ (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (t >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (f i x0 >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end)) ?b
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: eqn Y X X EG: eqn_ev_guarded f R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : X i),
+it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) R i (iter_ev_guarded f EG i x) (iter f i x) i: I x, x0: X i g: ev_guarded' f (_observe (f i x0)) IHg: forallt : itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i,
+_observe (f i x0) = _observe t ->
+it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+match r with
+| inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+| inr y => Ret' y
+(t >>=
+(fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+_observe :=
+match r with
+| inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+| inr y => RetF y
+|})) u: itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i Heqot: RetF (inl x0) = _observe u
it_wbisim_bt E (eqᵢ Y) R i
+ (f i x0 >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter_ev_guarded f EG i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
+ (f i x0 >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
Built with Alectryon, running Coq+SerAPI v8.17.0+0.17.3. Bubbles () indicate interactive fragments: hover for details, tap to reveal contents. Use Ctrl+↑Ctrl+↓ to navigate, Ctrl+🖱️ to focus. On Mac, use ⌘ instead of Ctrl.
Interaction Trees: Definition
We implement a subset of the Interaction Tree library in an indexed setting.
+These indices provide dynamic control over the set of available external events
+during the computation. In particular, the interface is composed of some event I I,
a family of available query at each index;
a domain of answers associated to each query;
a transition function assigning the new index associated with the answer
Indexed Interaction Trees
+Context {I : Type}.
+Context (E : event I I).
+Context (R : psh I).
+VariantitreeF (REC : psh I) (i : I) : Type :=
+ | RetF (r : R i) : itreeF REC i
+ | TauF (t : REC i) : itreeF REC i
+ | VisF (q : E.(e_qry) i) (k : forall (r : E.(e_rsp) q), REC (E.(e_nxt) r)) : itreeF REC i
+ .
+DeriveNoConfusionfor itreeF.
+CoInductiveitree (i : I) : Type := go { _observe : itreeF itree i }.
Notationitree' E R := (itreeF E R (itree E R)).
The following function defines the coalgebra structure.
Definitionobserve {IERi} (t : @itree I E R i) : itree' E R i := t.(_observe).
+NotationRet' x := (go (RetF x)).
+NotationTau' t := (go (TauF t)).
+NotationVis' e k := (go (VisF e k)).
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+Evaluation structure and language machine
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Evaluation structure and language machine
In this file we pull everything together and define evaluation structures and
+the abstract characterization of a language machine, together with all the associated
Note that we have here a minor mismatch between the formalization and the paper:
+we have realized a posteriori a more elegant way to decompose the abstract
+machine as exposed in the paper.
Here, instead of only requiring an embedding of normal forms into
+configurations (refold, from Def. 11), we require an observation
+application function oapp describing how to build a configuration
+from a value, an observation, and an assignment. Since normal forms are triples
+of a variable, an observation and an assignment, the sole difference is in the
+first component: instead of just a variable, oapp takes any value. Both
+are easily interdefineable. While refold is more compact to introduce,
+it is slightly more cumbersome to work with, which is why we axiomatize oapp
Patching the development to follow more closely the paper's presentation would be slightly
+technical due to the technicality of the mechanized proofs involved, but essentially
We here define what is called an evaluation structure in the paper (Def. 11). It tells
+us how to evaluate a configuration to a normal form and how to stitch one back together
+from the data sent by Opponent.
Classmachine (val : Fam₁ T C) (conf : Fam₀ T C) (obs : obs_struct T C) := {
+ eval : conf ⇒₀ (delay ∘ nf obs val) ;
+ oapp [Γ x] (v : val Γ x) (o : obs x) : dom o =[val]> Γ -> conf Γ ;
Next we define "evaluating then observing" (Def. 14).
oapp commutes with substitutions. This is the equivalent of the second
+equation at the end of Def. 13, in terms of oapp instead of refold.
app_sub {Γ1 Γ2 x} (v : val Γ1 x) (o : obs x) (a : dom o =[val]> Γ1) (b : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2)
+ : (v ⊙ o⦗a⦘) ₜ⊛ b = (v ᵥ⊛ b) ⊙ o⦗a ⊛ b⦘ ;
"evaluation respects substitution". This is the core hypothesis of the OGS
+soundness, stating essentially "substituting, then evaluating" is equivalent to
+"evaluating, then substituting, then evaluating once more". It is the equvalent
+of the first equation at the end of Def. 13.
eval_sub {Γ Δ} (c : conf Γ) (a : Γ =[val]> Δ)
+ : eval (c ₜ⊛ a) ≋ bind_delay' (eval c) (funn => eval (emb n ₜ⊛ a)) ;
Evaluating the embedding of a normal form is equivalent to returning the normal
+form. This is part of the evaluation structure (Def. 11) in the paper.
eval_nf_ret {Γ} (u : nf obs val Γ)
+ : eval (emb u) ≋ ret_delay u ;
At last the mystery hypothesis, stating that the machine has focused redexes (Def. 28).
+It is necessary for establishing that the composition can be defined by eventually
+guarded iteration.
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From OGS Require Import Prelude.
+From OGS.Utils Require Import Rel.
+From OGS.Ctx Require Import All Ctx Covering Subst.
+From OGS.ITree Require Import Event ITree Eq Delay.
+From OGS.OGS Require Import Obs Game Machine.
+ Context `{CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C} (obs : obs_struct T C).
+ Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
+ Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
+ Context (M : machine val conf obs).
+ (* NF bisimulation game *)
+ Definitionnfb_g : game C (C × C)
+ := {| g_client := {| g_move Γ := obs∙ Γ ;
+ g_next Γ o := (Γ , dom o.(cut_r)) |} ;
+ g_server := {| g_move '(Γ , Δ) := obs∙ Δ ;
+ g_next '(Γ , Δ) o := Γ +▶ dom o.(cut_r) |} |}.
+ Definitionnfb_e : event C C
+ := e_of_g nfb_g.
+ (* active NF bisimulation *)
+ Definitionnfb_act := itree nfb_e ∅ᵢ.
+ (* single-var passive NF bisimulation *)
+ Definitionnfb_pas₁ (Γ : C) (x : T) := forallo : obs x, nfb_act (Γ +▶ dom o) .
+ (* full passive NF bisimulation *)
+ Definitionnfb_pas '(Γ , Δ) := Δ =[nfb_pas₁]> Γ .
+ (* active NF bisimulation with cut-off *)
+ Definitionnfb_finΔΓ := itree nfb_e (fun_ => obs∙ Δ) Γ.
+ (* single-var passive NF bisimulation with cut-off *)
+ Definitionnfb_fin_pas₁ (ΔΓ : C) (x : T) := forallo : obs x, nfb_fin Δ (Γ +▶ dom o) .
+ (* renaming active NF bisim *)
+ Definitionnfb_ren : forallΓ1Γ2, Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 -> nfb_act Γ1 -> nfb_act Γ2 :=
+ cofix _nfb_ren _ _ ρ t :=
+ go match t.(_observe) with
+ | RetF r => match r withend
+ | TauF t => TauF (_nfb_ren _ _ ρ t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ VisF (ρ _ q.(cut_l) ⋅ q.(cut_r) : nfb_e.(e_qry) _)
+ (funr => _nfb_ren _ _ (r_shift (m_dom r) ρ) (k r))
+ end .
+ Definitionnfb_var : c_var ⇒₁ nfb_pas₁
+ := cofix _nfb_var Γ x i o :=
+ Vis' (r_cat_l i ⋅ o : nfb_e.(e_qry) _)
+ (funr => _nfb_var _ _ (r_cat_r r.(cut_l)) r.(cut_r)) .
+ (* renaming active NF bisim with cut-off *)
+ Program Definitionnfb_fin_ren {Δ} : forallΓ1Γ2, Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 -> nfb_fin Δ Γ1 -> nfb_fin Δ Γ2 :=
+ cofix _nfb_fin_ren _ _ ρ t :=
+ go match t.(_observe) with
+ | RetF r => RetF r
+ | TauF t => TauF (_nfb_fin_ren _ _ ρ t)
+ | VisF q k =>
+ VisF (ρ _ q.(cut_l) ⋅ q.(cut_r) : nfb_e.(e_qry) _)
+ (funr => _nfb_fin_ren _ _ (r_shift (m_dom r) ρ) (k r))
+ end .
+ (* tail-cutting of NF bisim *)
+ Program Definitionnfb_stop : forallΔΓ, nfb_act (Δ +▶ Γ) -> nfb_fin Δ Γ :=
+ cofix _nfb_stop Δ _ t :=
+ go match t.(_observe) with
+ | RetF r => match r withend
+ | TauF t => TauF (_nfb_stop _ _ t)
+ | VisF q k => ltac:(exact
+ match c_view_cat q.(cut_l) with
+ | Vcat_l i => RetF (i ⋅ q.(cut_r))
+ | Vcat_r j => VisF (j ⋅ q.(cut_r) : nfb_e.(e_qry) _)
+ (funr => _nfb_stop _ _ (nfb_ren _ _ r_assoc_r (k r)))
+ end)
+ end.
+ (* embed active NF-bisim with cut-off to active OGS strategy (generalized) *)
+ Definitionnfb_to_ogs_aux {Δ}
+ : forallΦ (ks : ↓⁻Φ =[nfb_fin_pas₁ Δ]> ↓⁺Φ), nfb_fin Δ ↓⁺Φ -> ogs_act (obs:=obs) Δ Φ.
+ cofix _nfb_to_ogs; intros Φ ks t.
+ apply go; destruct (t.(_observe)).
+ + apply RetF; exact r.
+ + apply TauF; exact (_nfb_to_ogs _ ks t0).
+ + unshelveeapply VisF; [ exact q | ].
+ intro r.
+ pose (ks' := [ ks , fun_jo => k (j ⋅ o) ]%asgn).
+ refine (_nfb_to_ogs (Φ ▶ₓ _ ▶ₓ _)%ctx _ (ks' _ r.(cut_l) r.(cut_r))).
+ intros ? i o.
+ refine (nfb_fin_ren _ _ [ r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ r_cat_l , r_cat_r ]%asgn (ks' _ i o)).
+ Defined.
+ (* embed active NF-bisim with cut-off to active OGS strategy (initial state) *)
+ Definitionnfb_to_ogs {ΔΓ} : nfb_fin Δ Γ -> ogs_act Δ (∅ ▶ₓ Γ)
+ := funu => nfb_to_ogs_aux (∅ ▶ₓ Γ) ! (nfb_fin_ren _ _ r_cat_r u) .
+ Definitionapp_no_arg {Γx} (v : val Γ x) (o : obs x)
+ : conf (Γ +▶ dom o)
+ := v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_l ⊙ o ⦗ r_emb r_cat_r ⦘.
+ (* language machine to NF-bisim *)
+ Definitionm_nfb_act : conf ⇒₀ nfb_act
+ := cofix _m_nfb Γ c
+ := subst_delay
+ (funn => Vis' (nf_to_obs _ n : nfb_e.(e_qry) _)
+ (funo => _m_nfb _ (app_no_arg (nf_args n _ o.(cut_l)) o.(cut_r))))
+ (eval c).
+ Definitionm_nfb_pas : val ⇒₁ nfb_pas₁
+ := fun__vo => m_nfb_act _ (app_no_arg v o).
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Observation Structure (§ 4.4)
The messages that player and opponent exchange in the OGS
+arise from splitting normal forms into the head variable
+on which it is stuck, an observation, and an assignment.
+An observation structure axiomatizes theses observations
+of the language. They consist of:
a family o_obs indexed by the types of the language and,
a projection from observations to contexts of the language.
In fact as these make sense quite generally, we have already defined
+them along with generic combinators on sorted families in
+Ctx/Family.v. Much of the content of this file will
+be to wrap these generic definitions with more suitable names and
+provide specific utilities on top.
As explained above, observation structures are just operators. We
+rename their domain o_dom to just dom.
#[global] Notationobs_struct T C := (Oper T C).
+#[global] Notationdom := o_dom.
System Message: WARNING/2 (theories/OGS/Obs.v, line 3); backlink
+Duplicate explicit target name: "ctx/family.v".
Pointed observations consist of a pair of a variable and a matching observation.
+We construct them using the generic formal cut combinator on families defined
+in Ctx/Family.v.
Definitionpointed_obs `{CC : context T C} (O : Oper T C) : Fam₀ T C
+ := c_var ∥ₛ ⦉O⦊.
+#[global] Notation"O ∙" := (pointed_obs O).
+#[global] Notationm_var o := (o.(cut_l)).
+#[global] Notationm_obs o := (o.(cut_r)).
+#[global] Notationm_dom o := (o_dom o.(cut_r)).
Next we define normal forms, as triplets of a variable, an observation
+and an assignment filling the domain of the observation. For this we again
+use the formal cut combinator and the "observation filling" combinator,
+defined in Ctx/Assignment.v.
Definitionnf `{CC : context T C} (O : obs_struct T C) (X : Fam₁ T C) : Fam₀ T C
+ := c_var ∥ₛ (O # X).
We now define two utilities for projecting normal forms to pointed observations.
Definitionnf_to_obs `{CC : context T C} {O} {X : Fam₁ T C} : forallΓ, nf O X Γ -> O∙ Γ
+ := f_cut_map f_id₁ forget_args.
+#[global] Coercionnf_to_obs : nf >-> pointed_obs.
+Definitionthen_to_obs `{CC : context T C} {O} {X : Fam₁ T C} {Γ}
+ : delay (nf O X Γ) -> delay (O∙ Γ)
+ := fmap_delay (nf_to_obs Γ).
Next, we define shortcuts for projecting normal forms into their various components.
+Context `{CC : context T C} {O : obs_struct T C} {X : Fam₁ T C}.
+ Definitionnf_ty {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : T
+ := n.(cut_ty).
+ Definitionnf_var {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : Γ ∋ nf_ty n
+ := n.(cut_l).
+ Definitionnf_obs {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : O (nf_ty n)
+ := n.(cut_r).(fill_op).
+ Definitionnf_dom {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : C
+ := dom n.(cut_r).(fill_op).
+ Definitionnf_args {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : nf_dom n =[X]> Γ
+ := n.(cut_r).(fill_args).
As normal forms contain an assignment, Coq's equality is not the right notion of
+equivalence: we wish to consider two normal forms as equivalent even if their assignment
+are merely pointwise equal.
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Coq Prelude
This file contains a bunch of setup, global options and imports.
Our notations have evolved quite organically. It would need refactoring, for now we
+just disable warnings related to it.
#[global] Set Warnings"-notation-overridden".
+#[global] Set Warnings"-parsing".
Enable negative records with definitional eta-equivalence. A requirement for well-behaved
+coinductive types.
#[global] Set Primitive Projections.
We use a lot of implicit variable declaration around typeclasses.
#[global] Generalizable All Variables.
Import the Equations library by Matthieu Sozeau, for Agda-like dependent pattern-matching.
We import basic definition for the use of the universe of strict proposition SProp.
Require Export Coq.Logic.StrictProp.
A bunch of notations and definitions for basic datatypes.
#[global] Notation"f ∘ g" := (funx => f (g x))
+ (at level40, left associativity) : function_scope.
+#[global] Notation"a ,' b" := (existT _ a b) (at level30).
+Definition uncurry {A B} {C : A -> B -> Type} (f : forall a b, C a b) (i : A * B)
+ := f (fst i) (snd i).
+Definition curry {A B} {C : A -> B -> Type} (f : forall i, C (fst i) (snd i)) a b
+ := f (a , b).
+#[global] Notation curry' := (fun f a b => f (a ,' b)).
+#[global] Notation uncurry' := (fun f x => f (projT1 x) (projT2 x)).
+ *)
+#[global] Notation"A × B" := (prod A%type B%type) (at level20).
Finite types.
VariantT0 : Type := .
+DeriveNoConfusionfor T0.
+VariantT1 : Type := T1_0.
+DeriveNoConfusionfor T1.
Absurdity elimination.
Definitionex_falso {A : Type} (bot : T0) : A := match bot withend.
Decidable predicates.
#[global] Notation"¬ P" := (P -> T0) (at level5).
+Variantdecidable (X : Type) : Type :=
+| Yes : X -> decidable X
+| No : ¬X -> decidable X
+DeriveNoConfusion NoConfusionHom for decidable.
Subset types based on strict propositions.
RecordsigS {X : Type} (P : X -> SProp) := { sub_elt : X ; sub_prf : P sub_elt }.
+Arguments sub_elt {X P}.
+Arguments sub_prf {X P}.
X: Type P: X -> SProp a, b: sigS P H: sub_elt a = sub_elt b
a = b
X: Type P: X -> SProp e: X p: P e b: sigS P H: e = sub_elt b
{| sub_elt := e; sub_prf := p |} = b
X: Type P: X -> SProp e: X b: sigS P H: e = sub_elt b p: P (sub_elt b)
{| sub_elt := sub_elt b; sub_prf := p |} = b
+change p with b.(sub_prf); reflexivity.
DefinitionsubstS {X : SProp} (P : X -> Type) (ab : X) : P a -> P b := funp => p .
A, B, C: Type x: A y: B f: A -> B -> C
f_equal2 f eq_refl eq_refl = eq_refl
+apply YesUIP.
+Definitioninjective {AB : Type} (f : A -> B) := forallxy : A, f x = f y -> x = y .
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+Interaction Trees: Theory of the structure
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Interaction Trees: Theory of the structure
We collect in these file the main lemmas capturing the applicative,
+monadic, and (unguarded) iteration structure of itrees.
+Context {I} {E : event I I}.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t: itree E X i
Tau' t ≈ t
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t: itree E X i
Tau' t ≈ t
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t: itree E X i
it_eat i (observe (Tau' t)) ?x1
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t: itree E X i
it_eat i (observe t) ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t: itree E X i
it_eqF E (eqᵢ X) (gfp (it_wbisim_map E (eqᵢ X))) i
+ ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t: itree E X i
it_eat i (observe (Tau' t)) ?x1
apply EatStep, EatRefl.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t: itree E X i
it_eat i (observe t) ?x2
apply EatRefl.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t: itree E X i
it_eqF E (eqᵢ X) (gfp (it_wbisim_map E (eqᵢ X))) i
+ (observe t) (observe t)
destruct (observe t); noweconstructor.
fmap respects strong bisimilarity.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x)
+ (dpointwise_relation (funi : I => RX i ==> RY i) ==>
+ dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => it_eq RX (i:=i) ==> it_eq RY (i:=i)))
+ fmap
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x)
+ (dpointwise_relation (funi : I => RX i ==> RY i) ==>
+ dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => it_eq RX (i:=i) ==> it_eq RY (i:=i)))
+ fmap
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => (RX i ==> RY i)%signature) f g
+ (funi : I =>
+ (it_eq RX (i:=i) ==> it_eq RY (i:=i))%signature)
+ (fmap f) (fmap g)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => (RX i ==> RY i)%signature) f g
forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f <$> x) (g <$> y)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => (RX i ==> RY i)%signature) f g R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y -> it_eq_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i h: gfp (it_eq_map E RX) i x y
it_eq_bt E RY R i (f <$> x) (g <$> y)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => (RX i ==> RY i)%signature) f g R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y -> it_eq_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i h: it_eq_map E RX (gfp (it_eq_map E RX)) i x y
it_eq_bt E RY R i (f <$> x) (g <$> y)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y -> it_eq_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i (RetF (f i r1))
+ (RetF (g i r2))
+econstructor; nowapply H1.
fmap respects weak bisimilarity.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x)
+ (dpointwise_relation (funi : I => RX i ==> RY i) ==>
+ dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => it_wbisim RX i ==> it_wbisim RY i))
+ fmap
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x)
+ (dpointwise_relation (funi : I => RX i ==> RY i) ==>
+ dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => it_wbisim RX i ==> it_wbisim RY i))
+ fmap
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => (RX i ==> RY i)%signature) f g
+ (funi : I =>
+ (it_wbisim RX i ==> it_wbisim RY i)%signature)
+ (fmap f) (fmap g)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => (RX i ==> RY i)%signature) f g
forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RY) a (f <$> x) (g <$> y)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => (RX i ==> RY i)%signature) f g R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y -> it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i h: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i x y
it_wbisim_bt E RY R i (f <$> x) (g <$> y)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => (RX i ==> RY i)%signature) f g R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y -> it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i h: it_wbisim_map E RX (gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)) i x
+ y
it_wbisim_bt E RY R i (f <$> x) (g <$> y)
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y -> it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i h: it_wbisimF E RX (gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)) i
+ (_observe x) (_observe y)
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y -> it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i x1, x2: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) x1 r2: it_eat i (_observe y) x2 rr: it_eqF E RX (gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)) i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y -> it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
itree' E Y i
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
itree' E Y i
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
it_eat i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
it_eat i
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
itree' E Y i
exact (RetF (f i r0)).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
itree' E Y i
exact (RetF (g i r3)).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
it_eat i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end (RetF (f i r0))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: foralla : I, X a -> Y a i: I r0: X i ot: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i ot (RetF r0)
it_eat i
+ match ot with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end (RetF (f i r0))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t1: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (observe t1) (RetF r0) IHr1: forall (Y : psh I)
+ (f : foralla : I, X a -> Y a)
+ (r1 : X i),
+RetF r0 = RetF r1 ->
+it_eat i
+ match observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end (RetF (f i r1)) Y: psh I f: foralla : I, X a -> Y a
it_eat i (observe (f <$> t1)) (RetF (f i r0))
+exact (IHr1 Y f r0 eq_refl).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
it_eat i
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end (RetF (g i r3))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a i: I r3: X i ot: itree' E X i r2: it_eat i ot (RetF r3)
it_eat i
+ match ot with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end (RetF (g i r3))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t1: itree E X i r3: X i r2: it_eat i (observe t1) (RetF r3) IHr2: forall (Y : psh I)
+ (g : foralla : I, X a -> Y a)
+ (r4 : X i),
+RetF r3 = RetF r4 ->
+it_eat i
+ match observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end (RetF (g i r4)) Y: psh I g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a
it_eat i (observe (g <$> t1)) (RetF (g i r3))
+exact (IHr2 Y g r3 eq_refl).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (RetF (f i r0)) (RetF (g i r3))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i r0: X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (RetF r0) r3: X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i r0 r3
RY i (f i r0) (g i r3)
+nowapply H1.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
itree' E Y i
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
itree' E Y i
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_eat i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_eat i
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
itree' E Y i
exact (TauF (f <$> t1)).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
itree' E Y i
exact (TauF (g <$> t2)).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_eat i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end (TauF (f <$> t1))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: foralla : I, X a -> Y a i: I t1: itree E X i ot: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i ot (TauF t1)
it_eat i
+ match ot with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end (TauF (f <$> t1))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t0, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (observe t0) (TauF t1) IHr1: forall (Y : psh I)
+ (f : foralla : I, X a -> Y a)
+ (t2 : itree E X i),
+TauF t1 = TauF t2 ->
+it_eat i
+ match observe t0 with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end (TauF (f <$> t2)) Y: psh I f: foralla : I, X a -> Y a
it_eat i (observe (f <$> t0)) (TauF (f <$> t1))
+exact (IHr1 Y f t1 eq_refl).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_eat i
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end (TauF (g <$> t2))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a i: I t2: itree E X i ot: itree' E X i r2: it_eat i ot (TauF t2)
it_eat i
+ match ot with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end (TauF (g <$> t2))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t1, t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (observe t1) (TauF t2) IHr2: forall (Y : psh I)
+ (g : foralla : I, X a -> Y a)
+ (t3 : itree E X i),
+TauF t2 = TauF t3 ->
+it_eat i
+ match observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end (TauF (g <$> t3)) Y: psh I g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a
it_eat i (observe (g <$> t1)) (TauF (g <$> t2))
+exact (IHr2 Y g t2 eq_refl).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (TauF (f <$> t1)) (TauF (g <$> t2))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y, t1: itree E X i r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (TauF t1) t2: itree E X i r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (TauF t2) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i t1 t2
it_wbisim_t E RY R i (f <$> t1) (g <$> t2)
+nowapply CIH.
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
itree' E Y i
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
itree' E Y i
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eat i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eat i
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
itree' E Y i
exact (VisF q (funr => f <$> k1 r)).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
itree' E Y i
exact (VisF q (funr => g <$> k2 r)).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eat i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => f <$> k1 r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: foralla : I, X a -> Y a i: I q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) ot: itree' E X i r1: it_eat i ot (VisF q k1)
it_eat i
+ match ot with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => f <$> k1 r))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t1: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (observe t1) (VisF q k1) IHr1: forall (Y : psh I)
+ (f : foralla : I, X a -> Y a)
+ (q0 : e_qry i)
+ (k2 : forallx : e_rsp q0,
+ itree E X (e_nxt x)),
+VisF q k1 = VisF q0 k2 ->
+it_eat i
+ match observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f <$> t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f <$> k r)
+ end
+ (VisF q0 (funr : e_rsp q0 => f <$> k2 r)) Y: psh I f: foralla : I, X a -> Y a
it_eat i (observe (f <$> t1))
+ (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => f <$> k1 r))
+exact (IHr1 Y f q k1 eq_refl).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eat i
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => g <$> k2 r))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a i: I q: e_qry i k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) ot: itree' E X i r2: it_eat i ot (VisF q k2)
it_eat i
+ match ot with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => g <$> k2 r))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I i: I t1: itree E X i q: e_qry i k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (observe t1) (VisF q k2) IHr2: forall (Y : psh I)
+ (g : foralla : I, X a -> Y a)
+ (q0 : e_qry i)
+ (k3 : forallx : e_rsp q0,
+ itree E X (e_nxt x)),
+VisF q k2 = VisF q0 k3 ->
+it_eat i
+ match observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
+ (VisF q0 (funr : e_rsp q0 => g <$> k3 r)) Y: psh I g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a
it_eat i (observe (g <$> t1))
+ (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => g <$> k2 r))
+exact (IHr2 Y g q k2 eq_refl).
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => f <$> k1 r))
+ (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => g <$> k2 r))
I: Type E: event I I X: psh I RX: forallx : I, relation (X x) Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) f, g: foralla : I, X a -> Y a H1: foralla : I,
+(RX a ==> RY a)%signature (f a) (g a) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R a (f <$> x) (g <$> y) i: I x, y: itree E X i q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe x) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe y) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim_t E RY R (e_nxt r) (f <$> k1 r) (g <$> k2 r)
+intro r; nowapply CIH.
subst respects strong bisimilarity.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y
+ (dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => RX i ==> it_eq RY (i:=i)) ==>
+ dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => it_eq RX (i:=i) ==> it_eq RY (i:=i)))
+ subst
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y
+ (dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => RX i ==> it_eq RY (i:=i)) ==>
+ dpointwise_relation
+ (funi : I => it_eq RX (i:=i) ==> it_eq RY (i:=i)))
+ subst
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y
forallxy : foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a,
+(forall (a : I) (x0y0 : X a),
+ RX a x0 y0 ->
+ gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (x a x0) (y a y0)) ->
+forall (a : I) (x0y0 : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x0 y0 ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (x =<< x0) (y =<< y0)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y -> it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x, y: itree E X i h2: gfp (it_eq_map E RX) i x y
it_eq_bt E RY R i (f =<< x) (g =<< y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y -> it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x, y: itree E X i h2: it_eq_map E RX (gfp (it_eq_map E RX)) i x y
it_eq_bt E RY R i (f =<< x) (g =<< y)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y -> it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i (_observe (f i r1))
+ (_observe (g i r2))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2 h3:= h1 i r1 r2 r_rel: gfp (it_eq_map E RY) i (f i r1) (g i r2)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe (f i r1)) (_observe (g i r2))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2 h3: it_eq_map E RY (gfp (it_eq_map E RY)) i
+ (f i r1) (g i r2)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe (f i r1)) (_observe (g i r2))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2 h3: it_eqF E RY (gfp (it_eq_map E RY)) i
+ (_observe (f i r1)) (_observe (g i r2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe (f i r1)) (_observe (g i r2))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2 t1, t2: itree E Y i t_rel: gfp (it_eq_map E RY) i t1 t2
it_eq_t E RY R i t1 t2
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2 q: e_qry i k1, k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E Y (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq_t E RY R (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2 t1, t2: itree E Y i t_rel: gfp (it_eq_map E RY) i t1 t2
it_eq_t E RY R i t1 t2
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ X X RY: relᵢ Y Y f, g: foralla : I, X a -> itree E Y a h1: forall (a : I) (xy : X a),
+RX a x y ->
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) a (f a x) (g a y) R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (a : I) (xy : itree E X a),
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) a x y ->
+it_eq_t E RY R a (f =<< x) (g =<< y) i: I x0: itree E X i r1, r2: X i r_rel: RX i r1 r2 q: e_qry i k1, k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E Y (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_eq_map E RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r) r: e_rsp q
it_eq_t E RY R (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
+all: nowapply (gfp_t (it_eq_map E RY)).
