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92 lines (81 loc) · 8.38 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (81 loc) · 8.38 KB

External dependencies

name version license used by env bin or src purpose
postgresql 13.3 PostgreSQL layermanager/docker-postgis prod-external bin to store vector data effectively
postgis 3.1 GNU GPL v2 layermanager/docker-postgis prod-external bin to store vector data effectively
geoserver 2.21.2 GNU GPL v2 prod-external bin to provide WMS/WFS endpoints
qgis-server 3.40.2 GNU GPL v2 layermanager/qgis-server prod-external bin to provide WMS endpoint
redis 4.0.11 BSD 3-Clause docker-library/redis prod-external bin celery message broker, source of truth for server side
micka v2020.014 BSD 3-Clause jirikcz/micka prod-external bin to provide CSW endpoint
Wagtail + extensions 4.2 BSD 3-Clause deps/wagtail/laymanportal/requirements.txt opt bin as OAuth2 provider

Internal dependencies

System dependencies

name version license used by env bin or src purpose
python 3.8 Python Software Foundation License gdal/docker prod bin to run Layman
python3-lxml 5.3 BSD 3-Clause Dockerfile prod bin to query XML with full XPath 1.0
gdal 3.3.0 MIT gdal/docker prod bin to import vector files into DB
firefox 95+ MPL Dockerfile prod bin for client-side map rendering and integration testing
firefox-geckodriver 95+ MPL Dockerfile prod bin for client-side map rendering and integration testing
pipenv 2024.4.0 MIT Dockerfile prod bin to install Python dependencies
node.js 22 MIT client/docker/Dockerfile prod bin to run Layman Test Client and Timgen
npm 10 Artistic License 2.0 client/docker/Dockerfile prod bin to install node.js dependencies
gunicorn 22 MIT requirements.production.txt opt bin as Flask production server
nginx 1.16 BSD 2-Clause docker-compose.yml opt bin as production server

Python dependencies

name license used by env bin or src purpose
flask BSD License Pipfile prod bin to build REST API
celery BSD 3-Clause Pipfile prod bin asynchronous task runner
redis-py MIT Pipfile prod bin
unidecode GNU GPL v2 Pipfile prod bin
psycopg2-binary GNU LGPL Pipfile prod bin
requests Apache License 2.0 Pipfile prod bin
owslib BSD 3-Clause Pipfile prod bin
jsonschema MIT Pipfile prod bin
flower BSD 3-Clause Pipfile prod bin to monitor celery tasks
selenium Apache License 2.0 Dockerfile prod bin for client-side map rendering and integration testing
cacheout MIT Pipfile prod bin
kombu BSD 3-Clause Pipfile prod bin messaging for celery, direct dependency only for version
pycld2 Apache License 2.0 Pipfile prod bin detecting language for metadata
lxml BSD 3-Clause python3-lxml prod bin
watchdog Apache License 2.0 Pipfile dev bin
pytest MIT License Pipfile test bin
flake8 MIT Pipfile test bin code style checker
pycodestyle MIT Pipfile test bin code style checker
pylint GNU GPL v2 Pipfile test bin code style checker
autopep8 MIT Pipfile test bin to automatically fix code style
pytest-rerunfailures MPL Pipfile test bin to automatically rerun flaky tests
pytest-timeout MIT Pipfile test bin to automatically stop tests after given timeout
pillow HPND Pipfile test bin to ensure similarity of images
jsonpath-ng HPND Pipfile test bin to query JSON files

Node.js dependencies

name license used by env bin or src purpose
layman-test-client GNU GPL v3 client/docker/Dockerfile opt bin to demonstrate communication with REST API
openlayers BSD 2-Clause timgen/package.json prod bin for client-side map rendering in Timgen
express MIT timgen/package.json prod bin as HTTP server for Timgen
http-proxy-middleware MIT timgen/package.json prod bin for proxying Timgen requests
file-saver MIT timgen/package.json prod bin for saving images in Timgen

Wagtail extensions

name license used by env bin or src purpose
Wagtail CRX (CodeRed Extensions) BSD 3-Clause deps/wagtail/laymanportal/requirements.txt opt bin to be consistent with production usage
django-allauth MIT deps/wagtail/laymanportal/requirements.txt opt bin to be consistent with production usage
django-oauth-toolkit BSD 2-Clause deps/wagtail/laymanportal/requirements.txt opt bin as OAuth2 provider

Other dependencies

name license used by env bin or src purpose
python3-pip MIT Dockerfile prod bin for installing pipenv and gunicorn
hslayers-ng MIT schema.draft-07.json prod src GNU GPL v2 upgrade src
libxml2 MIT python3-lxml prod bin
libxslt1.1 MIT python3-lxml prod bin
gdal/docker MIT License Dockerfile prod bin GNU GPL v2 docker-compose.yml dev bin
layermanager/qgis-server GNU GPL v3 docker-compose.yml dev bin
layermanager/docker-postgis MIT docker-compose.yml dev bin
jirikcz/micka GNU GPL v3 docker-compose.yml prod-external bin
samtux/micka GNU GPL v3 jirikcz/micka prod-external src
docker-library/redis BSD 3-Clause docker-compose.yml prod bin
plantuml/plantuml GNU GPL v3 Makefile dev bin render PlantUML images