x Save/load
x Move x Scale x Bind to existing dialogues x Save/load
x Create backend reader/writer x UI create/edit/delete x Load list to display in dialogues
- Have unified styling
x Have an import option for page images x Import chapters
- Smarter import (raw->raw, clean->clean, etc)
x Confirm deletes, also move the delete page button our of the way (flex-end?)
x Have a flag to hide regex elements
x Have dialogue boxes on the page
- Have alt view for non-TL
- Need completion progress displays
x Grab only final images and copy to new folder
- Should be able to specify output params for compatibility (i.e. mangadex)
x Have collapse/min option for vol/chapter x May require rewrite..
x Dialogue text as well as box placement x Hopefully remove the save button all-together
x Select options for dialogue boxes x Select option for finished picture x Keep language setting in the series config
- Allow the user to scale the selected image/dialogue boxes
- Also have enlarged modal view?
~ Have contents re-arrange themselves for wider windows (flex-wrap) ~ Impove usability on wider windows.
x Allow for hitting enter in text fields to = clicking the related button (i.e. add series) ? Allow for right clicking on the series list to delete objects ~ Allow for centering/better layout ~ View all items if possible + Probably move selected dialogue beneath dialogue selection, and have dialogue table scroll x Make the dialogue scaling more noticable (corner icons) ? Maybe foreward/backward browser actions x Page to page navigation + Click on Page # header and have it have dropdown of other pages + Arrow nav around the page header as well x Create vol/chapter/page 1 on series creation
x Convert to icons to save space x Style to make better use of icons
x Allow the user to change the folder ~ Verify contents before displaying (config.json)
- Differentiate titles and actual file names
- Allow for changing a volume/chapter/page #
- Be able to set a full series/volume/chapter name
- Make sure everything is safe for fs use from user inputs
- Combine queries/mutations to reduce endpoints
- change which data is sent in preview/full
- make it more efficeint
- If components allow for more data to be previewed then include it
x Make the set folder more noticable on change/failure + Specify that it should be in it's own scanlation folder as it generates files x Filter import to exclude non-image files
- right clicking on things (more delete options etc)
x Add dialogue button too far away from the image + maybe above the image?
- Would be nice to have image expanded and be able to type into dialogue boxes at the same time
- User firepad-esc tech to handle multiple users editing the same file
- May require changing how dialogues are handled