cut — extract subsets of record fields into new records
cut <field>[:=<expr>] [, <field>[:=<expr>] ...]
The cut
operator extracts values from each input record in the
form of one or more field assignments,
creating one field for each expression. Unlike the put
which adds or modifies the fields of a record, cut
retains only the
fields enumerated, much like a SQL projection.
Each <field>
expression must be a field reference expressed as a dotted path or sequence of
constant index operations on this
, e.g., a.b
or this["a"]["b"]
Each right-hand side <expr>
can be any Zed expression and is optional.
When the right-hand side expressions are omitted, the cut operation resembles the Unix shell command, e.g.,
... | cut a,c | ...
If an expression results in error("quiet")
, the corresponding field is omitted
from the output. This allows you to wrap expressions in a quiet()
to filter out missing errors.
If an input value to cut is not a record, then the cut still operates as defined
resulting in error("missing")
for expressions that reference fields of this
Note that when the field references are all top level,
is a special case of a yield with a
record literal having the form:
yield {<field>:<expr> [, <field>:<expr>...]}
A simple Unix-like cut
echo '{a:1,b:2,c:3}' | zq -z 'cut a,c' -
Missing fields show up as missing errors
echo '{a:1,b:2,c:3}' | zq -z 'cut a,d' -
The missing fields can be ignored with quiet
echo '{a:1,b:2,c:3}' | zq -z 'cut a:=quiet(a),d:=quiet(d)' -
Non-record values generate missing errors for fields not present in a non-record this
echo '1 {a:1,b:2,c:3}' | zq -z 'cut a,b' -