diff --git a/src/io.jl b/src/io.jl index 448e514..bdc137e 100644 --- a/src/io.jl +++ b/src/io.jl @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ export export_vtf, export_cgd """ - function export_vtf(file, pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{T}, types=nothing, repeatedges=6, colorname=false, tostring=string, atomnumof==(a,i)->(a isa Integer ? a : i)) where T + function export_vtf(file::AbstractString, pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{T}, types=nothing, repeatedges=6, colorname=false, tostring=string, atomnumof==(a,i)->(a isa Integer ? a : i)) where T Export a [`PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D`](@ref) to a .vtf `file` (readable by VMD). @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ to string by the `tostring` function. The `atomnumof` function takes two arguments `ty` and `i` where `ty` is a type and `i` is the number of the vertex, and return an `Int` representing an atom number. """ -function export_vtf(file, pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{T}, types=nothing, repeatedges=6, colorname=false, tostring=string, atomnumof=(a,i)->(a isa Integer ? a : i)) where T +function export_vtf(file::AbstractString, pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding3D{T}, types=nothing, repeatedges=6, colorname=false, tostring=string, atomnumof=(a,i)->(a isa Integer ? a : i)) where T + endswith(file, ".vtf") || return export_vtf(file*".vtf", pge, types, repeatedges, colorname, tostring, atomnumof) mkpath(splitdir(file)[1]) n = nv(pge.g) open(file, write=true) do f @@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ Systre). If `append` is set, the graph is added at the end of the file. """ function export_cgd(file, pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding, name=basename(splitext(file)[1]), append=false) + endswith(file, ".cgd") || return export_cgd(file*".cgd", pge, name, append) mkpath(splitdir(file)[1]) open(file; write=true, append) do f println(f, "CRYSTAL") @@ -140,6 +142,7 @@ function export_cgd(file, pge::PeriodicGraphEmbedding, name=basename(splitext(fi end function export_cgd(file, g::PeriodicGraph, name=basename(splitext(file)[1]), append=false) + endswith(file, ".cgd") || return export_cgd(file*".cgd", pge, name, append) mkpath(splitdir(file)[1]) open(file; write=true, append) do f println(f, "PERIODIC_GRAPH")