All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and follows the requirements of the Nextcloud Appstore Metadata specification.
Types of changes:
- Added for new features.
- Changed for changes in existing functionality.
- Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
- Removed for now removed features.
- Fixed for any bug fixes.
- Security in case of vulnerabilities.
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: bump java #4533
- refactor: convert to promisse #4525
- refactor: force typing #4506
- fix: prevent error when enpty data from backend #4526
- fix: use async await #4522
- fix: retrieve saved data #4517
- fix: display errors at error page #4514
- fix: display error at same route #4510
- fix: hide sidebar when is not necessary #4503
- fix: redirect to login when validation page is not public #4499
- fix: logout if is using different account #4496
- fix: prevent error when validate signed file using cfssl cert #4478
- fix: remove licence file #4474
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: bump java #4532
- refactor: convert to promisse #4524
- refactor: force typing #4505
- fix: prevent error when enpty data from backend #4527
- fix: use async await #4523
- fix: retrieve saved data #4534
- fix: display errors at error page #4513
- fix: display error at same route #4509
- fix: hide sidebar when is not necessary #4502
- fix: redirect to login when validation page is not public #4498
- fix: logout if is using different account #4495
- fix: prevent error when validate signed file using cfssl cert #4477
- fix: remove licence file #4473
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: bump java #4531
- refactor: convert to promisse #4529
- refactor: force typing #4504
- fix: prevent error when enpty data from backend #4528
- fix: use async await #4521
- fix: retrieve saved data #4516
- fix: display errors at error page #4512
- fix: display error at same route #4508
- fix: hide sidebar when is not necessary #4501
- fix: redirect to login when validation page is not public #4497
- fix: logout if is using different account #4494
- fix: prevent error when validate signed file using cfssl cert #4476
- Say hello to Nexcloud 31
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: use fallback to get page dimension #4462
- chore: remove vuex #4429
- chore(i18n): Fixed grammar #4411
- chore: remove unused property #4407
- chore: validate signer of signed pdf file #4404
- chore: ignore warning of Nextcloud #4403
- chore: only display div of chains if chain exists #4400
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: use fallback to get page dimension #4461
- chore: remove vuex #4431
- chore(i18n): Fixed grammar #4412
- chore: remove unused property #4408
- chore: validate signer of signed pdf file #4405
- chore: ignore warning of Nextcloud #4402
- chore: only display div of chains if chain exists #4399
- chore: bump dependencies
- chore: prevent generate unecessary temp file #4393
- fix: handle settings after backend upgrade #4372
- fix: prevent error when is empty files #4369
- fix: validation url #4364
- chore: add more details to pdf viewer #4362
- fix: prevent error when get timeout from api #4359
- fix: close dialog after submit #4356
- fix: handle settings after backend upgrade #4371
- fix: prevent error when is empty files #4370
- fix: validation url #4363
- fix: prevent error when get timeout from api #4358
- fix: close dialog after submit #4355
- fix: submit on click #4343
- fix: prevent error when have not identify method #4339
- fix: validate with success when signer account was deleted #4334
- fix: When only have a signature, consider that who signed is who need… #4317
- fix: show that file not found when validate file #4316
- fix: match signature from file with libresign #4309
- fix: match signers from cert with signers from LibreSign #4305
- fix: load success icon when cert is valid #4304
- fix: submit on click #4342
- fix: prevent error when have not identify method #4338
- fix: validate with success when signer account was deleted #4333
- fix: When only have a signature, consider that who signed is who need… #4319
- fix: show that file not found when validate file #4318
- fix: match signature from file with libresign #4310
- fix: load success icon when cert is valid #4307
- fix: match signers from cert with signers from LibreSign #4306
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- feat: validate from uploaded file #4253
- feat: validate pdf #4234
- feat: change expirity #4232
- feat: rewrite validation page #4204
- feat: add rate LibreSign #4203
- feat: allow to change signature hash algorithm #4190
- chore: display signature issue when haven't proppler #4297
- chore: make possible press enter to submit some forms #4237
