A command line tool to merge two distinct nifti parcellations. It is mainly intended to be used for combining cortical and subcortical parcellations.
You may or may not want to set up a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv .examplevenv
source .examplevenv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
Then clone the repository to where you would like to install it.
git clone https://github.com/LeSasse/parcmerge.git
cd parcmerge
pip install -e .
It is relatively simple. For help run parcmerge --help
usage: parcmerge [-h] parc_one parc_two outname
Merge two parcellation nifti files in volumetric space.
This is intended to be used for combination of
subcortical (i.e. TIAN) and cortical (i.e. Schaefer)
positional arguments:
parc_one The first parcellation. This parcellation
gets preference for voxels at which the
two parcellations overlap. If there is
overlap between the two parcellations,
make sure this is the parcellation that
is supposed to get preference.
parc_two The second parcellation.
outname The path/filename for the output file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
You can also use the package to merge parcellations in python code:
from parcmerge import merge_parcellations
merged_parcellation = merge_parcellations(parc_one, parc_two)