diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/meson.build b/utils/mf5to6/meson.build
index 0a937a0271d..a57217a623d 100644
--- a/utils/mf5to6/meson.build
+++ b/utils/mf5to6/meson.build
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ mf5to6_sources = files(
'src' / 'NWT' / 'NWT1_solver.f',
'src' / 'NWT' / 'NWT1_xmd.f',
'src' / 'NWT' / 'NWT1_xmdlib.f',
- 'src' / 'Preproc' / 'ArrayHandlers.f90',
'src' / 'Preproc' / 'ConstantsPHMF.f90',
'src' / 'Preproc' / 'Discretization3D.f90',
'src' / 'Preproc' / 'DiscretizationBasePHMF.f90',
diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/msvs/mf5to6.vfproj b/utils/mf5to6/msvs/mf5to6.vfproj
index b6334da5196..ebb2f9ecb27 100644
--- a/utils/mf5to6/msvs/mf5to6.vfproj
+++ b/utils/mf5to6/msvs/mf5to6.vfproj
@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@
diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/src/Preproc/ArrayHandlers.f90 b/utils/mf5to6/src/Preproc/ArrayHandlers.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index c85135f1fb3..00000000000
--- a/utils/mf5to6/src/Preproc/ArrayHandlers.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-module ArrayHandlersModule
- use ConstantsModule, only: MAXCHARLEN
- use GLOBAL, only: iout
- private
- public :: ExpandArray, ExtendPtrArray
- public :: ifind
- interface ExpandArray
- ! This interface is for use with ALLOCATABLE arrays.
- ! IMPORTANT: Do not use pointers to elements of arrays when using
- ! ExpandArray to increase the array size! The locations of array
- ! elements in memory are changed when ExpandArray is invoked.
- module procedure expand_integer, expand_double, &
- expand_character, expand_real
- end interface ExpandArray
- interface ExtendPtrArray
- ! This interface is for use with POINTERS to arrays.
- module procedure extend_double, extend_integer
- end interface
- interface ifind
- module procedure ifind_character
- end interface ifind
- ! -- Specific procedures that implement ExpandArray for allocatable arrays
- subroutine expand_integer(array, increment)
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy arguments
- integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: array(:)
- integer, optional, intent(in) :: increment
- ! -- local variables
- integer :: inclocal, isize, newsize
- integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: array_temp
- !
- ! -- initialize
- if (present(increment)) then
- inclocal = increment
- else
- inclocal = 1
- endif
- !
- ! -- increase size of array by inclocal, retaining
- ! contained data
- if (allocated(array)) then
- isize = size(array)
- newsize = isize + inclocal
- allocate(array_temp(newsize))
- array_temp(1:isize) = array
- deallocate(array)
- call move_alloc(array_temp, array)
- else
- allocate(array(inclocal))
- endif
- !
- return
- end subroutine expand_integer
- subroutine expand_double(array, increment)
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy arguments
- double precision, allocatable, intent(inout) :: array(:)
- integer, optional, intent(in) :: increment
- ! -- local variables
- integer :: inclocal, isize, newsize
- double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: array_temp
- !
- ! -- initialize
- if (present(increment)) then
- inclocal = increment
- else
- inclocal = 1
- endif
- !
- ! -- increase size of array by inclocal, retaining
- ! contained data
- if (allocated(array)) then
- isize = size(array)
- newsize = isize + inclocal
- allocate(array_temp(newsize))
- array_temp(1:isize) = array
- deallocate(array)
- call move_alloc(array_temp, array)
- else
- allocate(array(inclocal))
- endif
- !
- return
- end subroutine expand_double
- subroutine expand_real(array, increment)
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy arguments
- real, allocatable, intent(inout) :: array(:)
- integer, optional, intent(in) :: increment
- ! -- local variables
- integer :: inclocal, isize, newsize
- real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: array_temp
- !
- ! -- initialize
- if (present(increment)) then
- inclocal = increment
- else
- inclocal = 1
- endif
- !
- ! -- increase size of array by inclocal, retaining
- ! contained data
- if (allocated(array)) then
- isize = size(array)
- newsize = isize + inclocal
- allocate(array_temp(newsize))
- array_temp(1:isize) = array
- deallocate(array)
- call move_alloc(array_temp, array)
- else
- allocate(array(inclocal))
- endif
- !
- return
- end subroutine expand_real
- subroutine expand_character(array, increment)
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy arguments
- character(len=*), allocatable, intent(inout) :: array(:)
- integer, optional, intent(in) :: increment
- ! -- local variables
- integer :: i, inclocal, isize, lenc, newsize
- character(len=MAXCHARLEN), allocatable, dimension(:) :: array_temp
- !
- ! -- check character length
- lenc = len(array)
- if (lenc>MAXCHARLEN) then
- ! Can't use store_error or ustop here because SimPHMFModule
- ! is dependent on ArrayHandlersModule.
- write(iout,*)'Error in ArrayHandlersModule: Need to increase MAXCHARLEN'
- write(*,*)'Error in ArrayHandlersModule: Need to increase MAXCHARLEN'
- write(iout,*)'Stopping...'
- write(*,*)'Stopping...'
- stop
- endif
- !
- ! -- initialize
- if (present(increment)) then
- inclocal = increment
- else
- inclocal = 1
- endif
- !
