title | description |
Cocoa Conferences |
List of all-English conferences for Cocoa (macOS, iOS, watchOS & tvOS) developers |
You can download a 📆 Calendar (.ics) for:
- A Twitter list with all the conferences made by Boris Bügling
If you want to add a conference to this list or edit the info, please open a PR (Pull Request). Thank you!
<script type="text/javascript"> const conferences = [ {% for conference in site.data.conferences %} { name: "{{ conference.name }}", link: {% if conference.link %} "{{ conference.link }}" {% else %} null {% endif %}, location: {% if conference.location %} "{{ conference.location }}" {% else %} "TBA" {% endif %}, cocoa: {% if conference.cocoa-only %} true {% else %} false {% endif %}, {% if conference.start %} {% assign start = conference.start | split: "-" %} start: { year: {{ start[0] }}, month: {{ start[1] }}, day: {{ start[2] }} }, {% if conference.end %} {% assign end = conference.end | split: "-" %} end: { year: {{ end[0] }}, month: {{ end[1] }}, day: {{ end[2] }} }, {% else %} end: { year: {{ start[0] }}, month: {{ start[1] }}, day: {{ start[2] }} }, {% endif %} {% else %} start: null, end: null, {% endif %} cfp: { {% if conference.cfp.link %} link: "{{ conference.cfp.link }}", {% else %} link: null, {% endif %} {% if conference.cfp.deadline %} {% assign dead = conference.cfp.deadline | split: "-" %} deadline: { year: {{ dead[0] }}, month: {{ dead[1] }}, day: {{ dead[2] }} } {% else %} deadline: null {% endif %} }, cancelled: {% if conference.cancelled %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} }, {% endfor %} ]; {% include helpers.js %} buildSections(conferences); </script>