diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/Registry.xml b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/Registry.xml
index 22a863096ad4..279d7fb3c0a0 100644
--- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/Registry.xml
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/Registry.xml
@@ -292,6 +292,10 @@
description="If true, then distribute unablatedVolumeDynCell among dynamic neighbors when converting ablation velocity to ablation thickness. This should only be used as a clean-up measure, while limiting the timestep based on ablation velocity should be used as the primary method of getting accurate ablation thickness from ablation velocity. If you choose to set config_adaptive_timestep_calvingCFL_fraction much larger than 1.0 (which is not recommended), setting this option to true usually results in more accurate calving behavior. "
possible_values=".true. or .false."
@@ -485,8 +489,16 @@
possible_values="Any time interval of the format 'YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS', but limited by CFL condition."
(3) Calve ice based on an ice thickness threshold
- subroutine li_calve_ice(domain, err)
+ subroutine li_calve_ice(domain, err, solveVeloAfterCalving)
use li_advection
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ subroutine li_calve_ice(domain, err)
! output variables
integer, intent(out) :: err !< Output: error flag
+ logical, intent(out), optional :: solveVeloAfterCalving
! local variables
@@ -111,13 +111,14 @@ subroutine li_calve_ice(domain, err)
logical, pointer :: config_apply_calving_mask
real(kind=RKIND), pointer :: config_calving_timescale
- integer, pointer :: nCells
+ integer, pointer :: nCells, nCellsSolve
integer, pointer :: config_number_of_blocks
real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: deltat !< time step (s)
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: &
- indexToCellID ! list of global cell IDs
+ indexToCellID, & ! list of global cell IDs
+ cellMask
real (kind=RKIND) :: &
calvingFraction ! fraction of ice that calves in each column; depends on calving_timescale
@@ -136,14 +137,22 @@ subroutine li_calve_ice(domain, err)
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: calvingVelocity
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: areaCell
type (field1dReal), pointer :: originalThicknessField
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: originalThickness
+ type (field1dInteger), pointer :: cellMaskTemporaryField
integer :: iCell
+ real (kind=RKIND), parameter :: smallNumber = 1.0e-6_RKIND
integer :: err_tmp
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(1) :: calvingSumLocal, calvingSumGlobal
err = 0
err_tmp = 0
@@ -155,6 +164,15 @@ subroutine li_calve_ice(domain, err)
call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_data_calving', config_data_calving)
call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_number_of_blocks', config_number_of_blocks)
+ if (present(solveVeloAfterCalving)) then
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, 'geometry', geometryPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_field(geometryPool, 'cellMaskTemporary', cellMaskTemporaryField)
+ call mpas_allocate_scratch_field(cellMaskTemporaryField, .true.)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'cellMask', cellMask)
+ ! Store cellMask prior to calving
+ cellMaskTemporaryField % array(:) = cellMask(:)
+ endif
! Zero calvingThickness here instead of or in addition to in individual subroutines.
! This is necessary when using damage threshold calving with other calving
! routines. Some individual routines still set calvingThickness to zero, but
@@ -206,7 +224,7 @@ subroutine li_calve_ice(domain, err)
! However, the eigencalving method requires multiple applications of the calvingThickness
! to the thickness. So the simplest method to apply data calving is to store the old
! thickness and then set it back when we are done.
- if (config_data_calving) then
+ if ( config_data_calving .or. present(solveVeloAfterCalving) ) then
call mpas_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, 'scratch', scratchPool)
call mpas_pool_get_field(scratchPool, 'workCell2', originalThicknessField)
call mpas_allocate_scratch_field(originalThicknessField, single_block_in = .false.)
@@ -337,8 +355,22 @@ subroutine li_calve_ice(domain, err)
block => block % next
end do
+ if (present(solveVeloAfterCalving)) then
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'areaCell', areaCell)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(meshPool, 'nCellsSolve', nCellsSolve)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'calvingThickness', calvingThickness)
+ calvingSumLocal(1) = sum(calvingThickness(1:nCellsSolve) * areaCell(1:nCellsSolve) * &
+ real(li_mask_is_dynamic_ice_int(cellMaskTemporaryField % array(1:nCellsSolve)), RKIND))
+ call mpas_dmpar_sum_real_array(domain % dminfo, 1, calvingSumLocal(1), calvingSumGlobal(1))
+ if (calvingSumGlobal(1) > smallNumber) then
+ solveVeloAfterCalving = .true.
