the first blake3 implementation on
BLAKE3 is a cryptographic hash function that is:
- Much faster than MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, and BLAKE2.
- Secure, unlike MD5 and SHA-1. And secure against length extension, unlike SHA-2.
- Highly parallelizable across any number of threads and SIMD lanes, because it's a Merkle tree on the inside.
- Capable of verified streaming and incremental updates, again because it's a Merkle tree.
- A PRF, MAC, KDF, and XOF, as well as a regular hash.
- One algorithm with no variants, which is fast on x86-64 and also on smaller architectures.
BLAKE3 was designed by:
- @oconnor663 (Jack O'Connor)
- @sneves (Samuel Neves)
- @veorq (Jean-Philippe Aumasson)
- @zookozcash (Zooko)
The development of BLAKE3 was sponsored by the Electric Coin Company.
which means it could run on any platform that LLVM
has SIMD implementation.
could be found at github pages
same as the official one
- Implement SIMD for hash4
- reformats