Releases: LasseRafn/php-initial-avatar-generator
Releases · LasseRafn/php-initial-avatar-generator
Fixes, tests and styling
I've fixed some stuff, added some docblocks, written more tests and setup monitoring and more.
Initial release!
Aaaaand we're up! 🎉
Font size option added
Font sizes are a percentage of the image size. Example: 0.5 = 50% of image size.
Length option added
Lets say you want to have single letter initials, or maybe even three letters? Well thats possible!
$avatar->name('Michael Burbon Hansen')->length(3)->generate(); // MBH
Getting ready for initial release
v0.5 Tests and fixes
Why did I publish this so early...
v0.1.7 Minor fix
So glad I'm alone right now..
v0.1.6 Fix for image generation
A fix (autoloading)
v0.1.5 Maybe I should add some autoloading...
Alpha-ish testing
v0.1 License added