- fix: prevent error when add new signer #4295
- fix: prevent js error #4290
- fix: notify by email when is not authenticated #4280
- fix: method name #4278
- fix: center component #4274
- fix: method name #4271
- fix: path of renew url #4269
- fix: ignore order of array #4257
- fix: load cert custom options #4245
- fix: display cfssl settings #4229
- fix: display certificate data after regenerate certificate #4197
- fix: fetch signature methods #4188
- fix: remove extension from filename #4187
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- feat: validate from uploaded file #4254
- feat: validate pdf #4233
- feat: change expirity #4231
- feat: rewrite validation page #4205
- feat: add rate LibreSign #4202
- feat: allow to change signature hash algorithm #4191
- chore: display signature issue when haven't proppler #4298
- chore: make possible press enter to submit some forms #4236
- fix: prevent error when add new signer #4294
- fix: prevent js error #4289
- fix: notify by email when is not authenticated #4279
- fix: method name #4277
- fix: center component #4273
- fix: method name #4270
- fix: path of renew url #4268
- fix: ignore order of array #4256
- fix: load cert custom options #4244
- fix: display cfssl settings #4228
- fix: display certificate data after regenerate certificate #4196
- fix: fetch signature methods #4189
- fix: remove extension from filename #4186
- fix: load signature methods 4144
- fix: footer in pages with different sizes 4142
- fix: change error class 4136
- fix: consider filter status to toggle components 4102
- fix: block access to route when isn't allowed by admin 4096
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: clean code 4088
- fix: load signature methods 4143
- fix: footer in pages with different sizes 4141
- fix: consider filter status to toggle components 4101
- fix: block access to route when isn't allowed by admin 4095
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: clean code 4089
- fix: prevent error when using PostgreSQL 4082
- Update translations
- fix: prevent error when using PostgreSQL 4081
- Update translations
- fix: list files from PostgreSQL 4076
- Update translations
- fix: list files from PostgreSQL 4075
- Update translations
- fix: Icon color att app files 4058
- fix: prevent error when click at signer to add to document 4056
- fix: toggle loading 4054
- fix: prevent don't delete file when folder is deleted 4061
- fix: Icon color att app files 4057
- fix: prevent error when click at signer to add to document 4055
- fix: toggle loading 4053
- fix: prevent don't delete file when folder is deleted 4060
- Update translations
- feat: delete multiple files 4028
- chore: bump dependencies 4045
- chore: show loading before finish load file list 4043
- chore: disable Actions menu when click in an action 4039
- chore: unify code into a new component 4037
- Update translations
- feat: delete multiple files 4027
- chore: bump dependencies 4046
- chore: show loading before finish load file list 4042
- chore: disable Actions menu when click in an action 4040
- chore: unify code into a new component 4036
- feat: add footer to file list 4021
- feat: only show name and allow save signer when have signer 4008
- Update translations
- chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.20.0 to 8.21.0 4012
- feat: add footer to file list 4020
- feat: only show name and allow save signer when have signer 4009
- Update translations
- chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.20.0 to 8.21.0 4013
- fix: retrieve file when request to sign from file list 3998
- feat: make possible choose the page 3984
- Update translations
- chore: bump dependencies at PHP and JS side
- chore: refresh file list every when load view 4001
- fix: retrieve file when request to sign from file list 3997
- feat: make possible choose the page 3988
- Update translations
- chore: bump dependencies at PHP and JS side
- chore: refresh file list every when load view 4000
- fix: only show return when come from validation button 3970
- fix: go ahead if the file is not found 3972
- fix: filter files by signer uuid 3963
- fix: toggle sidebar 3959
- fix: Use unicode signer name 3930
- fix: add back the contition to write_qrcode_on_footer 3932
- feat: request to sign from files 3947
- feat: write success after end of configure 3934
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: feedback improvement 3975
- chore: disable buttons when is processing the action 3966
- chore: replace :value.sync by v-model 3954
- chore: improve cfssl validation 3942
- chore: Optimize svg image 3939
- fix: only show return when come from validation button 3969
- fix: go ahead if the file is not found 3971
- fix: filter files by signer uuid 3962
- fix: toggle sidebar 3958
