This is official Pytorch implementation of "SwinFusion: Cross-domain Long-range Learning for General Image Fusion via Swin Transformer"
Schematic illustration of multi-modal image fusion and digital photography image fusion. First row: source image pairs, second row: fused results of U2Fusion and our SwinFusion.
The framework of the proposed SwinFusion for multi-modal image fusion and digital photography image fusion.
Download the training dataset from MSRS dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/trainsets/MSRS/.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=3 --master_port=1234 --opt options/swinir/train_swinfusion_vif.json --dist True
Download the test dataset from MSRS dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/testsets/MSRS/.
python --model_path=./Model/Infrared_Visible_Fusion/Infrared_Visible_Fusion/models/ --iter_number=10000 --dataset=MSRS --A_dir=IR --B_dir=VI_Y
Qualitative comparison of SwinFusion with five state-of-the-art methods on visible and infrared image fusion. From left to right: infrared image, visible
image, and the results of GTF, DenseFuse, IFCNN SDNet, U2Fusion, and our SwinFusion.
Download the training dataset from VIS-NIR Scene dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/trainsets/Nirscene/.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=3 --master_port=1234 --opt options/swinir/train_swinfusion_nir.json --dist True
Download the test dataset from VIS-NIR Scene dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/testsets/Nirscene/.
python --model_path=./Model/RGB_NIR_Fusion/RGB_NIR_Fusion/models/ --iter_number=10000 --dataset=NirScene --A_dir=NIR --B_dir=VI_Y
Qualitative comparison of SwinFusion with five state-of-the-art methods on visible and near-infrared image fusion. From left to right: near-infrared
image, visible image, and the results of ANVF, DenseFuse, IFCNN, SDNet, U2Fusion, and our SwinFusion.
Download the training dataset from Harvard medical dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/trainsets/PET-MRI/ or ./Dataset/trainsets/CT-MRI/.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=3 --master_port=1234 --opt options/swinir/train_swinfusion_med.json --dist True
Download the training dataset from Harvard medical dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/testsets/PET-MRI/ or ./Dataset/testsets/CT-MRI/.
python --model_path=./Model/Medical_Fusion-PET-MRI/Medical_Fusion/models/ --iter_number=10000 --dataset=NirScene --A_dir=MRI --B_dir=PET_Y
python --model_path=./Model/Medical_Fusion-CT-MRI/Medical_Fusion/models/ --iter_number=10000 --dataset=CT-MRI--A_dir=MRI --B_dir=CT
Qualitative comparison of SwinFusion with five state-of-the-art methods on PET and MRI image fusion. From left to right: MRI image, PET image,
and the results of CSMCA, DDcGAN, IFCNN, SDNet, U2Fusion, and our SwinFusion.
Qualitative comparison of SwinFusion with five state-of-the-art methods on CT and MRI image fusion. From left to right: MRI image, CT image, and
the results of CSMCA, DDcGAN, IFCNN, SDNet, U2Fusion, and our SwinFusion.
Download the training dataset from MEF dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/trainsets/MEF.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=3 --master_port=1234 --opt options/swinir/train_swinfusion_mef.json --dist True
Download the training dataset from MEF Benchmark dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/testsets/MEF_Benchmark.
python --model_path=./Model/Multi_Exposure_Fusion/Multi_Exposure_Fusion/models/ --iter_number=10000 --dataset=MEF_Benchmark --A_dir=under_Y --B_dir=over_Y
Qualitative results of multi-exposure image fusion. From left to right: under-exposed image, over-exposed image, and the results of SPD-MEF,
MEF-GAN, IFCNN SDNet, U2Fusion, and our SwinFusion.
Download the training dataset from MFI-WHU dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/trainsets/MEF.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=3 --master_port=1234 --opt options/swinir/train_swinfusion_mff.json --dist True
Download the training dataset from Lytro dataset, and put it in ./Dataset/trainsets/Lytro.
python --model_path=./Model/Multi_Focus_Fusion/Multi_Focus_Fusion/models/ --iter_number=10000 --dataset=Lytro --A_dir=A_Y --B_dir=B_Y
Qualitative results of multi-focus image fusion. From left to right: near/far-focus image, the fused results and difference maps of SFMD, DRPL,
MFF-GAN, IFCNN, SDNet, U2Fusion, and our SwinFusion. The difference maps represent the difference between the near-focus image and fused results.
- torch 1.11.0
- torchvision 0.12.0
- tensorboard 2.7.0
- numpy 1.21.2
author={Ma, Jiayi and Tang, Linfeng and Fan, Fan and Huang, Jun and Mei, Xiaoguang and Ma, Yong},
journal={IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica},
title={SwinFusion: Cross-domain Long-range Learning for General Image Fusion via Swin Transformer},
The codes are heavily based on SwinIR. Please also follow their licenses. Thanks for their awesome works.