The mediator pattern belongs to the category of those design patterns called behavioral. That pattern has some similarities with the observer pattern, which allows you to manage a group of objects so they can watch another object, the subject, and be notified of its changes. With that pattern you can get a loosely coupled system with clear hierarchies of objects they are responsible only for certain things.
The mediator design pattern can be better described as a publisher/subscriber pattern in which a subject object, which is responsible to broadcast data, should notify a mediator service which in turn should notify a group of subscribers attached to the broadcast messages of the former.
// Use your own namespace to keep global scope clean
var myNS = myNS || Object.create(null);
// Let say we have a publisher entity
myNS.Publisher = function Publisher(name, mediator) { = name;
this.mediator = mediator;
this.messages = [];
// That publisher can broadcast messages
myNS.Publisher.prototype.broadcast = function broadcast(message) {
this.mediator.publish(, message);
// Let say we have also a subscriber entity
myNS.Subscriber = function Subscriber(name) { = name;
this.messages = [];
myNS.Subscriber.prototype.feed = function feed(message) {
// Create a mediator to manage publications and subscriptions
myNS.mediator = function mediator() {
const channels = {};
const subscribe = function subscribe(name, subscriber, cb) {
if (!channels[name]) {
channels[name] = [];
const publish = function publish(name, message, {
if (!channels[name]) {
return false;
channels[name].forEach(s => {
s.subscriber.feed(message);, message,;
return {
let p = new myNS.Publisher('p', myNS.mediator);
let s1 = new myNS.Subscriber('s1');
let s2 = new myNS.Subscriber('s2');
myNS.mediator.subscribe(, s1, function(message, {
console.log(, message, rest);
myNS.mediator.subscribe(, s2, function(message, {
console.log(, message, rest);
p.broadcast('Hi there, folks!');
- Each object has its responsibilities getting a loosely coupled system.
- You get a clear hierarchy of objects.
- You have to be familiar with other design pattern before use this one.