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共 19 个项目,近半年内活跃项目 2 个,1 个团队, 20366 个 Star。

语言 Top 3:Java, C, Python

统计时间:2024-12-28 08:07:02

项目 简介 语言 Star 数 协议 创建时间 最后更新时间 最后提交时间
dpvs DPVS is a high performance Layer-4 load balancer based on DPDK. C 3060 Other 2017-10-10 2024-12-27 2024-12-23
lotus lotus is a framework for intereact between views in Android Java 73 - 2018-01-05 2022-05-18 2018-03-22
libfiber The high performance c/c++ coroutine/fiber library for Linux/FreeBSD/MacOS/Windows, supporting select/poll/epoll/kqueue/iouring/iocp/windows GUI C 769 GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 2018-02-09 2024-12-24 2024-12-23
xHook 🔥 A PLT hook library for Android native ELF. C 4118 Other 2018-04-18 2024-12-28 2023-07-06
Andromeda Andromeda simplifies local/remote communication for Android modularization Java 2276 - 2018-04-20 2024-12-10 2019-09-16
LiteApp LiteApp is a high performance mobile cross-platform implementation, The realization of cross-platform functionality is base on webview and provides different ideas and solutions for improve webview performance. JavaScript 677 Other 2018-04-26 2024-08-16 2022-01-15
auklet Auklet is a high performance storage engine based on Openstack Swift Go 93 Other 2018-06-12 2024-01-25 2019-03-19
dexSplitter Analyze contribution rate of each module to the apk size Java 198 Other 2018-06-29 2024-12-05 2018-07-08
Neptune A flexible, powerful and lightweight plugin framework for Android Java 765 Apache License 2.0 2018-09-19 2024-12-16 2019-08-19
Navi None Java 18 Apache License 2.0 2018-11-16 2022-04-22 2018-11-16
xCrash 🔥 xCrash provides the Android app with the ability to capture java crash, native crash and ANR. No root permission or any system permissions are required. C 3741 Other 2019-04-04 2024-12-27 2022-08-28
Qigsaw 🔥🔥Qigsaw ['tʃɪɡsɔ] is a dynamic modularization library which is based on Android App Bundles(Do not need Google Play Service). It supports dynamic delivery for split APKs without reinstalling the base one. Java 1681 Other 2019-06-24 2024-12-20 2023-10-25
FASPell 2019-SOTA简繁中文拼写检查工具:FASPell Chinese Spell Checker (Chinese Spell Check / 中文拼写检错 / 中文拼写纠错 / 中文拼写检查) Python 1204 GNU General Public License v3.0 2019-09-26 2024-12-10 2022-09-03
qnsm QNSM is network security monitoring framework based on DPDK. C 521 Other 2019-09-30 2024-12-25 2021-09-27
TaskManager 一种支持依赖关系、任务兜底策略的任务调度管理工具。API灵活易用,稳定可靠。轻松提交主线程任务、异步任务。支持周期性任务,顺序执行任务,并行任务等。 Java 481 Apache License 2.0 2020-04-27 2024-12-27 2020-07-31
Lens 功能简介:一种开发帮助产品研发的效率工具。主要提供了:页面分析、任务分析、网络分析、DataDump、自定义hook 、Data Explorer 等功能。以帮助开发、测试、UI 等同学更便捷的排查和定位问题,提升开发效率。 Java 409 Apache License 2.0 2020-07-03 2024-12-02 2020-11-02
HMGNN None Python 62 MIT License 2020-07-28 2024-11-28 2020-08-03
lua-resty-couchbase Lua couchbase client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API / 使用cosocket纯lua实现的couchbase的client,已经在爱奇艺重要的服务播放服务稳定运行5年多 Lua 79 BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 2020-08-20 2023-07-27 2020-08-28
xgboost-serving A flexible, high-performance serving system for machine learning models C++ 141 Apache License 2.0 2021-06-23 2024-11-22 2021-11-24