This tutorial will explain, how to integrate FanSound into your mod.
Place FanSound.lua
from release
somewhere in you mod's directory. Idealy in folder named scripts
Register specialization in modDesc.xml
You will need to tell game that this script is part of your mod. Here is an example:
<modDesc descVersion="37">
<!-- rest of your modDesc here -->
<!-- rest of the specializations -->
<specialization name="FanSound" className="FanSound" filename="__path_to_script__/FanSound.lua"/>
Now you need to add FanSound specialization into your vehicle type. This is done also in modDesc.xml
in <vehicleTypes>
section. Here is an example:
<modDesc descVersion="37">
<!-- rest of your modDesc here -->
<!-- maybe other vehicleTypes -->
<type name="yourVehicleType" className="Vehicle" filename="$dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua">
<!-- rest of vehicle specializations here -->
<specialization name="FanSound"/>
By now you have done minimal modDesc instalation, but also some vehicle xml editing is needed. So follow the Step 4
Open you mod xml file, and scroll at the and of file. Before </vehicle>
closing tag insert fanSound
node like in example:
<vehicle type="yourVehicleType">
<!-- rest of vehicle xml file here -->
<!-- for full demo see xml format documentation -->
Complete list of attributes and nodes can be found with explanation in XML format documentation with explanation.