layout | venue | address | country | language | latitude | longitude | humandate | humantime | startdate | enddate | instructor | helper | collaborative_notes | ||||||||||||||
workshop |
Macquarie University |
online |
au |
en |
-33.774858 |
151.113265 |
21,22 & 24,25 September 2020 |
9:00 am - 1:00 pm |
2020-09-21 |
2020-09-25 |
{% if site.carpentry == "swc" %} {% unless site.curriculum == "swc-inflammation" or site.curriculum == "swc-gapminder" %}
file (current value in _config.yml
: "{{ site.curriculum }}", possible values: swc-inflammation
, or swc-gapminder
). After editing this file, you need to run make serve
again to see the changes reflected.
{% comment %} EVENTBRITE
This block includes the Eventbrite registration widget if 'eventbrite' has been set in the header. You can delete it if you are not using Eventbrite, or leave it in, since it will not be displayed if the 'eventbrite' field in the header is not set. {% endcomment %} {% if page.eventbrite %} Some adblockers block the registration window. If you do not see the registration box below, please check your adblocker settings.
<iframe src="{{page.eventbrite}}&ref=etckt" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="280px" scrolling="auto"> </iframe> {% endif %}{% include swc/intro.html %} {% include swc/who.html %}
Where: This training will take place online. The instructors will provide you with the information you will need to connect to this meeting.
When: {{page.humandate}}. {% include workshop_calendar.html %}
Modify the block below if there are any special requirements. {% endcomment %}
Requirements: Participants must have access to a device (preferably not a tablet or Chomebook) with a modern browser. Please ensure you have ZOOM videoconference application installed.
{% comment %} ACCESSIBILITY
Modify the block below if there are any barriers to accessibility or special instructions. {% endcomment %}
Accessibility: {% if online == "false" %} We are committed to making this workshop accessible to everybody. The workshop organizers have checked that:
- The room is wheelchair / scooter accessible.
- Accessible restrooms are available.
Materials will be provided in advance of the workshop and large-print handouts are available if needed by notifying the organizers in advance. If we can help making learning easier for you (e.g. sign-language interpreters, lactation facilities) please get in touch (using contact details below) and we will attempt to provide them. {% else %} We are dedicated to providing a positive and accessible learning environment for all. Please notify the instructors in advance of the workshop if you require any accommodations or if there is anything we can do to make this workshop more accessible to you.
{% endif %}{% comment %} CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS
Display the contact email address set in the configuration file. {% endcomment %}
Contact: Please email {% if %} {% for email in %} {% if forloop.last and > 1 %} or {% else %} {% unless forloop.first %} , {% endunless %} {% endif %} {{email}} {% endfor %} {% else %} to-be-announced {% endif %} for more information.
Roles: To learn more about the roles at the workshop (who will be doing what), refer to our Workshop FAQ.
{% comment %} CODE OF CONDUCT {% endcomment %}
Everyone who participates in Carpentries activities is required to conform to the Code of Conduct. This document also outlines how to report an incident if needed.
Report a Code of Conduct Incident
{% comment %} SURVEYS - DO NOT EDIT SURVEY LINKS {% endcomment %}
Please be sure to complete these surveys before and after the workshop.
{% comment %} SCHEDULE
Show the workshop's schedule. Edit the items and times in the table to match your plans. You may also want to change 'Day 1' and 'Day 2' to be actual dates or days of the week. {% endcomment %}
{% if site.carpentry == "swc" %} {% include swc/schedule.html %} {% elsif site.carpentry == "dc" %} {% include dc/schedule.html %} {% elsif site.carpentry == "lc" %} {% include lc/schedule.html %} {% endif %}
{% comment %} SYLLABUS
Show what topics will be covered.
- If your workshop is R rather than Python, remove the comment around that section and put a comment around the Python section.
- Some workshops will delete SQL.
- Please make sure the list of topics is synchronized with what you intend to teach.
- You may need to move the div's with class="col-md-6" around inside the div's with class="row" to balance the multi-column layout.
This is one of the places where people frequently make mistakes, so please preview your site before committing, and make sure to run 'tools/check' as well.
{% if site.carpentry == "swc" %} {% include swc/syllabus.html %} {% elsif site.carpentry == "dc" %} {% include dc/syllabus.html %} {% elsif site.carpentry == "lc" %} {% include lc/syllabus.html %} {% endif %}
{% endcomment %}
{% comment %} SETUP
Delete irrelevant sections from the setup instructions. Each section is inside a 'div' without any classes to make the beginning and end easier to find.
This is the other place where people frequently make mistakes, so please preview your site before committing, and make sure to run 'tools/check' as well. {% endcomment %}
To participate in the workshop you will need access to a device with a modern browser plus have Zoom installed.
{% comment %} For online workshops, the section below provides:
- installation instructions for the Zoom client
- recommendations for setting up Learners' workspace so they can follow along the instructions and the videoconferencing
If you do not use Zoom for your online workshop, edit the file
to include the relevant installation instrucctions.
{% endcomment %}
{% if online != "false" %}
{% include install_instructions/videoconferencing.html %}
{% endif %}