merge-dev-into-cursorkeys branch currently not expected to work.
Refer to "./doc/" for the index file of the main DOC documentation.
This documentation is best viewed using the github web-interface at:
NOTE: (unsure if the below info is correct)
To build this project you will need the following external files:
(to be revised)
MD5 (basic64.bin) = 57af4ae21d4b705c2991d98ed5c1f7b8
MD5 (hesmonc000.bin) = faa17a10ebb74fd8aeb9005ac094cc81
MD5 (kernel64.bin) = 39065497630802346bce17963f13c092
The basic and kernel files are the C64 ROMs.
hesmonc000.bin is an 8192 byte long file with the HESMON RAM $C000 version in the first 4KB.
You can substitute this with an empty 8KB file if you wish.