diff --git a/FREADME.md b/FREADME.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+geometry: margin=1.5cm
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+# Sitting Desktop Garden Readme
+The **Sitting Desktop Garden** (SDG) is a cute and customisable artificial potted plant for the home office desk. It monitors the user's posture, providing gentle reminders and gamified incentives to maintain a healthy sitting position as you work. Reminders are delivered through haptic feedback in a vibrating mousepad, which is non-intrusive to the user's workflow, and demonstrating consistently good posture unlocks more beautiful plant growth.
+For users setting up a Raspberry Pi for use in the SDG, see [Deployment](#deployment).
+## Dependencies
+The main project dependencies are specified in [pyproject.toml](./pyproject.toml). Notably:
+- [mediapipe](https://ai.google.dev/edge/mediapipe/solutions/guide) provides the body landmark detection model.
+- [piicodev](https://pypi.org/project/piicodev/) provides modules for interfacing with Raspberry Pi peripherals.
+- [face-recognition](https://pypi.org/project/face-recognition/) provides the face recognition model.
+## Hardware Set-up
+The following materials are required to construct this project.
+- 1x Raspberry Pi 3B
+- 1x PiicoDev Adapter for Raspberry Pi
+- 2x PiicoDev Connector 100mm, 1x PiicoDev Connector 200mm, 1x PiicoDev Connector 50mm
+- 1x Raspberry Pi Camera Module
+- 1x Vibrating Motor Disk
+- 2x USB-C Power Supplis
+- 1x PiicoDev Servo Driver, 1x PiicoDev OLED Display, 2x PiicoDev Button
+- 1x FS90R Servo.
+The above wiring diagram shows how to connect these components. The components must be connected before turning on the Pi for the first time.
+## Deployment
+### Single command all-in-one
+To set up the Pi's environment, deploy the code base, and start the program follow the following steps.
+1. Flash an SD card with a fresh installation of the 64bit Raspberry Pi OS using the [official imager](https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/). When imaging the SD card you must turn on the SSH connections in the edit OS settings menu.
+2. Plug the SD card into the Pi and turn it on. Wait for the green light to stop flashing before going to step 3.
+3. Clone this git directory to your computer.
+4. From the base directory of the project run,
+./run.sh [Pi Hostname/IP] [Pi Username]
+If you do not have `sshpass` installed this may prompt for the Pi's password many times.
+5. The above command will take a while.
+Sometimes DLib will not compile the first time. If this occurs please run the above command again.
+### Pi Environment Set-up
+You can set up the Pi's environment by following steps 1,2, and 3 of the above instructions. and then running.
+scripts/bootstrap.sh [Pi Hostname/IP] [Pi Username]
+### Deploy codebase
+You can deploy the codebase by running
+cd scripts
+./deploy.sh ../deploypaths.txt [Pi Hostname/IP] [Pi Username]
+### Run Program
+You can start up the program by running
+cd scripts
+./ssh [Pi Username]@[Pi Hostname/IP] 'bash -s' < run_garden.sh
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3d23735..0869e39 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Sitting Desktop Garden
@@ -186,4 +187,9 @@ This spins up a local server which serves the documentation pages, and also hot-
You can build the documentation (without spinning up a server) with `make docs`, and clean the documentation output with `make docs-clean`.
+The single page readme source code is located in `FREADME.md` and can be built with,
+pandoc FREADME.md --pdf-engine=xelatex -o README.pdf
diff --git a/README.pdf b/README.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ad583a
Binary files /dev/null and b/README.pdf differ