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This is my capstone project for the Ruby course on The Odin Project. It was a truly fun & challenging project, and I'll definitely remember this one fondly. Ultimately I am happy with how it turned out, yet I can feel there is room for improvement.

Design notes

My goal was to make the design simple and understandable. I broke the game up into its logical parts - the first of which are the data points:

  • The board
  • The pieces

Next, the actions that need to be enabled by the design:

  • Display the board (incl. the pieces, of course)
  • Select a piece by giving coordinates
  • Display legal moves for selected piece overlayed on the board
  • Detect if a player is in check
  • Detect if a player is in mate
  • Move a piece on the board

The last point about "moving a piece" is a complex requirement. Let's break that down:

  • Move from A to empty spot B
  • Move from A to capture a piece at B
  • Move a Pawn from A such that he en-passant captures a Pawn at B
  • Move a King and a Rook simultaneously in a "castling" move
  • Promote a pawn when it moves to the end of the board

Design in depth

Those were the notes that carried me forward into my design. Notes aside, this is the diagram I created from these notes which guided my programming:

Ruby Chess UML Diagram

Unfortunately I was using the free trial of, which expired before I finished populating some simpler components like Game, BoardDisplay, and Highlights - but this diagram still demonstrates the final design that was used for moving pieces on the board, which was the most challenging aspect.

Put simply, a Board is a collection of Pieces. The Board class is a "model" for maintaining the Pieces, and it exposes accessors and mutators such as #overwrite() for overwriting a cell, #new_piece() for creating a brand new piece on the board, and #delete_piece() for removing a piece. The Board contains a little bit of logic - being the model that stores all of the pieces, it is able to tell you whether a player is checked or mated. (In retrospect, I believe it may have been more idiomatic to separate this logic into a "controller" class to respect the MVC design pattern)

A Piece represents a Piece on the board. This Piece knows its position on the board, and it knows which team its on. It may also be captured, meaning it doesn't exist on the board anymore, and its position is only its last known position. But the most important function of a piece is this: returning a set of valid moves it may perform.

A Move object stores the procedure that will move a piece from A to B and execute any other residual effects of the move. As declared in the UML diagram above, there is a subclass of Move for every possible unique situation. To deduplicate code, some more nuanced moves are called 'Complex Moves', and they are simply a combination of two 'Simple Moves'. For example, an en-passant capture is the only case in Chess where you move your piece from A to B, but you capture an opponent's piece at C. Therefore, it can be thought of as a CapturingMove from A to B, and a StandardMove from B to C.

A complex problem arose when I realized I needed to make sure that a move was legal before allowing a player to execute it. A move is only legal if it does not put your king into check; therefore, each move must be evaluated to see if it leaves the player's king in check. To make this possible, each Move subclass defines an #execute() method and a #reverse() method. When it comes time to check legality of a move, the move is simply #execute()'d and then the Board is queried to see if the player is now in check. The result of that query is immediately stored and then returned after the Move is #reverse()'d. The #reverse() undoes the #execute(), leaving the Board's state ultimately unchanged, yet giving you an answer to the legality of the Move.

The result

Ultimately I am fairly happy with the result, being an amateur programmer as I am. The final game loop occupies roughly 50 lines of code, and the design made it fairly easy to put the "pieces" together, so to speak. But I do have two main concerns:

Firstly, I concern that I have broken some fundamental rules of object-oriented programming. To make this design work, I exposed internal state of the Board and Piece classes. Although I am pleased with the design conceptually, in practice I wince at the sight of public attr_accessor :num_moves, :is_captured and public attr_accessor :teams. I would love some feedback about this issue. Surely this could be improved?

Secondly, although I am comfortable with reading my own code, and I would claim it is readable, I am the only one to have lain eyes on this code. I hope to gather feedback about readability as time goes on so I can write nicer and neater code - and I'm sure there's much to be had.