A way to easily split your bills. Built with go-starter.
- Scan a receipt, OpenAI will extract the items and prices
- Edit receipts to add/remove items or change prices
- Get a shareable link to the receipt
- Pay with Stripe! (And my poor wallet for Stripe fees 😭)
- Split the bill with your friends!
- Paid items are marked
Run make commands to setup and start the server.
# Installs wgo, templ, creates a local-sqlite.db file and runs up-migrations
make setup # for Linux
make setup-mac # for Mac
make dev # Start a server locally
make dev port=9000 # Start a server at a specific port
make build # Build the binary & docker image
.env file is required for the AI portion and remotely connecting to the DB
You can use sqlite3 (natively installed on Mac) to work with the database locally.
sqlite3 local-sqlite.db
sqlite3> SELECT * FROM receipts;
Remotely, the DB runs on Turso which is also sqlite.