A slight generalization of the monad law t ≊ t >>= η.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ Y Y H: Reflexiveᵢ RX f: X ⇒ᵢ Y i: I t: itree E X i
it_eq RX (f <$> t)
+ (t >>= (fun (i : I) (x : X i) => Ret' (f i x)))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ Y Y H: Reflexiveᵢ RX f: X ⇒ᵢ Y i: I t: itree E X i
it_eq RX (f <$> t)
+ (t >>= (fun (i : I) (x : X i) => Ret' (f i x)))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RX: relᵢ Y Y H: Reflexiveᵢ RX f: X ⇒ᵢ Y R: relᵢ (itree E Y) (itree E Y) CIH: forall (i : I) (t0 : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RX R i (f <$> t0)
+(t0 >>= (fun (i0 : I) (x : X i0) => Ret' (f i0 x))) i: I t: itree E X i
it_eq_bt E RX R i (f <$> t)
+ (t >>= (fun (i : I) (x : X i) => Ret' (f i x)))
+cbn; destruct (_observe t); auto.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y i: I
Proper (it_eat' i ==> it_eat' i) (subst f i)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y i: I
Proper (it_eat' i ==> it_eat' i) (subst f i)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y i: I x, y: itree E X i H: it_eat i (_observe x) (_observe y)
it_eat i
+ match _observe x with
+ | RetF r => _observe (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => _observe (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y i: I x, y: itree E X i _x: itree' E X i H: it_eat i _x (_observe y)
it_eat i
+ match _x with
+ | RetF r => _observe (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe y with
+ | RetF r => _observe (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y i: I x, y: itree E X i _x, _y: itree' E X i H: it_eat i _x _y
it_eat i
+ match _x with
+ | RetF r => _observe (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _y with
+ | RetF r => _observe (f i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (f =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => f =<< k r)
+ end
+dependent induction H; noweconstructor.
Composition law of bind.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq RZ ((x >>= f) >>= g) (x >>= (f >=> g))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq RZ ((x >>= f) >>= g) (x >>= (f >=> g))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z R: relᵢ (itree E Z) (itree E Z) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RZ R i ((x >>= f) >>= g)
+ (x >>= (f >=> g)) i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq_bt E RZ R i ((x >>= f) >>= g) (x >>= (f >=> g))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z R: relᵢ (itree E Z) (itree E Z) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RZ R i ((x >>= f) >>= g)
+ (x >>= (f >=> g)) i: I x: itree E X i r: X i
it_eqF E RZ (it_eq_t E RZ R) i
+ match _observe (f i r) with
+ | RetF r => _observe (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (f i r) with
+ | RetF r => _observe (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z R: relᵢ (itree E Z) (itree E Z) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RZ R i ((x >>= f) >>= g)
+ (x >>= (f >=> g)) i: I x: itree E X i r: X i r0: Y i
it_eqF E RZ (it_eq_t E RZ R) i
+ (_observe (g i r0))
+ (_observe (g i r0))
+destruct ((g i r0).(_observe)); eauto.
Composition law of fmap.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ Z i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq RZ (g <$> (f <$> x))
+ ((funi : I => g i ∘ f i) <$> x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ Z i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq RZ (g <$> (f <$> x))
+ ((funi : I => g i ∘ f i) <$> x)
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ Z R: relᵢ (itree E Z) (itree E Z) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RZ R i (g <$> (f <$> x))
+ ((funi0 : I => g i0 ∘ f i0) <$> x) i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq_bt E RZ R i (g <$> (f <$> x))
+ ((funi : I => g i ∘ f i) <$> x)
+cbn; destruct (x.(_observe)); eauto.
bind and fmap interaction.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq RZ ((f <$> x) >>= g)
+ (x >>= (funi : I => g i ∘ f i))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq RZ ((f <$> x) >>= g)
+ (x >>= (funi : I => g i ∘ f i))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z R: relᵢ (itree E Z) (itree E Z) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RZ R i ((f <$> x) >>= g)
+ (x >>= (funi0 : I => g i0 ∘ f i0)) i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq_bt E RZ R i ((f <$> x) >>= g)
+ (x >>= (funi : I => g i ∘ f i))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z R: relᵢ (itree E Z) (itree E Z) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RZ R i ((f <$> x) >>= g)
+ (x >>= (funi0 : I => g i0 ∘ f i0)) i: I x: itree E X i r: X i
it_eqF E RZ (it_eq_t E RZ R) i
+ (_observe (g i (f i r)))
+ (_observe (g i (f i r)))
+destruct ((g i (f i r)).(_observe)); eauto.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ Z i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq RZ (g <$> (x >>= f))
+ (x >>= (funi : I => fmap g i ∘ f i))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ Z i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq RZ (g <$> (x >>= f))
+ (x >>= (funi : I => fmap g i ∘ f i))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ Z R: relᵢ (itree E Z) (itree E Z) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RZ R i (g <$> (x >>= f))
+ (x >>= (funi0 : I => fmap g i0 ∘ f i0)) i: I x: itree E X i
it_eq_bt E RZ R i (g <$> (x >>= f))
+ (x >>= (funi : I => fmap g i ∘ f i))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I RZ: forallx : I, relation (Z x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RZ f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y g: Y ⇒ᵢ Z R: relᵢ (itree E Z) (itree E Z) CIH: forall (i : I) (x : itree E X i),
+it_eq_t E RZ R i (g <$> (x >>= f))
+ (x >>= (funi0 : I => fmap g i0 ∘ f i0)) i: I x: itree E X i r: X i
it_eqF E RZ (it_eq_t E RZ R) i
+ match _observe (f i r) with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (f i r) with
+ | RetF r => RetF (g i r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (g <$> t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => g <$> k r)
+ end
+destruct ((f i r).(_observe)); eauto.
Rewording the composition law of bind.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I f: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y i: I x: itree E X i
((x >>= g) >>= f) ≊ (x >>= (g >=> f))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y, Z: psh I f: Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z g: X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y i: I x: itree E X i
((x >>= g) >>= f) ≊ (x >>= (g >=> f))
apply bind_bind_com.Qed.
Proof of the up-to bind principle: we may close bisimulation candidates by prefixing
+related elements by bisimilar computations.
VariantbindR {X1X2Y1Y2} (RX : relᵢ X1 X2)
+ (R : relᵢ (itree E X1) (itree E X2))
+ (S : relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2)) :
+ relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) :=
+ | BindR {i t1 t2 k1 k2}
+ (u : R i t1 t2)
+ (v : forallix1x2, RX i x1 x2 -> S i (k1 i x1) (k2 i x2))
+ : bindR RX R S i (t1 >>= k1) (t2 >>= k2).
+Arguments BindR {X1 X2 Y1 Y2 RX R S i t1 t2 k1 k2}.
+Hint Constructors bindR : core.
Up-to bind is valid for strong bisimilarity.
Program DefinitionbindR_eq_map {X1X2Y1Y2} (RX : relᵢ X1 X2) : mon (relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2)) :=
+ {| body S := bindR RX (@it_eq _ E _ _ RX) S ;
+ Hbody _ _ H _ _ _ '(BindR u v) := BindR u (funi__r => H _ _ _ (v i _ _ r)) |}.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2
bindR_eq_map RX <= it_eq_t E RY
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2
bindR_eq_map RX <= it_eq_t E RY
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x u: it_eq RX t1 t2 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_map E RY R i (k1 i x1) (k2 i x2)
bT (it_eq_map E RY) (bindR_eq_map RX) R i0 (t1 >>= k1)
+ (t2 >>= k2)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x u: it_eq_map E RX (gfp (it_eq_map E RX)) i0 t1 t2 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_map E RY R i (k1 i x1) (k2 i x2)
bT (it_eq_map E RY) (bindR_eq_map RX) R i0 (t1 >>= k1)
+ (t2 >>= k2)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x u: it_eqF E RX (gfp (it_eq_map E RX)) i0
+ (_observe t1) (_observe t2) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX) R) i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x0: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r1: X1 i0 r2: X2 i0 r_rel: RX i0 r1 r2 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX) R) i0
+ (_observe (k1 i0 r1)) (_observe (k2 i0 r2))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x0: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 t3: itree E X2 i0 t_rel: gfp (it_eq_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX) R) i0
+ (TauF (k1 =<< t0)) (TauF (k2 =<< t3))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x0: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX) R) i0
+ (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => k1 =<< k0 r))
+ (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => k2 =<< k3 r))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x0: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r1: X1 i0 r2: X2 i0 r_rel: RX i0 r1 r2 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX) R) i0
+ (_observe (k1 i0 r1))
+ (_observe (k2 i0 r2))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x0: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 t3: itree E X2 i0 t_rel: gfp (it_eq_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX) R) i0
+ (TauF (k1 =<< t0)) (TauF (k2 =<< t3))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x0: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 t3: itree E X2 i0 t_rel: gfp (it_eq_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
(bindR_eq_map RX ° it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX)) R
+ i0 (k1 =<< t0) (k2 =<< t3)
+refine (BindR t_rel (funi__r => b_T (it_eq_map E RY) _ _ _ _ _ (v i _ _ r))).
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x0: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX) R) i0
+ (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => k1 =<< k0 r))
+ (VisF q (funr : e_rsp q => k2 =<< k3 r))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x0: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_eq_map E RX) (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_eqF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) r: e_rsp q
(bindR_eq_map RX ° it_eq_T E RY (bindR_eq_map RX)) R
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 =<< k0 r)
+ (k2 =<< k3 r)
+refine (BindR (k_rel r) (funi__r => b_T (it_eq_map E RY) _ _ _ _ _ (v i _ _ r))).
Up-to bind is valid for weak bisimilarity.
Program DefinitionbindR_w_map {X1X2Y1Y2} (RX : relᵢ X1 X2) : mon (relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2)) :=
+ {| body S := bindR RX (@it_wbisim _ E _ _ RX) S ;
+ Hbody _ _ H _ _ _ '(BindR u v) := BindR u (funi__r => H _ _ _ (v i _ _ r)) |}.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2
bindR_w_map RX <= it_wbisim_t E RY
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2
bindR_w_map RX <= it_wbisim_t E RY
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x u: it_wbisim RX i0 t1 t2 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisim_map E RY R i (k1 i x1) (k2 i x2)
bT (it_wbisim_map E RY) (bindR_w_map RX) R i0
+ (t1 >>= k1) (t2 >>= k2)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x u: it_wbisim_map E RX (gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)) i0
+ t1 t2 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisim_map E RY R i (k1 i x1) (k2 i x2)
bT (it_wbisim_map E RY) (bindR_w_map RX) R i0
+ (t1 >>= k1) (t2 >>= k2)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x u: it_wbisimF E RX (gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)) i0
+ (_observe t1) (_observe t2) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R)
+ i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r0: X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (RetF r0) r3: X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i0 r0 r3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R)
+ i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R)
+ i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R)
+ i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r0: X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (RetF r0) r3: X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i0 r0 r3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R)
+ i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r0: X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (RetF r0) r3: X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i0 r0 r3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) x1: itree' E Y1 i0 x2: itree' E Y2 i0 s1: it_eat i0 (observe (k1 i0 r0)) x1 s2: it_eat i0 (observe (k2 i0 r3)) x2 ss: it_eqF E RY R i0 x1 x2
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r0: X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (RetF r0) r3: X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i0 r0 r3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) x1: itree' E Y1 i0 x2: itree' E Y2 i0 s1: it_eat i0 (observe (k1 i0 r0)) x1 s2: it_eat i0 (observe (k2 i0 r3)) x2 ss: it_eqF E RY R i0 x1 x2
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r0: X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (RetF r0) r3: X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i0 r0 r3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) x1: itree' E Y1 i0 x2: itree' E Y2 i0 s1: it_eat i0 (observe (k1 i0 r0)) x1 s2: it_eat i0 (observe (k2 i0 r3)) x2 ss: it_eqF E RY R i0 x1 x2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r0: X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (RetF r0) r3: X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i0 r0 r3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) x1: itree' E Y1 i0 x2: itree' E Y2 i0 s1: it_eat i0 (observe (k1 i0 r0)) x1 s2: it_eat i0 (observe (k2 i0 r3)) x2 ss: it_eqF E RY R i0 x1 x2
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r0: X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (RetF r0) r3: X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i0 r0 r3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) x1: itree' E Y1 i0 x2: itree' E Y2 i0 s1: it_eat i0 (observe (k1 i0 r0)) x1 s2: it_eat i0 (observe (k2 i0 r3)) x2 ss: it_eqF E RY R i0 x1 x2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ x1 ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x r0: X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (RetF r0) r3: X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (RetF r3) r_rel: RX i0 r0 r3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) x1: itree' E Y1 i0 x2: itree' E Y2 i0 s1: it_eat i0 (observe (k1 i0 r0)) x1 s2: it_eat i0 (observe (k2 i0 r3)) x2 ss: it_eqF E RY R i0 x1 x2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ x1 x2
+nowapply (it_eqF_mon _ _ (id_T _ _ R)).
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R)
+ i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ (_observe (k1 =<< Tau' t0))
+ ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ (_observe (k1 =<< Tau' t0))
+ (_observe (k2 =<< Tau' t3))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R i0
+ (k1 =<< t0) (k2 =<< t3)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x t0: itree E X1 i0 r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (TauF t0) t3: itree E X2 i0 r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (TauF t3) t_rel: gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX) i0 t0 t3 v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
(bindR_w_map RX ° it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX)) R
+ i0 (k1 =<< t0) (k2 =<< t3)
+econstructor; [ apply t_rel | intros; nowapply (b_T (it_wbisim_map E RY)), v ].
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R)
+ i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t1 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k1 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k1 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k1 =<< k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eat i0
+ match _observe t2 with
+ | RetF r => _observe (k2 i0 r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (k2 =<< t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr : e_rsp e => k2 =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ (_observe (k1 =<< Vis' q k0))
+ ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2))
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R) i0
+ (_observe (k1 =<< Vis' q k0))
+ (_observe (k2 =<< Vis' q k3))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) r: e_rsp q
it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX) R
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 =<< k0 r)
+ (k2 =<< k3 r)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) i: I x: itree E Y1 i y: itree E Y2 i i0: I t1: itree E X1 i0 t2: itree E X2 i0 k1: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E Y1 x k2: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E Y2 x q: e_qry i0 k0: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X1 (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i0 (_observe t1) (VisF q k0) k3: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E X2 (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i0 (_observe t2) (VisF q k3) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+gfp (it_wbisim_map E RX)
+ (e_nxt r) (k0 r) (k3 r) v: forall (i : I) (x1 : X1 i) (x2 : X2 i),
+RX i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisimF E RY R i (observe (k1 i x1))
+ (observe (k2 i x2)) r: e_rsp q
(bindR_w_map RX ° it_wbisim_T E RY (bindR_w_map RX)) R
+ (e_nxt r) (k1 =<< k0 r)
+ (k2 =<< k3 r)
+econstructor; [ apply k_rel | intros; nowapply (b_T (it_wbisim_map E RY)), v ].
Pointwise strongly bisimilar equations have strongly bisimilar iteration.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b)
forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq RY (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b)
forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq RY (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b
it_eq_bt E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b h1:= H i a b r: it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b)
it_eq_bt E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b h1: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ (_observe (f i a)) (_observe (g i b))
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b r1: (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r2: (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r_rel: sumᵣ RX RY i r1 r2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match r1 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ match r2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i t_rel: it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t1))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t2))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k1 r))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k2 r))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b r1: (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r2: (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r_rel: sumᵣ RX RY i r1 r2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ match r1 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ match r2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
destruct r_rel; eauto.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i t_rel: it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t1))
+ (TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t2))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i t_rel: it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) t1 t2
it_eq_t E RY R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t1)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t2)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i t_rel: it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) t1 t2
it_eq_t E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t1)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t2)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i t_rel: it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) t1 t2
forall (i : I) (x1 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) (x2 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i),
+sumᵣ RX RY i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+intros ? ? ? []; apply (tt_t (it_eq_map E RY)), (b_t (it_eq_map E RY)); cbn; eauto.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_eq_t E RY R) i
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k1 r))
+ (VisF q
+ (funr : e_rsp q =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k2 r))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (k1 r) (k2 r) r0: e_rsp q
it_eq_t E RY R (e_nxt r0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k1 r0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k2 r0)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (k1 r) (k2 r) r0: e_rsp q
it_eq_t E RY (it_eq_t E RY R)
+ (e_nxt r0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k1 r0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k2 r0)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (k1 r) (k2 r) r0: e_rsp q
forall (i : I) (x1 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) (x2 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i),
+sumᵣ RX RY i x1 x2 ->
+it_eq_t E RY R i
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+intros ? ? ? []; apply (bt_t (it_eq_map E RY)); cbn; eauto.
+#[global] Instanceiter_proper_strong {XY} {RX : relᵢ X X} {RY : relᵢ Y Y} :
+ Proper (dpointwise_relation (funi => RX i ==> it_eq (sumᵣ RX RY) (i:=i))
+ ==> dpointwise_relation (funi => RX i ==> it_eq RY (i:=i)))
+ (@iter I E X Y)
+ := iter_cong_strong.
Pointwise weakly bisimilar equations have weakly bisimilar iteration.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b)
forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_wbisim RY i (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b)
forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_wbisim RY i (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b
it_wbisim_bt E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b H1:= H i a b r: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b)
it_wbisim_bt E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b H1: it_wbisim_map E (sumᵣ RX RY)
+ (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i (f i a) (g i b)
it_wbisim_bt E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b H1: it_wbisimF E (sumᵣ RX RY)
+ (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i (_observe (f i a))
+ (_observe (g i b))
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b -> it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b r0: (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF r0) r3: (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF r3) r_rel: sumᵣ RX RY i r0 r3
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b r0: (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF r0) r3: (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF r3) r_rel: sumᵣ RX RY i r0 r3
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b y1: Y1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inr y1)) y2: Y2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inr y2)) H0: RY i y1 y2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 H2:= H i x1 x2 H0: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i x1) (g i x2)
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 H2: it_wbisim_map E (sumᵣ RX RY)
+ (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ (f i x1) (g i x2)
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 x0: itree' E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i x3: itree' E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i s1: it_eat i (observe (f i x1)) x0 s2: it_eat i (observe (g i x2)) x3 ss: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ x0 x3
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 x0: itree' E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i x3: itree' E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i s1: it_eat i (observe (f i x1)) x0 s2: it_eat i (observe (g i x2)) x3 ss: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ x0 x3
it_eat i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 x0: itree' E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i x3: itree' E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i s1: it_eat i (observe (f i x1)) x0 s2: it_eat i (observe (g i x2)) x3 ss: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ x0 x3
it_eat i
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 x0: itree' E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i x3: itree' E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i s1: it_eat i (observe (f i x1)) x0 s2: it_eat i (observe (g i x2)) x3 ss: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ x0 x3
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 x0: itree' E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i x3: itree' E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i s1: it_eat i (observe (f i x1)) x0 s2: it_eat i (observe (g i x2)) x3 ss: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ x0 x3
it_eat i
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 x0: itree' E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i x3: itree' E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i s1: it_eat i (observe (f i x1)) x0 s2: it_eat i (observe (g i x2)) x3 ss: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ x0 x3
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Ret' (inl x1)))
+ ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 x0: itree' E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i x3: itree' E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i s1: it_eat i (observe (f i x1)) x0 s2: it_eat i (observe (g i x2)) x3 ss: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ x0 x3
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Ret' (inl x1)))
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Ret' (inl x2)))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b x1: X1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inl x1)) x2: X2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inl x2)) H0: RX i x1 x2 x0: itree' E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i x3: itree' E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i s1: it_eat i (observe (f i x1)) x0 s2: it_eat i (observe (g i x2)) x3 ss: it_eqF E (sumᵣ RX RY) (it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY)) i
+ x0 x3
it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i x1) (iter g i x2)
+nowapply CIH.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b y1: Y1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inr y1)) y2: Y2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inr y2)) H0: RY i y1 y2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b y1: Y1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inr y1)) y2: Y2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inr y2)) H0: RY i y1 y2
it_eat i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b y1: Y1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inr y1)) y2: Y2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inr y2)) H0: RY i y1 y2
it_eat i
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b y1: Y1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inr y1)) y2: Y2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inr y2)) H0: RY i y1 y2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b y1: Y1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inr y1)) y2: Y2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inr y2)) H0: RY i y1 y2
it_eat i
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b y1: Y1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inr y1)) y2: Y2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inr y2)) H0: RY i y1 y2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Ret' (inr y1)))
+ ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b y1: Y1 i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (RetF (inr y1)) y2: Y2 i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (RetF (inr y2)) H0: RY i y1 y2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Ret' (inr y1)))
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Ret' (inr y2)))
+nowcbn; econstructor.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_eat i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_eat i
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_eat i
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Tau' t1))
+ ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Tau' t1))
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Tau' t2))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_wbisim_t E RY R i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t1)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t2)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
it_wbisim_t E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t1)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t2)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b t1: itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (TauF t1) t2: itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (TauF t2) t_rel: it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i t1 t2
forall (i : I) (x1 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) (x2 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i),
+sumᵣ RX RY i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+intros ? ? ? []; apply (tt_t (it_wbisim_map E RY)), (b_t (it_wbisim_map E RY)); cbn; eauto.
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_wbisimF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eat i
+ match _observe (f i a) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x1
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eat i
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i ?x1?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eat i
+ match _observe (g i b) with
+ | RetF (inl x) => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | RetF (inr y) => RetF y
+ | TauF t =>
+ TauF
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< t)
+ | VisF e k =>
+ VisF e
+ (funr : e_rsp e =>
+ (fun (i : I) (r0 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r0 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k r)
+ end?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Vis' q k1))
+ ?x2
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r)
it_eqF E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R) i
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Vis' q k1))
+ (_observe
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< Vis' q k2))
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r) r0: e_rsp q
it_wbisim_t E RY R (e_nxt r0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k1 r0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k2 r0)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r) r0: e_rsp q
it_wbisim_t E RY (it_wbisim_t E RY R)
+ (e_nxt r0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k1 r0)
+ ((fun (i : I) (r : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}) =<< k2 r0)
I: Type E: event I I X1, X2, Y1, Y2: psh I RX: relᵢ X1 X2 RY: relᵢ Y1 Y2 f: forallx : I, X1 x -> itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) x g: forallx : I, X2 x -> itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) x H: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i (f i a) (g i b) R: relᵢ (itree E Y1) (itree E Y2) CIH: forall (i : I) (a : X1 i) (b : X2 i),
+RX i a b ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i (iter f i a) (iter g i b) i: I a: X1 i b: X2 i r: RX i a b q: e_qry i k1: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (e_nxt x) r1: it_eat i (_observe (f i a)) (VisF q k1) k2: forallx : e_rsp q, itree E (X2 +ᵢ Y2) (e_nxt x) r2: it_eat i (_observe (g i b)) (VisF q k2) k_rel: forallr : e_rsp q,
+it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) (e_nxt r) (k1 r) (k2 r) r0: e_rsp q
forall (i : I) (x1 : (X1 +ᵢ Y1) i) (x2 : (X2 +ᵢ Y2) i),
+sumᵣ RX RY i x1 x2 ->
+it_wbisim_t E RY R i
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x1 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match x2 with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter g i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}
+intros ? ? ? []; apply (tt_t (it_wbisim_map E RY)), (b_t (it_wbisim_map E RY)); cbn; eauto.
+#[global] Instanceiter_weq {XY} {RX : relᵢ X X} {RY : relᵢ Y Y} :
+ Proper (dpointwise_relation (funi => RX i ==> it_wbisim (sumᵣ RX RY) i)
+ ==> dpointwise_relation (funi => RX i ==> it_wbisim RY i))
+ (@iter I E X Y)
+ := iter_cong_weak.
Iteration is a strong fixed point of the folowing guarded equation.
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i
it_eq RY (iter f i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i
it_eq RY (iter f i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i
it_eq_map E RY (gfp (it_eq_map E RY)) i
+ (iter f i x)
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I RY: forallx : I, relation (Y x) Reflexiveᵢ0: Reflexiveᵢ RY f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i r: (X +ᵢ Y) i
it_eqF E RY (gfp (it_eq_map E RY)) i
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+destruct r; eauto.
Iteration is a weak fixed point of the equation (Prop. 3).
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i
iter f i x
+≈ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter f i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i
iter f i x
+≈ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter f i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i
(f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
+≈ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter f i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) bot) i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter f i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i
bindR_w_map (eqᵢ (X +ᵢ Y)) (it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) bot)
+ i
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ {|
+ _observe :=
+ match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (iter f i x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end
+ |}))
+ (f i x >>=
+ (fun (i : I) (r : (X +ᵢ Y) i) =>
+ match r with
+ | inl x => iter f i x
+ | inr y => Ret' y
+ end))
I: Type E: event I I X, Y: psh I f: X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y) i: I x: X i i0: I x0: X i0
it_wbisim_t E (eqᵢ Y) bot i0 (Tau' (iter f i0 x0))
+ (iter f i0 x0)
+exact (skip_tau _).
Misc. utilities.
Variantis_tau' {I} {E : event I I} {Xi} : itree' E X i -> Prop :=
+ | IsTau {t : itree E X i} : is_tau' (TauF t) .
+Definitionis_tau {I} {E : event I I} {Xi} (t : itree E X i) : Prop := is_tau' t.(_observe).
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Type families
This file is dully-named Psh.v but in fact is actually about
+type families, that is maps I → Type for some I : Type.
Notationpsh I := (I -> Type).
Pointwise arrows of families.
Definitionarrᵢ {I} (XY : psh I) : Type := foralli, X i -> Y i.
+#[global] Infix"⇒ᵢ" := (arrᵢ) (at level20) : indexed_scope.
A bunch of combinators.
Definitionvoidᵢ {I : Type} : I -> Type := fun_ => T0.
+#[global] Notation"∅ᵢ" := (voidᵢ) : indexed_scope.
+Definitionsumᵢ {I} (XY : psh I) : psh I := funi => (X i + Y i)%type.
