We choose the start GPS time of the replay to be 1369291863 s and the end GPS time is 1369369247 s. The duration is 77384 seconds. This segment is the longest segment with both H1, L1, K1 are in the science mode in O4a.
The channels of each detector can be found in chanslist.txt. The first channel is the low-latency strain, the second channel is the state vector and the rest are the witness channels we are going to use for the noise regression by DeepClean.
In get_data, the script make_subs.sh is used to generate the working directories and the sub files to collect the data needed using HTCondor in LIGO-Caltech Computing Cluster. The K1 data is collected in KAGRA Main Data Server.
In make_lldata, the script make_lldata_subs.sh is used to generate the sorking directories and the sub files to make the 1-sec gwf files of the low-latency strain (labeld as llhoft
) and the witness channels (labeled as lldetchar
) using HTCondor in LIGO-Caltech Computing Cluster.
The 1-sec gwf files are stored in the buffer folders: /home/chiajui.chou/ll_data/llhoft_buffer/
for the strain and /home/chiajui.chou/ll_data/lldetchar_buffer/
for the witness channels.
To start the replay, specify the replay configuration in the start_replay.sh and execute this script.
The strain data in HOFT_SOURCE
will be copied into HOFT_DESTINATION
sequentially and the data of witness channels in WITNESS_SOURCE
will be copied into the WITNESS_DESTINATION
The start time and the duration of the replay are defined by START
. The maximum number of the gwf files to keep in the destination folder is specified by KEEP
The data of H1
, L1
and K1
will be replayed together. Comment out the line start_replay [IFO] &> replay_[IFO].out &
if you don't want the data of the detector [IFO]
to be replayed.
To stop the replay, execute stop_replay.sh. Comment our the line stop_replay [IFO] &
if you don't want to stop the replay of the detector [IFO]