+ else
+ solveVeloAfterCalving = .false.
+ endif
+ call mpas_deallocate_scratch_field(cellMaskTemporaryField, .true.)
+ endif
- if (config_data_calving) then
+ if ( config_data_calving .or. present(solveVeloAfterCalving) ) then
call mpas_deallocate_scratch_field(originalThicknessField, single_block_in=.false.)
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration.F b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration.F
index 5d955275cfeb..d8bd4ae94a67 100644
--- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration.F
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration.F
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module li_time_integration
use mpas_timekeeping
use mpas_log
- use li_time_integration_fe
+ use li_time_integration_fe_rk
use li_setup
use li_constants
@@ -166,10 +166,9 @@ subroutine li_timestep(domain, err)
!call mpas_log_write('Using ' // trim(config_time_integration) // ' time integration.')
select case (config_time_integration)
case ('forward_euler')
- call li_time_integrator_forwardeuler(domain, err_tmp)
- case ('rk4')
- call mpas_log_write(trim(config_time_integration) // ' is not currently supported.', MPAS_LOG_ERR)
- err_tmp = 1
+ call li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err_tmp)
+ case ('runge_kutta')
+ call li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err_tmp)
case default
call mpas_log_write(trim(config_time_integration) // ' is not a valid land ice time integration option.', MPAS_LOG_ERR)
err_tmp = 1
diff --git a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration_fe.F b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration_fe_rk.F
similarity index 68%
rename from components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration_fe.F
rename to components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration_fe_rk.F
index 0b3cd8427fd7..6ca13f8deb0d 100644
--- a/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration_fe.F
+++ b/components/mpas-albany-landice/src/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration_fe_rk.F
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
-! li_time_integration_fe
+! li_time_integration_fe_rk
-!> \brief MPAS land ice Forward Euler time integration scheme
-!> \author Matt Hoffman
-!> \date 17 April 2011
+!> \brief MPAS land ice Forward Euler and Runge-Kutta time integration schemes
+!> \author Matt Hoffman, Trevor Hillebrand
+!> \date 17 April 2011, Runge-Kutta added Sept 2023
!> \details
-!> This module contains the Forward Euler time integration scheme
+!> This module contains the Forward Euler and Runge-Kutta time integration schemes
-module li_time_integration_fe
+module li_time_integration_fe_rk
use mpas_derived_types
use mpas_pool_routines
@@ -30,11 +30,13 @@ module li_time_integration_fe
use li_advection
use li_calving, only: li_calve_ice, li_restore_calving_front, li_calculate_damage, li_finalize_damage_after_advection
- use li_thermal, only: li_thermal_solver
+ use li_thermal, only: li_thermal_solver, li_enthalpy_to_temperature_kelvin
use li_iceshelf_melt
use li_diagnostic_vars
use li_setup
use li_constants
+ use li_mesh
+ use li_mask
implicit none
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ module li_time_integration_fe
- public :: li_time_integrator_forwardeuler
+ public :: li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta
@@ -67,20 +69,22 @@ module li_time_integration_fe
-! routine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler
+! routine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta
-!> \brief Forward Euler time integration scheme
-!> \author Matthew Hoffman
-!> \date 10 January 2012
+!> \brief Forward Euler and Runge-Kutta time integration schemes
+!> \author Matthew Hoffman, Trevor Hillebrand
+!> \date 10 January 2012, updated Sept 2023 for Runge-Kutta
!> \details
-!> This routine performs Forward Euler time integration.
+!> This routine performs Forward Euler and Runge-Kutta time integration.
- subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler(domain, err)
+ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta(domain, err)
use li_subglacial_hydro
use li_velocity
use li_bedtopo
+ use li_mask
+ use li_advection, only: li_grounded_to_floating
! input variables
@@ -92,28 +96,134 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler(domain, err)
type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: &
domain !< Input/Output: domain object
! output variables
integer, intent(out) :: err !< Output: error flag
! local variables
type (block_type), pointer :: block
integer :: err_tmp
- logical, pointer :: config_restore_calving_front
+ type (mpas_pool_type), pointer :: geometryPool, thermalPool, meshPool, velocityPool
+ logical, pointer :: config_restore_calving_front, &
+ config_restore_calving_front_prevent_retreat
logical, pointer :: config_calculate_damage
logical, pointer :: config_finalize_damage_after_advection
+ logical, pointer :: config_update_velocity_before_calving
+ character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_thickness_advection
+ character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_thermal_solver
+ character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_time_integration
+ integer, pointer :: config_rk_order, config_rk3_stages
+ integer :: rkStage, iCell, iTracer, k
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: layerThickness, &
+ temperature, &
+ waterFrac
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: thickness, damage, passiveTracer2d
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: sfcMassBalApplied, &
+ basalMassBalApplied, &
+ groundedSfcMassBalApplied, &
+ groundedBasalMassBalApplied, &
+ floatingBasalMassBalApplied, &
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLine, &
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCells, &
+ groundedToFloatingThickness
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), allocatable :: sfcMassBalAccum, &
+ basalMassBalAccum, &
+ groundedSfcMassBalAccum, &
+ groundedBasalMassBalAccum, &
+ floatingBasalMassBalAccum, &
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLineAccum, &
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCellsAccum
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: layerCenterSigma, layerThicknessFractions
+ integer, dimension(:), pointer :: cellMaskPrev ! cell mask before advection
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: layerThicknessPrev, &
+ layerThicknessTmp, &
+ temperaturePrev, &
+ waterFracPrev, &
+ passiveTracer3d, &
+ passiveTracer3dPrev, &
+ damage3d, &
+ damage3dPrev
+ integer, pointer :: nVertLevels
+ integer, pointer :: nCells, nEdges
+ integer :: iCell1, iCell2, iEdge, theGroundedCell
+ integer, dimension(:), pointer :: edgeMask, cellMask
+ real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: deltat, config_ice_density
+ real (kind=RKIND) :: deltatFull
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(4) :: rkSubstepWeights
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(4) :: rkSSPweights
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(4) :: rkTendWeights ! Weights used for calculating budget terms
+ integer :: nRKstages
+ logical :: solveVeloAfterCalving
err = 0
err_tmp = 0
+ solveVeloAfterCalving = .false.
call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_restore_calving_front', config_restore_calving_front)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_restore_calving_front_prevent_retreat', config_restore_calving_front_prevent_retreat)
call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_calculate_damage',config_calculate_damage)
- call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_finalize_damage_after_advection',config_finalize_damage_after_advection)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_finalize_damage_after_advection', config_finalize_damage_after_advection)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_thickness_advection', config_thickness_advection)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_thermal_solver', config_thermal_solver)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_rk_order', config_rk_order)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_rk3_stages', config_rk3_stages)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_time_integration', config_time_integration)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_ice_density', config_ice_density)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_update_velocity_before_calving', config_update_velocity_before_calving)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, 'geometry', geometryPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, 'thermal', thermalPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, 'mesh', meshPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, 'velocity', velocityPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'layerThicknessFractions', layerThicknessFractions)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'deltat', deltat)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'layerCenterSigma', layerCenterSigma)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(meshPool, 'nVertLevels', nVertLevels)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(meshPool, 'nCells', nCells)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(meshPool, 'nEdges', nEdges)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(velocityPool, 'fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCells', fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCells)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'groundedToFloatingThickness', groundedToFloatingThickness)