- ! -- increase size of array by inclocal, retaining
- ! contained data
- ! [Ned TODO: may be able to use mold here, e.g.:
- ! allocate(values(num), mold=proto)]
- if (allocated(array)) then
- isize = size(array)
- newsize = isize + inclocal
- allocate(array_temp(isize))
- do i=1,isize
- array_temp(i) = array(i)
- enddo
- deallocate(array)
- allocate(array(newsize))
- do i=1,isize
- array(i) = array_temp(i)
- enddo
- do i=isize+1,newsize
- array(i) = ''
- enddo
- deallocate(array_temp)
- else
- allocate(array(inclocal))
- endif
- !
- return
- end subroutine expand_character
- ! -- Specific procedures that implement ExtendPtrArray for pointer arrays
- subroutine extend_double(array, increment)
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy arguments
- double precision, pointer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: array
- integer, optional, intent(in) :: increment
- ! -- local variables
- integer :: i, inclocal, isize, istat, newsize
- double precision, pointer, dimension(:) :: array_temp
- character(len=100) :: ermsg
- !
- ! -- initialize
- if (present(increment)) then
- inclocal = increment
- else
- inclocal = 1
- endif
- !
- ! -- increase size of array by inclocal, retaining
- ! contained data
- if (associated(array)) then
- isize = size(array)
- newsize = isize + inclocal
- allocate(array_temp(newsize), stat=istat, errmsg=ermsg)
- if (istat /= 0) goto 99
- do i=1,isize
- array_temp(i) = array(i)
- enddo
- deallocate(array)
- array => array_temp
- else
- allocate(array(inclocal))
- endif
- !
- return ! normal return
- !
- ! -- Error reporting
- 99 continue
- ! Can't use store_error or ustop here because SimPHMFModule
- ! is dependent on ArrayHandlersModule.
- write(iout,*)'Error encountered while trying to increase array size:'
- write(iout,'(a)')trim(ermsg)
- write(iout,*)'Stopping...'
- write(*,*)'Error encountered while trying to increase array size:'
- write(iout,'(a)')trim(ermsg)
- write(*,*)'Stopping...'
- stop
- end subroutine extend_double
- subroutine extend_integer(array, increment)
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy arguments
- integer, pointer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: array
- integer, optional, intent(in) :: increment
- ! -- local variables
- integer :: i, inclocal, isize, istat, newsize
- integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: array_temp
- character(len=100) :: ermsg
- !
- ! -- initialize
- if (present(increment)) then
- inclocal = increment
- else
- inclocal = 1
- endif
- !
- ! -- increase size of array by inclocal, retaining
- ! contained data
- if (associated(array)) then
- isize = size(array)
- newsize = isize + inclocal
- allocate(array_temp(newsize), stat=istat, errmsg=ermsg)
- if (istat /= 0) goto 99
- do i=1,isize
- array_temp(i) = array(i)
- enddo
- deallocate(array)
- array => array_temp
- else
- allocate(array(inclocal))
- endif
- !
- return
- !
- ! -- Error reporting
- 99 continue
- ! Can't use store_error or ustop here because SimPHMFModule
- ! is dependent on ArrayHandlersModule.
- write(iout,*)'Error encountered while trying to increase array size:'
- write(iout,'(a)')trim(ermsg)
- write(iout,*)'Stopping...'
- write(*,*)'Error encountered while trying to increase array size:'
- write(iout,'(a)')trim(ermsg)
- write(*,*)'Stopping...'
- stop
- end subroutine extend_integer
- integer function ifind_character(array, str)
- ! -- Find the first array element containing str
- ! -- Return -1 if not found.
- implicit none
- character(len=*), dimension(:) :: array
- character(len=*) :: str
- !local
- integer :: i
- ifind_character = -1
- findloop: do i=1,size(array)
- if(array(i) == str) then
- ifind_character = i
- exit findloop
- endif
- enddo findloop
- return
- end function ifind_character
- subroutine remove_character(array, ipos)
- !remove the ipos position from array
- implicit none
- ! -- dummy arguments
- character(len=*), allocatable, intent(inout) :: array(:)
- integer, intent(in) :: ipos
- ! -- local variables
- integer :: i, isize, lenc, newsize, inew
- character(len=MAXCHARLEN), allocatable, dimension(:) :: array_temp
- !
- ! -- check character length
- lenc = len(array)
- if (lenc>MAXCHARLEN) then
- ! Can't use store_error or ustop here because SimPHMFModule
- ! is dependent on ArrayHandlersModule.
- write(iout,*)'Error in ArrayHandlersModule: Need to increase MAXCHARLEN'
- write(*,*)'Error in ArrayHandlersModule: Need to increase MAXCHARLEN'
- write(iout,*)'Stopping...'
- write(*,*)'Stopping...'
- stop
- endif
- !
- ! -- calculate sizes
- isize = size(array)
- newsize = isize - 1
- !
- ! -- copy array to array_temp
- allocate(array_temp(isize))
- do i = 1, isize
- array_temp(i) = array(i)
- enddo
- !
- deallocate(array)
- allocate(array(newsize))
- inew = 1
- do i = 1, isize
- if(i /= ipos) then
- array(inew) = array_temp(i)
- inew = inew + 1
- endif
- enddo
- deallocate(array_temp)
- !
- return
- end subroutine remove_character
-end module ArrayHandlersModule