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File metadata and controls

242 lines (209 loc) · 11.8 KB

Package-wide Search


Have you ever been in a situation where you have a main file or a central control file where you add entries to a list, entries that you define all over the codebase? Wouldn't it be great if we could generate a macro that scans the whole code for static values of a certain type to return to our main/control module in a list?

These are just a couple of entities you would want gathered from all over your packages:

  • Endpoints for HTTP servers
  • Page components for React router
  • Tests for a testing framework to run
  • Stories for Storybook
  • Articles for Documentation


Here is an example of what we want to accomplish, code-wise:

trait FrontendPage {
  def render: Component
@exposed object EmployeeOverviewPage extends FrontendPage {
  override def render = ??? // display a table of all employees
@exposed object EmployeeDetailsPage extends FrontendPage {
  override def render = ... // display the details of employee based on url params
@exposed object DepartmentOverviewPage extends FrontendPage {
  override def render = ??? // display a table of deparments with expandable lists of employees, whatever


@main def run = {
  val allPages: List[FrontendPage] = PackageSearch.searchByType[FrontendPage]("myProject.frontend")
// ==> List(
//       myProject.frontend.employee.overview.EmployeeOverviewPage,
//       myProject.frontend.employee.details.EmployeeDetailsPage,
//       myProject.frontend.department.overview.DepartmentOverviewPage,
// )

  val allPagesAsComponents =
// ==> List(
//       <table>...<table/>,
//       <form class="...">...<form/>
//       <table>...<table/>
// )


Here is how the macro code would look like, for explanations, scroll down:

final class exposed extends StaticAnnotation

object PackageSearch {
  transparent inline def searchByType[T](inline path: String): List[T] =
    ${ searchByTypeMacro[T]('path) }

  def searchByTypeMacro[T : Type](pathExpr: Expr[String])(using q: Quotes): Expr[List[T]] =
    import q.reflect.*

    val packageName = pathExpr.value match {
      case Some(str) => str
      case None => report.errorAndAbort("Package name is not visible at compiletime")
    def isEligible(valDef: ValDef): Boolean =
      valDef.tpt.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[T] &&

    val symbol = Symbol.requiredPackage(packageName)
    if(symbol == Symbol.noSymbol) {
      report.errorAndAbort(s"Package by the name of ${packageName} could not be found")

    val exprs = searchSymbolForDeclaration(symbol, isEligible)
      .map { valDef =>


  def searchSymbolForDeclaration(using q: Quotes)(symbol: q.reflect.Symbol, test: q.reflect.ValDef => Boolean): Seq[q.reflect.ValDef] =
    import q.reflect.*
    try {
      symbol.declarations.collect {
        case obj if obj.fullName.contains("#") =>
        case pkg if pkg.isPackageDef =>
          searchSymbolForDeclaration(pkg, test)
        case obj if obj.isValDef &&
          symbol.isValDef &&
          !symbol.isPackageDef &&
          obj.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef].tpt.tpe =:= symbol.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef].tpt.tpe =>
        case obj if obj.isValDef && test(obj.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef]) =>
        case obj if obj.isValDef =>
          searchSymbolForDeclaration(obj, test)
        case _ =>
    } catch e => {

Here is a commented version of our macro, explaining each step:

// A marker annotation so we can have some control over what gets found
final class exposed extends StaticAnnotation

object PackageSearch {
  // the parameter path must be inline so it's value is visible at compiletime
  transparent inline def searchByType[T](inline path: String): List[T] =
    // When passing an inline value to a macro, use '{...} to turn it into an Expr
    ${ searchByTypeMacro[T]('{ path }) }

  def searchByTypeMacro[T : Type](pathExpr: Expr[String])(using q: Quotes): Expr[List[T]] =
    import q.reflect.*

    // Get package name from the string parameter
    // Expressions which represent literals ("hello", 12, true) can be seen by macros
    // But expressions coming from parameters or user input cannot be seen
    // pathExpr.value will return Some(String) if the parameter is a string literal, otherwise None
    val packageName = pathExpr.value match {
      case Some(str) => str
      // This is how you report errors and stop compilation in macros
      // Nothing can be compiled without your explicit blessing
      case None => report.errorAndAbort("Package name is not visible at compiletime")
    // Predicate to filter out values
    // A ValDef is the Definition type of when you do `val x = 2`
    // Where x is the name, Int is the tpt (Type Tree) and 2 is the rhs (Right-hand side)
    // Singleton objects are also ValDefs, but they have their own singleton type `object App extends Main {...}`
    def isEligible(valDef: ValDef): Boolean =
      valDef.tpt.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[T] &&