+ allocate(temperaturePrev(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
+ allocate(waterFracPrev(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
+ allocate(layerThicknessPrev(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
+ allocate(layerThicknessTmp(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
+ allocate(damage3dPrev(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
+ allocate(damage3d(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
+ allocate(passiveTracer3dPrev(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
+ allocate(passiveTracer3d(nVertLevels, nCells+1))
+ allocate(cellMaskPrev(nCells+1))
+ allocate(sfcMassBalAccum(nCells+1))
+ allocate(basalMassBalAccum(nCells+1))
+ allocate(groundedSfcMassBalAccum(nCells+1))
+ allocate(groundedBasalMassBalAccum(nCells+1))
+ allocate(floatingBasalMassBalAccum(nCells+1))
+ allocate(fluxAcrossGroundingLineAccum(nEdges+1))
+ allocate(fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCellsAccum(nCells+1))
+ temperaturePrev(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ waterFracPrev(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ layerThicknessPrev(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ layerThicknessTmp(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ damage3dPrev(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ damage3d(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ passiveTracer3dPrev(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ cellMaskPrev(:) = 0
+ passiveTracer3d(:,:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ sfcMassBalAccum(:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ basalMassBalAccum(:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ groundedSfcMassBalAccum(:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ groundedBasalMassBalAccum(:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ floatingBasalMassBalAccum(:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLineAccum(:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCellsAccum(:) = 0.0_RKIND
! === Prepare for advection (including CFL checks) ===========
! This has to come first currently, because it sets the time step!
@@ -135,6 +245,8 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler(domain, err)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
call mpas_timer_stop("face melting for grounded ice")
+! *** TODO: Should basal melt rate calculation and column physics go inside RK loop? ***
! === Basal melting for floating ice ===========
call mpas_timer_start("basal melting for floating ice")
call li_basal_melt_floating_ice(domain, err_tmp)
@@ -147,27 +259,263 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler(domain, err)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
call mpas_timer_stop("vertical therm")
-! === calculate damage ===========
- if (config_calculate_damage) then
- call mpas_timer_start("damage")
- call li_calculate_damage(domain, err_tmp)
- err = ior(err, err_tmp)
- call mpas_timer_stop("damage")
- endif
+! *** TODO: Should basal melt rate calculation, column physics, and hydrology go inside RK loop? ***
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'thickness', thickness)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'layerThickness', layerThickness)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'passiveTracer2d', passiveTracer2d)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'damage', damage)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'cellMask', cellMask)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(thermalPool, 'temperature', temperature)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(thermalPool, 'waterFrac', waterFrac)
+ ! Save relevant fields before RK loop, to be used in update at the end
+ temperaturePrev(:,:) = temperature(:,:)
+ waterFracPrev(:,:) = waterFrac(:,:)
+ layerThicknessPrev(:,:) = layerThickness(:,:)
+ cellMaskPrev(:) = cellMask(:)
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ damage3dPrev(k,:) = damage(:)
+ passiveTracer3dPrev(k,:) = passiveTracer2d(:)
+ enddo
+ deltatFull = deltat ! Save deltat in order to reset it at end of RK loop
+ ! Set RK weights based on desired time integration method. Note
+ ! that rkSubstepWeights are used to update at each sub-step, and
+ ! are thus offset from the typical writing of the coefficients
+ ! by one index. e.g., the coefficients for RK4 are usually written
+ ! (0, 1/2, 1/2, 1), while we use (1/2, 1/2, 1). The last entry of 1.0
+ ! is simply for ease of implementation.