+#[global] Infix"+ᵢ" := (sumᵢ) (at level20) : indexed_scope.
+Definitionprodᵢ {I} (XY : psh I) : psh I := funi => (X i * Y i)%type.
+#[global] Infix"×ᵢ" := (prodᵢ) (at level20) : indexed_scope.
Fibers of a function are a particularly import kind of type family.
Inductivefiber {AB} (f : A -> B) : psh B := Fib a : fiber f (f a).
+Arguments Fib {A B f}.
+DeriveNoConfusionfor fiber.
+Equationsfib_extr {AB} {f : A -> B} {b : B} : fiber f b -> A :=
+ fib_extr (Fib a) := a .
+Equationsfib_coh {AB} {f : A -> B} {b : B} : forallp : fiber f b, f (fib_extr p) = b :=
+ fib_coh (Fib _) := eq_refl .
+Definitionfib_constr {AB} {f : A -> B} a : forallb (p : f a = b), fiber f b :=
+ eq_rect (f a) (fiber f) (Fib a).
These next two functions form an isomorphism (fiber f ⇒ᵢ X) ≅ (∀ a → X (f a))
Equationsfib_into {AB} {f : A -> B} X (h : foralla, X (f a)) : fiber f ⇒ᵢ X :=
+ fib_into _ h _ (Fib a) := h a .
+Definitionfib_from {AB} {f : A -> B} X (h : fiber f ⇒ᵢ X) a : X (f a) :=
+ h _ (Fib a).
Using the fiber construction, we can define a "sparse" type family which will
+be equal to some set at one point of the index and empty otherwise. This will
+enable us to have an isomorphism (X @ i ⇒ᵢ Y) ≅ (X → Y i).
See the functional pearl by Conor McBride "Kleisli arrows of outrageous fortune"
+for background on this construction and its use.
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An abstract, certified account of operational game semantics
This is the companion artifact to the ESOP paper. The main contributions of
+this library are:
an independent implementation of an indexed counterpart to the
+InteractionTree Coq library with support for guarded and eventually guarded
an abstract OGS model of an axiomatised language proven sound w.r.t.
+substitution equivalence
several instantiations of this abstract result to concrete
+languages: simply-typed lambda-calculus with recursive functions,
+untyped lambda calculus, Downen and Ariola's polarized system D and
+system L.
To simply typecheck the Coq proofs, we provide a Docker image preloaded with
+all the dependencies. The instructions to run it are given below. If instead
+you want to manually install the OGS library on your own system, follow the
+instructions from the section "Local Installation" at the end of the file.
First, ensure that your docker daemon is running.
We recommend building the docker image from source, by executing the following
+command from the root of the repository. Note that this requires network access
+and will download around 1.5GiB from hub.docker.com.
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can download the precompiled image
+docker_coq-ogs.tar.gz from the
+Zenodo archive of this artifact,
+and load it into docker with the following command.
After the image is built or loaded from the file, verify that it is indeed
+listed by the following command.
This image contains the full code artifact in the directory /home/coq/ogs. The
+default command for the image typechecks the whole repository. Run it with a
+tty to see the progress with the following command. This should take around
+3-5min and conclude by displaying information about several soudness theorems.
Step-by-Step Reproduction
The above "Getting Started" section already describes how to typecheck the
+whole repository, validating our claims of certification from the paper. The
+concluding output arises from a special file which we have included,
+Checks.v, which imports core theorems, displays their type and list
+of arguments, as well as the assumptions (axioms) they depend on.
If you wish to further inspect the repository, the following command will
+start an interactive shell inside the container.
The following section details in more precision the content of each file
+and their relationship to the paper. We have furthermore tried to thoroughly
+comment most parts of the development. If you prefer to navigate the code
+in a web browser, an HTML rendering of the whole code together with the proof
+state during intermediate steps is provided at the following URL:
Ctx/ directory: general metatheory of substitution. This material has been
+largely left untold in the paper, and as explained in the artifact report, we
+introduce a novel gadget for abstracting over scope and variable
Family.v: Definition of scoped
+and sorted families (Def. 4).
Abstract.v: Definition of
+scope structures. The comments make this file a good entry-point to the
+understand the constructions from this directory.
Assignment.v: Generic
+definition of assignments (Def. 5 and 6).
Renaming.v: Generic
+definition of renamings as variable assignments, together with their
+important equational laws.
Ctx.v: Definition of concrete
+contexts (lists) and dependently-typed DeBruijn indices.
Covering.v: Instanciation of
+the scope structure for concrete contexts from
Eq.v: Strong and weak bisimilarity
+over interaction trees.
Structure.v: Combinators
+(definitions) for the monadic structure and unguarded iteration (Def. 31).
Properties.v: General
+properties of the combinators (Prop. 3).
Guarded.v: (Eventually)
+guarded equations and iterations over them, together with their unicity
+property (Def. 30, 33 and 34 and Prop. 5).
Delay.v: Definition of the
+delay monad (as a special case of interaction trees over the empty event)
+(Def. 9 and 10).
OGS/ directory: construction of a sound OGS model for an abstract language
Obs.v: Axiomatization of
+observation structure (Def. 12) and normal forms (part of Def. 13).
Machine.v: Axiomatization of
+evaluation structures (Def. 11), language machines (Def. 13) and focused
+redexes (Def. 28).
Game.v: Abstract games (Def. 16
+and 18) and OGS game definition (Def. 21--23).
Strategy.v: Machine strategy
+(Def. 24--26) and composition.
CompGuarded.v: Proof of
+eventual guardedness of the equation defining the composition of strategies
+(Prop. 6).
Adequacy.v: Proof of
+adequacy of composition (Prop. 7).
Congruence.v: Proof of
+congruence of composition (Prop. 4).
Soundness.v: Proof of
+soundness of the OGS (Thm. 8).
Examples/ directory: concrete language machines instanciating the generic
+construction and soundness theorem.
STLC_CBV.v: Simply typed,
+call-by-value, lambda calculus, with a unit type and recursive functions.
+This example is the most commented, with a complete walk-through of the
ULC_CBV.v: Pure, untyped,
+call-by-value, lambda calculus. This example demonstrate that the
+intrinsically typed and scoped approach still handles untyped calculi, by
+treating them as "unityped".
SystemD.v: Mu-mu-tilde
+calculus variant System D from Downen and Ariola, polarized. This is
+our "flagship" example, as it is a very expressive calculus. We have
+dropped existential and universal type quantifier as our framework only
+captures simple types. We have added a slightly ad-hoc construction to
+enable general recursion, making the calculus non-normalizing.
+mu-mu-tilde calculus variant System L, in call by value
+(i.e., lambda-bar-mu-mu-tilde-Q calculus from Herbelin and Curien).
Checks.v: Interactively display
+information about the most important theorems.
The whole development relies only on axiom K, a conventional and sound axiom
+from Coq's standard library (more precisely, Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq).
+It is used by Equations to perform some dependent pattern matching.
This fact can be verified from the output of typechecking Checks.v. It can
+also be double checked in an interactive mode.
For the abstract result of soundness of the OGS by running
+Print Assumptions ogs_correction. at the end of
For any particular example, for instance by running
+Print Assumptions stlc_ciu_correct. at the end of
Local Installation
The most convenient way to experiment and develop with this library is to
+install Coq locally and use some IDE such as emacs. To do so, first ensure you
+have the source code for the project or download it with the following command.
To install the Coq dependencies, first ensure you have a working opam
+installation. This should usually be obtained from your systems package
+distribution, see https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html for further
Check if you have added the coq-released package repository with the command
+opam repo. If it does not appear, add it with the following command.
Then, from the root of the repository, install the dependencies with
+the following command
We stress that the development has been only checked to compile against these
+specific dependencies. In particular, it does not compiled at the moment
+against latest version of coq-coinduction due to major changes in the API.
Finally, typecheck the code with the following command, again from the root of
+the repository. This should take around 3-5min.
Generating the Alectryon documentation
To build the html documentation, first install Alectryon:
Built with Alectryon, running Coq+SerAPI v8.17.0+0.17.3. Bubbles () indicate interactive fragments: hover for details, tap to reveal contents. Use Ctrl+↑Ctrl+↓ to navigate, Ctrl+🖱️ to focus. On Mac, use ⌘ instead of Ctrl.
Indexed relations
A few standard constructions to work with indexed relations.
From OGS Require Import Prelude.
+From OGS.Utils Require Import Psh.
+From Coq.Classes Require Export RelationClasses.
+From Coinduction Require Export lattice.
+#[export] Existing InstanceCompleteLattice_dfun.
+#[global] Notation"∀ₕ x , R" := (forall_relation (funx => R%signature))
+ (x binder, at level60).
+Notationrelᵢ A B := (foralli, A i -> B i -> Prop).
+#[global] NotationReflexiveᵢ R := (foralli, Reflexive (R i)).
+#[global] NotationSymmetricᵢ R := (foralli, Symmetric (R i)).
+#[global] NotationTransitiveᵢ R := (foralli, Transitive (R i)).
+#[global] NotationEquivalenceᵢ R := (foralli, Equivalence (R i)).
+#[global] NotationSubrelationᵢ R S := (foralli, subrelation (R i) (S i)).
+#[global] NotationPreOrderᵢ R := (foralli, PreOrder (R i)).
+Definitioneqᵢ {I} (X : psh I) : relᵢ X X := fun_xy => x = y.
+Arguments eqᵢ _ _ _ /.
I: Type X: psh I
Reflexiveᵢ (eqᵢ X)
I: Type X: psh I
Reflexiveᵢ (eqᵢ X)
intros ? ?; reflexivity.Qed.
I: Type X: psh I
Symmetricᵢ (eqᵢ X)
I: Type X: psh I
Symmetricᵢ (eqᵢ X)
intros ? ? ? ?; nowsymmetry.Qed.
I: Type X: psh I
Transitiveᵢ (eqᵢ X)
I: Type X: psh I
Transitiveᵢ (eqᵢ X)
intros i x y z a b; nowtransitivity y.Qed.
+Variantsumᵣ {I} {X1X2Y1Y2 : psh I} (R : relᵢ X1 X2) (S : relᵢ Y1 Y2) : relᵢ (X1 +ᵢ Y1) (X2 +ᵢ Y2) :=
+ | RLeft {i x1 x2} : R i x1 x2 -> sumᵣ R S i (inl x1) (inl x2)
+ | RRight {i y1 y2} : S i y1 y2 -> sumᵣ R S i (inr y1) (inr y2)
+#[global] Hint Constructors sumᵣ : core.
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S
Equivalenceᵢ (sumᵣ R S)
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S
Equivalenceᵢ (sumᵣ R S)
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S i: I
Reflexive (sumᵣ R S i)
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S i: I
Symmetric (sumᵣ R S i)
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S i: I
Transitive (sumᵣ R S i)
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S i: I
Reflexive (sumᵣ R S i)
intros []; eauto.
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S i: I
Symmetric (sumᵣ R S i)
intros ? ? []; econstructor; symmetry; eauto.
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S i: I
Transitive (sumᵣ R S i)
I: Type X, Y: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Equivalenceᵢ R S: relᵢ Y Y H0: Equivalenceᵢ S i: I x, y, z: (X +ᵢ Y) i H1: sumᵣ R S i x y H2: sumᵣ R S i y z
sumᵣ R S i x z
dependent destruction H1;
+ dependent destruction H2; econstructor; etransitivity; eauto.
+Definitionseqᵢ {I} {XYZ : psh I} (R0 : relᵢ X Y) (R1 : relᵢ Y Z) : relᵢ X Z :=
+ funixz => existsy, R0 i x y /\ R1 i y z.
+#[global] Infix"⨟" := (seqᵢ) (at level120).
+#[global] Notation"u ⨟⨟ v" := (ex_intro _ _ (conj u v)) (at level70).
+#[global] Hint Unfold seqᵢ : core.
I: Type X, Y, Z: psh I
Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) seqᵢ
I: Type X, Y, Z: psh I
Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) seqᵢ
I: Type X, Y, Z: psh I x, y: relᵢ X Y H1: x <= y x0, y0: relᵢ Y Z H2: x0 <= y0 a: I a0: X a a1: Z a z: Y a H: x a a0 z H0: x0 a z a1
(y ⨟ y0) a a0 a1
I: Type X, Y, Z: psh I x, y: relᵢ X Y H1: x <= y x0, y0: relᵢ Y Z H2: x0 <= y0 a: I a0: X a a1: Z a z: Y a H: x a a0 z H0: x0 a z a1
y a a0 z /\ y0 a z a1
I: Type X, Y, Z: psh I x, y: relᵢ X Y H1: x <= y x0, y0: relᵢ Y Z H2: x0 <= y0 a: I a0: X a a1: Z a z: Y a H: x a a0 z H0: x0 a z a1
y a a0 z
I: Type X, Y, Z: psh I x, y: relᵢ X Y H1: x <= y x0, y0: relᵢ Y Z H2: x0 <= y0 a: I a0: X a a1: Z a z: Y a H: x a a0 z H0: x0 a z a1
y0 a z a1
I: Type X, Y, Z: psh I x, y: relᵢ X Y H1: x <= y x0, y0: relᵢ Y Z H2: x0 <= y0 a: I a0: X a a1: Z a z: Y a H: x a a0 z H0: x0 a z a1
y0 a z a1
nowapply H2.Qed.
+Definitionsquareᵢ {I} {X : psh I} : mon (relᵢ X X) :=
+ {| body R := R ⨟ R ; Hbody _ _ H := seq_mon _ _ H _ _ H |}.
+Definitionrevᵢ {I} {XY : psh I} (R : relᵢ X Y) : relᵢ Y X := funixy => R i y x.
+#[global] Hint Unfold revᵢ : core.
I: Type X, Y: psh I
Proper (leq ==> leq) revᵢ
I: Type X, Y: psh I
Proper (leq ==> leq) revᵢ
+Definitionconverseᵢ {I} {X : psh I} : mon (relᵢ X X) :=
+ {| body := revᵢ ; Hbody := rev_mon |}.
+Definitionorᵢ {I} {XY : psh I} (RS : relᵢ X Y) : relᵢ X Y := funixy => R i x y \/ S i x y.
+#[global] Infix"∨ᵢ" := (orᵢ) (at level70).
I: Type X, Y: psh I
Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) orᵢ
I: Type X, Y: psh I
Proper (leq ==> leq ==> leq) orᵢ
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X
eqᵢ X <= R -> Reflexiveᵢ R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X
eqᵢ X <= R -> Reflexiveᵢ R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: eqᵢ X <= R i: I x: X i
R i x x
nowapply H.Qed.
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Reflexiveᵢ R
eqᵢ X <= R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Reflexiveᵢ R
eqᵢ X <= R
intros ? ? ? ->; nowreflexivity.Qed.
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X
converseᵢ R <= R -> Symmetricᵢ R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X
converseᵢ R <= R -> Symmetricᵢ R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: converseᵢ R <= R i: I x, y: X i H0: R i x y
R i y x
nowapply H.Qed.
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Symmetricᵢ R
converseᵢ R <= R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Symmetricᵢ R
converseᵢ R <= R
intros ? ? ? ?; nowsymmetry.Qed.
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X
squareᵢ R <= R -> Transitiveᵢ R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X
squareᵢ R <= R -> Transitiveᵢ R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: squareᵢ R <= R i: I x, y, z: X i r: R i x y s: R i y z
R i x z
apply H; nowexistsy.Qed.
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Transitiveᵢ R
squareᵢ R <= R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Transitiveᵢ R
squareᵢ R <= R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: Transitiveᵢ R a: I a0, a1, y: X a H0: R a a0 y H1: R a y a1
R a a0 a1
nowtransitivity y.Qed.
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X
eqᵢ X <= R ->
+converseᵢ R <= R -> squareᵢ R <= R -> Equivalenceᵢ R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X
eqᵢ X <= R ->
+converseᵢ R <= R -> squareᵢ R <= R -> Equivalenceᵢ R
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: eqᵢ X <= R H0: converseᵢ R <= R H1: squareᵢ R <= R i: I
Reflexive (R i)
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: eqᵢ X <= R H0: converseᵢ R <= R H1: squareᵢ R <= R i: I
Symmetric (R i)
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: eqᵢ X <= R H0: converseᵢ R <= R H1: squareᵢ R <= R i: I
Transitive (R i)
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: eqᵢ X <= R H0: converseᵢ R <= R H1: squareᵢ R <= R i: I
Symmetric (R i)
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: eqᵢ X <= R H0: converseᵢ R <= R H1: squareᵢ R <= R i: I
Transitive (R i)
I: Type X: psh I R: relᵢ X X H: eqᵢ X <= R H0: converseᵢ R <= R H1: squareᵢ R <= R i: I
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As explained in the abstract theory, renamings are a particular kind
+of assignements, where variables are mapped to variables.
In this file we define renamings for a given abstract context structure and provide
+all their properties that we will use throughout the development.
Context inclusion, or renaming is defined as an assignment of variables in Γ to
+variables in Δ.
Notation"Γ ⊆ Δ" := (@assignment T C CC c_var Γ%ctx Δ%ctx).
The identity inclusion, whose renaming is the identity.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C x, y: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 H1: x ≡ₐ y x0, y0: Γ2 =[ F ]> Γ3 H2: x0 ≡ₐ y0 a: T a0: Γ1 ∋ a
x0 a (x a a0) = y0 a (y a a0)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C x, y: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 H1: x ≡ₐ y x0, y0: Γ2 =[ F ]> Γ3 H2: x0 ≡ₐ y0 a: T a0: Γ1 ∋ a
y0 a (x a a0) = y0 a (y a a0)
+f_equal; apply H1.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2: C a: Γ1 =[ F ]> Γ2
r_id ᵣ⊛ a ≡ₐ a
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2: C a: Γ1 =[ F ]> Γ2
r_id ᵣ⊛ a ≡ₐ a
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4: C u: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 v: Γ2 ⊆ Γ3 w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Γ4
(u ᵣ⊛ v) ᵣ⊛ w ≡ₐ u ᵣ⊛ (v ᵣ⊛ w)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4: C u: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 v: Γ2 ⊆ Γ3 w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Γ4
(u ᵣ⊛ v) ᵣ⊛ w ≡ₐ u ᵣ⊛ (v ᵣ⊛ w)
The fiber of the inclusion c_var (Γ +▶ Δ) ↪ c_var Γ + c_var Δ is a subsingleton.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2: C x: T i: Γ1 +▶ Γ2 ∋ x a, b: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x i
a = b
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2: C x: T i: Γ1 +▶ Γ2 ∋ x a, b: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x i
a = b
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C i, i0: Γ1 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_l i0) x1: r_cat_l i = r_cat_l i0 x: Vcat_l i ~= b0
Vcat_l i0 = b0
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C j: Γ2 ∋ x0 i0: Γ1 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_l i0) x1: r_cat_r j = r_cat_l i0 x: Vcat_r j ~= b0
Vcat_l i0 = b0
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C i: Γ1 ∋ x0 j: Γ2 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_r j) x1: r_cat_l i = r_cat_r j x: Vcat_l i ~= b0
Vcat_r j = b0
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C j0, j: Γ2 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_r j) x1: r_cat_r j0 = r_cat_r j x: Vcat_r j0 ~= b0
Vcat_r j = b0
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C i, i0: Γ1 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_l i0) x1: r_cat_l i = r_cat_l i0 x: Vcat_l i ~= b0
Vcat_l i0 = b0
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C i, i0: Γ1 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_l i0) x1: i = i0 x: Vcat_l i ~= b0
Vcat_l i0 = b0
+nowrewrite x1 in x |-; rewrite x.
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C j: Γ2 ∋ x0 i0: Γ1 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_l i0) x1: r_cat_r j = r_cat_l i0 x: Vcat_r j ~= b0
Vcat_l i0 = b0
symmetry in x1; destruct (r_cat_disj _ _ x1).
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C i: Γ1 ∋ x0 j: Γ2 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_r j) x1: r_cat_l i = r_cat_r j x: Vcat_l i ~= b0
Vcat_r j = b0
destruct (r_cat_disj _ _ x1).
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C j0, j: Γ2 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_r j) x1: r_cat_r j0 = r_cat_r j x: Vcat_r j0 ~= b0
Vcat_r j = b0
T, C: Type CC: context T C Γ1, Γ2: C x0: T CL: context_laws T C j0, j: Γ2 ∋ x0 b0: c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x0 (r_cat_r j) x1: j0 = j x: Vcat_r j0 ~= b0
Vcat_r j = b0
+nowrewrite x1 in x |-; rewrite x.
Simplifications of the embedding.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2: C x: T i: Γ1 ∋ x
c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) =
+(Vcat_l i : c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x (r_cat_l i))
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2: C x: T i: Γ1 ∋ x
c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) =
+(Vcat_l i : c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x (r_cat_l i))
apply view_cat_irr.Qed.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2: C x: T i: Γ2 ∋ x
c_view_cat (r_cat_r i) =
+(Vcat_r i : c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x (r_cat_r i))
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2: C x: T i: Γ2 ∋ x
c_view_cat (r_cat_r i) =
+(Vcat_r i : c_cat_view Γ1 Γ2 x (r_cat_r i))
apply view_cat_irr.Qed.
Simplifying copairing.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ
r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ [u, v] ≡ₐ u
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: (Γ1 +▶ Γ2) =[ F ]> Δ H1: u ≡ₐ r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ w H2: v ≡ₐ r_cat_r ᵣ⊛ w
[u, v] ≡ₐ w
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: (Γ1 +▶ Γ2) =[ F ]> Δ H1: u ≡ₐ r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ w H2: v ≡ₐ r_cat_r ᵣ⊛ w
[u, v] ≡ₐ w
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: (Γ1 +▶ Γ2) =[ F ]> Δ H1: u ≡ₐ r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ w H2: v ≡ₐ r_cat_r ᵣ⊛ w a: T i: Γ1 +▶ Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat i with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j => v a j
+end = w a i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ
r_cat3_1 ᵣ⊛ [u, [v, w]] ≡ₐ [u, v]
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ
r_cat3_1 ᵣ⊛ [u, [v, w]] ≡ₐ [u, v]
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T i: Γ1 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => v a i
+ | Vcat_r j0 => w a j0
+ end
+end = u a i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T j: Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)) with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => v a i
+ | Vcat_r j0 => w a j0
+ end
+end = v a j
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T i: Γ1 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => v a i
+ | Vcat_r j0 => w a j0
+ end
+end = u a i
nowrewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T j: Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)) with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => v a i
+ | Vcat_r j0 => w a j0
+ end
+end = v a j
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ
r_cat3_2 ᵣ⊛ [u, [v, w]] ≡ₐ [u, w]
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ
r_cat3_2 ᵣ⊛ [u, [v, w]] ≡ₐ [u, w]
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T i: Γ1 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => v a i
+ | Vcat_r j0 => w a j0
+ end
+end = u a i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T j: Γ3 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)) with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => v a i
+ | Vcat_r j0 => w a j0
+ end
+end = w a j
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T i: Γ1 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => v a i
+ | Vcat_r j0 => w a j0
+ end
+end = u a i
nowrewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T j: Γ3 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)) with
+| Vcat_l i => u a i
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => v a i
+ | Vcat_r j0 => w a j0
+ end
+end = w a j
nowrewrite2 c_view_cat_simpl_r.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ
r_cat3_3 ᵣ⊛ [[u, v], w] ≡ₐ [v, w]
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ
r_cat3_3 ᵣ⊛ [[u, v], w] ≡ₐ [v, w]
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T i: Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => u a i0
+ | Vcat_r j => v a j
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => w a j
+end = v a i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T j: Γ3 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => u a i0
+ | Vcat_r j => v a j
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => w a j
+end = w a j
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T i: Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => u a i0
+ | Vcat_r j => v a j
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => w a j
+end = v a i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C F: Fam₁ T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Δ: C u: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ v: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ w: Γ3 =[ F ]> Δ a: T j: Γ3 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => u a i0
+ | Vcat_r j => v a j
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => w a j
+end = w a j
nowrewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r.
These last two are pretty interesting, they are the proofs witnessing the associativity
+isomorphism Γ₁ +▶ (Γ₂ +▶ Γ₃) ≈ (Γ₁ +▶ Γ₂) +▶ Γ₃. Here isomorphism means isomorphism
+of the set of variables.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C
r_assoc_l ᵣ⊛ r_assoc_r ≡ₐ r_id
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C
r_assoc_l ᵣ⊛ r_assoc_r ≡ₐ r_id
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T i: Γ1 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => r_cat_l i0
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
+end = r_cat_l i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T j: Γ2 +▶ Γ3 ∋ a
+ c_view_cat
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r j
+ end
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => r_cat_l i0
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
+end = r_cat_r j
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T i: Γ1 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => r_cat_l i0
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
+end = r_cat_l i
nowrewrite2 c_view_cat_simpl_l.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T j: Γ2 +▶ Γ3 ∋ a
+ c_view_cat
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r j
+ end
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => r_cat_l i0
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
+end = r_cat_r j
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T i: Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => r_cat_l i0
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
+end = r_cat_r (r_cat_l i)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T j: Γ3 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => r_cat_l i0
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
+end = r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T i: Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => r_cat_l i0
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
+end = r_cat_r (r_cat_l i)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T j: Γ3 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) with
+| Vcat_l i =>
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i0 => r_cat_l i0
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
+end = r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)
nowrewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C
r_assoc_r ᵣ⊛ r_assoc_l ≡ₐ r_id
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C
r_assoc_r ᵣ⊛ r_assoc_l ≡ₐ r_id
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T i: Γ1 +▶ Γ2 ∋ a
+ c_view_cat
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r j0
+ end
+end = r_cat_l i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T j: Γ3 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_r j)) with
+| Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r j0
+ end
+end = r_cat_r j
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T i: Γ1 +▶ Γ2 ∋ a
+ c_view_cat
+ match c_view_cat i with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i
+ | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)
+ end
+| Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r j0
+ end
+end = r_cat_l i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T i: Γ1 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with
+| Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r j0
+ end
+end = r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T j: Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)) with
+| Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r j0
+ end
+end = r_cat_l (r_cat_r j)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T i: Γ1 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with
+| Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r j0
+ end
+end = r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
nowrewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C a: T j: Γ2 ∋ a
match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j)) with
+| Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_l i)
+| Vcat_r j =>
+ match c_view_cat j with
+ | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l (r_cat_r i)
+ | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r j0
+ end
+end = r_cat_l (r_cat_r j)
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A Minimal Example: Call-by-Value Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
We demonstrate how to instantiate our framework to define the OGS associated
+to the CBV λ-calculus. With the instance comes the proof that bisimilarity of
+the OGS entails substitution equivalence, which coincides with
This example is designed to be minimal, hiding by nature some
+difficulties. In particular it has no positive types, which simplifies the
+development a lot.
As discussed in the paper, our framework applies not really to a language but
+more to an abstract machine. In order to ease this instanciation, we will
+focus directly on a CBV machine and define evaluation contexts early on.
+Working with intrinsically typed syntax, we need to give types to these
+contexts: we will type them by the "formal negation" of the type of their
+hole. In order to do so we first define the usual types ty0 of STLC with
+functions and a ground type.
Typing contexts are now simply defined as lists of tagged types. This is
+perhaps the slightly surprising part: contexts will now contain "continuation
+variables". Rest assured terms will make no use of them. These are solely
+needed for evaluation contexts: as they are only typed with their hole, we are
+missing the type of their outside. We fix this problem by naming the outside
+and make evaluation contexts end with a continuation variable.
