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Rubik's 2x2x2 cube solver

This is another fun application of the formal verification tools; used here to solve the Rubik's 2x2x2 cube.


The cube has six faces each with four colors, i.e. a total of 24 tiles. Each color is selected from a palette of six possible colors. So I've chosen a simple representation, where I assign each of the 24 tiles a 3-bit value for the color.

The faces are called U (Up), F (Front), R (Right), D (Down), B (Back), and L (Left), and the state of the cube is represented by these signals:

signal u0 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal u1 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal u2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal u3 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

signal f0 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal f1 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal f2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal f3 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);


The tiles are numbered as follows:

        U0 U1
        U2 U3
L0 L1 | F0 F1 | R0 R1 | B0 B1
L2 L3 | F2 F3 | R2 R3 | B2 B3
        D0 D1
        D2 D3

I've chosen to keep the action on the cube simple. Since the cube is only 2x2x2, I can limit the possible rotations to only the U, F, and R sides. So a total of nine possible commands:

  • C_CMD_FP = F+
  • C_CMD_F2 = F2
  • C_CMD_FM = F-
  • C_CMD_RP = R+
  • C_CMD_R2 = R2
  • C_CMD_RM = R-
  • C_CMD_UP = U+
  • C_CMD_U2 = U2
  • C_CMD_UM = U-

The interface to the module is very simple:

cmd_i  : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
done_o : out std_logic

The combinatorial signal done_o is asserted when the cube is solved.

Simulation (manual testbench)

For the sake of generating a suitable problem for the solver, I've implemented a regular testbench.

This testbench has two purposes. First it verifies the period of each of the nine possible rotations. So for instance, the rotation F+ has a period of 4. This means that repeating the rotation four times should leave cube unchanged. This is a manual test (i.e not using formal verification) to clear out some of the typing mistakes in the implementation.

The second part of the testbench generates a sequence of random commands, starting from the solved cube. I then manually record the outcome and use it as initial condition in the implementation file.

To run the simulation just type

make sim

Formal verification

I'm using formal verification here to try to solve the cube. So from the testbench I have created a random (but legal!) coloring of the cube, and use that as initial condition when declaring the signals u0, u1, etc.

I've added a few assertions to verify the correct functionality of the implementation. Specifically, I require all eight corner pieces to have three unique colors. For the first corner it looks like:

f_edge_u2_f0 : assert always {u2 /= f0};
f_edge_u2_l1 : assert always {u2 /= l1};
f_edge_l1_f0 : assert always {l1 /= f0};

Similar lines are repeated for the remaining corners.

Secondly, I require that all the tiles should have equal number of colors. I.e. the 24 tiles should have four tiles of each of the six colors. This is done by creating a new signal f_num_colors that contains the number of tiles of each color. Then I simply add the following statement:

f_colors : assert always {f_num_colors(0 to 5) = (0 to 5 => 4)};

The above were just some extra checks to catch any additional bugs in the implementation. For solving the cube I simply add the line:

f_done : cover {done_o};

However, the solver will try to cheat(!) by asserting the reset signal, so this must be prevented by:

f_no_rst : assume always {not rst_i};

Now I can simply run


The solution takes around a minute to find, and can then be viewed by writing

make show_cover


This shows that the cube (from this particular initial condition) can be solved in a sequence of nine rotations.


Finally, just for fun, we can synthesize the module by typing

make synth

The result can be seen below

   Number of wires:                157
   Number of wire bits:            313
   Number of public wires:          28
   Number of public wire bits:      79
   Number of memories:               0
   Number of memory bits:            0
   Number of processes:              0
   Number of cells:                272
     BUFG                            1
     FDRE                           40
     FDSE                           23
     IBUF                            6
     LUT2                            1
     LUT3                           13
     LUT5                           75
     LUT6                           69
     MUXF7                          35
     MUXF8                           8
     OBUF                            1

   Estimated number of LCs:        157

The interesting thing is that if we add the numbers for FDRE and FDSE we get a total of 63 registers. Surely, the cube contains 24 tiles with 3 bits for each tile, so a total of 72 registers are needed?

Not so fast! Since we only consider rotations of three of the faces, one of the corners (D2,B3,L2) is completely untouched, and its three tiles never change color. So that reduces the number of registers by 9.