+ rkSSPweights(:) = -9999.0_RKIND ! Initialized to this value to make it obvious if
+ ! a weight is used that should not be. Appropriate
+ ! weights are updated for each case below
+ rkTendWeights(:) = -9999.0_RKIND
+ rkSubstepWeights(:) = -9999.0_RKIND
+ if (trim(config_time_integration) == 'forward_euler') then
+ nRKstages = 1
+ rkSSPweights(1) = 1.0_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(1) = 1.0_RKIND
+ rkSubstepWeights(1) = 1.0_RKIND
+ elseif ( (trim(config_time_integration) == 'runge_kutta') .and. &
+ (config_rk_order == 2) ) then
+ ! use Strong Stability Preserving RK2. Could also
+ ! add config option to use standard endpoint or midpoint methods, but
+ ! these are algorithmically more complex and less suitable for our domains
+ nRKstages = 2
+ rkSubstepWeights(1:2) = 1.0_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(1) = 1.0_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(2) = 0.5_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(1) = 0.5_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(2) = 0.5_RKIND
+ elseif ( (trim(config_time_integration) == 'runge_kutta') .and. &
+ (config_rk_order == 3) ) then
+ if (config_rk3_stages == 3) then
+ ! use three-stage Strong Stability Preserving RK3
+ nRKstages = 3
+ rkSubstepWeights(1:3) = 1.0_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(1) = 1.0_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(2) = 3.0_RKIND / 4.0_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(3) = 1.0_RKIND / 3.0_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(1) = 1.0_RKIND / 6.0_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(2) = 1.0_RKIND / 6.0_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(3) = 2.0_RKIND / 3.0_RKIND
+ elseif (config_rk3_stages == 4) then
+ ! use four-stage Strong Stability Preserving RK3
+ nRKstages = 4
+ rkSubstepWeights(:) = 0.5_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(1) = 1.0_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(2) = 0.0_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(3) = 2.0_RKIND / 3.0_RKIND
+ rkSSPweights(4) = 0.0_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(1) = 1.0_RKIND / 6.0_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(2) = 1.0_RKIND / 6.0_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(3) = 1.0_RKIND / 6.0_RKIND
+ rkTendWeights(4) = 1.0_RKIND / 2.0_RKIND
+ else
+ err = 1
+ call mpas_log_write('config_rk3_stages must 3 or 4', &
+ messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+ return
+ endif
+ else
+ err = 1
+ call mpas_log_write('config_time_integration = ' // trim(config_time_integration) &
+ // ' is not supported with config_rk_order = $i', &
+ intArgs=(/config_rk_order/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+ return
+ endif
+! *** Start RK loop ***
+ do rkStage = 1, nRKstages
+ call mpas_log_write('beginning rk stage $i of $i', &
+ intArgs=(/rkStage, nRKstages/))
+ deltat = deltatFull * rkSubstepWeights(rkStage)
+ ! === calculate damage ===========
+ if (config_calculate_damage) then
+ call mpas_timer_start("damage")
+ call li_calculate_damage(domain, err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_timer_stop("damage")
+ endif
+ ! === Compute new state for prognostic variables ===
+ call mpas_timer_start("advect thickness and tracers")
+ call advection_solver(domain, err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_timer_stop("advect thickness and tracers")
+ ! If using SSP RK, then update thickness and tracers incrementally.
+ ! For first RK stage, thickness and tracer updates above are sufficient.
+ ! Likewise, for the 4-stage SSP RK3 the last stage is just a forward euler update.
+ if ( (rkStage > 1) .and. (rkStage < 4) ) then
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'thickness', thickness)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'layerThickness', layerThickness)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'passiveTracer2d', passiveTracer2d)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'damage', damage)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(thermalPool, 'temperature', temperature)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(thermalPool, 'waterFrac', waterFrac)
+ layerThicknessTmp(:,:) = layerThickness(:,:)
+ layerThickness(:,:) = rkSSPweights(rkStage) * layerThicknessPrev(:,:) + &
+ (1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * layerThickness(:,:)
+ thickness = sum(layerThickness, 1)
+ ! Calculate masks after updating thickness
