Use the ARM or Bicep deployments to deploy the full solution.
# Login into Azure CLI
az login
# Check you are logged into the right Azure subscription. Inspect the name field
az account show
# In case not the right subscription
az account set -s <subscription-id>
Setup some variables to be used for the deployment.
# Generate a random name
name=ca-$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:lower:]' | fold -w ${1:-5} | head -n 1)
# Set variables for the rest of the demo
storageAccount=$(echo $name | tr -d -)sa
servicebusNamespace=$(echo $name | tr -d -)sb
Create the Resource Group where Azure Container Apps will be deployed.
# Create Resource Group
az group create --name $resourceGroup --location $location -o table
# Deploy Entire Solution
cd /workspaces/lunchbytesNov2022/deploy/arm
az deployment group create \
-g $resourceGroup \
--template-file single_deployment_template.json \
--parameters @single_deployment_parameters.json \
--parameters ContainerApps.Environment.Name=$containerAppEnv \
LogAnalytics.Workspace.Name=$logAnalytics \
AppInsights.Name=$appInsights \
StorageAccount.Name=$storageAccount \
Location=$location \
Setup some variables to be used for the deployment.
# Generate a random name
name=ca-$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:lower:]' | fold -w ${1:-5} | head -n 1)
# Set variables for the rest of the demo
Create the Resource Group where Azure Container Apps will be deployed.
# Create Resource Group
az group create --name $resourceGroup --location $location -o table
# Deploy Entire Solution
cd /workspaces/lunchbytesNov2022/deploy/bicep
az deployment group create -n lunchbytesnov2022 -g $resourceGroup -f ./single_deployment_template.bicep
# Capture Bicep Output into Variables
containerAppEnv=$(az deployment group show -n lunchbytesnov2022 -g $resourceGroup -o json --query properties.outputs.containerAppEnvName.value -o tsv)
echo $containerAppEnv
logAnalytics=$(az deployment group show -n lunchbytesnov2022 -g $resourceGroup -o json --query properties.outputs.logAnalyticsName.value -o tsv)
echo $logAnalytics
appInsights=$(az deployment group show -n lunchbytesnov2022 -g $resourceGroup -o json --query properties.outputs.appInsightsName.value -o tsv)
echo $appInsights
storageAccount=$(az deployment group show -n lunchbytesnov2022 -g $resourceGroup -o json --query properties.outputs.storageAccountName.value -o tsv)
echo $storageAccount
Deleting the Azure resource group should remove everything associated with this demo.
az group delete -g $resourceGroup --no-wait -y