You may want to use ArangoDB as a secondary database. You might want to use its search functionality, schemaless structure for logging or its Graph functionality for more advanced relationships.
Whatever the reason, this driver has a few features to support different types of databases at once.
Laravel by default is geared to the SQL databases such as MySql, PostgreSQL etc. This driver aims at providing a drop-in replacement as far as is possible.
While there are some incompatibilities the general user shouldn't have to think about using a prefix for well known Artisan commands such as make:model or migrate for example.
By default, Artisan commands are overriden and a default ArangoDB connection is assumed.
For migrate:x commands you may additionally specify the database connection through the --database=[connection-name] argument. If ArangoDB is NOT your default connection you use --database=arangodb.
For make:model and make:migration you add the --arangodb argument to use the features this driver supplies. This is only necessary if your default connection is not ArangoDB. Otherwise, they'll fall back to their Illuminate parent command.
You can set a connection on your models to link them to a specific connection, and its builders. When using the DB facade make sure you import the right one.