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SangniXun authored Aug 15, 2024
1 parent cf138cf commit 18dcba2
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 34 deletions.
114 changes: 80 additions & 34 deletions autosolvate/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from molSimplify.Classes.ligand import ligand_breakdown
import io
from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
import networkx

import os
import re
Expand All @@ -17,15 +18,18 @@
atom_zoo = ['H','C','N','O','CL','BR','I','P','S','F']

metals = [
"Li", "Na", "K", "Rb", "Cs", "Fr", "Pb",
"Be", "Mg", "Ca", "Sr", "Ba", "Ra", "Sn","La"
"Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn",
"Y", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd",
"Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg",
"Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt", "Ds", "Rg", "Cn"
metals = [
"Li", "Be", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "K", "Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe",
"Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Rb", "Sr", "Y", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru",
"Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd", "Pm",
"Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb", "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W",
"Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac",
"Th", "Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm", "Md", "No",
"Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt", "Ds", "Rg", "Cn", "Nh", "Fl", "Mc",
"Lv", "Ts"

cheat_metal = {1:'Cu',2:'Fe',3:'Fe',4:'Mn'}

valence_electrons = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,12 +106,33 @@ def check_ligand(sdf):
return check, ligand_charge

def ligandbreakdown_graph(xyzfile):
def ligandbreakdown_BFGS(xyzfile,metalID):
prefix = os.path.splitext(xyzfile)[0]
sdf = prefix + '.sdf'
cmd = 'obabel ' + xyzfile + ' -O ' + prefix

cmd = 'obabel ' + xyzfile + ' -O ' + sdf,shell=True)
with open(sdf,'r') as f:
data = f.readlines()
linker_dic = {}
type_dic = {}
connected = []
atomnumbers = int(data[3].split()[0])
bondsnumber = int(data[3].split()[1])
connectioninfo = data[4+atomnumbers:bondsnumber+4+atomnumbers]
atomtypes = data[4:4+atomnumbers]
G = networkx.Graph()
for line in connectioninfo:
atomx = int(line.split()[0]) - 1
atomy = int(line.split()[1]) - 1
if metalID not in [atomx,atomy]:
G.add_edge(atomx, atomy)
molecules = list(networkx.connected_components(G))
molecules_all = []
for i in molecules:
return molecules_all

class AtomInfo():
def __init__(self,atomnum,atomtype,coordinate):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,13 +311,16 @@ def ligand_identify(self):
liglist = ligands_breakdown_infos[0]
# denticity = ligands_breakdown_infos[1]
ligcons = ligands_breakdown_infos[2]
self.liglist = liglist
self.ligcons = ligcons
if len(liglist) > 0:
self.liglist = liglist
self.ligcons = ligcons
#self.denticity = denticity
if len(liglist) == 0:
print('Warning: No ligand is identified by molsimplyfy, try to use graph search to break ligand')
elif len(liglist) == 0:
print('Warning: No ligand is identified by molsimplify, try to use graph search to break ligand')
liglist = ligandbreakdown_BFGS(self.xyzfile,int(self.metal_ID))
self.ligcons = 'NA'
self.liglist = liglist

# sys.exit()

def modifiy_pdb(self,inputpdb,mol2,outputpdb):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -671,9 +699,10 @@ def combine_pdbs(self):
ligandname = 'LG' + str(ID)
cmd = cmd + ' ' + ligandname + '.pdb '
cmd = cmd + '> ' + temppdb
print('combine ' + cmd),shell=True)
cmd =self.amberhome + 'pdb4amber -i ' + temppdb + ' -o ' + self.filename + '_final.pdb'
with open(ligandname + '_pdb4amber.log', 'w') as f:
with open(temppdb + '_pdb4amber.log', 'w') as f:, shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

def get_bonded_pairs(self):
Expand All @@ -686,25 +715,36 @@ def get_bonded_pairs(self):
pdbin = self.filename + '_final.pdb'
xyzout = self.filename + ''
write(xyzout, read(pdbin))
new_complex_mol = mol3D()
new_complex_mol.readfromxyz(self.filename + '',)
metalID = new_complex_mol.findMetal(transition_metals_only=False)
self.new_complex_mol = new_complex_mol
pairs = ligand_breakdown(new_complex_mol,transition_metals_only=False)[2]
if self.ligcons != 'NA':
pdbin = self.filename + '_final.pdb'
xyzout = self.filename + ''
write(xyzout, read(pdbin))
new_complex_mol = mol3D()
new_complex_mol.readfromxyz(self.filename + '',)
metalID = new_complex_mol.findMetal(transition_metals_only=False)
self.new_complex_mol = new_complex_mol
pairs = ligand_breakdown(new_complex_mol,transition_metals_only=False)[2]

add_bonded_pairs = 'add_bonded_pairs '
for denticitys in pairs:
for denticity in denticitys:
metal_denticity = str(metalID[0]+1) + '-' + str(denticity+1) + ' '
add_bonded_pairs = add_bonded_pairs + metal_denticity

self.add_bonded_pairs = add_bonded_pairs
add_bonded_pairs = 'add_bonded_pairs '
for denticitys in pairs:
for denticity in denticitys:
metal_denticity = str(metalID[0]+1) + '-' + str(denticity+1) + ' '
add_bonded_pairs = add_bonded_pairs + metal_denticity

self.add_bonded_pairs = add_bonded_pairs
self.add_bonded_pairs = ''

def generate_MCPB_input(self):
metalname = self.atomsinfo[self.metal_ID].atomtype
if self.ligcons == 'NA':
pdbin = self.filename + '_final.pdb'
xyzout = self.filename + ''
write(xyzout, read(pdbin))
new_complex_mol = mol3D()
new_complex_mol.readfromxyz(self.filename + '',)
metalID = new_complex_mol.findMetal(transition_metals_only=False)
self.new_complex_mol = new_complex_mol
metalID = self.new_complex_mol.findMetal(transition_metals_only=False)
ion_ids = 'ion_ids ' + str(metalID[0]+1)
self.ion_ids = ion_ids
Expand All @@ -727,7 +767,8 @@ def generate_MCPB_input(self):
f.write('group_name ' + self.filename + '\n')
f.write('cutoff 2.8\n')
f.write(ion_ids + '\n')
f.write(self.add_bonded_pairs + '\n')
if self.ligcons != 'NA':
f.write(self.add_bonded_pairs + '\n')
f.write(ion_mol2files+ '\n')
f.write(naa_mol2files+ '\n')
f.write(frcmod_files + '\n')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1273,7 +1314,12 @@ def build(self):
elif self.round in ['4','4b','4n1','4n2']:
elif self.round in ['5','check','CHECK']:
if self.ligcons != 'NA':

def startautoMCPB(argumentList):
options = "hn:c:u:m:f:s:x:A:"
Expand Down

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