- fix: add back the contition to write_qrcode_on_footer 3931
- fix: Use unicode signer name 3929
- feat: request to sign from files 3946
- feat: write success after end of configure 3936
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: feedback improvement 3974
- chore: disable buttons when is processing the action 3968
- chore: replace :value.sync by v-model 3953
- chore: improve cfssl validation 3943
- chore: Optimize svg image 3938
- fix: open notification as internal url 3713
- fix: close button 3724
- fix: typo 3735
- fix: i18n; Fixed grammar 3785
- fix: prevent don't match extension when the file have uppercase name 3819
- fix: open settings together with cms_pico 3824
- fix: replace deprecated code 3899
- feat: use Viewer to open pdf 3727
- feat: add spdx headers #3877
- feat: rewrite file list 3898
- feat: add OWASP dependency check 3914
- chore: remove unused packages and code
- chore: convert indent size and apply updated linter rules
- chore: update api documentation 3903
- fix: open notification as internal url #3712
- fix: close button #3723
- fix: typo #3734
- fix: i18n; Fixed grammar #3784
- fix: prevent don't match extension when the file have uppercase name #3820
- fix: open settings together with cms_pico #3825
- feat: use Viewer to open pdf #3726
- feat: add documentation url #3816
- feat: rewrite file list #3897
- feat: add OWASP dependency check #3913
- chore: remove unused packages and code
- chore: convert indent size and apply updated linter rules
- chore: update api documentation #3902
- fix: ajust condition to filter file list3702
- fix: prevent warning when check if array has key3692
- fix: prevent duplicate text3688
- fix: notification parameters need to be string3683
- chore: adjust filter condition3705
- chore: validation setup improvement3697
- bump dependencies
- Update translations
- fix: ajust condition to filter file list 3701
- fix: prevent warning when check if array has key 3691
- fix: prevent duplicate text 3689
- fix: notification parameters need to be string 3682
- chore: adjust filter condition 3704
- chore: validation setup improvement 3696
- bump dependencies
- Update translations
- fix: ajust condition to filter file list 3700
- fix: prevent warning when check if array has key 3690
- fix: prevent duplicate text 3687
- fix: notification parameters need to be string 3681
- chore: adjust filter condition 3703
- chore: validation setup improvement 3695
- bump dependencies
- Update translations
- fix: check linux distro when get java path 3655
- fix: check linux distro when get java path 3654
- fix: check linux distro when get java path 3653
- Say hello to Nextcloud 30 🎉
- Support to GitHub codespace and devcontainers
- Add filter by status to listing at API side 3603
- fix: prevent error when resync sequence of other apps 3606
- fix: internal route 3626
- fix: js linter warning 3577
- fix: draw width 3546
- fix: handle error when is invalid password 3484
- fix: prevent js error when disabled for user 3487
- fix: git safe directory 3451
- Support to GitHub codespace and devcontainers
- Add filter by status to listing at API side 3604
- fix: prevent error when resync sequence of other apps 3607
- fix: internal route 3625
- fix: js linter warning 3578
- fix: draw width 3545
- fix: handle error when is invalid password 3483
- fix: prevent js error when disabled for user 3486
- fix: git safe directory 3450
feat: implement support to devcontainer 3398 feat: implement endpoint to disable hate limit 3394
chore: add tsconfig by @Any97Cris 3445 chore: remove unecessary string 3418 chore: remove unecessary var 3414 chore: replace way to identify Alpine Linux 3390 chore: prevent error when try to delete user that haven't uid 3392 chore: changelog 3369 chore: changelog 3363 chore: changelog 3356
fix: imporve validation 3438 fix: cfsslUri is optional value 3440 fix: run test in separated proccess 3442 fix: route verb 3428 fix: name of button after generate OpenSSL certificate 3430 fix: prevent error when use relative path 3419 fix: set linux distro before validate downloaded files 3416 fix: check if certificate was generated 3408 fix: resynchronize database sequences 3402 fix: use linux distro when build 3367 fix: Java setup 3360 fix: setup at alpine 3354
- chore: add tsconfig by @Any97Cris 3444
- chore: remove unecessary string 3420
- chore: remove unecessary var 3413
- chore: prevent error when try to delete user that haven't uid 3391
- chore: replace way to identify Alpine Linux 3389
- fix: imporve validation 3437
- fix: cfsslUri is optional value 3439
- fix: run test in separated proccess 3441
- fix: name of button after generate OpenSSL certificate 3429
- fix: prevent error when use relative path 3417
- fix: set linux distro before validate downloaded files 3415
