Option Compare Database
Private Sub HomeBtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm ("MainScreen")
End Sub
Private Sub GED_Took_Test_Change()
If Me.GED_Took_Test = "Yes" Then
Me.GED_Test_Score.Enabled = True
Me.GED_Test_Score.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TABE_L_ClearFields_Click()
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End Sub
Private Sub TABE_Clear_Fields_Click()
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End Sub
Private Sub GED_P_ClearFields_Click()
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End Sub
Private Sub GED_Clear_Fields_Click()
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End Sub
Private Sub OMJ_WorkKeys_Clear_Fields_Click()
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End Sub
Private Sub ACT_WorkKeys_Clear_Fields_Click()
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End Sub
Public Sub ClearData(tabct As TabControl)
Dim ct As Control
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each ct In tabct
If TypeOf ct Is TextBox Or TypeOf ct Is CheckBox Or TypeOf ct Is ComboBox Then
Debug.Print (i & " " & ct.name)
ct = Null
i = i + 1
End If
End Sub
Official GED Practice Test
Private Sub GED_P_Save_Entry_Click()
Dim other_info As Variant
otherMissingFields = check_AllControls(Me.ScoreEntrySheets.Pages("Official GED Practice Tests"))
If Len(Join(otherMissingFields)) > 0 Then
response = MsgBox("Please complete all fields before submitting.", 1, "Missing Fields")
Exit Sub
Dim searchID As Variant
searchID = DLookup("[ClientID]", "NameSearchQ", "[WholeName]=Forms![ScoreEntry]![GED_P_StudentName]")
Dim existingRec As Variant
existingRec = DLookup("[GEDPracticeID]", "GEDPracticeT", "[ClientID] = " & searchID & _
" AND [GEDPracticeTest] = '" & GED_P_TestSelection & "' AND [GEDPracticeTestDay] = #" & _
GED_P_TestDate & "# AND [GEDPracticeScore] = " & GED_P_TestScore)
' If a record already exists, prompt user
If Not IsNull(existingRec) Then
response = MsgBox("Error: This record already exists!", 1, "Missing Fields")
Exit Sub
End If
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO GEDPracticeT(ClientID, GEDPracticeTest, " & _
"GEDPracticeTestDay, GEDPracticeScore)" & " VALUES('" & searchID & "','" & _
GED_P_TestSelection & "','" & GED_P_TestDate & "'," & GED_P_TestScore & ");"
MsgBox ("New official GED practice test scores added!")
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End If
End Sub
TABE Survey
Private Sub SaveTABE_Click()
' All fields must be complete to submit TABE Survey data
Dim otherMissingFields As Variant
otherMissingFields = check_AllControls(Me.ScoreEntrySheets.Pages("TABE Survey"))
If Len(Join(otherMissingFields)) > 0 Then
response = MsgBox("Please complete all fields before submitting.", 1, "Missing Fields")
Exit Sub
End If
' If all fields are complete, insert new record into TabeT using data
Dim searchID As Variant
searchID = DLookup("[ClientID]", "NameSearchQ", "[WholeName]=Forms![ScoreEntry]![TABE_StudentEntry]")
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO TabeT(ClientID, TestDate," & _
"TABEForm, ReadingTestLevel, ReadingSS, ReadingGE," & _
"LanguageTestLevel, LanguageSS, LanguageGE, MathTestLevel," & _
"CompMathSS, CompMathGE, AppliedMathSS, AppliedMathGE," & _
"OverallMathSS, OverallMathGE)" & _
" VALUES ('" & searchID & "','" & Me.TABEDateEntry & "','" & _
Me.TABE_Form & "','" & Me.R_BookLevel & "'," & Me.R_SS & "," & _
Me.R_GLE & ",'" & Me.L_BookLevel & "'," & Me.L_SS & "," & _
Me.L_GLE & ",'" & Me.M_BookLevel & "'," & Me.CM_SS & "," & _
Me.CM_GLE & "," & Me.AM_SS & "," & Me.AM_GLE & "," & _
Me.CombMath_SS & "," & Me.CombM_GLE & ");"
MsgBox ("New TABE scores added!")
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End Sub
TABE Locator
Private Sub TABE_L_Save_Entries_Click()
Dim other_info As Variant
otherMissingFields = check_AllControls(Me.ScoreEntrySheets.Pages("TABE Locator"))
If Len(Join(otherMissingFields)) > 0 Then
response = MsgBox("Please complete all fields before submitting.", 1, "Missing Fields")
Exit Sub
Dim searchID As Variant
searchID = DLookup("[ClientID]", "NameSearchQ", "[WholeName]=Forms![ScoreEntry]![TABE_L_Student_Name]")
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO TABELocatorT(ClientID, LocatorTestDay," & _
"ReadingNC, ReadingBookLevel,LanguageArtsNC, LanguageArtsBookLevel," & _
"AppliedMathNC, ComputationalMathNC, CombinedMathNC, MathBookLevel)" & _
" VALUES ('" & searchID & "','" & Me.TABE_L_Test_Date & "'," & _
Me.TABE_L_ReadingNC & ",'" & Me.TABE_L_ReadingLevel & "'," & _
Me.TABE_L_LArtsNC & ",'" & Me.TABE_L_LArtsLevel & "'," & _
Me.TABE_L_AppliedMath_NC & "," & Me.TABE_L_CompMath_NC & "," & _
Me.TABE_L_CombinedM_NC & ",'" & Me.TABE_Math_BookLevel & "');"
MsgBox ("New TABE Locator scores added!")