Our choices make a bit more sense if we realize that what we are
+writing is exactly the subset of λμ-calculus that is the image of the CBV
+translation from λ-calculus.
The reference ctx was not found in the current
Terms and Values and ...
We now have all that is needed to define terms, which we define mutually with
+values. As discussed above, they are are indexed by a list of tagged types (of
+which they only care about the non-negated elements) and by an untagged type.
The only fanciness is the recursive lambda abstraction, which we include to
+safeguard ourselves from accidentally using the fact that the language is
+strongly normalizing.
Inductiveterm (Γ : t_ctx) : ty0 -> Type :=
+| Val {a} : val Γ a -> term Γ a
+| App {a b} : term Γ (a → b) -> term Γ a -> term Γ b
+with val (Γ : t_ctx) : ty0 -> Type :=
+| Var {a} : Γ ∋ + a -> val Γ a
+| TT : val Γ ι
+| Lam {a b} : term (Γ ▶ₓ (a → b) ▶ₓ a) b -> val Γ (a → b)
Evaluation contexts follow. As discussed, there is a "covariable" case, to
+"end" the context. The other cases are usual: evaluating the argument of an
+application and evaluating the function.
Inductiveev_ctx (Γ : t_ctx) : ty0 -> Type :=
+| K0 {a} : Γ ∋ ¬ a -> ev_ctx Γ a
+| K1 {a b} : term Γ (a → b) -> ev_ctx Γ b -> ev_ctx Γ a
+| K2 {a b} : val Γ a -> ev_ctx Γ b -> ev_ctx Γ (a → b)
Next are the machine states. They consist of an explicit cut and represent
+a term in the process of being executed in some context. Notice how states
+they are only indexed by a typing context: these are proper "diverging
Definitionstate := term ∥ₛ ev_ctx.
Finally the last of syntactic categories: "machine values". This category is
+typed with a tagged type and encompasses both values (for non-negated types)
+and evaluation contexts (for negated types). The primary use-case for this
+category is to denote "things by which we can substitute (tagged) variables".
In fact when working with intrinsically-typed syntax, substitution is modelled
+as a monoidal multiplication (see [AACMM21] and [FS22]). We will prove later
+that val_mΓ is indeed a monoid relative to hasΓ and that contexts and
+assignments form a category.
Equationsval_m : t_ctx -> ty -> Type :=
+ val_m Γ (+ a) := val Γ a ;
+ val_m Γ (¬ a) := ev_ctx Γ a .
Together with machine values we define a smart constructor for "machine var",
+embedding tagged variables into these generalized values. It conveniently
+serves as the identity assignment, a fact we use to give it this mysterious
+point-free style type, which desugars to foralla,Γ∋a->val_mΓa.
Equationsa_id {Γ} : Γ =[val_m]> Γ :=
+ a_id (+ _) i := Var i ;
+ a_id (¬ _) i := K0 i .
Substitution and Renaming
In order to define substitution we first need to dance the intrinsically-typed
+dance and define renamings, from which we will derive weakenings and then only
+define substitution.
Lets write intrinsically-typed parallel renaming for all of our syntactic
+categories! If you have never seen such intrinsically-typed definitions you
+might be surprised by the absence of error-prone de-bruijn index manipulation.
+Enjoy this beautiful syntax traversal!
Equationst_rename {ΓΔ} : Γ ⊆ Δ -> term Γ ⇒ᵢ term Δ :=
+ t_rename f _ (Val v) := Val (v_rename f _ v) ;
+ t_rename f _ (App t1 t2) := App (t_rename f _ t1) (t_rename f _ t2) ;
+with v_rename {Γ Δ} : Γ ⊆ Δ -> val Γ ⇒ᵢ val Δ :=
+ v_rename f _ (Var i) := Var (f _ i) ;
+ v_rename f _ (TT) := TT ;
+ v_rename f _ (Lam t) := Lam (t_rename (r_shift2 f) _ t) .
+Equationse_rename {ΓΔ} : Γ ⊆ Δ -> ev_ctx Γ ⇒ᵢ ev_ctx Δ :=
+ e_rename f _ (K0 i) := K0 (f _ i) ;
+ e_rename f _ (K1 t π) := K1 (t_rename f _ t) (e_rename f _ π) ;
+ e_rename f _ (K2 v π) := K2 (v_rename f _ v) (e_rename f _ π) .
+Equationss_rename {ΓΔ} : Γ ⊆ Δ -> state Γ -> state Δ :=
+ s_rename f (Cut t π) := Cut (t_rename f _ t) (e_rename f _ π).
+Equationsm_rename {ΓΔ} : Γ ⊆ Δ -> val_m Γ ⇒ᵢ val_m Δ :=
+ m_rename f (+ _) v := v_rename f _ v ;
+ m_rename f (¬ _) π := e_rename f _ π .
+#[global] Arguments s_rename _ _ _ /.
+#[global] Arguments m_rename _ _ _ /.
We can recast m_rename as an operator on assigments, more precisely as
+renaming an assigment on the left.
As discussed above, we can now obtain our precious weakenings. Here are the
+three we will need.
Definitiont_shift {Γa} := @t_rename Γ (Γ ▶ₓ a) r_pop.
+Definitionm_shift2 {Γab} := @m_rename Γ (Γ ▶ₓ a ▶ₓ b) (r_pop ᵣ⊛ r_pop).
+Definitiona_shift2 {ΓΔab} (f : Γ =[val_m]> Δ)
+ : (Γ ▶ₓ a ▶ₓ b) =[val_m]> (Δ ▶ₓ a ▶ₓ b)
+ := [ [ a_map f m_shift2 ,ₓ a_id a (pop top) ] ,ₓ a_id b top ].
With weakenings in place we are now equipped to define substitutions. This
+goes pretty much like renaming. We have abstained from defining generic syntax
+traversal tools like Allais et al's "Kits" to keep our example minimal... And
+incidentally showcase the intrinsically-typed style with Matthieu Sozeau's
Equationst_subst {ΓΔ} : Γ =[val_m]> Δ -> term Γ ⇒ᵢ term Δ :=
+ t_subst f _ (Val v) := Val (v_subst f _ v) ;
+ t_subst f _ (App t1 t2) := App (t_subst f _ t1) (t_subst f _ t2) ;
+with v_subst {Γ Δ} : Γ =[val_m]> Δ -> val Γ ⇒ᵢ val Δ :=
+ v_subst f _ (Var i) := f _ i ;
+ v_subst f _ (TT) := TT ;
+ v_subst f _ (Lam t) := Lam (t_subst (a_shift2 f) _ t) .
+Equationse_subst {ΓΔ} : Γ =[val_m]> Δ -> ev_ctx Γ ⇒ᵢ ev_ctx Δ :=
+ e_subst f _ (K0 i) := f _ i ;
+ e_subst f _ (K1 t π) := K1 (t_subst f _ t) (e_subst f _ π) ;
+ e_subst f _ (K2 v π) := K2 (v_subst f _ v) (e_subst f _ π) .
These two last substitutions, for states and generalized values, are the ones
+we will give to the abstract interface. For categorical abstraction reasons,
+the abstract interface has the argument reversed for substitutions: first
+the state or value, then the assignment as second argument. To ease instanciation
+we will hence do so too. The type is given with tricky combinators but expands to:
m_subst Γ a : val_m Γ a -> forall Δ, Γ =[val_m]> Δ -> val_m Δ a
Equationsm_subst : val_m ⇒₁ ⟦ val_m , val_m ⟧₁ :=
+ m_subst _ (+ _) v _ f := v `ᵥ⊛ f ;
+ m_subst _ (¬ _) π _ f := π `ₑ⊛ f .
+Definitions_subst : state ⇒₀ ⟦ val_m , state ⟧₀ :=
+ fun_s_f => (s.(cut_l) `ₜ⊛ f) ⋅ (s.(cut_r) `ₑ⊛ f).
+#[global] Arguments s_subst _ _ /.
We can now instanciate the substitution monoid and module structures.
Finally we define a more usual substitution function which only substitutes
+the top two variables instead of doing parallel substitution.
Definitionassign2 {Γab} v1v2
+ : (Γ ▶ₓ a ▶ₓ b) =[val_m]> Γ
+ := [ [ a_id ,ₓ v1 ] ,ₓ v2 ] .
+Definitiont_subst2 {Γabc} (t : term _ c) v1v2 := t `ₜ⊛ @assign2 Γ a b v1 v2.
+Notation"t /[ v1 , v2 ]" := (t_subst2 t v1 v2) (at level50, left associativity).
An Evaluator
As motivated earlier, the evaluator will be a defined as a state-machine, the
+core definition being a state-transition function. To stick to the intrinsic
+style, we wish that this state-machine stops only at evidently normal forms,
+instead of stoping at states which happen to be in normal form. Perhaps more
+simply said, we want to type the transition function as stateΓ→(state
+Γ+nfΓ), where returning in the right component means stoping and outputing
+a normal form.
In order to do this we first need to define normal forms! But instead of
+defining an inductive definition of normal forms as is customary, we will take
+an other route more tailored to OGS based on ultimate patterns.
Patterns and Observations
As discussed in the paper, a central aspect of OGS is to circumvent the
+problem of naive trace semantics for higher-order languages by mean of
+a notion of "abstract values", or more commonly ultimate patterns, which
+define the "shareable part" of a value. For clarity reasons, instead of
+patterns we here take the dual point of view of "observations", which can be
+seen as patterns at the dual type (dual in the sense of swapping the tag). For
+our basic λ-calculus, all types are negative -- that is, unsheareble -- hence
+the observations are pretty simple:
Observing a continuation of type ¬a means returning a (hidden) value to
+it. In terms of pattern this corresponds to the "fresh variable" pattern
Observing a function of type a→b means giving it a hidden value and
+a hidden continuation. In terms of patterns this corresponds to the
+"application" co-pattern K2(Varx)(K0y).
Variantobs : ty -> Type :=
+| ORet {a} : obs (¬ a)
+| OApp {a b} : obs (a → b)
As observations correspond to a subset of (machine) values where all the
+variables are "fresh", these variables have no counter-part in de-bruijn
+notation (there is no meaningful notion of freshness). As such we have not
+indexed obs by any typing context, but to complete the definition we now
+need to define a projection into typing contexts denoting the "domain",
+"support" or more accurately "set of nameless fresh variables" of an
Equationsobs_dom {a} : obs a -> t_ctx :=
+ obs_dom (@ORet a) := ∅ ▶ₓ + a ;
+ obs_dom (@OApp a b) := ∅ ▶ₓ + a ▶ₓ ¬ b .
Given a value, an observation on its type and a value for each fresh variable
+of the observation, we can "refold" everything and form a new state which will
+indeed observe this value.
Equationsobs_app {Γa} (v : val_m Γ a) (p : obs a) (γ : obs_dom p =[val_m]> Γ) : state Γ :=
+ obs_app v OApp γ := Val v ⋅ K2 (γ _ (pop top)) (γ _ top) ;
+ obs_app π ORet γ := Val (γ _ top) ⋅ (π : ev_ctx _ _) .
Normal forms
Normal forms for CBV λ-calculus can be characterized as either a value v or
+a stuck application in evaluation context E[xv] (see "eager-normal forms"
+in [L05]). Now it doesn't take much squinting to see that in our setting,
+this corresponds respectively to states of the form ⟨v|K0x⟩ and ⟨Var
+x|K2vπ⟩. Squinting a bit more, we can reap the benefits of our unified
+treatment of terms and contexts and see that both of these cases work in the
+same way: normal states are states given by a variable facing an observation
+whose fresh variables have been substituted with values.
Having already defined observation and their set of fresh variables, an
+observation stuffed with values in typing context Γ can be represented
+simply by a formal substitution of an observation o and an assigment
+obs_domo=[val]>Γ. This "split" definition of normal forms is the one we
+will take.
Definitionnf := c_var ∥ₛ (obs_op # val_m).
The CBV Machine
Everything is now in place to define our state transition function. The
+reduction rules should come to no surprise:
⟨v|x⟩ normal
⟨x|v⋅2π⟩ normal
Rules 1,3,5 step to a new configuration, while cases 2,4 are stuck on normal
Equationseval_step {Γ : t_ctx} : state Γ -> sum (state Γ) (nf Γ) :=
+ eval_step (Cut (App t1 t2) (π)) := inl (Cut t2 (K1 t1 π)) ;
+ eval_step (Cut (Val v) (K0 i)) := inr (i ⋅ ORet' ⦇ [ ! ,ₓ v ] ⦈) ;
+ eval_step (Cut (Val v) (K1 t π)) := inl (Cut t (K2 v π)) ;
+ eval_step (Cut (Val (Var i)) (K2 v π)) := inr (i ⋅ OApp' ⦇ [ [ ! ,ₓ v ] ,ₓ π ] ⦈) ;
+ eval_step (Cut (Val (Lam t)) (K2 v π)) := inl (Cut (t /[ Lam t , v ]) π) .
Having defined the transition function, we can now iterate it inside the delay
+monad. This constructs a possibly non-terminating computation ending with
+a normal form.
We have now finished all the computational parts of the instanciation, but all
+the proofs are left to be done. Before attacking the OGS-specific hypotheses,
+we will need to prove the usual standard lemmata on renaming and substitution.
There will be a stack of lemmata which will all pretty much be simple
+inductions on the syntax, so we start by introducing some helpers for this. In
+fact it is not completely direct to do since terms and values are mutually
+defined: we will need to derive a mutual induction principle.
Schemeterm_mut := Induction for term SortProp
+ with val_mut := Induction for val SortProp .
Annoyingly, Coq treats this mutual induction principle as two separate
+induction principles. They both have the exact same premises but differ in
+their conclusion. Thus we define a datatype for these premises, to avoid
+duplicating the proofs. Additionally, evaluation contexts are not defined
+mutually with terms and values, but it doesn't hurt to prove their properties
+simultaneously too, so syn_ind_args is in fact closer to the premises of
+a three-way mutual induction principle between terms, values and evaluation
Recordsyn_ind_args (P_t : forallΓA, term Γ A -> Prop)
+ (P_v : forallΓA, val Γ A -> Prop)
+ (P_e : forallΓA, ev_ctx Γ A -> Prop) :=
+ {
+ ind_val {Γ a} v (_ : P_v Γ a v) : P_t Γ a (Val v) ;
+ ind_app {Γ a b} t1 (_ : P_t Γ (a → b) t1) t2 (_ : P_t Γ a t2) : P_t Γ b (App t1 t2) ;
+ ind_var {Γ a} i : P_v Γ a (Var i) ;
+ ind_tt {Γ} : P_v Γ (ι) (TT) ;
+ ind_lamrec {Γ a b} t (_ : P_t _ b t) : P_v Γ (a → b) (Lam t) ;
+ ind_kvar {Γ a} i : P_e Γ a (K0 i) ;
+ ind_kfun {Γ a b} t (_ : P_t Γ (a → b) t) π (_ : P_e Γ b π) : P_e Γ a (K1 t π) ;
+ ind_karg {Γ a b} v (_ : P_v Γ a v) π (_ : P_e Γ b π) : P_e Γ (a → b) (K2 v π)
+ } .
+Lemmaterm_ind_mutP_tP_vP_e (H : syn_ind_args P_t P_v P_e) Γat : P_t Γ a t .
+destruct H; nowapply (term_mut P_t P_v).
+Lemmaval_ind_mutP_tP_vP_e (H : syn_ind_args P_t P_v P_e) Γav : P_v Γ a v .
+destruct H; nowapply (val_mut P_t P_v).
+Lemmactx_ind_mutP_tP_vP_e (H : syn_ind_args P_t P_v P_e) Γaπ : P_e Γ a π .
+induction π.
+-apply (ind_kvar _ _ _ H).
+-apply (ind_kfun _ _ _ H); auto; apply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ H).
+-apply (ind_karg _ _ _ H); auto; apply (val_ind_mut _ _ _ H).
Now equipped we can start with the first lemma: renaming respects pointwise
+equality of assignments. As discussed, we will prove this by mutual induction
+on our three "base" syntactic categories of terms, values and evaluation
+contexts, and then we will also deduce it for the three "derived" notions of
+machine values, states and assigments. Sometimes some of the derived notions
+will be omitted if it is not needed later on.
This proof, like all the following ones will follow a simple pattern:
+a simplification; an application of congruence; a fixup for the two-time
+shifted assigment in the case of λ; finally a call to the induction
Here is definitely where the generic syntax traversal kit of
+Guillaume Allais et al would shine. Indeed the proof pattern i outlined can
+really be formalized into a generic proof.
Lemma 2: renaming-renaming assocativity. I say "associativity" because it
+definitely looks like associativity if we disregard the subscripts. More
+precisely it could be described as the composition law a right action.
Definitiont_ren_id_l_PΓa (t : term Γ a) : Prop := t ₜ⊛ᵣ r_id = t .
+Definitionv_ren_id_l_PΓa (v : val Γ a) : Prop := v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_id = v .
+Definitione_ren_id_l_PΓa (π : ev_ctx Γ a) : Prop := π ₑ⊛ᵣ r_id = π.
+Lemmaren_id_l_prf : syn_ind_args t_ren_id_l_P v_ren_id_l_P e_ren_id_l_P .
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_ren_id_l_P, v_ren_id_l_P, e_ren_id_l_P.
+ all: intros; cbn; f_equal; auto.
+ rewrite <- H at2; apply t_ren_eq; auto.
+ intros ? v; nowdo2 (dependent elimination v; eauto).
+Lemmat_ren_id_l {Γ} a (t : term Γ a) : t ₜ⊛ᵣ r_id = t .
+ nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_id_l_prf).
+Lemmav_ren_id_l {Γ} a (v : val Γ a) : v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_id = v.
+ nowapply (val_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_id_l_prf).
+Lemmae_ren_id_l {Γ} a (π : ev_ctx Γ a) : π ₑ⊛ᵣ r_id = π .
+ nowapply (ctx_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_id_l_prf).
+Lemmam_ren_id_l {Γ} a (v : val_m Γ a) : v ₘ⊛ᵣ r_id = v .
+ destruct a; [ nowapply v_ren_id_l | nowapply e_ren_id_l ].
+Lemmas_ren_id_l {Γ} (s : state Γ) : s ₛ⊛ᵣ r_id = s.
+ destruct s; apply (f_equal2 Cut); [ nowapply t_ren_id_l | nowapply e_ren_id_l ].
Lemma 4: right identity law of renaming. This one basically holds
+definitionally, it only needs a case split for some of the derived notions. We
+will also prove a consequence on weakenings: identity law.
Lemmam_ren_id_r {ΓΔ} (f : Γ ⊆ Δ) {a} (i : Γ ∋ a) : a_id _ i ₘ⊛ᵣ f = a_id _ (f _ i) .
+ nowdestruct a.
+Lemmaa_ren_id_r {ΓΔ} (f : Γ ⊆ Δ) : a_id ⊛ᵣ f ≡ₐ f ᵣ⊛ a_id .
+ intros ??; nowapply m_ren_id_r.
+Lemmaa_shift2_id {Γxy} : @a_shift2 Γ Γ x y a_id ≡ₐ a_id.
+ intros ? v; do2 (dependent elimination v; auto).
+ exact (m_ren_id_r _ _).
Lemma 5: shifting assigments commutes with left and right renaming.
Having proved all the basic syntactic properties of STLC, we are now ready to
+instanciate our framework!
As we only have negative types, we instanciate the interaction specification
+with types and observations. Beware that in more involved cases, the notion of
+"types" we give to the OGS construction does not coincide with the
+"language types": you should only give the negative types, or more intuitively,
+"non-shareable" types.
As hinted at the beginning, we instanciate the abstract value notion with our
+"machine values". They form a suitable monoid, which means we get a category
+of assigments, for which we now provide the proof of the laws.
In our generic theorem, there is a finicky lemma that is the counter-part to
+the exclusion of any "infinite chit-chat" that one finds in other accounts of
+OGS and other game semantics. The way we have proved it requires a little bit
+more structure on values. Specifically, we need to show that a_id is
+injective and that its fibers are decidable and invert renamings. These
+technicalities are easily shown by induction on values but help us to
+distinguish conveniently between values which are variables and others.
We now instanciate the machine with stlc_eval as the active step ("compute
+the next observable action") and obs_app as the passive step ("resume from
+a stuck state").
All that is left is to prove our theorem-specific hypotheses. All but another
+technical lemma for the chit-chat problem are again coherence conditions
+between eval and app and the monoidal structure of values and
#[global] Instancestlc_machine_law : machine_laws val_m state obs_op.
+econstructor; cbn; intros.
The first one proves that obs_app respects pointwise equality of assigments.
The meat of our abstract proof is this next one. We need to prove that our
+evaluator respects substitution in a suitable sense: evaluating a substituted
+configuration must be the same thing as evaluating the configuration, then
+"substituting" the normal form and continuing the evaluation.
While potentially scary, the proof is direct and this actually amount to
+checking that indeed, when unrolling our evaluator, this is what happens.
-revert c a; unfold comp_eq, it_eq; coinduction R CIH; intros c e.
+cbn; funelim (eval_step c); cbn.
++destruct (e ¬ a0 i); auto.
+remember (v `ᵥ⊛ e) as v'; clear H v Heqv'.
+ dependent elimination v'; cbn; auto.
+ + econstructor; refold_eval; apply CIH.
+ + remember (e + (a2 → b0) i) as vv; clear H i Heqvv.
+ dependent elimination vv; cbn; auto.
+ + econstructor;
+ refold_eval;
+ change (Lam (t `ₜ⊛ _)) with (Lam t `ᵥ⊛ e);
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with ((v : val_m _ (+ _)) ᵥ⊛ a).
+ rewrite t_sub2_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + econstructor; refold_eval; apply CIH.
Just like the above proof had the flavor of a composition law of module, this
+one has the flavor of an identity law. It states that evaluating a normal form
+is the identity computation.
-destruct u as [ a i [ p γ ] ]; cbn.
+dependent elimination p; cbn.
+all: unfold comp_eq; apply it_eq_unstep; cbn; econstructor.
+all: econstructor; intros ? v; do3 (dependent elimination v; auto).
This last proof is the technical condition we hinted at. It is a proof of
+well-foundedness of some relation, and what it amounts to is that if we
+repeatedly instantiate the head variable of a normal form by a value which is
+not a variable, after a finite number of times doing so we will eventually
+reach something that is not a normal form.
For our calculus this number is at most 2, the pathological state being
+⟨x|y⟩, which starts by being stuck on y, but when instanciating by
+some non-variable π, ⟨x|π⟩ is still stuck, this time on x. After
+another step it will definitely be unstuck and evaluation will be able to do
+a reduction step.
It is slightly tedious to prove but amount again to a "proof by case
-intros [ x p ].
+destruct x; dependent elimination p; econstructor.
+*intros [ z p ] H.
+dependent elimination p; dependent elimination H.
+all: dependent elimination v; trynowdestruct (t0 (Vvar _)).
+all: apply it_eq_step in i0; nowinversion i0.
+*intros [ z p ] H.
+dependent elimination p; dependent elimination H; cbnin *.
+dependent elimination v; trynowdestruct (t0 (Vvar _)).
++apply it_eq_step in i0; nowinversion i0.
++remember (a1 _ Ctx.top) as vv; clear a1 Heqvv.
+dependent elimination vv;
+ apply it_eq_step in i0; cbnin i0; dependent elimination i0.
+inversion r_rel.
++econstructor; intros [ z p ] H.
+dependent elimination p; dependent elimination H.
+all: dependent elimination v0; trynowdestruct (t1 (Vvar _)).
+all: apply it_eq_step in i2; nowinversion i2.
At this point we have finished all the hard work! We already enjoy the generic
+correctness theorem but don't know it yet! Lets define some shorthands for
+some generic notions applied to our case, to make it a welcoming nest.
The whole semantic is parametrized by typing scope Δ of "final channels".
+Typically this can be instanciated with the singleton [¬ans] for some
+chosen type ans, which will correspond with the outside type of the
+testing-contexts from CIU-equivalence. Usually this answer type is taken among
+the positive (or shareable) types of our language, but in fact using our
+observation machinery we can project the value of any type onto its "shareable
+part". This is why our generic proof abstracts over this answer type and even
+allows several of them at the same time (that is, Δ). In our case, as all
+types in our language are unshareable, the positive part of any value is
+pretty useless: it is always a singleton. Yet our notion of testing still
+distinguishes terminating from non-terminating programs.
As discussed in the paper, the "native output" of the generic theorem is
+correctness with respect to an equivalence we call "substitution equivalence".
+We will recover a more standard CIU later on.
Our semantic objects live in what is defined in the generic construction as
+ogs_act, that is active strategies for the OGS game. They come with their
+own notion of equivalence, weak bisimilarity and we get to interpret states
+into semantic objects.
We can now obtain our instance of the correctness result!
Theoremstlc_subst_correctΔ {Γ} (xy : state Γ)
+ : OGS⟦x⟧ ≈[Δ]≈ OGS⟦y⟧ -> x ≈S[Δ]≈ y .
+ exact (ogs_correction Δ x y).
Recovering CIU-equivalence
CIU-equivalence more usually defined as a relation on terms (and not some
+states), and involves an evaluation context. In our formalism it amounts to
+the following definition.
Now from a term we can always construct a state by naming it, that is, placing
+the term opposite of a fresh context variable.
Definitionc_init {Γa} (t : term Γ a) : state (Γ ▶ₓ ¬ a)
+ := t_shift _ t ⋅ K0 Ctx.top .
+Notation"T⟦ t ⟧" := (OGS⟦ c_init t ⟧) .
Similarly, from an evaluation context and a substitution, we can form an
+extended substitution. Without surprise these two constructions simplify well
+in terms of substitution.
We can now obtain a correctness theorem with respect to standard
+CIU-equivalence by embedding terms into states. Proving that CIU-equivalence
+entails our substitution equivalence is left to the reader!
Theoremstlc_ciu_correctΔ {Γa} (xy : term Γ a)
+ : T⟦ x ⟧ ≈[Δ]≈ T⟦ y ⟧ -> x ≈C[Δ]≈ y .
+ intros H σ k; rewrite2 sub_init.
+ nowapply stlc_subst_correct.
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Soundness (Theorem 8)
Finally, all the pieces are in place to prove that bisimilarity of induced LTS is sound
+w.r.t. substitution equivalence. Having worked hard to establish
+adequacy and congruence
+of weak bisimilarity for composition, very little remains to do here.
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an
+appropriate axiomatization.
Context {TC} {CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
+ Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
+ Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
+ Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs} {ML : machine_laws val conf obs}.
+ Context {VV : var_assumptions val}.
We define substitution equivalence of two language machine configurations (Def. 15).
Our main theorem: bisimilarity of induced OGS machine strategies is sound w.r.t.
+substitution equivalence, by applying barbed equivalence soundness, swapping the naive
+composition with the opaque one and then applying congruence.
Theoremogs_correction {Γ} Δ (xy : conf Γ) : x ≈⟦ogs Δ⟧≈ y -> x ≈⟦sub Δ⟧≈ y.
+ Proof.
+ intros H γ; unfold m_conf_eqv in H.
+ nowrewrite2 adequacy, H.
+ Qed.
If you wish to double check these results you can run the following commands at
+this point in the file:
ogs_correction not a defined object.
The reference ogs_correction was not found
+in the current environment.