- fix: check if certificate was generated 3407
- fix: resynchronize database sequences 3401
- fix: use linux distro when build 3366
- fix: Java setup 3361
- fix: setup at alpine 3353
- fix: use linux distro when build [3367]#3367
- fix: use linux distro when build [3366]#3366
- fix: Java setup [3361]#3361
- fix: setup at alpine #3354
- bump cs fixer #3328
- ui improvements #3331
- js optimizations #3323
- reduce a query when delete file #3321
- bump dependencies #3309
- use engine name at tip #3306
- install and check process #3342
- prevent error when try to create folder and alreay exists #3338
- Prevent error when haven't ps command #3316
- apply cs fixer #3335
- bump cs fixer #3327
- ui improvements #3330
- js optimizations #3322
- reduce a query when delete file #3319
- bump dependencies #3308
- use engine name at tip #3305
- install and check process #3341
- prevent error when try to create folder and alreay exists #3339
- prevent error when access method of Nextcloud 29 #3317
- Prevent error when haven't ps command #3315
- chore: update workflows 3254
- chore: bump dependencies of integration tests 3268
- chore: move account routes definition to attributes 3269
- fix: pack openapi json file 3248
- fix: use equal to option 3258
- fix: sign setup when build 3263
- fix: pagination 3271
- fix: pack openapi json file 3247
- fix: use equal to option 3257
- fix: sign setup when build 3262
- fix: pagination 3270
- fix: Internal error when signing #3238
- fix: Internal error when signing #3238
- Disable sign button when is loading #3225
- Bump dependencies
- signing dependencies at deploy to Nextcloud app store #3234
- Make possible use multiple signatures of same signer #3229
- neutralize deleted users #3222
- Disable sign button when is loading #3224
- Bump dependencies
- signing dependencies at deploy to Nextcloud app store #3233
- Make possible use multiple signatures of same signer #3228
- neutralize deleted users #3221
- Clean old setup binaries
- API documentation generated by OpenAPI moved to Nextcloud pattern
- Hide sidebar when is incomplete setup
- Update translations
- Bump packages
- Clean code
- Prevent error when synchonize with windows
- Prevent error when delete visible signature
- Clean old setup binaries
- API documentation generated by OpenAPI moved to Nextcloud pattern
- Hide sidebar when is incomplete setup
- Update translations
- Bump packages
- Clean code
- Prevent error when synchonize with windows
- Prevent error when delete visible signature
- feat: finish setup in #3039
- Updated translations
- fix: check if is alpine by @backportbot-libresign in #3049
- feat: finish setup in #3039
- Updated translations
- fix: check if is alpine by @backportbot-libresign in #3049
- Update translations
- Make possible customize the document footer using HTML #2970
- Update dependencies at front and backend
- Fix position of components when preview document before sign
- Update translations
- Make possible customize the document footer using HTML #2970
- Update dependencies at front and backend
- Fix position of components when preview document before sign
- 📝 Allow you to sign documents without creating an account
- 🔒 Create root certificate with OpenSSL
- 📜 Possibility to send and sign with your own certificate
- 🛠️ Simplified setup
- 📝 Allow you to sign documents without creating an account
- 🔒 Create root certificate with OpenSSL
- 📜 Possibility to send and sign with your own certificate
- 🛠️ Simplified setup
- Update translations
- Drop libresign cli
- Add identify method
- Add more tests
- Bump packages
- fix: style preview signatur modal like canva style
- Make possible change the default user folder
- Hide initial and fix save signature modal
- Hide generate passowrd when cert handler isn't ok
- Remove sidebar marging
- Change validate page image
- Make the text more clear
- Increase PDF validation
- Fix save signature as image
- Fix generate root certificate at the first time
- Compatibility with Nextcloud Hub 4 (26)
- Bump dependencies
- Collect metadata of signers
- Log CLI exceptions
- Limit execution of backend tests
- Fix missing signed htaccess
- Make possible to approvers can sign identification documents
- Fix app files signing
- Bump dependencies
- Fix binaries download
- Fix grammar
- Frontend improvements to generate root cert
- Bump dependencies
- Fix composer autoload bug
- Show progress bar when havent memcache
- Minor bugfixes and translation fix
- Fix hide previous when haven't previous
- Bump dependencies
- Add message "Nothing to do" in tab of app Files when have nothing to do. #1356
- Handle error when update dependencies #1329
- Fix command name #1335
- Change icon color by theme #1354
- Read metadata of shared file #1352
- Happy new year!