+ call li_calculate_mask(meshPool, velocityPool, geometryPool, err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ if (trim(config_thermal_solver) .ne. 'none') then
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ if (layerThickness(k,iCell) > 0.0_RKIND) then
+ temperature(k,iCell) = ( rkSSPweights(rkStage) * temperaturePrev(k,iCell) * layerThicknessPrev(k,iCell) + &
+ (1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * temperature(k,iCell) * &
+ layerThicknessTmp(k,iCell) ) / layerThickness(k,iCell)
+ waterFrac(k,iCell) = ( rkSSPweights(rkStage) * waterFracPrev(k,iCell) * layerThicknessPrev(k,iCell) + &
+ (1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * waterFrac(k,iCell) * &
+ layerThicknessTmp(k,iCell) ) / layerThickness(k,iCell)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ if (config_calculate_damage) then
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ if (layerThickness(k,iCell) > 0.0_RKIND) then
+ damage3d(k,iCell) = ( rkSSPweights(rkStage) * damage3dPrev(k,iCell) * layerThicknessPrev(k,iCell) + &
+ (1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * damage(iCell) * &
+ layerThicknessTmp(k,iCell) ) / layerThickness(k,iCell)
+ else
+ damage3d(k,iCell) = 0.0_RKIND
+ endif
+ enddo
+ damage(iCell) = sum(damage3d(:, iCell) * layerThicknessFractions)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ if (layerThickness(k,iCell) > 0.0_RKIND) then
+ passiveTracer3d(k,iCell) = ( rkSSPweights(rkStage) * passiveTracer3dPrev(k,iCell) * layerThicknessPrev(k,iCell) + &
+ (1.0_RKIND - rkSSPweights(rkStage)) * passiveTracer2d(iCell) * &
+ layerThicknessTmp(k,iCell) ) / layerThickness(k,iCell)
+ else
+ passiveTracer3d(k,iCell) = 0.0_RKIND
+ endif
+ enddo
+ passiveTracer2d(iCell) = sum(passiveTracer3d(:,iCell) * layerThicknessFractions)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ ! === Ensure damage is within bounds before velocity solve ===
+ if ( config_finalize_damage_after_advection ) then
+ call mpas_timer_start("finalize damage")
+ call li_finalize_damage_after_advection(domain, err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ call mpas_timer_stop("finalize damage")
+ endif
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'sfcMassBalApplied', sfcMassBalApplied)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'groundedSfcMassBalApplied', groundedSfcMassBalApplied)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'basalMassBalApplied', basalMassBalApplied)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'floatingBasalMassBalApplied', floatingBasalMassBalApplied)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'groundedBasalMassBalApplied', groundedBasalMassBalApplied)
+ call mpas_pooL_get_array(velocityPool, 'fluxAcrossGroundingLine', fluxAcrossGroundingLine)
+ call mpas_pooL_get_array(velocityPool, 'fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCells', fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCells)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'thickness', thickness)
+ ! update budgets
+ sfcMassBalAccum = sfcMassBalAccum + rkTendWeights(rkStage) * sfcMassBalApplied
+ groundedSfcMassBalAccum = groundedSfcMassBalAccum + rkTendWeights(rkStage) * groundedSfcMassBalApplied
+ basalMassBalAccum = basalMassBalAccum + rkTendWeights(rkStage) * basalMassBalApplied
+ groundedBasalMassBalAccum = groundedBasalMassBalAccum + rkTendWeights(rkStage) * groundedBasalMassBalApplied
+ floatingBasalMassBalAccum = floatingBasalMassBalAccum + rkTendWeights(rkStage) * floatingBasalMassBalApplied
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLineAccum = fluxAcrossGroundingLineAccum + rkTendWeights(rkStage) * fluxAcrossGroundingLine
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCellsAccum = fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCellsAccum + rkTendWeights(rkStage) * fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCells
+ ! Halo updates
+ call mpas_timer_start("halo updates")
+ call mpas_dmpar_field_halo_exch(domain, 'thickness')
+ call mpas_dmpar_field_halo_exch(domain, 'temperature')
+ call mpas_dmpar_field_halo_exch(domain, 'waterFrac')
+ call mpas_dmpar_field_halo_exch(domain, 'damage')
+ call mpas_dmpar_field_halo_exch(domain, 'passiveTracer2d')
+ call mpas_timer_stop("halo updates")
+ ! Update velocity for each RK step
+ ! === Solve Velocity =====================
+ if ( config_update_velocity_before_calving .or. ( (.not. config_update_velocity_before_calving) &
+ .and. (rkStage < nRKstages) ) ) then
+ if (config_restore_calving_front) then
+ ! restore the calving front to its initial position before velocity solve.
+ call li_restore_calving_front(domain, err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ endif
-! === Compute new state for prognostic variables ==================================
- call mpas_timer_start("advect thickness and tracers")
- call advection_solver(domain, err_tmp)
+ call li_velocity_solve(domain, solveVelo=.true., err=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ endif
+! *** end RK loop ***
+ enddo
+! Finalize budget updates
+ ! Update masks after RK integration
+ call li_calculate_mask(meshPool, velocityPool, geometryPool, err_tmp)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
- call mpas_timer_stop("advect thickness and tracers")
-! === finalize damage after advection ===========
- if (config_finalize_damage_after_advection) then
- call mpas_timer_start("finalize damage")
- call li_finalize_damage_after_advection(domain, err_tmp)
- err = ior(err, err_tmp)
- call mpas_timer_stop("finalize damage")
- endif
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'cellMask', cellMask)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'edgeMask', edgeMask)
+ call mpas_timer_start("halo updates")
+ call mpas_dmpar_field_halo_exch(domain, 'cellMask')
+ call mpas_dmpar_field_halo_exch(domain, 'edgeMask')
+ call mpas_dmpar_field_halo_exch(domain, 'vertexMask')
+ call mpas_timer_stop("halo updates")
+ ! Calculate volume converted from grounded to floating
+ ! This needs to be determined after SMB/BMB are applied because those can change floating/grounded state
+ call li_grounded_to_floating(cellMaskPrev, cellMask, thickness, groundedToFloatingThickness, nCells)
+ sfcMassBalApplied(:) = sfcMassBalAccum(:)
+ groundedSfcMassBalApplied(:) = groundedSfcMassBalAccum(:)
+ basalMassBalApplied(:) = basalMassBalAccum(:)
+ groundedBasalMassBalApplied(:) = groundedBasalMassBalAccum(:)
+ floatingBasalMassBalApplied(:) = floatingBasalMassBalAccum(:)
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLine(:) = fluxAcrossGroundingLineAccum(:)
+ fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCells(:) = fluxAcrossGroundingLineOnCellsAccum(:)
+! Reset time step to full length after RK loop
+ deltat = deltatFull
! === Update subglacial hydrology ===========
! It's not clear where the best place to call this should be.
@@ -183,15 +531,19 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler(domain, err)
call mpas_timer_start("calve_ice")
! ice calving
- call li_calve_ice(domain, err_tmp)
- err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ if ( config_update_velocity_before_calving ) then
+ call li_calve_ice(domain, err_tmp, solveVeloAfterCalving)
+ else
+ call li_calve_ice(domain, err_tmp)
+ solveVeloAfterCalving = .true.
+ endif
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
if (config_restore_calving_front) then
- ! restore the calving front to its initial position; calving options are ignored
+ ! restore the calving front to its initial position before velocity solve.