The first command will explicit the assumptions of the theorem, which we show how
+to provide with several examples:
The second command will explicit if any axiom has been used to establish the
+result. As stated in the prelude, we exclusively use
+Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq, ie Streicher's axiom K.
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The Machine Strategy (§ 5.3)
Having defined the OGS game and axiomatized the
+language machine, we are now ready to construct the machine strategy.
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine.
Context `{CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
+ Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
+ Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
+ Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs}.
We start off by defining active and passive OGS assignments (Def 5.16). This datastructure
+will hold the memory part of a strategy state, remembering the values which we have
+hidden from Opponent and given as fresh variables.
Next we define the collapsing function on OGS assignments (Def 5.18).
Equationscollapse {ΔpΦ} : ogs_env Δ p Φ -> ↓[p^]Φ =[val]> (Δ +▶ ↓[p]Φ) :=
+ collapse ε⁺ := ! ;
+ collapse ε⁻ := ! ;
+ collapse (u ;⁺) := collapse u ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ;
+ collapse (u ;⁻ e) := [ collapse u , e ] .
+ Notation"ₐ↓ γ" := (collapse γ).
We readily define the zipping function (Def 6.10).
+ Equationsbicollapse {Δ} Φ : ogs_env Δ Act Φ -> ogs_env Δ Pas Φ -> forallp, ↓[p]Φ =[val]> Δ :=
+ bicollapse ∅ₓ (ε⁺) (ε⁻) Act := ! ;
+ bicollapse ∅ₓ (ε⁺) (ε⁻) Pas := ! ;
+ bicollapse (Φ ▶ₓ _) (u ;⁺) (v ;⁻ γ) Act :=
+ [ bicollapse Φ v u Pas , γ ⊛ [ a_id , bicollapse Φ v u Act ] ] ;
+ bicollapse (Φ ▶ₓ _) (v ;⁺) (u ;⁻ e) Pas := bicollapse Φ u v Act .
+ #[global] Arguments bicollapse {Δ Φ} u v {p}.
And the fixpoint property linking collapsing and zipping (Prop 6.13).
Lemmacollapse_fix_aux {ΔΦ} (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ)
+ : ₐ↓u ⊛ [ a_id , bicollapse u v ] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v
+ /\ ₐ↓v ⊛ [ a_id , bicollapse u v ] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v .
+ Proof.
+ induction Φ; dependent destruction u; dependent destruction v.
+ - split; intros ? i; nowdestruct (c_view_emp i).
+ - split; cbn; simp collapse; simp bicollapse.
+ + intros ? i; cbn; rewrite <- v_sub_sub, a_ren_r_simpl, r_cat3_1_simpl.
+ nowapply IHΦ.
+ exact _. (* wtf typeclass?? *)
+ + intros ? i; cbn; destruct (c_view_cat i); eauto.
+ nowapply IHΦ.
+ Qed.
+ Lemmacollapse_fix_act {ΔΦ} (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ)
+ : ₐ↓u ⊛ [ a_id , bicollapse u v ] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v .
+ Proof. nowapply collapse_fix_aux. Qed.
+ Lemmacollapse_fix_pas {ΔΦ} (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ)
+ : ₐ↓v ⊛ [ a_id , bicollapse u v ] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v .
+ Proof. nowapply collapse_fix_aux. Qed.
Here we provide an alternative definition to the collapsing functions, using a more
+precisely typed lookup function. This is more practical to use when reasoning about
+the height of a variable, in the eventual guardedness proof.
First we compute actual useful subset of the context used by a particular variable.
Equationsctx_domΦp {x} : ↓[p^]Φ ∋ x -> C :=
+ ctx_dom ∅ₓ Act i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
+ ctx_dom ∅ₓ Pas i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
+ ctx_dom (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Act i := ctx_dom Φ Pas i ;
+ ctx_dom (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Pas i with c_view_cat i := {
+ | Vcat_l j := ctx_dom Φ Act j ;
+ | Vcat_r j := ↓[Act]Φ } .
+ #[global] Arguments ctx_dom {Φ p x} i.
Next we provide a renaming from this precise domain to the actual current allowed context.
Equationsr_ctx_domΦp {x} (i : ↓[p^]Φ ∋ x) : ctx_dom i ⊆ ↓[p]Φ :=
+ r_ctx_dom ∅ₓ Act i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
+ r_ctx_dom ∅ₓ Pas i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
+ r_ctx_dom (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Act i := r_ctx_dom Φ Pas i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_l ;
+ r_ctx_dom (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Pas i with c_view_cat i := {
+ | Vcat_l j := r_ctx_dom Φ Act j ;
+ | Vcat_r j := r_id } .
+ #[global] Arguments r_ctx_dom {Φ p x} i.
We can write this more precise lookup function, returning a value in just the necessary
Equationslookup {ΔpΦ} (γ : ogs_env Δ p Φ) [x] (i : ↓[p^]Φ ∋ x)
+ : val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom i) x :=
+ lookup ε⁺ i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
+ lookup ε⁻ i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
+ lookup (γ ;⁺) i := lookup γ i ;
+ lookup (γ ;⁻ e) i with c_view_cat i := {
+ | Vcat_l j := lookup γ j ;
+ | Vcat_r j := e _ j } .
We relate the precise lookup with the previously defined collapse.
We define active and passive states of the machine strategy. Active states consist of
+the pair of a language configuration and an active OGS assignement. Passive states consist
+solely of a passive OGS assignement.
Next we define the action and reaction morphisms of the machine strategy. First
+m_strat_wrap provides the active transition given an already evaluated normal form,
+such that the action morphism m_strat_play only has to evaluate the active part
+of the state. m_strat_resp mostly is a wrapper around oapp, our analogue to
+the embedding from normal forms to language configurations present in the paper.
These action and reaction morphisms define a coalgebra, which we now embed into the
+final coalgebra by looping them coinductively. This constructs the indexed interaction
+tree arising from starting the machine strategy at a given state.
Definitionm_strat {Δ} : m_strat_act Δ ⇒ᵢ ogs_act Δ :=
+ cofix _m_strat Φ e :=
+ subst_delay
+ (funr => go match r with
+ | inl m => RetF m
+ | inr (x ,' p) => VisF x (funr : ogs_e.(e_rsp) _ => _m_strat _ (m_strat_resp p r))
+ end)
+ (m_strat_play e).
We also provide a wrapper for the passive version of the above map.
Definitionm_stratp {Δ} : m_strat_pas Δ ⇒ᵢ ogs_pas Δ :=
+ fun_xm => m_strat _ (m_strat_resp x m).
We define the notion of equivalence on machine-strategy states given by the weak
+bisimilarity of the induced infinite trees. There is an active version, and a passive
+version, working pointwise.
Definitionm_strat_act_eqv {Δ} : relᵢ (m_strat_act Δ) (m_strat_act Δ) :=
+ funixy => m_strat i x ≈ m_strat i y.
+ Notation"x ≈ₐ y" := (m_strat_act_eqv _ x y).
+ Definitionm_strat_pas_eqv {Δ} : relᵢ (m_strat_pas Δ) (m_strat_pas Δ) :=
+ funixy => forallm, m_strat_resp x m ≈ₐ m_strat_resp y m .
+ Notation"x ≈ₚ y" := (m_strat_pas_eqv _ x y).
+ #[global] Instancem_strat_act_eqv_refl {Δ} : Reflexiveᵢ (@m_strat_act_eqv Δ).
+ Proof. intros ??; unfold m_strat_act_eqv; reflexivity. Qed.
+ #[global] Instancem_strat_pas_eqv_refl {Δ} : Reflexiveᵢ (@m_strat_pas_eqv Δ).
+ Proof. intros ???; reflexivity. Qed.
A technical lemma explaining how the infinite strategy unfolds.
Next we construct the initial states. The active initial state is given by simply a
+configuration from the language machine while a passive initial state is given by
+an assignment into the final context Δ.
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Interaction Trees: Structure
ITrees form an iterative monad. The iter combinator provided here iterates over
+arbitrary sets of equations. The file ITree/Guarded.v provides a
+finer iterator, restricted to notions of guarded equations, enjoying an additional
+uniqueness property.
+Context {I} {E : event I I}.
Functorial action on maps.
Definitionfmap {XY} (f : X ⇒ᵢ Y) : itree E X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y :=
+ cofix _fmap _ u :=
+ go match u.(_observe) with
+ | RetF r => RetF (f _ r)
+ | TauF t => TauF (_fmap _ t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr => _fmap _ (k r))
+ end.
Monadic bind.
Definitionsubst {XY} (f : X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y) : itree E X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y :=
+ cofix _subst _ u :=
+ go match u.(_observe) with
+ | RetF r => (f _ r).(_observe)
+ | TauF t => TauF (_subst _ t)
+ | VisF e k => VisF e (funr => _subst _ (k r))
+ end.
+Definitionbind {XYi} xf := @subst X Y f i x.
+Definitionkcomp {XYZ} (f : X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y) (g : Y ⇒ᵢ itree E Z) : X ⇒ᵢ itree E Z :=
+ funix => bind (f i x) g.
Iteration operator (Def. 31).
Definitioniter {XY} (f : X ⇒ᵢ itree E (X +ᵢ Y)) : X ⇒ᵢ itree E Y :=
+ cofix _iter _ x :=
+ bind (f _ x) (fun_r => go match r with
+ | inl x => TauF (_iter _ x)
+ | inr y => RetF y
+ end) .
+#[global] Notation"f <$> x" := (fmap f _ x) (at level30).
+#[global] Notation"x >>= f" := (bind x f) (at level30).
+#[global] Notation"f =<< x" := (subst f _ x) (at level30).
+#[global] Notation"f >=> g" := (kcomp f g) (at level30).
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Sub-context structure
As motivated in Ctx/DirectSum.v, we sometimes have exotic calculi
+which need specific kinds of contexts. Another such case is when there is a particular
+subset of types, represented by a predicate, and we wish to talk about contexts containing
+only these kind of types. Once again, we could do this using concrete lists, by taking
+the set of types to be elements of the predicate P : T → SProp: ctx (sigS P). The
+problem is once again that DeBruijn indices on this structure is not the right notion of
+variables. The set of contexts of some subset of the types is a subset of the set of contexts
+over that type! In other words, we should rather take sigS (ctx T) (allS P). As such the
+notion of variable should be the same.
We assume given a notion of context and a strict predicate on types.
+Context {TC} {CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C} {P : T -> SProp}.
We define the strict predicate on context stating that all elements verify P.
DefinitionallS (Γ : C) : SProp := forallx, Γ ∋ x -> P x.
+DefinitionctxS : Type := sigS allS.
+Definitioncoe_ctxS : ctxS -> C := sub_elt.
A variable in the refined context is just a variable in the underlying context.
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T Γ, Δ: ctxS
allS (sub_elt Γ +▶ sub_elt Δ)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T Γ, Δ: ctxS x: T i: sub_elt Γ ∋ x
P x
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T Γ, Δ: ctxS x: T j: sub_elt Δ ∋ x
P x
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T Γ, Δ: ctxS x: T j: sub_elt Δ ∋ x
P x
+nowapply Δ.(sub_prf).
We now construct the instance.
#[global] Instancesubset_context : context T ctxS :=
+ {| c_emp := nilS ;
+ c_cat := catS ;
+ c_var := varS |}.
+#[global] Instancesubset_context_cat_wkn : context_cat_wkn T ctxS :=
+ {| r_cat_l Γ Δ t i := @r_cat_l T C _ _ Γ.(sub_elt) Δ.(sub_elt) t i ;
+ r_cat_r Γ Δ t i := @r_cat_r T C _ _ Γ.(sub_elt) Δ.(sub_elt) t i |} .
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
context_laws T ctxS
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
context_laws T ctxS
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (t : T) (i : varS nilS t), c_emp_view t i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (ΓΔ : ctxS) (t : T) (i : varS (catS Γ Δ) t),
+c_cat_view Γ Δ t i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (ΓΔ : ctxS) (t : T),
+injective (funi : varS Γ t => r_cat_l i)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (ΓΔ : ctxS) (t : T),
+injective (funi : varS Δ t => r_cat_r i)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (ΓΔ : ctxS) (t : T) (i : varS Γ t)
+ (j : varS Δ t), ¬ (r_cat_l i = r_cat_r j)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (t : T) (i : varS nilS t), c_emp_view t i
intros ? i; destruct (c_view_emp i).
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (ΓΔ : ctxS) (t : T) (i : varS (catS Γ Δ) t),
+c_cat_view Γ Δ t i
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T Γ, Δ: ctxS t: T i: sub_elt Γ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ t (r_cat_l i)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T Γ, Δ: ctxS t: T j: sub_elt Δ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ t (r_cat_r j)
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T Γ, Δ: ctxS t: T j: sub_elt Δ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ t (r_cat_r j)
+refine (Vcat_r _).
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (ΓΔ : ctxS) (t : T),
+injective (funi : varS Γ t => r_cat_l i)
intros ????? H; exact (r_cat_l_inj _ _ H).
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (ΓΔ : ctxS) (t : T),
+injective (funi : varS Δ t => r_cat_r i)
intros ????? H; exact (r_cat_r_inj _ _ H).
T, C: Type CC: context T C CL: context_laws T C P: psh T
forall (ΓΔ : ctxS) (t : T) (i : varS Γ t)
+ (j : varS Δ t), ¬ (r_cat_l i = r_cat_r j)
intros ????? H; exact (r_cat_disj _ _ H).
A couple helpers for manipulating the new variables.
Definitions_prf {Γ : ctxS} {x} (i : Γ.(sub_elt) ∋ x) : P x := Γ.(sub_prf) x i .
+Definitions_elt_upg {Γ : ctxS} {x} (i : Γ.(sub_elt) ∋ x) : sigS P :=
+ {| sub_prf := Γ.(sub_prf) x i |}.
+Definitions_var_upg {Γ : ctxS} {x : T} (i : Γ.(sub_elt) ∋ x)
+ : Γ ∋ (s_elt_upg i).(sub_elt) := i.
In the case of sub-contexts over concrete contexts we provide a wrapper for the
+"append" operation.
From OGS.Ctx Require Import Ctx Covering.
+Context {T} {P : T -> SProp}.
+Program DefinitionconS (Γ : ctxS T (ctx T) P) (x : sigS P) : ctxS T (ctx T) P :=
+ {| sub_elt := Γ.(sub_elt) ▶ₓ x.(sub_elt) |}.
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P
allS P (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x)
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P x0: T i: cvar (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x) x0
P x0
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P x0: T c: ctx T Heqc: NoConfusion c (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x) i: cvar c x0
P x0
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P x0: T Γ0: ctx T Heqc: NoConfusion (Γ0 ▶ₓ x0) (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x)
P x0
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P x0: T Γ0: ctx T y: T Heqc: NoConfusion (Γ0 ▶ₓ y) (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x) i: var x0 Γ0
P x0
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P x0: T Γ0: ctx T Heqc: NoConfusion (Γ0 ▶ₓ x0) (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x)
P x0
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P x0: T Γ0: ctx T Heqc: NoConfusion (Γ0 ▶ₓ x0) (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x) H: x0 = sub_elt x
P x0
+rewrite H; nowapply x.(sub_prf).
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P x0: T Γ0: ctx T y: T Heqc: NoConfusion (Γ0 ▶ₓ y) (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x) i: var x0 Γ0
P x0
T: Type P: psh T Γ: ctxS T (ctx T) P x: sigS P x0: T Γ0: ctx T y: T Heqc: NoConfusion (Γ0 ▶ₓ y) (sub_elt Γ ▶ₓ sub_elt x) i: var x0 Γ0 H: Γ0 = sub_elt Γ
P x0
+rewrite H in i; nowapply Γ.(sub_prf).
+#[global] Notation"Γ ▶ₛ x" := (conS Γ x) : ctx_scope.
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Substitution structures (§ 4.1)
In this file we axiomatize what it means for a family to support substitution.
Substitution Monoid (Def. 7)
The specification of an evaluator will be separated in several steps. First we will ask
+for a family of values, i.e. objects that can be substituted for variables. We formalize
+well-typed well-scoped substitutions in the monoidal style of Fiore et al and Allais et al.
+Here we are generic over a notion of context, treating lists and DeBruijn indices in the
+usual well-typed well-scoped style, but also other similar notions. See
+Ctx/Abstract.v for more background on notions of variables and contexts
+and for the categorical presentation of substitution.
Classsubst_monoid `{CC : context T C} (val : Fam₁ T C) := {
+ v_var : c_var ⇒₁ val ;
+ v_sub : val ⇒₁ ⟦ val , val ⟧₁ ;
By pointwise lifting of substitution we can define composition of assignments.
Definitiona_comp `{subst_monoid T C val} {Γ1 Γ2 Γ3}
+ : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2 -> Γ2 =[val]> Γ3 -> Γ1 =[val]> Γ3
+ := funuv_i => u _ i ᵥ⊛ v.
+#[global] Infix"⊛" := a_comp (at level14) : asgn_scope.
The laws for monoids and modules are pretty straightforward. A specificity is that
+assignments are represented by functions from variables to values, as such their
+well-behaved equality is pointwise equality and we require substitution to respect it.
Classsubst_monoid_laws `{CC : context T C} (val : Fam₁ T C) {VM : subst_monoid val} := {
+ v_sub_proper :: Proper (∀ₕΓ, ∀ₕ_, eq ==> ∀ₕΔ, asgn_eq Γ Δ ==> eq) v_sub ;
+ v_sub_var {Γ1 Γ2 x} (i : Γ1 ∋ x) (p : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2)
+ : v_var i ᵥ⊛ p = p _ i ;
+ v_var_sub {Γ x} (v : val Γ x)
+ : v ᵥ⊛ a_id = v ;
+ v_sub_sub {Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 x} (v : val Γ1 x) (a : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (b : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3)
+ : v ᵥ⊛ (a ⊛ b) = (v ᵥ⊛ a) ᵥ⊛ b ;
+} .
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val H: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C x: T v: val Γ1 x
Proper (asgn_eq Γ1 Γ2 ==> eq) (v_sub v)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val H: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C x: T v: val Γ1 x
Proper (asgn_eq Γ1 Γ2 ==> eq) (v_sub v)
nowapply v_sub_proper.Qed.
Substitution Module (Def. 8)
Next, we ask for a module over the monoid of values, to represent the configurations
+of the machine.
Classsubst_module `{CC : context T C} (val : Fam₁ T C) (conf : Fam₀ T C) := {
+ c_sub : conf ⇒₀ ⟦ val , conf ⟧₀ ;
#[global] Notation"c ₜ⊛ a" := (c_sub c a%asgn) (at level30).
Again the laws should not be surprising.
Classsubst_module_laws `{CC : context T C} (val : Fam₁ T C) (conf : Fam₀ T C)
+ {VM : subst_monoid val} {CM : subst_module val conf} := {
+ c_sub_proper :: Proper (∀ₕΓ, eq ==> ∀ₕΔ, asgn_eq Γ Δ ==> eq) c_sub ;
+ c_var_sub {Γ} (c : conf Γ) : c ₜ⊛ a_id = c ;
+ c_sub_sub {Γ1 Γ2 Γ3} (c : conf Γ1) (a : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (b : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3)
+ : c ₜ⊛ (a ⊛ b) = (c ₜ⊛ a) ₜ⊛ b ;
+} .
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C conf: Fam₀ T C VM: subst_monoid val CM: subst_module val conf H: subst_module_laws val conf Γ1, Γ2: C c: conf Γ1
Proper (asgn_eq Γ1 Γ2 ==> eq) (c_sub c)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C conf: Fam₀ T C VM: subst_monoid val CM: subst_module val conf H: subst_module_laws val conf Γ1, Γ2: C c: conf Γ1
Proper (asgn_eq Γ1 Γ2 ==> eq) (c_sub c)
nowapply c_sub_proper.Qed.
Now that we know that our families have a substitution operation and variables, we
+can readily derive a renaming operation. While we could have axiomatized it, together with
+its compatibility with substitution, allowing for possibly more efficient implementations,
+we prefer simplicity and work with this generic implementation in terms of substitution.
+Context `{CC : context T C} {val : Fam₁ T C} {conf : Fam₀ T C}.
+Context {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
+Context {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
By post-composing with the substitution identity, we can embed renamings into assignments.
Something which we have absolutely pushed under the rug in the paper is a couple more
+mild technical hypotheses on the substitution monoid of values: since in the
+eventual guardedness proof we need to case split on whether
+or not a value is a variable, we need to ask for that to be possible! As such,
+we need the following additional assumptions:
v_var has decidable fibers
v_var is injective
the fibers of v_var pull back along renamings
These assumptions are named "clear-cut" in the paper (Def. 27).
We first define the fibers of v_var.
Variantis_var `{VM : subst_monoid T C val} {Γ x} : val Γ x -> Type :=
+| Vvar (i : Γ ∋ x) : is_var (v_var i)
+Equationsis_var_get `{VM : subst_monoid T C val} {Γ x} {v : val Γ x} : is_var v -> Γ ∋ x :=
+ is_var_get (Vvar i) := i .
Which are obviously stable under renamings.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM0: subst_monoid val VM: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T v: val Γ1 x
is_var v -> is_var (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM0: subst_monoid val VM: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T v: val Γ1 x
is_var v -> is_var (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM0: subst_monoid val VM: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T i: Γ1 ∋ x
is_var (a_id i ᵥ⊛ᵣ r)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM0: subst_monoid val VM: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T i: Γ1 ∋ x
is_var (r_emb r x i)
At last we define our last assumptions on variables (Def. 28).
Classvar_assumptions `{CC : context T C} (val : Fam₁ T C) {VM : subst_monoid val} := {
+ v_var_inj {Γ x} : injective (@v_var _ _ _ _ _ Γ x) ;
+ is_var_dec {Γ x} (v : val Γ x) : decidable (is_var v) ;
+ is_var_ren {Γ1 Γ2 x} (v : val Γ1 x) (r : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) : is_var (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r) -> is_var v ;
Here we derive a couple helpers around these new assumptions.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T v: val Γ x p, q: is_var v
p = q
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T v: val Γ x p, q: is_var v
p = q
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T v: val Γ x p, q0: is_var v i: Γ ∋ x w: val Γ x H: w = a_id i q: is_var w
Vvar i = rew [is_var] H in q
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T v: val Γ x p, q0: is_var v i, i0: Γ ∋ x H: a_id i0 = a_id i
Vvar i = rew [is_var] H in Vvar i0
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T v: val Γ x p, q0: is_var v i, i0: Γ ∋ x H: a_id i0 = a_id i H': i0 = i
Vvar i = rew [is_var] H in Vvar i0
+now dependent elimination H'; dependent elimination H.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T i: Γ ∋ x p: is_var (a_id i)
p = Vvar i
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T i: Γ ∋ x p: is_var (a_id i)
p = Vvar i
apply is_var_irr.Qed.
+Variantis_var_ren_view {Γ1Γ2x}
+ (v : val Γ1 x) (r : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) : is_var (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r) -> Type :=
+ | Vvren (H : is_var v) : is_var_ren_view v r (ren_is_var r H) .
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ1, Γ2: C x: T v: val Γ1 x r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 H: is_var (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r)
is_var_ren_view v r H
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ1, Γ2: C x: T v: val Γ1 x r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 H: is_var (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r)
is_var_ren_view v r H
+rewrite (is_var_irr H (ren_is_var r (is_var_ren v r H))); econstructor.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T v: val Γ1 x H: is_var v
is_var_get (ren_is_var r H) = r x (is_var_get H)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T v: val Γ1 x H: is_var v
is_var_get (ren_is_var r H) = r x (is_var_get H)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T i: Γ1 ∋ x
is_var_get (ren_is_var r (Vvar i)) = r x i
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T i: Γ1 ∋ x
foralli0 : is_var (a_id i ᵥ⊛ᵣ r),
+is_var_get i0 = r x i
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ1, Γ2: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 x: T i: Γ1 ∋ x H: is_var (a_id (r x i))
is_var_get H = r x i
+nowrewrite (is_var_irr H (Vvar (r _ i))).
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T v: val Γ x H: is_var v
v = a_id (is_var_get H)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val VA: var_assumptions val Γ: C x: T v: val Γ x H: is_var v
v = a_id (is_var_get H)
nowdestruct H.Qed.
Finally we end with a couple derived property on assignments.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 a: Γ2 =[ val ]> Γ3
r_emb r ⊛ a ≡ₐ r ᵣ⊛ a
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2, Γ3: C r: Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 a: Γ2 =[ val ]> Γ3
r_emb r ⊛ a ≡ₐ r ᵣ⊛ a
intros ??; cbn; nowrewrite v_sub_var.Qed.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ: C
r_emb r_id ≡ₐ a_id
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ: C
r_emb r_id ≡ₐ a_id
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2 b: Γ2 =[ val ]> Γ3 r: Γ3 ⊆ Γ4
(a ⊛ b) ⊛ᵣ r ≡ₐ a ⊛ (b ⊛ᵣ r)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2 b: Γ2 =[ val ]> Γ3 r: Γ3 ⊆ Γ4
(a ⊛ b) ⊛ᵣ r ≡ₐ a ⊛ (b ⊛ᵣ r)
intros ??; cbn; nowrewrite <-v_sub_sub.Qed.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2 r: Γ2 ⊆ Γ3 b: Γ3 =[ val ]> Γ4
(a ⊛ᵣ r) ⊛ b ≡ₐ a ⊛ (r ᵣ⊛ b)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2 r: Γ2 ⊆ Γ3 b: Γ3 =[ val ]> Γ4
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2 b: Γ2 =[ val ]> Γ3 c: Γ3 =[ val ]> Γ4
(a ⊛ b) ⊛ c ≡ₐ a ⊛ (b ⊛ c)
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2 b: Γ2 =[ val ]> Γ3 c: Γ3 =[ val ]> Γ4
(a ⊛ b) ⊛ c ≡ₐ a ⊛ (b ⊛ c)
intros ??; cbn; nowrewrite v_sub_sub.Qed.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2
a ⊛ a_id ≡ₐ a
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2
a ⊛ a_id ≡ₐ a
intros ??; cbn; nowrewrite v_var_sub.Qed.
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2
a_id ⊛ a ≡ₐ a
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2
a_id ⊛ a ≡ₐ a
T, C: Type CC: context T C val: Fam₁ T C VM: subst_monoid val VML: subst_monoid_laws val Γ1, Γ2: C a: Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2 a0: T a1: Γ1 ∋ a0
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In this file we instanciate our OGS construction with the fully-dual polarized mu-mu-tilde
+calculus 'System D' from P. Downen & Z. Ariola. The presentation may be slightly unusual
+as we go for one-sided sequent. The only real divergence from the original calculus
+is the addition of a restricted form of recursion, making the language non-normalizing.
Type have polarities, basically whether their values are CBV-biased
+or CBN-biased
Variantpol : Type := pos | neg .
Syntax of types. We have a fully dual type system with:
0, positive void (no constructor),
⊤, negative unit (no destructor),
⊥, negative void (one trivial destructor),
1, positive unit (one trivial constructor),
A⊗B, positive product (pairs with pattern-matching),
A⅋B, negative sum (one binary destructor),
A⊕B, positive sum (usual coproduct with injections),
A&B, negative product (usual product with projections),
↓A, positive shift (thunking),
↑A, negative shift ('returners'),
⊖A, positive negation (approximately continuations accepting an A),
¬A, negative negation (approximately refutations of A).
We opt for an explicit treatment of polarity, by indexing the family of types.
Notation"0" := (Zer) : ty_scope .
+Notation"1" := (One) : ty_scope .