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End If
End Sub
Official GED Test
Private Sub GED_Save_Entry_Click()
Dim missingFields As Variant
missingFields = check_AllControls(Me.ScoreEntrySheets.Pages("Official GED Tests"))
Dim numMissingFields As Integer
numMissingFields = Len(Join(missingFields))
Dim response As Integer
' Ensure that the user has completed all required fields
If numMissingFields > 0 Then
If IsNull(Me.GED_Student_Name) Or IsNull(Me.GED_Test) Or IsNull(Me.GED_Test_Date) Then
response = MsgBox("Please complete at minimum the 'Student Name,' 'Scheduled Test,' and 'Test Date' fields.", 0, "Missing Fields")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Proceed with submission if all required fields are complete
' Retrieve client ID
Dim searchID As Variant
searchID = DLookup("[ClientID]", "NameSearchQ", "[WholeName]=Forms![ScoreEntry]![GED_Student_Name]")
' If record does not exist, insert new record; otherwise, update existing record
Dim existingRec As Variant
existingRec = DLookup("[GEDTest_ID]", "GEDTestT", "[ClientID] = " & searchID & _
" AND [GEDTestDay] = #" & GED_Test_Date & "# AND [GEDTest] = '" & GED_Test & "'")
Dim strSQL As String
If IsNull(GED_Test_Score) Then
score = 0
End If
If IsNull(existingRec) Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO GEDTestT(ClientID, GEDTestDay, GEDTest, [TookTest?], Score, Comments)" & _
" VALUES('" & searchID & "', '" & GED_Test_Date & "', '" & GED_Test & "', '" & GED_Took_Test & _
"', '" & score & "', '" & GED_Comments & "');"
strSQL = "UPDATE GEDTestT " & _
"SET [TookTest?] = " & GED_Took_Test & ", [Score] = '" & score & "', [Comments] = '" & GED_Comments & "' " & _
"WHERE ([ClientID] = " & searchID & " AND [GEDTestDay] = #" & GED_Test_Date & "# AND [GEDTest] = '" & GED_Test & "');"
Debug.Print (strSQL)
End If
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
' Inform user that entries were added and then reset tab
MsgBox ("New official GED test scores added!")
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
Me.GED_Test_Score.Enabled = False
End Sub
Ohio Means Jobs (OMJ) WorkKeys Practice Test
Private Sub OMJ_WorkKeys_Save_Entry_Click()
Dim other_info As Variant
otherMissingFields = check_AllControls(Me.ScoreEntrySheets.Pages("OhioMeansJobs WorkKeys Practice"))
If Len(Join(otherMissingFields)) > 0 Then
response = MsgBox("Please complete all fields before submitting.", 1, "Missing Fields")
Exit Sub
Dim searchID As Variant
searchID = DLookup("[ClientID]", "NameSearchQ", "[WholeName]=Forms![ScoreEntry]![OMJ_WorkKeys_Student_Name]")
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO OMJWorkKeysT(ClientID, TestDate, PracticeTest, TestScore, EstWorkKeysLevel)" & _
" VALUES('" & searchID & "','" & OMJ_WorkKeys_Test_Date & "','" & OMJ_WorkKeys_Practice_Test & _
"'," & OMJ_WorkKeys_Test_Score & ",'" & OMJ_WorkKeys_Level & "');"
MsgBox ("New OhioMeansJobs practice WorkKeys scores added!")
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End If
End Sub
Official ACT WorkKeys Test
Private Sub ACT_WorkKeys_Save_Entry_Click()
Dim other_info As Variant
otherMissingFields = check_AllControls(Me.ScoreEntrySheets.Pages("Official ACT WorkKeys"))
If Len(Join(otherMissingFields)) > 0 Then
response = MsgBox("Please complete all fields before submitting.", 1, "Missing Fields")
Exit Sub
Dim searchID As Variant
searchID = DLookup("[ClientID]", "NameSearchQ", "[WholeName]=Forms![ScoreEntry]![ACT_WorkKeys_Student_Name]")
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO ACTWorkKeysT(ClientID, TestDate, WorkKeysTest, ScaleScore, WorkKeysLevel)" & _
" VALUES('" & searchID & "','" & ACT_WorkKeys_Test_Date & "','" & ACT_WorkKeys_Test & _
"'," & ACT_WorkKeys_Scale_Score & ",'" & ACT_WorkKeys_Level & "');"
MsgBox ("New ACT WorkKeys scores added!")
ClearData Me.ScoreEntrySheets
End If
End Sub
Check for Missing Fields Before Form Submission
Public Function checkTABE_NeededValues() As Boolean
If IsNull(Me.TABE_StudentEntry.Value) Or IsNull(Me.TABEDateEntry.Value) Or IsNull(Me.TABE_Form.Value) Then
checkTABE_NeededValues = False
ElseIf Me.TABE_StudentEntry.Value = "" Or Me.TABEDateEntry.Value = "" Or Me.TABE_Form.Value = "" Then
checkTABE_NeededValues = False
checkTABE_NeededValues = True
End If
End Function
Public Function check_AllControls(tabPage As Page) As Variant
Debug.Print ("You are in this page: " & tabPage.name)
Dim missing_Entries() As String
ReDim missing_Entries(16)
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each ct In tabPage.Controls
If TypeOf ct Is TextBox Or TypeOf ct Is CheckBox Or TypeOf ct Is ComboBox Then
If IsNull(ct) Or ct = "" Then
'Debug.Print (ct.name & " " & "is null.")
missing_Entries(i) = ct.Controls.Item(0).name
'Debug.Print (missing_Entries(i))
i = i + 1
End If
End If
ReDim Preserve missing_Entries(i)
check_AllControls = missing_Entries
End Function