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共 32 个项目,近半年内活跃项目 5 个,1 个团队, 10517 个 Star。

语言 Top 3:TypeScript, Java, Dart

统计时间:2024-12-28 08:07:02

项目 简介 语言 Star 数 协议 创建时间 最后更新时间 最后提交时间
Oceanus 58同城数据库中间件 Java 549 Apache License 2.0 2014-11-24 2024-12-26 2015-12-11
qa_match A simple effective ToolKit for short text matching Python 328 Other 2020-03-06 2024-05-21 2022-07-19
wwto WWTO,小程序跨端迁移解决方案,低成本将微信小程序转为其他平台(百度、支付宝、头条)小程序。 JavaScript 107 MIT License 2020-03-12 2024-10-08 2023-10-03
WBBlades Mach-O based ObjC & Swift useless classes, useless protocols, useless resources detection, packet size analysis, point-to-point crash resolution.基于Mach-O的ObjC & Swift无用类、无用协议、无用资源检测,包大小分析,点对点崩溃解析。 Objective-C 1570 BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 2020-03-17 2024-12-18 2024-08-05
Zucker An easier way to automatically calculate the size of AAR in apk based on APP module Python 89 Other 2020-03-19 2024-11-12 2020-03-30
dl_inference 通用深度学习推理工具,可在生产环境中快速上线由TensorFlow、PyTorch、Caffe框架训练出的深度学习模型。 Java 406 Other 2020-03-24 2024-12-20 2021-12-21
LPA-Detector Optimize and improve the Label propagation algorithm Java 89 Other 2020-03-25 2024-10-21 2022-06-17
WPaxos A production-grade java implementation of paxos consensus algorithm Java 198 Apache License 2.0 2020-04-03 2024-12-22 2023-06-14
magpie Magpie is a visualized platform which designed to create, develop and compile your standalone flutter module. Dart 123 BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 2020-04-10 2024-04-19 2020-06-18
magpie_sdk A Native-Futter hybrid development solution. Native developers do not need to install FlutterSDK. This Flutter plugin provides general capabilities such as routing management and dynamic protocol registration. Objective-C 51 BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 2020-04-10 2024-11-04 2021-11-12
magpie_fly Magpie-fly is a component library produced by 58 Group, which encapsulates a variety of common components to meet the needs of developers Dart 38 BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 2020-04-10 2024-03-27 2020-04-10
magpie_log A visualized dynamic programming for log collection based on flutter. Dart 48 BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 2020-04-10 2023-07-22 2020-08-27
Picasso 一款UI自动生成代码插件,提供UI自动生成代码全流程解决方案。 TypeScript 1136 MIT License 2020-09-09 2024-12-26 2023-05-12
taro-react-native 开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5 等应用。 TypeScript 94 MIT License 2020-10-29 2024-07-30 2024-04-02
Fair A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically. Fair提供一整套Flutter动态化解决方案 Dart 2653 BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 2020-12-02 2024-12-27 2024-10-25
Taro-Mortgage-Calculator 首个 Taro 3 多端统一实例 - 支持 React Native,Weapp,H5。 TypeScript 377 MIT License 2020-12-30 2024-12-23 2024-08-05
Taro-Code-In-React-Native Taro React Native 参考样例。支持在 React Native 初始化的项目中引入 Taro 3 代码。 JavaScript 22 MIT License 2021-01-27 2024-08-16 2022-04-20
ideaPlugin-MavenManager Manage dependencies of maven project to resolve jar conflicts Java 3 - 2021-03-29 2024-02-05 2021-05-12
metro-code-split Further split the React Native code based on Metro build to improve performance, providing Dll and Dynamic Imports features JavaScript 206 MIT License 2021-06-22 2024-12-16 2022-08-05
first-meaning-paint 首次有效绘制表示当前页面最想展示给用户的元素渲染的时间点,即主元素渲染点。 JavaScript 11 MIT License 2021-07-21 2022-09-12 2021-11-11
taro-playground The Taro Playground App is a cross-platform application developed using Taro, to help developers develop and debug Taro applications. TypeScript 260 Apache License 2.0 2021-09-14 2024-12-25 2024-11-22
taro-ui-rn 一款基于 Taro 框架开发的多端 UI 组件库 TypeScript 9 MIT License 2021-09-14 2024-12-27 2022-08-06
mp-monitor mp-monitor脱胎于58内部前端质量监控系统“北斗”。致力于为小程序异常采集和性能统计分析提供采集方案和统一的数据指标,适配多端小程序(微信,头条,支付宝,百度,QQ,360,JD)。 如果开发者想要在自己的项目中快速搭建小程序的异常采集和性能监控数据分析。mp-monitor将能帮助用户快速采集到相关的数据用于分析和监控。 TypeScript 68 MIT License 2021-11-05 2024-06-16 2022-06-17
json-model-validator A flexible, lightweight JSON Data validator and formatter TypeScript 30 MIT License 2021-11-22 2024-01-04 2021-11-22
Antenna Antenna是58同城安全团队打造的一款辅助安全从业人员验证网络中多种漏洞是否存在以及可利用性的工具。其基于带外应用安全测试(OAST)通过任务的形式,将不同漏洞场景检测能力通过插件的形式进行集合,通过与目标进行out-bind的数据通信方式进行辅助检测。 JavaScript 729 Apache License 2.0 2022-06-15 2024-12-17 2023-06-06
FairPushy FairPushy 基于Dart三端一体化动态更新平台,为Flutter Fair设计的动态化框架提供动态分发能力 Dart 270 - 2022-06-27 2024-12-24 2023-01-10
WLock A high-reliable, high-throughput distributed lock service based on the consensus algorithm component WPaxos. Java 186 Apache License 2.0 2022-07-27 2024-11-11 2023-08-11
EasyAOP EasyAOP是基于ASM实现切面通用能力的工具。EasyAOP提供的通用切面能力,可以使用配置文件方式来配置使用。(EasyAOP is a tool based on ASM to realize the general capability of AOP. General faceting capabilities provided by EasyAOP,You can use the yaml file format to configure the use of EasyAOP.) Kotlin 23 BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 2022-11-30 2024-11-29 2022-12-01
taro-visualization None TypeScript 38 Apache License 2.0 2023-01-09 2024-12-14 2024-06-12
react-native-echarts 📈 React Native ECharts Library: An awesome charting library for React Native, built upon Apache ECharts and leveraging react-native-svg and react-native-skia. Offers significantly better performance compared to WebView-based solutions. TypeScript 773 Apache License 2.0 2023-01-09 2024-12-27 2024-12-15
FairTemplate FairTemplate 是为Fair 开发者设计的常用基础组件库及代码模板,结合Fair 团队自研的IDE 插件,快速地搭建Fair 动态化页面,提升Fair 的开发效率。 Dart 6 - 2023-02-17 2024-10-02 2023-04-11
wsilk wsilk是一个辅助开发人员的代码生成框架(wsilk is a framework that assists developers to generate code) Java 27 Apache License 2.0 2023-05-11 2024-12-01 2023-09-18