+Notation"⊤" := (Top) : ty_scope .
+Notation"⊥" := (Bot) : ty_scope .
+Notation"A ⊗ B" := (Tens A B) (at level40) : ty_scope.
+Notation"A ⅋ B" := (Par A B) (at level40) : ty_scope .
+Notation"A ⊕ B" := (Or A B) (at level40) : ty_scope.
+Notation"A & B" := (And A B) (at level40) : ty_scope.
+Notation"↓ A" := (ShiftP A) (at level40) : ty_scope.
+Notation"↑ A" := (ShiftN A) (at level40) : ty_scope.
+Notation"⊖ A" := (NegP A) (at level5) : ty_scope .
+Notation"¬ A" := (NegN A) (at level5) : ty_scope .
As hinted above, we go for one-sided sequents. This enables to have only one context
+instead of two, simplifying the theory of substitution. On the flip-side, as we still
+need two kinds of variables, the 'normal' ones and the co-variables, our contexts will
+not contain bare types but side-annotated types. A variable of type A will thus be
+stored as \`-A in the context while a co-variable of type A will be stored as \`-A.
Variantty : Type :=
+| LTy {p} : pre_ty p -> ty
+| RTy {p} : pre_ty p -> ty
Finally we define contexts as backward lists of side-annotated types.
The reference Ctx.ctx was not found in the current
We define the well-typed syntax of the language with 3 mutually defined syntactic
+categories: terms, weak head-normal forms and states ('language configurations' in
+the paper).
Nothing should be too surprising. A first notable point is that by choosing to have an
+explicit notion of 'side' of a variable, we can have a single construct
+for both mu and mu-tilde. A second notable point is our new slightly exotic RecL and
+RecR constructions. They allow arbitrary recursion at co-terms of positive types and
+at terms of negative types. These polarity restrictions allow us to have minimal
+disruption of the evaluation rules.
Inductiveterm : t_ctx -> ty -> Type :=
+| Mu {Γ A} : state (Γ ▶ₓ A†) -> term Γ A
+| RecL {Γ} {A : pre_ty pos} : term (Γ ▶ₓ `-A) `-A -> term Γ `-A
+| RecR {Γ} {A : pre_ty neg} : term (Γ ▶ₓ `+A) `+A -> term Γ `+A
+| Whn {Γ A} : whn Γ A -> term Γ A
+with whn : t_ctx -> ty -> Type :=
+| Var {Γ A} : Γ ∋ A -> whn Γ A
+| ZerL {Γ} : whn Γ `-0
+| TopR {Γ} : whn Γ `+⊤
+| OneR {Γ} : whn Γ `+1
+| OneL {Γ} : state Γ -> whn Γ `-1
+| BotR {Γ} : state Γ -> whn Γ `+⊥
+| BotL {Γ} : whn Γ `-⊥
+| TenR {Γ A B} : whn Γ `+A -> whn Γ `+B -> whn Γ `+(A ⊗ B)
+| TenL {Γ A B} : state (Γ ▶ₓ `+A ▶ₓ `+B) -> whn Γ `-(A ⊗ B)
+| ParR {Γ A B} : state (Γ ▶ₓ `-A ▶ₓ `-B) -> whn Γ `+(A ⅋ B)
+| ParL {Γ A B} : whn Γ `-A -> whn Γ `-B -> whn Γ `-(A ⅋ B)
+| OrR1 {Γ A B} : whn Γ `+A -> whn Γ `+(A ⊕ B)
+| OrR2 {Γ A B} : whn Γ `+B -> whn Γ `+(A ⊕ B)
+| OrL {Γ A B} : state (Γ ▶ₓ `+A) -> state (Γ ▶ₓ `+B) -> whn Γ `-(A ⊕ B)
+| AndR {Γ A B} : state (Γ ▶ₓ `-A) -> state (Γ ▶ₓ `-B) -> whn Γ `+(A & B)
+| AndL1 {Γ A B} : whn Γ `-A -> whn Γ `-(A & B)
+| AndL2 {Γ A B} : whn Γ `-B -> whn Γ `-(A & B)
+| ShiftPR {Γ A} : term Γ `+A -> whn Γ `+(↓ A)
+| ShiftPL {Γ A} : state (Γ ▶ₓ `+A) -> whn Γ `-(↓ A)
+| ShiftNR {Γ A} : state (Γ ▶ₓ `-A) -> whn Γ `+(↑ A)
+| ShiftNL {Γ A} : term Γ `-A -> whn Γ `-(↑ A)
+| NegPR {Γ A} : whn Γ `-A -> whn Γ `+(⊖ A)
+| NegPL {Γ A} : state (Γ ▶ₓ `-A) -> whn Γ `-(⊖ A)
+| NegNR {Γ A} : state (Γ ▶ₓ `+A) -> whn Γ `+(¬ A)
+| NegNL {Γ A} : whn Γ `+A -> whn Γ `-(¬ A)
+with state : t_ctx -> Type :=
+| Cut {Γ} p {A : pre_ty p} : term Γ `+A -> term Γ `-A -> state Γ
+DefinitionCut' {ΓA} : term Γ A -> term Γ A† -> state Γ :=
+ match A with
+ | `+A => funt1t2 => Cut _ t1 t2
+ | `-A => funt1t2 => Cut _ t2 t1
+ end .
Values are not exactly weak head-normal forms, but depend on the polarity of the type.
+As positive types have CBV evaluation, their values are weak head-normal forms, but their
+co-values (evaluation contexts) are just any co-term (context) as they are delayed anyways.
+Dually for negative types, values are delayed hence can be any term while co-values must
+be weak head-normal form contexts.
Equationsval : t_ctx -> ty -> Type :=
+ val Γ (@LTy pos A) := whn Γ `+A ;
+ val Γ (@RTy pos A) := term Γ `-A ;
+ val Γ (@LTy neg A) := term Γ `+A ;
+ val Γ (@RTy neg A) := whn Γ `-A .
+Arguments val _ _ /.
We provide a 'smart-constructor' for variables, embedding variables in values.
Equationsvar : c_var ⇒₁ val :=
+ var _ (@LTy pos _) i := Var i ;
+ var _ (@RTy pos _) i := Whn (Var i) ;
+ var _ (@LTy neg _) i := Whn (Var i) ;
+ var _ (@RTy neg _) i := Var i .
+#[global] Arguments var {Γ} [x] / i.
Without surprise parallel renaming goes by a big mutual induction, shifting the renaming
+apropriately while going under binders. Note the use of the internal substitution hom
+to type it.
Equationst_rename : term ⇒₁ ⟦ c_var , term ⟧₁ :=
+ t_rename _ _ (Mu c) _ f := Mu (s_rename _ c _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ t_rename _ _ (RecL t) _ f := RecL (t_rename _ _ t _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ t_rename _ _ (RecR t) _ f := RecR (t_rename _ _ t _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ t_rename _ _ (Whn v) _ f := Whn (w_rename _ _ v _ f) ;
+with w_rename : whn ⇒₁ ⟦ c_var , whn ⟧₁ :=
+ w_rename _ _ (Var i) _ f := Var (f _ i) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (ZerL) _ f := ZerL ;
+ w_rename _ _ (TopR) _ f := TopR ;
+ w_rename _ _ (OneR) _ f := OneR ;
+ w_rename _ _ (OneL c) _ f := OneL (s_rename _ c _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (BotR c) _ f := BotR (s_rename _ c _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (BotL) _ f := BotL ;
+ w_rename _ _ (TenR v1 v2) _ f := TenR (w_rename _ _ v1 _ f) (w_rename _ _ v2 _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (TenL c) _ f := TenL (s_rename _ c _ (r_shift2 f)) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (ParR c) _ f := ParR (s_rename _ c _ (r_shift2 f)) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (ParL k1 k2) _ f := ParL (w_rename _ _ k1 _ f) (w_rename _ _ k2 _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (OrR1 v) _ f := OrR1 (w_rename _ _ v _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (OrR2 v) _ f := OrR2 (w_rename _ _ v _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (OrL c1 c2) _ f := OrL (s_rename _ c1 _ (r_shift1 f))
+ (s_rename _ c2 _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (AndR c1 c2) _ f := AndR (s_rename _ c1 _ (r_shift1 f))
+ (s_rename _ c2 _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (AndL1 k) _ f := AndL1 (w_rename _ _ k _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (AndL2 k) _ f := AndL2 (w_rename _ _ k _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (ShiftPR t) _ f := ShiftPR (t_rename _ _ t _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (ShiftPL c) _ f := ShiftPL (s_rename _ c _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (ShiftNR c) _ f := ShiftNR (s_rename _ c _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (ShiftNL t) _ f := ShiftNL (t_rename _ _ t _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (NegPR k) _ f := NegPR (w_rename _ _ k _ f) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (NegPL c) _ f := NegPL (s_rename _ c _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (NegNR c) _ f := NegNR (s_rename _ c _ (r_shift1 f)) ;
+ w_rename _ _ (NegNL v) _ f := NegNL (w_rename _ _ v _ f) ;
+with s_rename : state ⇒₀ ⟦ c_var , state ⟧₀ :=
+ s_rename _ (Cut _ v k) _ f := Cut _ (t_rename _ _ v _ f) (t_rename _ _ k _ f) .
We extend it to values...
Equationsv_rename : val ⇒₁ ⟦ c_var , val ⟧₁ :=
+ v_rename _ (@LTy pos a) := w_rename _ _ ;
+ v_rename _ (@RTy pos a) := t_rename _ _ ;
+ v_rename _ (@LTy neg a) := t_rename _ _ ;
+ v_rename _ (@RTy neg a) := w_rename _ _ .
The following bunch of shifting functions will help us define parallel substitution.
Definitiont_shift1 {Γy} : term Γ ⇒ᵢ term (Γ ▶ₓ y) := fun_t => t ₜ⊛ᵣ r_pop.
+Definitionw_shift1 {Γy} : whn Γ ⇒ᵢ whn (Γ ▶ₓ y) := fun_w => w `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_pop.
+Definitions_shift1 {Γy} : state Γ -> state (Γ ▶ₓ y) := funs => s ₛ⊛ᵣ r_pop.
+Definitionv_shift1 {Γy} : val Γ ⇒ᵢ val (Γ ▶ₓ y) := fun_v => v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_pop.
+Definitionv_shift2 {Γyz} : val Γ ⇒ᵢ val (Γ ▶ₓ y ▶ₓ z) := fun_v => v ᵥ⊛ᵣ (r_pop ᵣ⊛ r_pop).
+Definitiona_shift1 {ΓΔ} [y] (a : Γ =[val]> Δ) : (Γ ▶ₓ y) =[val]> (Δ ▶ₓ y)
+ := [ fun_i => v_shift1 _ (a _ i) ,ₓ var top ].
+Definitiona_shift2 {ΓΔ} [y z] (a : Γ =[val]> Δ) : (Γ ▶ₓ y ▶ₓ z) =[val]> (Δ ▶ₓ y ▶ₓ z)
+ := [ [ fun_i => v_shift2 _ (a _ i) ,ₓ var (pop top) ] ,ₓ var top ].
We also define two embeddings linking the various syntactical categories.
Equationsv_of_wΓA : whn Γ A -> val Γ A :=
+ v_of_w _ (@LTy pos _) v := v ;
+ v_of_w _ (@RTy pos _) u := Whn u ;
+ v_of_w _ (@LTy neg _) u := Whn u ;
+ v_of_w _ (@RTy neg _) k := k .
+Arguments v_of_w {Γ A} v.
+#[global] Coercionv_of_w : whn >-> val.
+Equationst_of_vΓA : val Γ A -> term Γ A :=
+ t_of_v _ (@LTy pos _) v := Whn v ;
+ t_of_v _ (@RTy pos _) u := u ;
+ t_of_v _ (@LTy neg _) u := u ;
+ t_of_v _ (@RTy neg _) k := Whn k .
+Arguments t_of_v {Γ A} v.
+#[global] Coerciont_of_v : val >-> term.
Having done with renaming, we reapply the same pattern to define parallel substitution.
+Note that substituting a weak head-normal form with values may not yield a weak
+head-normal form, but only a value!
Equationst_subst : term ⇒₁ ⟦ val , term ⟧₁ :=
+ t_subst _ _ (Mu c) _ f := Mu (s_subst _ c _ (a_shift1 f)) ;
+ t_subst _ _ (RecL t) _ f := RecL (t_subst _ _ t _ (a_shift1 f)) ;
+ t_subst _ _ (RecR t) _ f := RecR (t_subst _ _ t _ (a_shift1 f)) ;
+ t_subst _ _ (Whn v) _ f := w_subst _ _ v _ f ;
+with w_subst : whn ⇒₁ ⟦ val , val ⟧₁ :=
+ w_subst _ _ (Var i) _ f := f _ i ;
+ w_subst _ _ (ZerL) _ f := Whn ZerL ;
+ w_subst _ _ (TopR) _ f := Whn TopR ;
+ w_subst _ _ (OneR) _ f := OneR ;
+ w_subst _ _ (OneL c) _ f := Whn (OneL (s_subst _ c _ f)) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (BotR c) _ f := Whn (BotR (s_subst _ c _ f)) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (BotL) _ f := BotL ;
+ w_subst _ _ (TenR v1 v2) _ f := TenR (w_subst _ _ v1 _ f) (w_subst _ _ v2 _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (TenL c) _ f := Whn (TenL (s_subst _ c _ (a_shift2 f))) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (ParR c) _ f := Whn (ParR (s_subst _ c _ (a_shift2 f))) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (ParL k1 k2) _ f := ParL (w_subst _ _ k1 _ f) (w_subst _ _ k2 _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (OrR1 v) _ f := OrR1 (w_subst _ _ v _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (OrR2 v) _ f := OrR2 (w_subst _ _ v _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (OrL c1 c2) _ f := Whn (OrL (s_subst _ c1 _ (a_shift1 f))
+ (s_subst _ c2 _ (a_shift1 f))) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (AndR c1 c2) _ f := Whn (AndR (s_subst _ c1 _ (a_shift1 f))
+ (s_subst _ c2 _ (a_shift1 f))) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (AndL1 k) _ f := AndL1 (w_subst _ _ k _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (AndL2 k) _ f := AndL2 (w_subst _ _ k _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (ShiftPR t) _ f := ShiftPR (t_subst _ _ t _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (ShiftPL c) _ f := Whn (ShiftPL (s_subst _ c _ (a_shift1 f))) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (ShiftNR c) _ f := Whn (ShiftNR (s_subst _ c _ (a_shift1 f))) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (ShiftNL t) _ f := ShiftNL (t_subst _ _ t _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (NegPR k) _ f := NegPR (w_subst _ _ k _ f) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (NegPL c) _ f := Whn (NegPL (s_subst _ c _ (a_shift1 f))) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (NegNR c) _ f := Whn (NegNR (s_subst _ c _ (a_shift1 f))) ;
+ w_subst _ _ (NegNL v) _ f := NegNL (w_subst _ _ v _ f) ;
+with s_subst : state ⇒₀ ⟦ val , state ⟧₀ :=
+ s_subst _ (Cut p v k) _ f := Cut p (t_subst _ _ v _ f) (t_subst _ _ k _ f) .
+Notation"t `ₜ⊛ a" := (t_subst _ _ t _ a%asgn) (at level30).
+Notation"w `ᵥ⊛ a" := (w_subst _ _ w _ a%asgn) (at level30).
+Equationsv_subst : val ⇒₁ ⟦ val , val ⟧₁ :=
+ v_subst _ (@LTy pos a) v _ f := v `ᵥ⊛ f ;
+ v_subst _ (@RTy pos a) t _ f := t `ₜ⊛ f ;
+ v_subst _ (@LTy neg a) t _ f := t `ₜ⊛ f ;
+ v_subst _ (@RTy neg a) k _ f := k `ᵥ⊛ f .
With this in hand we can instanciate the relevant part of substitution monoid and module
+structures for values and states. This will provide us with the missing infix notations.
We now define helpers for substituting the top one or top two variables from a context.
Definitionasgn1 {Γa} (v : val Γ a) : (Γ ▶ₓ a) =[val]> Γ := [ var ,ₓ v ] .
+Definitionasgn2 {Γab} (v1 : val Γ a) (v2 : val Γ b) : (Γ ▶ₓ a ▶ₓ b) =[val]> Γ
+ := [ [ var ,ₓ v1 ] ,ₓ v2 ].
+Arguments asgn1 {_ _} & _.
+Arguments asgn2 {_ _ _} & _ _.
+Notation"₁[ v ]" := (asgn1 v).
+Notation"₂[ v1 , v2 ]" := (asgn2 v1 v2).
When defining (co-)patterns, we will enforce a form of focalisation, where no negative
+variables are introduced. In this context, 'negative' is a new notion applying to
+side-annotated types, mixing both type polarity and side annotation: a side-annotated
+variable is positive iff it is a positive variable or a negative co-variable.
Equationsis_neg : ty -> SProp :=
+ is_neg (@LTy pos a) := sEmpty ;
+ is_neg (@RTy pos a) := sUnit ;
+ is_neg (@LTy neg a) := sUnit ;
+ is_neg (@RTy neg a) := sEmpty .
We define negative types as a subset of types, and negative contexts as a subset of
+contexts. Our generic infrastructure for contexts and variables really shines here as
+the type of variables in a negative context is convertible to the type of variables in
+the underlying context. See Ctx/Subset.v.
Definitionneg_ty : Type := sigS is_neg.
+Definitionneg_coe : neg_ty -> ty := sub_elt.
+Global Coercionneg_coe : neg_ty >-> ty.
+Definitionneg_ctx : Type := ctxS ty t_ctx is_neg.
+Definitionneg_c_coe : neg_ctx -> ctx ty := sub_elt.
+Global Coercionneg_c_coe : neg_ctx >-> ctx.
We can now define patterns...
Inductivepat : ty -> Type :=
+| PVarP (A : pre_ty neg) : pat `+A
+| PVarN (A : pre_ty pos) : pat `-A
+| POne : pat `+1
+| PBot : pat `-⊥
+| PTen {A B} : pat `+A -> pat `+B -> pat `+(A ⊗ B)
+| PPar {A B} : pat `-A -> pat `-B -> pat `-(A ⅋ B)
+| POr1 {A B} : pat `+A -> pat `+(A ⊕ B)
+| POr2 {A B} : pat `+B -> pat `+(A ⊕ B)
+| PAnd1 {A B} : pat `-A -> pat `-(A & B)
+| PAnd2 {A B} : pat `-B -> pat `-(A & B)
+| PShiftP A : pat `+(↓ A)
+| PShiftN A : pat `-(↑ A)
+| PNegP {A} : pat `-A -> pat `+(⊖ A)
+| PNegN {A} : pat `+A -> pat `-(¬ A)
We finally instanciate the observation structure. Note that our generic formalization
+mostly cares about 'observations', that is co-patterns. As such we instanciate observations
+by patterns at the dual type.
Definitionobs_op : Oper ty neg_ctx :=
+ {| o_op A := pat A† ; o_dom _ p := p_dom p |} .
Now come a rather tedious set of embeddings between syntactic categories related to
+patterns. We start by embedding patterns into weak head-normal forms.
Now we explain how to split (some) weak head-normal forms into a pattern filled with
+values. I am sorry in advance for your CPU-cycles wasted to typechecking these quite
+hard dependent pattern matchings. We start off by two helpers for refuting impossible
+variables in negative context, which because of the use of SProp give trouble to
+Equations for deriving functional elimination principles if inlined.
Definitionelim_var_p {Γ : neg_ctx} {A : pre_ty pos} {X : Type} : Γ ∋ `+A -> X
+ := funi => match s_prf i withend .
+Definitionelim_var_n {Γ : neg_ctx} {A : pre_ty neg} {X : Type} : Γ ∋ `-A -> X
+ := funi => match s_prf i withend .
+Equationsp_of_w_0p {Γ : neg_ctx} (A : pre_ty pos) : whn Γ `+A -> pat `+A :=
+ p_of_w_0p (0) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_of_w_0p (1) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_of_w_0p (A ⊗ B) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_of_w_0p (A ⊕ B) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_of_w_0p (↓ A) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_of_w_0p (⊖ A) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_of_w_0p (1) (OneR) := POne ;
+ p_of_w_0p (A ⊗ B) (TenR v1 v2) := PTen (p_of_w_0p A v1) (p_of_w_0p B v2) ;
+ p_of_w_0p (A ⊕ B) (OrR1 v) := POr1 (p_of_w_0p A v) ;
+ p_of_w_0p (A ⊕ B) (OrR2 v) := POr2 (p_of_w_0p B v) ;
+ p_of_w_0p (↓ A) (ShiftPR _) := PShiftP A ;
+ p_of_w_0p (⊖ A) (NegPR k) := PNegP (p_of_w_0n A k) ;
+with p_of_w_0n {Γ : neg_ctx} (A : pre_ty neg) : whn Γ `-A -> pat `-A :=
+ p_of_w_0n (⊤) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_of_w_0n (⊥) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_of_w_0n (A ⅋ B) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_of_w_0n (A & B) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_of_w_0n (↑ A) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_of_w_0n (¬ A) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_of_w_0n (⊥) (BotL) := PBot ;
+ p_of_w_0n (A ⅋ B) (ParL k1 k2) := PPar (p_of_w_0n A k1) (p_of_w_0n B k2) ;
+ p_of_w_0n (A & B) (AndL1 k) := PAnd1 (p_of_w_0n A k) ;
+ p_of_w_0n (A & B) (AndL2 k) := PAnd2 (p_of_w_0n B k) ;
+ p_of_w_0n (↑ A) (ShiftNL _) := PShiftN A ;
+ p_of_w_0n (¬ A) (NegNL v) := PNegN (p_of_w_0p A v) .
+Equationsp_dom_of_w_0p {Γ : neg_ctx} (A : pre_ty pos) (v : whn Γ `+A)
+ : p_dom (p_of_w_0p A v) =[val]> Γ bystruct A :=
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (0) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (1) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (A ⊗ B) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (A ⊕ B) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (↓ A) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (⊖ A) (Var i) := elim_var_p i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (1) (OneR) := a_empty ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (A ⊗ B) (TenR v1 v2) := [ p_dom_of_w_0p A v1 , p_dom_of_w_0p B v2 ] ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (A ⊕ B) (OrR1 v) := p_dom_of_w_0p A v ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (A ⊕ B) (OrR2 v) := p_dom_of_w_0p B v ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (↓ A) (ShiftPR x) := a_append a_empty x ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0p (⊖ A) (NegPR k) := p_dom_of_w_0n A k ;
+ with p_dom_of_w_0n {Γ : neg_ctx} (A : pre_ty neg) (k : whn Γ `-A)
+ : p_dom (p_of_w_0n A k) =[val]> Γ bystruct A :=
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (⊤) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (⊥) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (A ⅋ B) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (A & B) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (↑ A) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (¬ A) (Var i) := elim_var_n i ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (⊥) (BotL) := a_empty ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (A ⅋ B) (ParL k1 k2) := [ p_dom_of_w_0n A k1 , p_dom_of_w_0n B k2 ] ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (A & B) (AndL1 k) := p_dom_of_w_0n A k ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (A & B) (AndL2 k) := p_dom_of_w_0n B k ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (↑ A) (ShiftNL x) := a_append a_empty x ;
+ p_dom_of_w_0n (¬ A) (NegNL v) := p_dom_of_w_0p A v .
We can now package up all these auxiliary functions into the following ones, abstracting
+polarity and side-annotation.
Equationsp_of_v {Γ : neg_ctx} A : val Γ A -> pat A :=
+ p_of_v (@LTy pos A) v := p_of_w_0p A v ;
+ p_of_v (@RTy pos A) _ := PVarN A ;
+ p_of_v (@LTy neg A) _ := PVarP A ;
+ p_of_v (@RTy neg A) k := p_of_w_0n A k .
+Equationsp_dom_of_v {Γ : neg_ctx} A (v : val Γ A) : p_dom (p_of_v A v) =[val]> Γ :=
+ p_dom_of_v (@LTy pos A) v := p_dom_of_w_0p A v ;
+ p_dom_of_v (@RTy pos A) x := [ ! ,ₓ x ] ;
+ p_dom_of_v (@LTy neg A) x := [ ! ,ₓ x ] ;
+ p_dom_of_v (@RTy neg A) k := p_dom_of_w_0n A k .
+Definitionv_split_p {Γ : neg_ctx} {A} (v : whn Γ `+A) : (obs_op # val) Γ `-A
+ := (p_of_w_0p A v : o_op obs_op `-A) ⦇ p_dom_of_w_0p A v ⦈.
+Definitionv_split_n {Γ : neg_ctx} {A} (v : whn Γ `-A) : (obs_op # val) Γ `+A
+ := (p_of_w_0n A v : o_op obs_op `+_) ⦇ p_dom_of_w_0n A v ⦈.
With patterns and observations now in hand we prepare for the definition of evaluation
+and define a shorthand for normal forms. 'Normal forms' are here understood---as in the
+paper---in our slightly non-standard presentation of triplets of a variable, an
+observation and an assignment.
Now the bulk of evaluation: the step function. Once again we are greatful for
+Equations providing us with a justification for the fact that this complex
+dependent pattern-matching is indeed total.
Finally we define evaluation as the iteration of the step function in the Delay monad,
+and also define application of an observation with arguments to a value.
Definitioneval {Γ : neg_ctx} : state Γ -> delay (nf Γ)
+ := iter_delay (func => Ret' (eval_aux c)).
+Definitionp_app {ΓA} (v : val Γ A) (m : pat A†) (e : p_dom m =[val]> Γ) : state Γ :=
+ Cut' v (m `ᵥ⊛ e) .
Now comes a rather ugly part: the metatheory of our syntax. Comments will be rather more
+sparse. For a thorough explaination of its structure, see Examples/Lambda/CBLTyped.v.
+We will here be concerned with extensional equality preservation, identity and composition
+laws for renaming and substitution, and also refolding lemmas for splitting and embedding
+patterns. You are encouraged to just skip until line ~1300.
Schemeterm_mut := Induction for term SortProp
+ with whn_mut := Induction for whn SortProp
+ with state_mut := Induction for state SortProp.
