title | author |
M12 - (Non/)Fungible Tokens |
Walker Leite |
In this module we'll learn about Fungible and Non Fungible Tokens and we'll build a minting solution
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We already know Datums and Redeemers:
- Datums are data attached to the transaction that are public in the blockchain (can be inspected) they are normally used to represent "contract state";
- Redeemers are data sent to the validator to decide upon its spending according to the "contract state";
validator :: MyDatum -> MyRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
But what if you want to inject information in the contract that should not be public in the blockchain?
validator :: ContractParams -> MyDatum -> MyRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
is a function, you can just add as many arguments you need, if the validator has more than 3 arguments we say it's a parameterized contract.
What happens behind the scene is that the contract hash will be computed as soon as we apply all missing parameters.
-- ...
data CorrectAnswer = CorrectAnswer Integer
unstableMakeIsData ''CorrectAnswer
data Password = Password Integer
{-# INLINEABLE validator #-}
validator :: CorrectAnswer -> BuiltinData -> Password -> BuiltinData -> ()
validator answer _ (Password n) _ | n == answer = ()
validator _ _ _ = _shouldFail
validator' :: Validator
validator' = Validator $ fromCompiledCode $$(compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = validator . unsafeFromBuiltinData
-- ... on CTL
import Contract.Scripts (PlutusScript, ApplyArgsError, Validator, applyArgs)
-- ...
data CorrectAnswer = CorrectAnswer BigInt
instance ToData CorrectAnswer where
toData (CorrectAnswer answer) = Constr zero
[ toData answer
-- ..
applyError :: ApplyArgsError -> Error
applyError err = error $ "Failed to apply arguments to the script: " <> show err
-- ..
applyScript :: CorrectAnswer -> PlutusScript -> Either Error PlutusScript
applyScript answer ps = applyError `lmap` (applyArgs ps [toData answer])
validator :: CorrectAnswer -> Either Error Validator
validator answer = wrap <$> (parseScript >>= applyScript answer)
Up so far we've used only Ada
) token. What if we need to use our own custom native token?
newtype Value = Value { getValue :: Map.Map CurrencySymbol (Map.Map TokenName Integer) }
newtype CurrencySymbol = CurrencySymbol { unCurrencySymbol :: BuiltinByteString }
newtype TokenName = TokenName { unTokenName :: BuiltinByteString }
newtype AssetClass = AssetClass { unAssetClass :: (CurrencySymbol, TokenName) }
The convention is to use the script hash hex that have minted the token as CurrencySymbol
. TokenName
is free to be used in any way (normally we use it as the token symbol (eg: Ada) or a name + unique id. In the case of Ada
, its CurrencySymbol
is an empty string, given Ada
is the only asset that have been minted in the genesis block (there is no minting script for Ada).
is also a monoid, you can append together many different Value
s to produce different combinations.
A minting policy is just a script that validates the mint transaction. The validator knows if it's a mint transaction through ScriptContext
data ScriptContext = ScriptContext { scriptContextTxInfo :: TxInfo
, scriptContextPurpose :: ScriptPurpose
data ScriptPurpose = Minting CurrencySymbol
| Spending TxOutRef
| Rewarding StakingCredential
| Certifying DCert
So far we've seen fungible native tokens (eg: Ada). We also can have non-fungible native tokens (or unique tokens of a max quantity of 1). It works in the same way as in Value
s, but the quantity is always 1.