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+# NotEnoughGamerules #
+NotEnoughGamerules is a mod that adds a lot of new Gamerules in the game for you to play with.
+## About
+![Java CI with Gradle](https://github.com/MModding/NotEnoughGamerules/workflows/Java%20CI%20with%20Gradle/badge.svg?branch=main)
+## Gamerules
+[BOOLEAN] `alwaysSpawnDragonEgg` - if set to true, each time the EnderDragon dies, it will spawn a dragon egg
+[BOOLEAN] `anvilDamage` - if set to false, falling anvils won't damage mobs and players
+[BOOLEAN] `canCopperOxide` - if set to false, copper won't be able to oxide, even unwaxed
+[BOOLEAN] `canEntityInteractWithBlocks` - if set to false, entities won't be able to interact with blocks
+[BOOLEAN] `canEntityInteractWithEntities` - if set to false, entities won't be able to interact with entities
+[BOOLEAN] `canEntityInteractWithWorld` - if set to false, entities won't be able to interact with the world
+[BOOLEAN] `canHurtPetMobs` - if set to false, owners won't be able to hurt their pets
+[BOOLEAN] `canPlayerSleep` - if set to false, player's wont be able to put themselves to bed
+[BOOLEAN] `canPlayerTakeDamage` - if false, players won't be able to take any damage
+[BOOLEAN] `disableChat` - if set to true, player won't be able to talk in the chat
+[BOOLEAN] `disableDimensionChange` - if set to true, entities won't be able to change dimension
+[BOOLEAN] `disableKnockback` - if set to true, the knockback dealed when hit will be disabled
+[BOOLEAN] `disablePistons` - if set to true, pistons will be disabled
+[BOOLEAN] `doBabiesSpawn` - if set to false, mobs won't be able to reproduct because babies won't naturally spawn
+[BOOLEAN] `doCoralNeedWater` - if false, corals will be able to survive outside of water
+[BOOLEAN] `doIceForm` - if false, ice won't be able to form
+[BOOLEAN] `doIceMelt` - if false, ice won't be able to melt
+[BOOLEAN] `doSnowForm` - if false, snow won't be able to form
+[BOOLEAN] `doSnowMelt` - if false, snow won't be able to melt
+[BOOLEAN] `doTransformations` - if set to false, mobs transformations (villager to with, zombie to drowned, ...) are impossible
+[INTEGER] `dragonBreathDamage` - defines dragon breath damages for mobs and players (-1 by default uses vanilla values)
+[INTEGER] `explosionDamage` - defines explosion damages for mobs and players (-1 by default uses vanilla values)
+[BOOLEAN] `fallingBlocksDamage` - if true, players and mobs will take falling blocks damage
+[BOOLEAN] `keepEffects` - if true, players and mob will keep potion effects after death
+[BOOLEAN] `keepXp` - if true, players will keep xp after death (separated from gamerule keepInventory
+[INTEGER] `lightningDamage` - defines lightning damages for mobs and players (-1 by default uses vanilla values)
+[INTEGER] `naturalHunger` - defines minimal food level you can get down to (-1 by default uses vanilla values)
+[INTEGER] `poisonHealth` - defines how much hearts the poison effect leaves you (1 by default is vanilla value)
+[BOOLEAN] `pvp` - if set to false, player can't hurt each other
+[INTEGER] `rawMeatHunger` - defines the percentage of "chance" to get hunger effect if you eat raw meat
+[INTEGER] `skyHigh` - defines the minimal high a player has to be if he doesn't want to take damages
+[BOOLEAN] `stalactiteDamage` - if true, players and mob will take damage from falling stalactites
+[BOOLEAN] `tntExplodes` - if set to false, TNTs won't explode
+[INTEGER] `villagerConversion` - defines the percentage of chance a villager has to turn into a Zombie Villager when killed by a Zombie
+## Contributing
+This mod is no longer updated. Feel free however to check the new Quilt version.
+## License
+All Rights Reserved.