call li_restore_calving_front(domain, err_tmp)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
call mpas_timer_stop("calve_ice")
call mpas_timer_start("halo updates")
@@ -207,10 +559,11 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler(domain, err)
call li_bedtopo_solve(domain, err=err_tmp)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
-! === Solve Velocity =====================
- ! During time-stepping, we always solveVelo
- call li_velocity_solve(domain, solveVelo=.true., err=err_tmp)
- err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+! === Solve velocity for final state =====================
+ if (solveVeloAfterCalving) then
+ call li_velocity_solve(domain, solveVelo=.true., err=err_tmp)
+ err = ior(err, err_tmp)
+ endif
! === Calculate diagnostic variables for new state =====================
@@ -222,11 +575,26 @@ subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler(domain, err)
! === error check
if (err == 1) then
- call mpas_log_write("An error has occurred in li_time_integrator_forwardeuler.", MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+ call mpas_log_write("An error has occurred in li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta.", MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+ deallocate(temperaturePrev)
+ deallocate(waterFracPrev)
+ deallocate(layerThicknessPrev)
+ deallocate(layerThicknessTmp)
+ deallocate(damage3dPrev)
+ deallocate(damage3d)
+ deallocate(passiveTracer3dPrev)
+ deallocate(passiveTracer3d)
+ deallocate(cellMaskPrev)
+ deallocate(sfcMassBalAccum)
+ deallocate(basalMassBalAccum)
+ deallocate(groundedSfcMassBalAccum)
+ deallocate(groundedBasalMassBalAccum)
+ deallocate(floatingBasalMassBalAccum)
+ deallocate(fluxAcrossGroundingLineAccum)
- end subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler
+ end subroutine li_time_integrator_forwardeuler_rungekutta
@@ -286,7 +654,7 @@ subroutine prepare_advection(domain, err)
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: normalVelocity
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: layerNormalVelocity
real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: calvingCFLdt, faceMeltingCFLdt
- integer, pointer :: processLimitingTimestep
+ integer, pointer :: processLimitingTimestep, config_rk_order, config_rk3_stages
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: edgeMask
logical, pointer :: config_print_thickness_advection_info
@@ -294,7 +662,8 @@ subroutine prepare_advection(domain, err)
logical, pointer :: config_adaptive_timestep_include_DCFL
character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: &
- config_thickness_advection ! method for advecting thickness and tracers
+ config_thickness_advection, & ! method for advecting thickness and tracers
+ config_time_integration
integer :: &
allowableAdvecDtProcNumberHere, &
@@ -346,6 +715,9 @@ subroutine prepare_advection(domain, err)
call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_adaptive_timestep', config_adaptive_timestep)
call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_adaptive_timestep_include_DCFL', config_adaptive_timestep_include_DCFL)
call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_thickness_advection', config_thickness_advection)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_time_integration', config_time_integration)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_rk_order', config_rk_order)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(liConfigs, 'config_rk3_stages', config_rk3_stages)
if (trim(config_thickness_advection) == 'none') then
if (config_adaptive_timestep) then
@@ -391,7 +763,6 @@ subroutine prepare_advection(domain, err)
err = ior(err, err_tmp)
allowableAdvecDtOnProc = min(allowableAdvecDtOnProc, allowableAdvecDt)
! Calculate diffusive CFL timestep, if needed
! This used to be only calculated if (config_adaptive_timestep_include_DCFL) but for simplicity,
! now it is always calculated. That allows assessment of the DCFL even when it is not being obeyed
@@ -416,6 +787,12 @@ subroutine prepare_advection(domain, err)
block => block % next
end do
+ ! If using 4-stage SSPRK3, CFL number of 2 is theoretically allowed
+ if ( (trim(config_time_integration) == 'runge_kutta') .and. &
+ (config_rk_order == 3) .and. (config_rk3_stages == 4) ) then
+ allowableAdvecDtOnProc = allowableAdvecDtOnProc * 2.0_RKIND
+ allowableDiffDtOnProc = allowableDiffDtOnProc * 2.0_RKIND
+ endif
! Local advective CFL info
call mpas_set_timeInterval(allowableAdvecDtOnProcInterval, dt=allowableAdvecDtOnProc, ierr=err_tmp)
@@ -604,7 +981,6 @@ subroutine advection_solver(domain, err)
! input/output variables
type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain !< Input/Output: domain object
! output variables
@@ -626,6 +1002,7 @@ subroutine advection_solver(domain, err)
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: thicknessOld
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: thicknessNew
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: thickness
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: layerThickness
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: temperature
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: waterFrac
@@ -814,7 +1191,10 @@ subroutine advection_solver(domain, err)
if ( config_restore_thickness_after_advection ) then
call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'thickness', thickness)
call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'thicknessOld', thicknessOld)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(geometryPool, 'layerThickness', layerThickness)
thickness(:) = thicknessOld(:)
+ call li_calculate_layerThickness(meshPool, thickness, layerThickness)
call li_calculate_mask(meshPool, velocityPool, geometryPool, err_tmp)
@@ -1201,5 +1581,5 @@ subroutine advance_clock(domain, err)
end subroutine advance_clock
-end module li_time_integration_fe
+end module li_time_integration_fe_rk