What is version control
How is GIT diff?
- Distributed
- Saves full copies of files if there is a change
git config --global user.email "[email protected]" git config --global user.name "Your Name" git config --global core.editor vim
How to create a repo
git status / Cover stages a file can be in / committed / modified / staged
git add
change contents of files, don’t stage new changes
git diff shows one delta, git diff --staged shows another
git commit
stage and commit next file
PRACTICE Create a git repo Add a file Commit the new file Change the file, commit the new changes
Branching + Merging
Theory git checkout -b Add some data + commit Look at contents of files Checkout master branch Look at contents of files Add some contents to a different master branch file Merge new branch into master See that master now has both files Add a “secret” file Add .gitignore to ignore secret file
GitHub Explain github Create GitHub account Create ssh key Copy ssh key to GitHub settings Create repo in GitHub Set up remote Push to remote and display