- PocketMine(or genisys/clearsky, etc...) Server
- An internet connection.
When you have this, go in the config and set the parameters.
DefaultLang: en
means that the language used in plugins and commands such as /help are in English. You can change this language with any [ISO 639-1] ( language (2 letters) !
You can also change the setlang command in case of incompatibilities with some plugins (such as EconomyS)
Players can set their language in game by doing /<setlang command> <[ISO 639-1] ( lang>
And EVERY single message in the chat (from players and plugins) will be translated in user's language !
Also an another feature,if you don't want your message to be translated, add the text: NoTrans in your message or use /say. Messages won't be translated if they are already in the target language.
What are you waiting for? Download it ;), it's worth it!