+ (P_t : forallΓA, term Γ A -> Prop)
+ (P_w : forallΓA, whn Γ A -> Prop)
+ (P_s : forallΓ, state Γ -> Prop) :=
+ ind_mu : forallΓAs (H : P_s _ s), P_t Γ A (Mu s) ;
+ ind_recp : forallΓAt (H : P_t _ _ t), P_t Γ `-A (RecL t) ;
+ ind_recn : forallΓAt (H : P_t _ _ t), P_t Γ `+A (RecR t) ;
+ ind_whn : forallΓAw (H : P_w _ _ w), P_t Γ A (Whn w) ;
+ ind_var : forallΓAh, P_w Γ A (Var h) ;
+ ind_zerl : forallΓ, P_w Γ `-0 ZerL ;
+ ind_topr : forallΓ, P_w Γ `+⊤ TopR ;
+ ind_oner : forallΓ, P_w Γ `+1 OneR ;
+ ind_onel : forallΓs, P_s Γ s -> P_w Γ `-1 (OneL s) ;
+ ind_botr : forallΓs, P_s Γ s -> P_w Γ `+⊥ (BotR s) ;
+ ind_botl : forallΓ, P_w Γ `-⊥ BotL ;
+ ind_tenr : forallΓABw1 (H1 : P_w _ _ w1) w2 (H2 : P_w _ _ w2), P_w Γ `+(A ⊗ B) (TenR w1 w2) ;
+ ind_tenl : forallΓABs (H : P_s _ s), P_w Γ `-(A ⊗ B) (TenL s) ;
+ ind_parr : forallΓABs (H : P_s _ s), P_w Γ `+(A ⅋ B) (ParR s) ;
+ ind_parl : forallΓABw1 (H1 : P_w _ _ w1) w2 (H2 : P_w Γ `-B w2), P_w Γ `-(A ⅋ B) (ParL w1 w2) ;
+ ind_orr1 : forallΓABw (H : P_w _ _ w), P_w Γ `+(A ⊕ B) (OrR1 w) ;
+ ind_orr2 : forallΓABw (H : P_w _ _ w), P_w Γ `+(A ⊕ B) (OrR2 w) ;
+ ind_orl : forallΓABs1 (H1 : P_s _ s1) s2 (H2 : P_s _ s2), P_w Γ `-(A ⊕ B) (OrL s1 s2) ;
+ ind_andr : forallΓABs1 (H1 : P_s _ s1) s2 (H2 : P_s _ s2), P_w Γ `+(A & B) (AndR s1 s2) ;
+ ind_andl1 : forallΓABw (H : P_w _ _ w), P_w Γ `-(A & B) (AndL1 w) ;
+ ind_andl2 : forallΓABw (H : P_w _ _ w), P_w Γ `-(A & B) (AndL2 w) ;
+ ind_shiftpr : forallΓAt (H : P_t _ _ t), P_w Γ `+(↓ A) (ShiftPR t) ;
+ ind_shiftpl : forallΓAs (H : P_s _ s), P_w Γ `-(↓ A) (ShiftPL s) ;
+ ind_shiftnr : forallΓAs (H : P_s _ s), P_w Γ `+(↑ A) (ShiftNR s) ;
+ ind_shiftnl : forallΓAt (H : P_t _ _ t), P_w Γ `-(↑ A) (ShiftNL t) ;
+ ind_negpr : forallΓAw (H : P_w _ _ w), P_w Γ `+(⊖ A) (NegPR w) ;
+ ind_negpl : forallΓAs (H : P_s _ s), P_w Γ `-(⊖ A) (NegPL s) ;
+ ind_negnr : forallΓAs (H : P_s _ s), P_w Γ `+(¬ A) (NegNR s) ;
+ ind_negnl : forallΓAw (H : P_w _ _ w), P_w Γ `-(¬ A) (NegNL w) ;
+ ind_cut : forallΓpAt1 (H1 : P_t _ _ t1) t2 (H2 : P_t _ _ t2), P_s Γ (@Cut _ p A t1 t2)
+} .
+Lemmaterm_ind_mutP_tP_wP_s (H : syn_ind_args P_t P_w P_s) ΓAt : P_t Γ A t .
+destruct H; nowapply (term_mut P_t P_w P_s).
+Lemmawhn_ind_mutP_tP_wP_s (H : syn_ind_args P_t P_w P_s) ΓAw : P_w Γ A w .
+destruct H; nowapply (whn_mut P_t P_w P_s).
+Lemmastate_ind_mutP_tP_wP_s (H : syn_ind_args P_t P_w P_s) Γs : P_s Γ s .
+destruct H; nowapply (state_mut P_t P_w P_s).
+Definitiont_ren_proper_PΓA (t : term Γ A) : Prop :=
+ forallΔ (f1f2 : Γ ⊆ Δ), f1 ≡ₐ f2 -> t ₜ⊛ᵣ f1 = t ₜ⊛ᵣ f2 .
+Definitionw_ren_proper_PΓA (v : whn Γ A) : Prop :=
+ forallΔ (f1f2 : Γ ⊆ Δ), f1 ≡ₐ f2 -> v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ f1 = v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ f2 .
+Definitions_ren_proper_PΓ (s : state Γ) : Prop :=
+ forallΔ (f1f2 : Γ ⊆ Δ), f1 ≡ₐ f2 -> s ₛ⊛ᵣ f1 = s ₛ⊛ᵣ f2 .
+Lemmaren_proper_prf : syn_ind_args t_ren_proper_P w_ren_proper_P s_ren_proper_P.
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_ren_proper_P, w_ren_proper_P, s_ren_proper_P.
+ all: intros; cbn; f_equal; eauto.
+ all: first [ apply H | apply H1 | apply H2 ]; auto.
+ all: first [ apply r_shift1_eq | apply r_shift2_eq ]; auto.
+#[global] Instancet_ren_eq {ΓatΔ} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (t_rename Γ a t Δ).
+ intros f1 f2 H1; nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_proper_prf).
+#[global] Instancew_ren_eq {ΓavΔ} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (w_rename Γ a v Δ).
+ intros f1 f2 H1; nowapply (whn_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_proper_prf).
+#[global] Instances_ren_eq {ΓsΔ} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (s_rename Γ s Δ).
+ intros f1 f2 H1; nowapply (state_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_proper_prf).
+#[global] Instancev_ren_eq {ΓavΔ} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (v_rename Γ a v Δ).
+ destruct a as [ [] | [] ].
+ nowapply w_ren_eq.
+ nowapply t_ren_eq.
+ nowapply t_ren_eq.
+ nowapply w_ren_eq.
+#[global] Instancea_ren_eq {Γ1Γ2Γ3}
+ : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> asgn_eq _ _ ==> asgn_eq _ _) (@a_ren Γ1 Γ2 Γ3).
+ intros r1 r2 H1 a1 a2 H2 ? i; cbn; nowrewrite H1, (v_ren_eq _ _ H2).
+#[global] Instancea_shift1_eq {ΓΔA} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> asgn_eq _ _) (@a_shift1 Γ Δ A).
+ intros ? ? H ? h.
+ dependent elimination h; auto; cbn; nowrewrite H.
+#[global] Instancea_shift2_eq {ΓΔAB} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> asgn_eq _ _) (@a_shift2 Γ Δ A B).
+ intros ? ? H ? v.
+ do2 (dependent elimination v; auto).
+ cbn; nowrewrite H.
+Definitiont_ren_ren_PΓ1A (t : term Γ1 A) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3),
+ (t ₜ⊛ᵣ f1) ₜ⊛ᵣ f2 = t ₜ⊛ᵣ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) .
+Definitionw_ren_ren_PΓ1A (v : whn Γ1 A) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3),
+ (v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ f1) `ᵥ⊛ᵣ f2 = v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) .
+Definitions_ren_ren_PΓ1 (s : state Γ1) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3),
+ (s ₛ⊛ᵣ f1) ₛ⊛ᵣ f2 = s ₛ⊛ᵣ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) .
+Lemmaren_ren_prf : syn_ind_args t_ren_ren_P w_ren_ren_P s_ren_ren_P.
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_ren_ren_P, w_ren_ren_P, s_ren_ren_P.
+ all: intros; cbn; f_equal; eauto.
+ all: first [ rewrite r_shift1_comp | rewrite r_shift2_comp ]; eauto.
+Lemmat_ren_ren {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3) A (t : term Γ1 A)
+ : (t ₜ⊛ᵣ f1) ₜ⊛ᵣ f2 = t ₜ⊛ᵣ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) .
+ nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_ren_prf).
+Lemmaw_ren_ren {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3) A (v : whn Γ1 A)
+ : (v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ f1) `ᵥ⊛ᵣ f2 = v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) .
+ nowapply (whn_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_ren_prf).
+Lemmas_ren_ren {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3) (s : state Γ1)
+ : (s ₛ⊛ᵣ f1) ₛ⊛ᵣ f2 = s ₛ⊛ᵣ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) .
+ nowapply (state_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_ren_prf).
+Lemmav_ren_ren {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3) A (v : val Γ1 A)
+ : (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ f1) ᵥ⊛ᵣ f2 = v ᵥ⊛ᵣ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) .
+ destruct A as [ [] | [] ].
+ nowapply w_ren_ren.
+ nowapply t_ren_ren.
+ nowapply t_ren_ren.
+ nowapply w_ren_ren.
+Definitiont_ren_id_l_PΓA (t : term Γ A) : Prop := t ₜ⊛ᵣ r_id = t.
+Definitionw_ren_id_l_PΓA (v : whn Γ A) : Prop := v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_id = v.
+Definitions_ren_id_l_PΓ (s : state Γ) : Prop := s ₛ⊛ᵣ r_id = s.
+Lemmaren_id_l_prf : syn_ind_args t_ren_id_l_P w_ren_id_l_P s_ren_id_l_P.
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_ren_id_l_P, w_ren_id_l_P, s_ren_id_l_P.
+ all: intros; cbn; f_equal; eauto.
+ all: first [ rewrite r_shift1_id | rewrite r_shift2_id ]; eauto.
+Lemmat_ren_id_l {Γ} A (t : term Γ A) : t ₜ⊛ᵣ r_id = t.
+ nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_id_l_prf).
+Lemmaw_ren_id_l {Γ} A (v : whn Γ A) : v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_id = v.
+ nowapply (whn_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_id_l_prf).
+Lemmas_ren_id_l {Γ} (s : state Γ) : s ₛ⊛ᵣ r_id = s.
+ nowapply (state_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_id_l_prf).
+Lemmav_ren_id_l {Γ} A (v : val Γ A) : v ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_id = v.
+ destruct A as [ [] | [] ].
+ nowapply w_ren_id_l.
+ nowapply t_ren_id_l.
+ nowapply t_ren_id_l.
+ nowapply w_ren_id_l.
+Lemmav_ren_id_r {ΓΔ} (f : Γ ⊆ Δ) A (i : Γ ∋ A) : (var i) ᵥ⊛ᵣ f = var (f _ i).
+ nowdestruct A as [ [] | [] ].
+Lemmaa_shift1_id {ΓA} : @a_shift1 Γ Γ A var ≡ₐ var.
+ intros [ [] | [] ] i; dependent elimination i; auto.
+Lemmaa_shift2_id {ΓAB} : @a_shift2 Γ Γ A B var ≡ₐ var.
+ intros ? v; cbn.
+ do2 (dependent elimination v; cbn; auto).
+ nowdestruct a as [[]|[]].
+Arguments var : simpl never.
+Lemmaa_shift1_ren_r {Γ1Γ2Γ3y} (f1 : Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3)
+ : a_shift1 (y:=y) (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) ≡ₐ a_shift1 f1 ⊛ᵣ r_shift1 f2 .
+ intros ? h; dependent elimination h; cbn.
+ - nowrewrite v_ren_id_r.
+ - nowunfold v_shift1; rewrite2 v_ren_ren.
+Lemmaa_shift2_ren_r {Γ1Γ2Γ3yz} (f1 : Γ1 =[ val ]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3)
+ : a_shift2 (y:=y) (z:=z) (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) ≡ₐ a_shift2 f1 ⊛ᵣ r_shift2 f2 .
+ intros ? v; do2 (dependent elimination v; cbn; [ nowrewrite v_ren_id_r | ]).
+ unfold v_shift2; nowrewrite2 v_ren_ren.
+Lemmaa_shift1_ren_l {Γ1Γ2Γ3y} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3)
+ : a_shift1 (y:=y) (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) ≡ₐ r_shift1 f1 ᵣ⊛ a_shift1 f2 .
+ intros ? i; dependent elimination i; auto.
+Lemmaa_shift2_ren_l {Γ1Γ2Γ3yz} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3)
+ : a_shift2 (y:=y) (z:=z) (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2) ≡ₐ r_shift2 f1 ᵣ⊛ a_shift2 f2 .
+ intros ? v; do2 (dependent elimination v; auto).
+Definitiont_sub_proper_PΓA (t : term Γ A) : Prop :=
+ forallΔ (f1f2 : Γ =[val]> Δ), f1 ≡ₐ f2 -> t `ₜ⊛ f1 = t `ₜ⊛ f2 .
+Definitionw_sub_proper_PΓA (v : whn Γ A) : Prop :=
+ forallΔ (f1f2 : Γ =[val]> Δ), f1 ≡ₐ f2 -> v `ᵥ⊛ f1 = v `ᵥ⊛ f2 .
+Definitions_sub_proper_PΓ (s : state Γ) : Prop :=
+ forallΔ (f1f2 : Γ =[val]> Δ), f1 ≡ₐ f2 -> s ₜ⊛ f1 = s ₜ⊛ f2 .
+Lemmasub_proper_prf : syn_ind_args t_sub_proper_P w_sub_proper_P s_sub_proper_P.
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_sub_proper_P, w_sub_proper_P, s_sub_proper_P.
+ all: intros; cbn.
+ all: match goal with
+ | |- Whn _ = Whn _ => do2f_equal
+ | _ => f_equal
+ end .
+ all: first [ apply H | apply H1 | apply H2 ]; auto.
+ all: first [ apply a_shift1_eq | apply a_shift2_eq ]; auto.
+#[global] Instancet_sub_eq {ΓatΔ} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (t_subst Γ a t Δ).
+ intros f1 f2 H1; nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_proper_prf).
+#[global] Instancew_sub_eq {ΓavΔ} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (w_subst Γ a v Δ).
+ intros f1 f2 H1; nowapply (whn_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_proper_prf).
+#[global] Instances_sub_eq {ΓsΔ} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (s_subst Γ s Δ).
+ intros f1 f2 H1; nowapply (state_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_proper_prf).
+#[global] Instancev_sub_eq {ΓavΔ} : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (v_subst Γ a v Δ).
+ destruct a as [[]|[]].
+ - nowapply w_sub_eq.
+ - nowapply t_sub_eq.
+ - nowapply t_sub_eq.
+ - nowapply w_sub_eq.
+#[global] Instancea_comp_eq {Γ1Γ2Γ3}
+ : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> asgn_eq _ _ ==> asgn_eq _ _) (@a_comp _ _ _ _ _ Γ1 Γ2 Γ3).
+ intros ? ? H1 ? ? H2 ? ?; cbn; rewrite H1; noweapply v_sub_eq.
+Definitiont_ren_sub_PΓ1A (t : term Γ1 A) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3),
+ (t `ₜ⊛ f1) ₜ⊛ᵣ f2 = t `ₜ⊛ (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) .
+Definitionw_ren_sub_PΓ1A (v : whn Γ1 A) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3),
+ (v `ᵥ⊛ f1) ᵥ⊛ᵣ f2 = v `ᵥ⊛ (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) .
+Definitions_ren_sub_PΓ1 (s : state Γ1) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3),
+ (s ₜ⊛ f1) ₛ⊛ᵣ f2 = s ₜ⊛ (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) .
+Lemmaren_sub_prf : syn_ind_args t_ren_sub_P w_ren_sub_P s_ren_sub_P.
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_ren_sub_P, w_ren_sub_P, s_ren_sub_P.
+ all: intros; cbn.
+ 4: destruct A as [ [] | [] ]; cbn.
+ all: match goal with
+ | |- Whn _ = Whn _ => do2f_equal
+ | _ => f_equal
+ end ; eauto.
+ all: first [ rewrite a_shift1_ren_r | rewrite a_shift2_ren_r ]; auto.
+Lemmat_ren_sub {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3) A (t : term Γ1 A)
+ : (t `ₜ⊛ f1) ₜ⊛ᵣ f2 = t `ₜ⊛ (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) .
+ nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_sub_prf).
+Lemmaw_ren_sub {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3) A (v : whn Γ1 A)
+ : (v `ᵥ⊛ f1) ᵥ⊛ᵣ f2 = v `ᵥ⊛ (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) .
+ nowapply (whn_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_sub_prf).
+Lemmas_ren_sub {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3) (s : state Γ1)
+ : (s ₜ⊛ f1) ₛ⊛ᵣ f2 = s ₜ⊛ (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) .
+ nowapply (state_ind_mut _ _ _ ren_sub_prf).
+Lemmav_ren_sub {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 ⊆ Γ3) A (v : val Γ1 A)
+ : (v ᵥ⊛ f1) ᵥ⊛ᵣ f2 = v ᵥ⊛ (f1 ⊛ᵣ f2) .
+ destruct A as [ [] | [] ]; cbn [ v_subst ].
+ - nowapply w_ren_sub.
+ - nowapply t_ren_sub.
+ - nowapply t_ren_sub.
+ - nowapply w_ren_sub.
+Definitiont_sub_ren_PΓ1A (t : term Γ1 A) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3),
+ (t ₜ⊛ᵣ f1) `ₜ⊛ f2 = t `ₜ⊛ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2).
+Definitionw_sub_ren_PΓ1A (v : whn Γ1 A) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3),
+ (v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ f1) `ᵥ⊛ f2 = v `ᵥ⊛ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2).
+Definitions_sub_ren_PΓ1 (s : state Γ1) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3),
+ (s ₛ⊛ᵣ f1) ₜ⊛ f2 = s ₜ⊛ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2).
+Lemmasub_ren_prf : syn_ind_args t_sub_ren_P w_sub_ren_P s_sub_ren_P.
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_sub_ren_P, w_sub_ren_P, s_sub_ren_P.
+ all: intros; cbn.
+ all: match goal with
+ | |- Whn _ = Whn _ => do2f_equal
+ | _ => f_equal
+ end ; eauto.
+ all: first [ rewrite a_shift1_ren_l | rewrite a_shift2_ren_l ]; auto.
+Lemmat_sub_ren {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) A (t : term Γ1 A)
+ : (t ₜ⊛ᵣ f1) `ₜ⊛ f2 = t `ₜ⊛ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2).
+ nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_ren_prf).
+Lemmaw_sub_ren {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) A (v : whn Γ1 A)
+ : (v `ᵥ⊛ᵣ f1) `ᵥ⊛ f2 = v `ᵥ⊛ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2).
+ nowapply (whn_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_ren_prf).
+Lemmas_sub_ren {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) (s : state Γ1)
+ : (s ₛ⊛ᵣ f1) ₜ⊛ f2 = s ₜ⊛ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2).
+ nowapply (state_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_ren_prf).
+Lemmav_sub_ren {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 ⊆ Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) A (v : val Γ1 A)
+ : (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ f1) ᵥ⊛ f2 = v ᵥ⊛ (f1 ᵣ⊛ f2).
+ destruct A as [ [] | [] ].
+ - nowapply w_sub_ren.
+ - nowapply t_sub_ren.
+ - nowapply t_sub_ren.
+ - nowapply w_sub_ren.
+Lemmav_sub_id_r {ΓΔ} (f : Γ =[val]> Δ) A (i : Γ ∋ A) : var i ᵥ⊛ f = f A i.
+ destruct A as [ [] | [] ]; auto.
+Lemmaa_shift1_comp {Γ1Γ2Γ3A} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3)
+ : @a_shift1 _ _ A (f1 ⊛ f2) ≡ₐ a_shift1 f1 ⊛ a_shift1 f2 .
+ intros x i; dependent elimination i; cbn.
+ - nowrewrite v_sub_id_r.
+ - nowunfold v_shift1; rewrite v_ren_sub, v_sub_ren.
+Lemmaa_shift2_comp {Γ1Γ2Γ3AB} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3)
+ : @a_shift2 _ _ A B (f1 ⊛ f2) ≡ₐ a_shift2 f1 ⊛ a_shift2 f2 .
+ intros ? v; do2 (dependent elimination v; cbn; [ nowrewrite v_sub_id_r | ]).
+ nowunfold v_shift2; rewrite v_ren_sub, v_sub_ren.
+Definitiont_sub_sub_PΓ1A (t : term Γ1 A) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3),
+ (t `ₜ⊛ f1) `ₜ⊛ f2 = t `ₜ⊛ (f1 ⊛ f2) .
+Definitionw_sub_sub_PΓ1A (v : whn Γ1 A) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3),
+ (v `ᵥ⊛ f1) ᵥ⊛ f2 = v `ᵥ⊛ (f1 ⊛ f2) .
+Definitions_sub_sub_PΓ1 (s : state Γ1) : Prop :=
+ forallΓ2Γ3 (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3),
+ (s ₜ⊛ f1) ₜ⊛ f2 = s ₜ⊛ (f1 ⊛ f2) .
+Lemmasub_sub_prf : syn_ind_args t_sub_sub_P w_sub_sub_P s_sub_sub_P.
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_sub_sub_P, w_sub_sub_P, s_sub_sub_P; intros; cbn.
+ 4: destruct A as [ [] | [] ]; cbn.
+ all: match goal with
+ | |- Whn _ = Whn _ => do2f_equal
+ | _ => f_equal
+ end ; eauto.
+ all: first [ rewrite a_shift1_comp | rewrite a_shift2_comp ]; auto.
+Lemmat_sub_sub {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) A (t : term Γ1 A)
+ : (t `ₜ⊛ f1) `ₜ⊛ f2 = t `ₜ⊛ (f1 ⊛ f2) .
+ nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_sub_prf).
+Lemmaw_sub_sub {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) A (v : whn Γ1 A)
+ : (v `ᵥ⊛ f1) ᵥ⊛ f2 = v `ᵥ⊛ (f1 ⊛ f2) .
+ nowapply (whn_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_sub_prf).
+Lemmas_sub_sub {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) (s : state Γ1)
+ : (s ₜ⊛ f1) ₜ⊛ f2 = s ₜ⊛ (f1 ⊛ f2) .
+ nowapply (state_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_sub_prf).
+Lemmav_sub_sub {Γ1Γ2Γ3} (f1 : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (f2 : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) A (v : val Γ1 A)
+ : (v ᵥ⊛ f1) ᵥ⊛ f2 = v ᵥ⊛ (f1 ⊛ f2) .
+ destruct A as [ [] | [] ].
+ - nowapply w_sub_sub.
+ - nowapply t_sub_sub.
+ - nowapply t_sub_sub.
+ - nowapply w_sub_sub.
+Lemmaa_comp_assoc {Γ1Γ2Γ3Γ4} (u : Γ1 =[val]> Γ2) (v : Γ2 =[val]> Γ3) (w : Γ3 =[val]> Γ4)
+ : (u ⊛ v) ⊛ w ≡ₐ u ⊛ (v ⊛ w).
+ intros ? i; unfold a_comp; nowapply v_sub_sub.
+Definitiont_sub_id_l_PΓA (t : term Γ A) : Prop := t `ₜ⊛ var = t.
+Definitionw_sub_id_l_PΓA (v : whn Γ A) : Prop := v `ᵥ⊛ var = v.
+Definitions_sub_id_l_PΓ (s : state Γ) : Prop := s ₜ⊛ var = s.
+Lemmasub_id_l_prf : syn_ind_args t_sub_id_l_P w_sub_id_l_P s_sub_id_l_P.
+ econstructor.
+ all: unfold t_sub_id_l_P, w_sub_id_l_P, s_sub_id_l_P; intros; cbn.
+ 4,5: destruct A as [ [] | [] ]; cbn.
+ all: match goal with
+ | |- Whn _ = Whn _ => do2f_equal
+ | _ => f_equal
+ end; eauto.
+ all: first [ rewrite a_shift1_id | rewrite a_shift2_id ]; auto.
+Lemmat_sub_id_l {Γ} A (t : term Γ A) : t `ₜ⊛ var = t.
+ nowapply (term_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_id_l_prf).
+Lemmaw_sub_id_l {Γ} A (v : whn Γ A) : v `ᵥ⊛ var = v.
+ nowapply (whn_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_id_l_prf).
+Lemmas_sub_id_l {Γ} (s : state Γ) : s ₜ⊛ var = s.
+ nowapply (state_ind_mut _ _ _ sub_id_l_prf).
+Lemmav_sub_id_l {Γ} A (v : val Γ A) : v ᵥ⊛ var = v.
+ destruct A as [ [] | [] ].
+ - nowapply w_sub_id_l.
+ - nowapply t_sub_id_l.
+ - nowapply t_sub_id_l.
+ - nowapply w_sub_id_l.
+Lemmasub1_sub {ΓΔA} (f : Γ =[val]> Δ) (v : val Γ A) :
+ a_shift1 f ⊛ asgn1 (v ᵥ⊛ f) ≡ₐ asgn1 v ⊛ f.
+ intros ? h; dependent elimination h; cbn.
+ - nowrewrite v_sub_id_r.
+ - unfold v_shift1; rewrite v_sub_ren, v_sub_id_r.
+ nowapply v_sub_id_l.
+Lemmasub1_ren {ΓΔA} (f : Γ ⊆ Δ) (v : val Γ A) :
+ r_shift1 f ᵣ⊛ asgn1 (v ᵥ⊛ᵣ f) ≡ₐ asgn1 v ⊛ᵣ f.
+ intros ? h; dependent elimination h; auto.
+ cbn; nowrewrite v_ren_id_r.
+Lemmav_sub1_sub {ΓΔAB} (f : Γ =[val]> Δ) (v : val Γ A) (w : val (Γ ▶ₓ A) B)
+ : (w ᵥ⊛ a_shift1 f) ᵥ⊛ ₁[ v ᵥ⊛ f ] = (w ᵥ⊛ ₁[ v ]) ᵥ⊛ f .
+ cbn; rewrite2 v_sub_sub.
+ apply v_sub_eq; nowrewrite sub1_sub.
+Lemmav_sub1_ren {ΓΔAB} (f : Γ ⊆ Δ) (v : val Γ A) (w : val (Γ ▶ₓ A) B)
+ : (w ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_shift1 f) ᵥ⊛ ₁[ v ᵥ⊛ᵣ f ] = (w ᵥ⊛ ₁[ v ]) ᵥ⊛ᵣ f .
+ cbn; rewrite v_sub_ren, v_ren_sub.
+ apply v_sub_eq; nowrewrite sub1_ren.
+Lemmas_sub1_sub {ΓΔA} (f : Γ =[val]> Δ) (v : val Γ A) (s : state (Γ ▶ₓ A))
+ : (s ₜ⊛ a_shift1 f) ₜ⊛ ₁[ v ᵥ⊛ f ] = (s ₜ⊛ ₁[ v ]) ₜ⊛ f .
+ cbn; nowrewrite2 s_sub_sub, sub1_sub.
+Lemmas_sub2_sub {ΓΔAB} (f : Γ =[val]> Δ) (s : state (Γ ▶ₓ A ▶ₓ B)) uv
+ : (s ₜ⊛ a_shift2 f) ₜ⊛ ₂[ u ᵥ⊛ f , v ᵥ⊛ f ] = (s ₜ⊛ ₂[ u, v ]) ₜ⊛ f .
+ cbn; rewrite2 s_sub_sub; apply s_sub_eq.
+ intros ? v0; cbn.
+ do2 (dependent elimination v0; cbn; [ nowrewrite v_sub_id_r | ]).
+ unfold v_shift2; rewrite v_sub_ren, v_sub_id_r, <- v_sub_id_l.
+ nowapply v_sub_eq.
+Lemmas_sub1_ren {ΓΔA} (f : Γ ⊆ Δ) (v : val Γ A) (s : state (Γ ▶ₓ A))
+ : (s ₛ⊛ᵣ r_shift1 f) ₜ⊛ ₁[ v ᵥ⊛ᵣ f ] = (s ₜ⊛ ₁[ v ]) ₛ⊛ᵣ f .
+ cbn; nowrewrite s_sub_ren, s_ren_sub, sub1_ren.
+Lemmat_sub1_sub {ΓΔAB} (f : Γ =[val]> Δ) (v : val Γ A) (t : term (Γ ▶ₓ A) B)
+ : (t `ₜ⊛ a_shift1 f) `ₜ⊛ ₁[ v ᵥ⊛ f ] = (t `ₜ⊛ ₁[ v ]) `ₜ⊛ f .
+ cbn; rewrite2 t_sub_sub.
