HumCORE Configuration
Edit the nginx config and add the proxy_pass requests for:
- /deposits/objects/
- /deposits/oai
# Sample fedora proxy requests
location /deposits/objects/ {
proxy_buffering on;
proxy_buffer_size 1k;
proxy_buffers 48 64k;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_pass https://FQDN:8443/fedora/objects/;
location /deposits/oai {
proxy_buffering on;
proxy_buffer_size 1k;
proxy_buffers 48 64k;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_pass https://FQDN:8443/fedora/oai;
Restart nginx
For Apache2:
# Sample fedora proxy requests
<Location /deposits/objects/>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase "/deposits/objects/"
ProxyPass "http://FQDN:8080/fedora/objects/"
ProxyPassReverse "http://FQDN:8080/fedora/objects/"
ProxyHTMLEnable on
ProxyHTMLURLMap "/fedora/objects/" "/deposits/objects/"
<Location /deposits/oai>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase "/deposits/oai"
ProxyPass "http://FQDN:8080/fedora/oai"
ProxyPassReverse "http://FQDN:8080/fedora/oai"
ProxyHTMLEnable on
ProxyHTMLURLMap "/fedora/oai" "/deposits/oai"
Restart apache2
Fedora: 'api-a' needs to be not authenticated, for the pass through
- in Islandora: /usr/local/fedora/server# vi config/spring/web/
- set 'security.fesl.authN.jaas.apia.enabled=false'
Solr: with a local Solr:
- You may need to edit 'solrconfig.xml'
- to set the 'LuceneMatchVersion' to correspond to your installed version, and
- to change the '<lib dir ... />' definitions to match those in the sample from the installation
- You may need to copy 'schema.xml' to 'managed-schema' if the install version is recent enough.
- There may be complaints about loading deprecated classes from this file.
Create a directory to contain the uploaded files. NOTE: While the files are stored in fedora, you may want to retain copies of the original submissions.
Example: /var/tmp/humcore
Integrate the template files found in the templates/deposits directory into your theme if you are not using the cbox-mla theme.
Create the collection object.
Log into the WP Admin.
Activate the plugin.
Fill out the settings page.
Create the core page and associated child pages - core terms and core faq. NOTE: there is a template file for each page in the templates/deposits directory.
- see 'onboard_society'
Add the widgets to the Directory and Search sidebars
- Drag (HumCORE) Deposits Directory Sidebar to the Deposits Directory Sidebar.
- Drag (HumCORE) Faceted Search Results to the Deposits Search Sidebar.
Create the top-level CORE menu entry.