- Bump dependencies
- TCPDF updates:
- Bumped version of TCPDF that could solve problem when add qrcode in specific cases. #1299
- Added backtrace to admins identify when TCPDF throw an error when sign a file
- Improvements to verify dependency versions. Now will show error when is incompatible version of CFSSL and JSignPdf. Thanks to @tasagore
- Fix temp directory separator, thanks to @cabaseira
- Fix temp dir, thanks to @unnilennium
- Check if have ghostscript
- Bump dependencies
- Change the default java version
- Make compatible with arm
- Toogle enable identification documents flow
- Hide features if havent certificate
- Open tab in folder
- Fix command to configure root cert
- Fix newcert request when names array is empty
- Fix overflow
- Fix rule to display button
- Fix generate validate url
Full Changelog:
- Fix wrong migration
- Make possible generate root cert with custom values
- display with line break and prevent to use java when not available
- Fix css class of password change modal
- Big refactor to upgrade frontend components
- Easy setup without necessity to run commands in server
- Updated translations
- Bump JSignPdf
- Prevent delete signed file when original file was deleted
- Easy setup without necessity to run commands in server
- Updated translations
- Bump JSignPdf
- Prevent delete signed file when original file was deleted
- Easy setup without necessity to run commands in server
- Updated translations
- Bump JSignPdf
- Prevent delete signed file when original file was deleted
- Update file from master #879
- General adjusts and updates
- Update dependencies
- Remove yarn
- Fix eslint errors and warnings
- Improve build
- Fix invalid redirects
- Use escapeshellarg to fix path of file
- bump PHP dependencies
- Replaced more usages of TCPDI by LibreSignCLI
- Command to install LibreSign cli
- Support to visual signatures
- upload signature image
- handmade signature
- text signature
- Sign usign SMS, email, Telegram or Signal token
- Add files to profile to only enable signature if profile files was signed by an approver
- Simplified setup using commands
- Update JSignPDF version
- more other changes and bugfixes:
- Update translations
- API message changes, thanks to, thanks to @rakekniven and @Valdnet
- List of documents
- User profile
- Filter files
- Add qrcode to footer
- Validate by LibreSign App
- Request sign by LibreSign App
- Resend sign invite email
- App config to configure JSignPDF
- Added integration with Approval app on Thanks to @eneiluj
- Endpoint to list LibreSign files
- Endpoint to attach files to LibreSign profile
- Endpoints to delete signer and file sign request
- One more step to turn possible replace CFSSL
- Test for validation of Swagger documentation
- GitHub action to add a changelog reminder
- View document on mobile before sign
- Markdown formatting for description
- Libresign button in file options in theh Files app
- Button to redirect to files to view the document
- Legal information on Validation screen, configure in Admin settings
- Validation page, validating by UUID and ID
- Button that takes you to the validation page on all
files - Button to validate document in Sidebar into App on menu files.
- Bump max Nextcloud version to 23
- Increment of coverage on backend code
- Bug fixes and refactorings resulting from increased coverage
- Use name of user on error message when email is empty
- Logo replaced by new logo
- It will only verify the password if nextcloud requests confirmation of the password by the OC.
- Check if has pfx
- After signing the document, it will update the app files
- Changed wizard to split user creation and pfx creation
- Removed dsv folder
- Removed docs folder
- Rendering files tab in Nextcloud 20 and 21
- Invalid method name when validating if a file signature has already been requested
- Tests autoload
- Correction of loading class after clicking sign in application
- Add ellipsis to pdf file title
- Now it is possible to choose a file even if it is inside x folders
- Clear uuid field before returns
- Button to redirect to document validation page
- Allow devtools in the development #250 @vinicios-gomes
- Add has signature file check #248 @vitormattos
- Setup changelog in github actions #246 @vinicios-gomes
- l10n: Correct spelling #244 @Valdnet
- Validation by route using UUID #243 @vinicios-gomes
- Add Home #241 @vinicios-gomes
- Remove unused file #238 @vitormattos
- Signature password #236 @vitormattos
- l10n: Correct text strings #235 @Valdnet
- Validation date format #234 @raw-vitor
- Update swagger #233 @vitormattos
- Add validation to yarn.lock #232 @raw-vitor
- Coverage improvement #240 @vitormattos
- Coverage improvement #239 @vitormattos
- Coverage improvement #237 @vitormattos
- Coverage improvement #231 @vitormattos
- Coverage improvement #228 @vitormattos
- Coverage improvement #226 @vitormattos
- Signature password #225 @vitormattos
- Create #224 @vitormattos
- Create #223 @vitormattos
- Signature validate #221 @raw-vitor
- File tab #216 @vinicios-gomes
- Improvements in validate file_id #215 @vitormattos
- translate text #214 @vinicios-gomes
- Change property name #213 @vitormattos
- Sign using nodeid #212 @vitormattos
- LibreSign signature validation #206 @vitormattos
- default placeholder url #204 @raw-vitor
- merge main in signature validate #203 @vinicios-gomes
- l10n: Add a dot and an ellipsis #202 @Valdnet
- Return status signed #200 @vitormattos
- Disable create account button when submitting form #198 @raw-vitor
- Only use validate page if is defined #197 @vitormattos
- Force email to lowercase #196 @vitormattos
- disable-btn #194 @raw-vitor
- translations #193 @vitormattos
- Validates a PDF. Triggers error if invalid. #186 @vitormattos
- url validation field #183 @raw-vitor
- Remove simplify changelog #181 @vitormattos
- Test matrix #177 @vitormattos
- Add app:check-code #176 @vitormattos
- Make info.xml compatible with xml schema #175 @vitormattos
- Fix mistake in WebhookService::getFileUser() #252 @eneiluj
- Fix message in the home page app #247 @vinicios-gomes
- Fix extraneous-import error #229 @vinicios-gomes
- Bugfix generate password #227 @vitormattos
- Improvements and bugfix #199 @vitormattos
- Fix transifex setting #190 @vitormattos
- Fix get config #187 @vitormattos
- Fix property name #185 @vitormattos
- Bugfix: concatenate #184 @vitormattos
- Help to cs:fix when fail #179 @vitormattos
- Fix fatal error on run in cron #174 @vitormattos
- Prevent warning #182 @vitormattos
- l10n: Add an apostrophe #134 @Valdnet
- Move settings to specific menu #164 @vitormattos
- Add callback url in examble of documentation #160 @vitormattos
- l10n: Change case of letter #145 @Valdnet
- Update info.xml #126 @vitormattos
- Update info xml #128 @vitormattos
- Custom validation site #129 @vitormattos
- l10n: Change to singular #132 @Valdnet
- l10n: Correct text string for login #133 @Valdnet
- l10n: Change to uppercase #135 @Valdnet
- Change text #136 @vitormattos
- l10n: Change order #139 @Valdnet
- l10n: Shorten message #141 @Valdnet
- l10n: Replace with adjective #142 @Valdnet
- l10n: Change to uppercase URI #143 @Valdnet
- Replace collection by list #147 @vitormattos
- Make validate endpoint public #163 @vitormattos
- l10n: Change message [#144] #148 @Valdnet
- l10n: Change error message of file #150 @Valdnet
- Api documentation #152 @vitormattos
- Improvement in text #157 @vitormattos
- Validate by UUID #161 @vitormattos
- bump setup php #162 @vitormattos
- Create user design color #98 @raw-vitor
- Change var name and fix translation #149 @vitormattos
- Fix definition #151 @vitormattos
- Fix text #153 @vitormattos
- Fix text #154 @vitormattos
- Fix text #155 @vitormattos
- Fix text #156 @vitormattos
- Changelog #125 @vitormattos
- Bump release #117 @vitormattos
- Backend translations #116 @vitormattos
- Review frontend translations #115 @vitormattos
- Only include line if necessary #124 @vitormattos
- Instructions to create cfssl folder #123 @vitormattos
- Update #122 @vitormattos
- Changelog #114 @vitormattos
- Add health check #113 @vitormattos
- Remove unused var #111 @vitormattos
- Catch error #112 @vitormattos
- Rename property #110 @vitormattos
- Add route me #109 @vitormattos
- Bump version #108 @vitormattos
- Bump packages #107 @vitormattos
- Update changelog #103 @vitormattos
- Feature publish app #100 @vitormattos
- Fix package size #99 @vitormattos
- Add automate generate changelog #97 @vitormattos
- Changelog workflow #96 @vitormattos
- Changelog workflow #95 @vitormattos
- External route #22 @vinicios-gomes
- Add CSP #91 @vitormattos
- Inserting data in the store #90 @vinicios-gomes
- Send mail when change sign request #89 @vitormattos
- Feature update improvements #86 @vitormattos
- Route to get PDF #85 @vitormattos
- Redux Struture for persistence of data #83 @vinicios-gomes
- Validate user #82 @vitormattos
- Cancel sign notification #81 @vitormattos
- Delete sign request #80 @vitormattos
- Success default page #79 @vinicios-gomes
- Show error when user already signed the file #77 @vitormattos
- error handler #76 @vitormattos
- patch sign request and move description to relation beetwen user and file #74 @vitormattos
- Now it is possible to view the pdf #69 @vinicios-gomes
- Disable button if sign sucess, show toast error if has error message #68 @vinicios-gomes
- Translated texts and change in the error toast message. #67 @vinicios-gomes
- Improvement on error handling #66 @vitormattos
- Pass error message through route props #62 @vinicios-gomes
- Bump max nextloud version #59 @vitormattos
- Documentation #57 @vitormattos
- Feature notify callback #56 @vitormattos
- Feature add footer #55 @vitormattos
- Test libraries #54 @vinicios-gomes
- Route sign document #51 @vinicios-gomes
- Interaction with the api #50 @vinicios-gomes
- Rename field #48 @vitormattos
- Ident #47 @vitormattos
- Refactor rename field #45 @vitormattos
- Feature sign using uuuid #41 @vitormattos
- Return data to sign after create user #40 @vitormattos
- Feature account create #39 @vitormattos
- Feature send email #35 @vitormattos
- External route create user #33 @raw-vitor
- Webhook config front #32 @vinicios-gomes
- Feature add webhook #30 @vitormattos
- Translate #28 @vinicios-gomes
- External route #27 @vitormattos
- Mock config #23 @vitormattos
- Secutiry Policy for acessing data on an external route. #21 @vinicios-gomes
- Add badge and ajust position of itens in composer.json #20 @vitormattos
- Refactor bump package #19 @vitormattos
- Add php-cs check #18 @vitormattos
- GitHub actions #17 @vitormattos
- Change to jsignpdf without java #16 @vitormattos
- Add blank page #15 @vitormattos
- php_cs #13 @vitormattos
- Refactor #11 @vitormattos