+ apply t_sub_eq; nowrewrite sub1_sub.
+Lemmat_sub1_ren {ΓΔAB} (f : Γ ⊆ Δ) (v : val Γ A) (t : term (Γ ▶ₓ A) B)
+ : (t ₜ⊛ᵣ r_shift1 f) `ₜ⊛ ₁[ v ᵥ⊛ᵣ f ] = (t `ₜ⊛ ₁[ v ]) ₜ⊛ᵣ f .
+ cbn; rewrite t_sub_ren, t_ren_sub.
+ apply t_sub_eq; nowrewrite sub1_ren.
+#[global] Instancep_app_eq {ΓA} (v : val Γ A) (m : pat (t_neg A))
+ : Proper (asgn_eq _ _ ==> eq) (p_app v m) .
+ intros u1 u2 H; destruct A as [ [] | []]; cbn; nowrewrite (w_sub_eq u1 u2 H).
+Definitionrefold_id_aux_P (Γ : neg_ctx) p : pre_ty p -> Prop :=
+ match p with
+ | pos => funA => forall (v : whn Γ `+A), p_of_w_0p _ v `ᵥ⊛ p_dom_of_w_0p _ v = v
+ | neg => funA => forall (v : whn Γ `-A), p_of_w_0n _ v `ᵥ⊛ p_dom_of_w_0n _ v = v
+ end .
+Lemmarefold_id_aux {Γp} A : refold_id_aux_P Γ p A .
+ induction A; intros v.
+ - dependent elimination v; destruct (s_prf c).
+ - dependent elimination v; destruct (s_prf c).
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | ]; auto.
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | ]; auto.
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | ].
+ cbn; f_equal; rewrite w_sub_ren.
+ rewrite <- IHA1; apply w_sub_eq; exact (a_cat_proj_l _ _).
+ rewrite <- IHA2; apply w_sub_eq; exact (a_cat_proj_r _ _).
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | ].
+ cbn; f_equal; rewrite w_sub_ren.
+ rewrite <- IHA1; apply w_sub_eq; exact (a_cat_proj_l _ _).
+ rewrite <- IHA2; apply w_sub_eq; exact (a_cat_proj_r _ _).
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | | ];
+ cbn; f_equal; [ apply IHA1 | apply IHA2 ].
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | | ];
+ cbn; f_equal; [ apply IHA1 | apply IHA2 ].
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | ]; cbn; f_equal.
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | ]; cbn; f_equal.
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | ].
+ cbn; f_equal; apply IHA.
+ - dependent elimination v; [ destruct (s_prf c) | ].
+ cbn; f_equal; apply IHA.
+Lemmarefold_id {Γ : neg_ctx} A (v : val Γ A)
+ : p_of_v A v `ᵥ⊛ p_dom_of_v A v = v.
+ destruct A as [ [] A | [] A ]; auto; exact (refold_id_aux A v).
+Equationsp_of_w_eq_aux_p {Γ : neg_ctx} (A : pre_ty pos) (p : pat `+A) (e : p_dom p =[val]> Γ)
+ : p_of_w_0p A (p `ᵥ⊛ e) = p
+ bystruct p :=
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_p (1) (POne) e := eq_refl ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_p (A ⊗ B) (PTen p1 p2) e := f_equal2 PTen
+ (eq_trans (f_equal _ (w_sub_ren _ _ _ _)) (p_of_w_eq_aux_p A p1 _))
+ (eq_trans (f_equal _ (w_sub_ren _ _ _ _)) (p_of_w_eq_aux_p B p2 _)) ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_p (A ⊕ B) (POr1 p) e := f_equal POr1 (p_of_w_eq_aux_p A p e) ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_p (A ⊕ B) (POr2 p) e := f_equal POr2 (p_of_w_eq_aux_p B p e) ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_p (↓ A) (PShiftP _) e := eq_refl ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_p (⊖ A) (PNegP p) e := f_equal PNegP (p_of_w_eq_aux_n A p e) ;
+with p_of_w_eq_aux_n {Γ : neg_ctx} (A : pre_ty neg) (p : pat `-A) (e : p_dom p =[val]> Γ)
+ : p_of_w_0n A (p `ᵥ⊛ e) = p
+ bystruct p :=
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_n (⊥) (PBot) e := eq_refl ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_n (A ⅋ B) (PPar p1 p2) e := f_equal2 PPar
+ (eq_trans (f_equal _ (w_sub_ren _ _ _ _)) (p_of_w_eq_aux_n A p1 _))
+ (eq_trans (f_equal _ (w_sub_ren _ _ _ _)) (p_of_w_eq_aux_n B p2 _)) ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_n (A & B) (PAnd1 p) e := f_equal PAnd1 (p_of_w_eq_aux_n A p e) ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_n (A & B) (PAnd2 p) e := f_equal PAnd2 (p_of_w_eq_aux_n B p e) ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_n (↑ A) (PShiftN _) e := eq_refl ;
+ p_of_w_eq_aux_n (¬ A) (PNegN p) e := f_equal PNegN (p_of_w_eq_aux_p A p e) .
+Definitionp_dom_of_w_eq_P (Γ : neg_ctx) p : pre_ty p -> Prop :=
+ match p with
+ | pos => funA => forall (p : pat `+A) (e : p_dom p =[val]> Γ),
+ rew [funp => p_dom p =[ val ]> Γ] p_of_w_eq_aux_p A p e in p_dom_of_w_0p A (p `ᵥ⊛ e) ≡ₐ e
+ | neg => funA => forall (p : pat `-A) (e : p_dom p =[val]> Γ),
+ rew [funp => p_dom p =[ val ]> Γ] p_of_w_eq_aux_n A p e in p_dom_of_w_0n A (p `ᵥ⊛ e) ≡ₐ e
+ end .
+Lemmap_dom_of_v_eq {Γp} A : p_dom_of_w_eq_P Γ p A .
+ induction A; intros p e; dependent elimination p; cbn - [ r_cat_l r_cat_r ].
+ - intros ? h; repeat (dependent elimination h; auto).
+ - intros ? h; repeat (dependent elimination h; auto).
+ - pose (H1 := w_sub_ren r_cat_l e `+A3 (w_of_p p)) .
+ pose (H2 := w_sub_ren r_cat_r e `+B (w_of_p p0)) .
+ pose (x1 := w_of_p p `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_l `ᵥ⊛ e).
+ pose (x2 := w_of_p p0 `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_r `ᵥ⊛ e).
+ change (w_sub_ren r_cat_l e _ _) with H1.
+ change (w_sub_ren r_cat_r e _ _) with H2.
+ change (_ `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_l `ᵥ⊛ e) with x1 in H1 |- *.
+ change (_ `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_r `ᵥ⊛ e) with x2 in H2 |- *.
+ rewrite H1, H2; clear H1 H2 x1 x2; cbn - [ r_cat_l r_cat_r ].
+ pose (H1 := p_of_w_eq_aux_p A3 p (r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ e));
+ change (p_of_w_eq_aux_p A3 _ _) with H1 in IHA1 |- *.
+ pose (H2 := p_of_w_eq_aux_p B p0 (r_cat_r ᵣ⊛ e));
+ change (p_of_w_eq_aux_p B _ _) with H2 in IHA2 |- *.
+ transitivity ([ rew [funp : pat `+A3 => p_dom p =[ val ]> Γ] H1
+ in p_dom_of_w_0p A3 (w_of_p p `ᵥ⊛ r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ e) ,
+ rew [funp : pat `+B => p_dom p =[ val ]> Γ] H2
+ in p_dom_of_w_0p B (w_of_p p0 `ᵥ⊛ r_cat_r ᵣ⊛ e) ])%asgn.
+ nowrewrite <- H1, <- H2, eq_refl_map2_distr.
+ refine (a_cat_uniq _ _ _ _ _); [ apply IHA1 | apply IHA2 ] .
+ - pose (H1 := w_sub_ren r_cat_l e `-A4 (w_of_p p1)) .
+ pose (H2 := w_sub_ren r_cat_r e `-B0 (w_of_p p2)) .
+ pose (x1 := w_of_p p1 `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_l `ᵥ⊛ e).
+ pose (x2 := w_of_p p2 `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_r `ᵥ⊛ e).
+ change (w_sub_ren r_cat_l e _ _) with H1.
+ change (w_sub_ren r_cat_r e _ _) with H2.
+ change (_ `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_l `ᵥ⊛ e) with x1 in H1 |- *.
+ change (_ `ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat_r `ᵥ⊛ e) with x2 in H2 |- *.
+ rewrite H1, H2; clear H1 H2 x1 x2; cbn - [ r_cat_l r_cat_r ].
+ pose (H1 := p_of_w_eq_aux_n A4 p1 (r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ e));
+ change (p_of_w_eq_aux_n A4 _ _) with H1 in IHA1 |- *.
+ pose (H2 := p_of_w_eq_aux_n B0 p2 (r_cat_r ᵣ⊛ e));
+ change (p_of_w_eq_aux_n B0 _ _) with H2 in IHA2 |- *.
+ transitivity ([ rew [funp : pat `-A4 => p_dom p =[ val ]> Γ] H1
+ in p_dom_of_w_0n A4 (w_of_p p1 `ᵥ⊛ r_cat_l ᵣ⊛ e) ,
+ rew [funp : pat `-B0 => p_dom p =[ val ]> Γ] H2
+ in p_dom_of_w_0n B0 (w_of_p p2 `ᵥ⊛ r_cat_r ᵣ⊛ e) ])%asgn.
+ nowrewrite <- H1, <- H2, eq_refl_map2_distr.
+ refine (a_cat_uniq _ _ _ _ _); [ apply IHA1 | apply IHA2 ] .
+ - match goal with | |- ?s ≡ₐ e => pose (xx := s); change (_ ≡ₐ e) with (xx ≡ₐ e) end .
+ remember xx as xx'; unfold xx in Heqxx'; clear xx.
+ rewrite (eq_trans Heqxx' (eq_sym (rew_map _ POr1 _ _))).
+ apply IHA1.
+ - match goal with | |- ?s ≡ₐ e => pose (xx := s); change (_ ≡ₐ e) with (xx ≡ₐ e) end .
+ remember xx as xx'; unfold xx in Heqxx'; clear xx.
+ rewrite (eq_trans Heqxx' (eq_sym (rew_map _ POr2 _ _))).
+ apply IHA2.
+ - match goal with | |- ?s ≡ₐ e => pose (xx := s); change (_ ≡ₐ e) with (xx ≡ₐ e) end .
+ remember xx as xx'; unfold xx in Heqxx'; clear xx.
+ rewrite (eq_trans Heqxx' (eq_sym (rew_map _ PAnd1 _ _))).
+ apply IHA1.
+ - match goal with | |- ?s ≡ₐ e => pose (xx := s); change (_ ≡ₐ e) with (xx ≡ₐ e) end .
+ remember xx as xx'; unfold xx in Heqxx'; clear xx.
+ rewrite (eq_trans Heqxx' (eq_sym (rew_map _ PAnd2 _ _))).
+ apply IHA2.
+ - intros ? v; repeat (dependent elimination v; auto).
+ - intros ? v; repeat (dependent elimination v; auto).
+ - match goal with | |- ?s ≡ₐ e => pose (xx := s); change (_ ≡ₐ e) with (xx ≡ₐ e) end .
+ remember xx as xx'; unfold xx in Heqxx'; clear xx.
+ rewrite (eq_trans Heqxx' (eq_sym (rew_map _ PNegP _ _))).
+ apply IHA.
+ - match goal with | |- ?s ≡ₐ e => pose (xx := s); change (_ ≡ₐ e) with (xx ≡ₐ e) end .
+ remember xx as xx'; unfold xx in Heqxx'; clear xx.
+ rewrite (eq_trans Heqxx' (eq_sym (rew_map _ PNegN _ _))).
+ apply IHA.
+(* coq unification drives me crazy!! *)
+Definitionupg_vp {Γ} {A : pre_ty pos} : whn Γ `+A -> val Γ `+A := funv => v.
+Definitionupg_kp {Γ} {A : pre_ty pos} : term Γ `-A -> val Γ `-A := funv => v.
+Definitionupg_vn {Γ} {A : pre_ty neg} : term Γ `+A -> val Γ `+A := funv => v.
+Definitionupg_kn {Γ} {A : pre_ty neg} : whn Γ `-A -> val Γ `-A := funv => v.
+Definitiondwn_vp {Γ} {A : pre_ty pos} : val Γ `+A -> whn Γ `+A := funv => v.
+Definitiondwn_kp {Γ} {A : pre_ty pos} : val Γ `-A -> term Γ `-A := funv => v.
+Definitiondwn_vn {Γ} {A : pre_ty neg} : val Γ `+A -> term Γ `+A := funv => v.
+Definitiondwn_kn {Γ} {A : pre_ty neg} : val Γ `-A -> whn Γ `-A := funv => v.
+Lemmanf_eq_split_p {Γ : neg_ctx} {A : pre_ty pos} (i : Γ ∋ `-A) (p : pat `+A) γ
+ : nf_eq (i ⋅ v_split_p (dwn_vp (p `ᵥ⊛ γ)))
+ (i ⋅ (p : o_op obs_op `-A) ⦇ γ ⦈).
+ unfold v_split_p, dwn_vp; cbn.
+ pose proof (p_dom_of_v_eq A p γ).
+ pose (H' := p_of_w_eq_aux_p A p γ); fold H' in H.
+ pose (a := p_dom_of_w_0p A (w_of_p p `ᵥ⊛ γ)); fold a in H |- *.
+ remember a as a'; clear a Heqa'.
+ revert a' H; rewrite H'; intros; noweconstructor.
+Lemmanf_eq_split_n {Γ : neg_ctx} {A : pre_ty neg} (i : Γ ∋ `+A) (p : pat `-A) γ
+ : nf_eq (i ⋅ v_split_n (dwn_kn (p `ᵥ⊛ γ)))
+ (i ⋅ (p : o_op obs_op `+A) ⦇ γ ⦈).
+ unfold v_split_n, dwn_kn; cbn.
+ pose proof (p_dom_of_v_eq A p γ).
+ pose (H' := p_of_w_eq_aux_n A p γ); fold H' in H.
+ pose (a := p_dom_of_w_0n A (w_of_p p `ᵥ⊛ γ)); fold a in H |- *.
+ remember a as a'; clear a Heqa'.
+ revert a' H; rewrite H'; intros; noweconstructor.
Finally we can return to saner pursuits.
OGS Instanciation
The notion of values and configurations we will pass to the generic OGS construction
+are our mu-mu-tilde values and states, but restricted to negative typing contexts. As
+such, while we have proven all the metatheory for arbitrary typing contexts, we still
+need a tiny bit of work to provide the laws in this special case. Once again, thanks to
+our tricky notion of subset context (Ctx/Subset.v), there is no need to cross a
+complex isomorphism (between contexts of negative types and contexts of types where
+all types are negative). We start by instanciating the substitution structures and
+their laws.
It now suffices to prove the remaining assumptions on the language machine: that
+evaluation respects substitution and that the 'bad-instanciation' relation has finite
+chains. For this we pull in some tooling for coinductive reasoning.
From Coinduction Require Import coinduction lattice rel tactics.
+Ltacrefold_eval :=
+ change (Structure.iter _ _ ?a) with (eval a);
+ change (Structure.subst (funpat : T1 => let'T1_0 := pat in?f) T1_0 ?u)
+ with (bind_delay' u f).
First we have easy lemmata on observation application.
+-intros; apply p_app_eq.
+-intros ?? [[]|[]] ????; cbn.
+1,4: change (?a `ₜ⊛ ?b) with (a ᵥ⊛ b); nowrewrite (w_sub_sub _ _ _ _).
+ all: change (?a `ᵥ⊛ ?b) with (a ᵥ⊛ b) at1; nowrewrite (w_sub_sub _ _ _ _).
Next we prove the core argument of OGS soundness: evaluating a substitution is like
+evaluating the configuration, substituting the result and evaluating again.
+While tedious the proof is basically direct, going by induction on the structure of
+one-step evaluation.
-cbn; intros Γ Δ; unfold comp_eq, it_eq; coinduction R CIH; intros c a.
+cbn; funelim (eval_aux c); trynowdestruct (s_prf i).
++cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+change (?t `ₜ⊛ ?a) with (upg_kp t ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?t `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_vp t ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (RecL (?t `ₜ⊛ a_shift1 ?a)) with (upg_kp (RecL t) ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite t_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + change (it_eqF _ ?RX?RY _ _ _) with
+ (it_eq_map ∅ₑ RX RY T1_0
+ (eval (Cut _ (Whn (v `ᵥ⊛ a)) (a `- A i)))
+ (eval (Cut _
+ (Whn ((w_of_p (p_of_w_0p A v) `ᵥ⊛ nf_args (s_var_upg i ⋅ v_split_p v)) `ᵥ⊛ a))
+ (var (s_var_upg i) `ₜ⊛ a)))).
+ unfold nf_args, v_split_p, cut_r, fill_args.
+ nowrewrite (refold_id_aux A v).
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval; apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_vp v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub2_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_vp v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_vp v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ₜ⊛ ?a) with (upg_vn v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_kn v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ₜ⊛ ?a) with (upg_vn v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_kn v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (RecR (?t `ₜ⊛ a_shift1 ?a)) with (upg_vn (RecR t) ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite t_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + change (it_eqF _ ?RX?RY _ _ _) with
+ (it_eq_map ∅ₑ RX RY T1_0
+ (eval (Cut _ (a `+ A i) (Whn (k `ᵥ⊛ a))))
+ (eval (Cut _
+ (var (s_var_upg i) `ₜ⊛ a)
+ (Whn ((w_of_p (p_of_w_0n A k) `ᵥ⊛ nf_args (s_var_upg i ⋅ v_split_n k))
+ `ᵥ⊛ a))))).
+ unfold nf_args, v_split_n, cut_r, fill_args.
+ nowrewrite (refold_id_aux A k).
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval; apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_kn v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub2_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_kn v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_kn v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ₜ⊛ ?a) with (upg_kp v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
+ + cbn; econstructor; refold_eval.
+ change (?v `ᵥ⊛ ?a) with (upg_vp v ᵥ⊛ a); rewrite s_sub1_sub.
+ apply CIH.
Next we prove that evaluating a normal form is just returning this normal form. This
+goes by approximately induction on observations.
-cbn; intros ? [ A i [ o γ ]]; cbn; unfold p_app, nf_args, cut_r, fill_args.
+cbnin o; funelim (w_of_p o); simpl_depind; inversion eqargs.
+all: match goal with
+ | H : _ = ?A† |- _ => destruct A; dependent destruction H
+ end.
+1-2: unfold c_var in i; destruct (s_prf i).
+all: dependent destruction eqargs; cbn.
+all: apply it_eq_unstep; cbn -[w_of_p]; econstructor.
+1-2: noweconstructor.
+all: match goal with
+ | γ : dom ?p =[val_n]> _ |- _ => first [ exact (nf_eq_split_p _ p γ)
+ | exact (nf_eq_split_n _ p γ) ]
+ end.
Finally we prove the finite chain property. The proof here is quite tedious again, with
+numerous cases, but it is still by brutally walking through the structure of one-step
+evaluation and finding the needed redex.
-intros A; econstructor; intros [ B m ] H; dependent elimination H;
+ cbn [projT1 projT2] in i, i0.
+destruct y as [ [] | [] ].
+all: dependent elimination v; trynowdestruct (t0 (Vvar _)).
+all: clear t0.
+all: dependent elimination o; cbnin i0.
+all: match goal with
+ | u : dom _ =[val_n]> _ |- _ =>
+ cbnin i0;
+ pose (vv := u _ Ctx.top); change (u _ Ctx.top) with vv in i0;
+ remember vv as v'; clear u vv Heqv'; cbnin v'
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+ 7-18,25-36: apply it_eq_step in i0; nowinversion i0.
+ 1-9,19-24: match goal with
+ | t : term _ _ |- _ =>
+ dependent elimination t;
+ [ apply it_eq_step in i0; nowinversion i0
+ | apply it_eq_step in i0; nowinversion i0
+ | ]
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+ all:
+ match goal with
+ | t : evalₒ (Cut _ (Whn ?w) _) ≊ _ |- _ =>
+ dependent elimination w;
+ [ | apply it_eq_step in i0; nowinversion i0 ]
+ | t : evalₒ (Cut _ _ (Whn ?w)) ≊ _ |- _ =>
+ dependent elimination w;
+ [ | apply it_eq_step in i0; nowinversion i0 ]
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+ all:
+ apply it_eq_step in i0; cbnin i0; dependent elimination i0; cbnin r_rel;
+ apply noConfusion_inv in r_rel; unfold v_split_n,v_split_p in r_rel;
+ cbnin r_rel; unfold NoConfusionHom_f_cut,s_var_upg in r_rel; cbnin r_rel;
+ pose proof (H := f_equal pr1 r_rel); cbnin H; dependent destruction H;
+ apply DepElim.pr2_uip in r_rel;
+ pose proof (H := f_equal pr1 r_rel); cbnin H; dependent destruction H;
+ apply DepElim.pr2_uip in r_rel; dependent destruction r_rel.
+ all:
+ econstructor; intros [ t o ] H; cbnin t,o; dependent elimination H;
+ dependent elimination v;
+ [ apply it_eq_step in i0; cbnin i0; nowinversion i0
+ | apply it_eq_step in i0; cbnin i0; nowinversion i0
+ | ].
+ all:
+ match goal with
+ | H : is_var (Whn ?w) -> _ |- _ =>
+ dependent elimination w;
+ trynowdestruct (H (Vvar _))
+ end.
+ all: apply it_eq_step in i0; cbnin i0; dependent elimination i0.
Final theorem
We have finished instanciating our generic OGS construction on the System D calculus. For
+good measure we give here the concrete instanciation of the soundness theorem, stating
+that bisimilarity of the OGS strategies substitution equivalence.
Definitionsubst_eq (Δ : neg_ctx) {Γ} : relation (state Γ) :=
+ funuv => forall (σ : Γ =[val]> Δ), evalₒ (u ₜ⊛ σ : state_n Δ) ≈ evalₒ (v ₜ⊛ σ : state_n Δ) .
+Notation"x ≈⟦sub Δ ⟧≈ y" := (subst_eq Δ x y) (at level50).
+Theoremsubst_correct (Δ : neg_ctx) {Γ : neg_ctx} (xy : state Γ)
+ : x ≈⟦ogs Δ ⟧≈ y -> x ≈⟦sub Δ ⟧≈ y.
+ exact (ogs_correction _ x y).
Finally it does not cost much to recover the more standard CIU equivalence, which we
+derive here for the case of terms (not co-terms).
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Un(i)typed Call-by-value Lambda Calculus
This file follows very closely its sibling CBVTyped.v. It is recommended to read that
+one first: the comments on this one will be quite more terse and focus on the differences.
As our framework is "well-typed well-scoped", when we mean untyped, we really mean
+unityped, i.e., we will take the single element set as set of types. Although, the
+typing rules will not be as uninteresting as it would seem. Indeed, as we adopt a
+single-sided sequent-calculus style of presentation, we do give types to continuations
+(formally negated types), and we thus have not one type, but two: the type of terms
+⊕ and the type of continuations ⊖.
Typing contexts, terms, values, evaluation contexts and configurations work
The reference Ctx.ctx was not found in the current
+Bind Scope ctx_scope with t_ctx .
Note that is is the proper pure untyped lambda calculus: in constrast with our STLC example,
+the lambda is not recursive and there is no unit value nor base type, only functions.
Inductiveterm (Γ : t_ctx) : Type :=
+| Val : val Γ -> term Γ
+| App : term Γ -> term Γ -> term Γ
+with val (Γ : t_ctx) : Type :=
+| Var : Γ ∋ ⊕ -> val Γ
+| Lam : term (Γ ▶ₓ ⊕) -> val Γ
Definitionassign1 {Γa} v : (Γ ▶ₓ a) =[val_m]> Γ := a_id ▶ₐ v .
+Definitiont_subst1 {Γa} (t : term _) v := t `ₜ⊛ @assign1 Γ a v.
+Notation"t /[ v ]" := (t_subst1 t v) (at level50, left associativity).
An Evaluator
Patterns and Observations
As before we define observations (copatterns), as there are only functions and
+continuations there is exactly one pattern at each type. Knowing this, we could
+have made this type (obs) disappear, but it is kept here for the sake of being
+more explicit.
Variantobs : ty -> Type :=
+| ORet : obs (⊖)
+| OApp : obs (⊕)
Observation still behave as binders, returning bind a term (what we are returning) and
+applying binds a term (the argument) and a continuation.
We can now obtain a correctness theorem with respect to standard
+CIU-equivalence by embedding terms into states. Proving that CIU-equivalence
+entails our substitution equivalence is left to the reader!
Theoremulc_ciu_correctΔ {Γ} (xy : term Γ)
+ : c_init x ≈⟦ogs Δ⟧≈ c_init y -> x ≈⟦ciu Δ⟧≈ y .
+ intros H σ k; rewrite2 sub_init.
+ nowapply ulc_subst_correct.
Example terms
Following a trick by Conor McBride we provide a cool notation for writing terms
+without any DeBruijn indices, instead leveraging Coq's binders. For this we need
+a bit of infrastructure, for manipulating terms that only have term variables.
Equationsn_ctx : nat -> t_ctx :=
+ n_ctx O := ∅ ;
+ n_ctx (S n) := n_ctx n ▶ₓ ⊕ .
+Notationvar' n := (n_ctx n ∋ ⊕).
+Notationterm' n := (term (n_ctx n)).
+Equationsv_emb (n : nat) : var' (S n) :=
+ v_emb O := Ctx.top ;
+ v_emb (S n) := pop (v_emb n) .
+Equationsv_lift {n} : var' n -> var' (S n) :=
+ @v_lift (S _) Ctx.top := Ctx.top ;
+ @v_lift (S _) (pop i) := pop (v_lift i) .
Here starts the magic.
Equationsmk_var (m : nat) : foralln, var' (m + S n) :=
+ mk_var O := v_emb ;
+ mk_var (S m) := v_lift ∘ mk_var m .
+Definitionmk_lam {m : nat} (f : (foralln, term' (m + S n)) -> term' (S m)) : term' m
+ := Val (Lam (f (Val ∘ Var ∘ mk_var m))).
+Arguments mk_lam {_} & _ .
Now a bit of syntactic sugar.
Declare Custom Entry lambda.
+Notation"✨ e ✨" := (e : term' 0) (e custom lambda at level2).
+Notation"x" := (x _) (in custom lambda at level0, x ident).
+Notation"( x )" := x (in custom lambda at level0, x at level2).
+Notation"x y" := (App x y)
+ (in custom lambda at level1, left associativity).
+Notation"'λ' x .. y ⇒ U" :=
+ (mk_lam (funx => .. (mk_lam (funy => U)) ..))
+ (in custom lambda at level1, x binder, y binder, U at level2).
Aren't these beautiful?
DefinitionDelta := ✨ (λx ⇒ x x) ✨ .
+DefinitionOmega := ✨ (λx ⇒ x x) (λx ⇒ x x) ✨ .
+DefinitionUpsilon := ✨ λf ⇒ (λx ⇒ f (x x)) (λx ⇒ f (x x)) ✨.
+DefinitionTheta := ✨ (λxf ⇒ f (x x f)) (λxf ⇒ f (x x f)) ✨.
You can check the actual lambda-term they unwrap to
+by running eg: