Releases: ME3Tweaks/ALOTInstaller
Releases · ME3Tweaks/ALOTInstaller
ALOT Installer 4.0.723.2344
Since last beta:
- Fix gamepaths not working if launched from ME3Tweaks Mod Manager
Since last stable:
- Update ME3ExplorerCore backend library
- Fix the error message shown when ALOV fails to extract, automatically checksum the archive
- Fix optimization that made MEUITM2 install not work
- Diagnostics are now at parity with ME3Tweaks Mod Manager, meaning you now can see what options were installed for mods that have alternate installation options in Mod Manager
hash: d6d4a3e3512d5cbf902e6d4c29b4f3b0
ALOT Installer 4.0.722.2337
- Update ME3ExplorerCore backend library
- Fix the error message shown when ALOV fails to extract, automatically checksum the archive
- Fix optimization that made MEUITM2 install not work
- Diagnostics are now at parity with ME3Tweaks Mod Manager, meaning you now can see what options were installed for mods that have alternate installation options in Mod Manager
hash: 51805b7a32b0a5000b1a323680eb39d0
ALOT Installer 4.0.721.2212
- Logging for dropping 4K norms has been fixed. 4K Norm dropping is supported in MEM builds 432 and above, as 4K norms are never used and waste large amounts of memory. This only affects mods from third parties as ALOT/manifest files do not include 4K norm textures. This includes package-file mods
- Diagnostics will now include the first 100 lines of ME3Log.txt, rather than only including it if it's less than 10000 bytes, as ME3Logger-truncating can produce up to 15KB, which more than 10000 bytes
- Fix some logging
- Support for symlinking files for staging. In reality this doesn't really work due to how UAC is implemented by Microsoft, so unless you're in Windows Developer Mode this won't do anything
- Fixed issue that prevented Jacob Complexion Tweak from installing (ME3 only)
- Fix diagnostics not showing author of file in texture install history
- I/O failure string found in ME3Log.txt will now show as fatal and be highlighted
hash: fdc1829608141ff15b3254a24512d467
ALOT Installer 4.0.720.2201
- Fix installer requiring a reboot on first run so targets can load
hash: d53d05334d62ce60eaba79eb0edf9b4f
ALOT Installer 4.0.719.2199
- Fix MEM updater not respecting gating settings defined in the manifest because MEM update occurred before manifest load
hash: 5b5990dd2c6c6e580064b1ecc0f08557
ALOT Installer 4.0.718.2199
- Support for logging backend dropping 4K norms that some mods ship with preinstalled that waste a lot of memory for no benefit
- When install fails, the taskbar progress will disappear like it should
hash: bbdc8bbf150312dbb636901101f338ad
ALOT Installer 4.0.717.2196
- Prevent windows from going to sleep during installation step
- Fix staging for single unpacked files that have MoveDirectly specified on them
- Add some new telemetry so we can identify mods that have 4K norms which waste lots of memory for no benefit
- Add compatibility engine, which lets us block certain files/game setups from being installed/installed to
- Diagnostics will now show installation history. New installations will log what has been installed in the past to the specified game
- Fix diagnostics showing that no HQ mod was installed when there was an HQ mod installed
- A few areas of UI were fixed/changed
hash: 7c66927473c80433a62a0c44e9aa6622
ALOT Installer 4.0.716.2142
- This release contains an experimental 'fix' for the armor locker in ME3 running out of memory. To help test, please install a boatload of armor mods, install ALOT for ME3 (with addons) fresh, and scroll through the list of armors and monitor memory usage. It should decrease every 8 seconds and only crash if you try to load many very very quickly. You may want to use Process Hacker to monitor process memory more effectively.
- Fixes mutual exclusive check on non-ALOV mods. This fixes having 'full' static lighting but not lite and it throwing a warning that not all files are imported.
hash: cb7d084ed3f3e25d0ac761765313ba48
ALOT Installer 4.0.715.2126
- Fixes issues with the updater not thinking there are updates when not in beta mode and latest release is not a prerelease
hash: fa08ba89fa9ec8f7e3dae63d6214a9ef
ALOT Installer 4.0.714.2093
- Add AutoTOC feature to the settings. This feature was accidentally not ported from V3
- Diagnostics: Basegame file check will not log wrong file size as users try to interpret this as meaning something when it doesn't
- Settings: You can now filter out optional files
- Improves to MEUITM mode for both MEUITM and MEUITM2
- Spectre Expansion Mod 1.1 has been blacklisted as it is not compatible with the installer. Only versions 1.3 and above are compatible
hash: a3c91a4ce978cbcc114f070e5b35417b