    // We can use this neat method from the Symbol module to find the symbol of the package
    val symbol = Symbol.requiredPackage(packageName)
    // It will return Symbol.noSymbol if the package does not exist, we must log and abort if so
    if(symbol == Symbol.noSymbol) {
      report.errorAndAbort(s"Package by the name of ${packageName} could not be found")

    // We use our utility method below to find ValDefs that match the predicate recursively
    val exprs = searchSymbolForDeclaration(symbol, isEligible)
      .map { valDef =>
        // Ref is a type of Term,
        // To reference our value definition as a term, we reference it's symbol
        // If valDef == `val x = 2`, the definition, then Ref(valDef.symbol) == `x`, the variable
      // Make sure to not return the same thing twice if referenced in multiple places
      // Turn our terms into Expr[T]s that can be injected into code

    // Turn our list of expressions in an expression of a list
    // This can be injected into the code and the result will be `List(..., ..., ...)`, all values found

  // Utility recursive method, could probably be tail recursive but eh
  // Notice that the using clause comes before the actual parameter list
  // This is so we can reference the types on q.reflect in the signature
  def searchSymbolForDeclaration(using q: Quotes)(symbol: q.reflect.Symbol, test: q.reflect.ValDef => Boolean): Seq[q.reflect.ValDef] =
    import q.reflect.*
    try {
      // Get the declarations inside our symbol (that could be anything at this point)
      // And check each of them with the collect method on List
      symbol.declarations.collect {
        case obj if obj.fullName.contains("#") =>
          // Some synthetic objects to be disregarded, can't explain it, it's magic
        case pkg if pkg.isPackageDef =>
          // If the child symbol is a package, recurse over it's definitions
          searchSymbolForDeclaration(pkg, test)
        case obj if obj.isValDef &&
          symbol.isValDef &&
          !symbol.isPackageDef &&
          obj.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef].tpt.tpe =:= symbol.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef].tpt.tpe =>
            // If the child symbol is the same as the parent symbol, stop, we don't want stack overflows
        case obj if obj.isValDef && test(obj.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef]) =>
          // BASE CASE, if our symbol is a ValDef and it satisfies the test predicate, return it's tree
          // as a ValDef
        case obj if obj.isValDef =>
          // If our symbol is a ValDef of another kind, recurse over it's definitions
          // This means our macro will look inside objects inside objects inside vals inside objects etc...
          searchSymbolForDeclaration(obj, test)
    } catch e => {
      // The scala compiler throws some really unhelpful and unreadable exceptions sometimes, I suggest a try catch

I understand some of the distinctions between Tree, ValDef, Term, Expr, Symbol, Ref are foggy after reading this, they were for me too, hopefully this helps:

  • Tree is the abstract base type of language entities
  • Exprs are a Quotes-agnostic datatype that can be created with '{ some code } and injected using ${ ... }, they represent anything that can be returned from a method
  • Terms are the Quotes-specific equivalent of Exprs, but they do not take type parameters (yet they know their type parameters at compiletime), they are a type of Tree
  • Symbols are the visible declarations of packages, classes, methods, variables, they are what you would see if you used myVar. and tried tab-completion in an IDE
  • ValDefs are a type of Tree that represent val x = 2-like statements, lazy vals are also here
  • Ref is a type of Term that references symbols, so if you have hold of a Symbol but you need to return it as a value from your macro, try Ref(symbol)

I encourage you to use the find definition function of your IDE of choice to see what is what, how to turn a type into another and what can you do with each type, also the relationships between types


Now you have the ability to aggregate a list of any exposed static object/val in your code base, now you can define new endpoints/pages/articles without having to visit the Main class


There is something you should know about macros, and Scala compiled code files in general: they are cached. Whenever something is compiled, it is cached, and the cache is only invalidated if you do a clean in SBT OR if the source file OR a dependency of the source file changes, so if you have a file with trait Animal and a file with class Dog extends Animal, BOTH of those files' caches will be invalidated if you edit Animal.scala BUT only Dog will be invalidated if you edit Dog.scala, because Animal does not know if it.

The issue is this: the compiler does not recognize packages/classes/objects found in a macro as dependencies, so in our example above, editing the file EmployeeOverviewPage.scala will NOT invalidate the MainFrontend.scala cache. The reference will still be valid as long as it exists but if you delete the EmployeeOverviewPage.scala or add a new EmployeeSomethingPage.scala file while FrontendMain.scala is cached, your compiled code will be wrong and fail either at compiletime or runtime depending on the change.

The only way I've been able to go around this issue is by defining a task in SBT that on every compile, it invalidates the cache of a couple of key files (like FrontendMain.scala or if you had a MainServer.scala where you call PackageSearch.searchByType[...]("..."). That means that those files will be compiled every single time you edit any other scala file in your code base. This is fine if you limit the aggregations to only a handful of key controller files.

If you want to take a look how I went around the caching issue in SBT, take a look here