This document explains some of the most common operators used in ReactiveCocoa,
and includes examples demonstrating their use. Note that operators in this context
refer to functions that transform signals, not custom Swift operators. In other
words, these are the composeable primitives provided by ReactiveCocoa for working
with signals. Roughly speaking they take the shape of (Input..., Signal...) -> Signal
Additionally, this document will use the term "signal" when dealing with concepts that
apply to both Signal
and SignalProducer
. When the distinction matters the inline
code-style will be used.
Performing side effects with signals
s can be observed with the observe
function. It takes an Observer
as argument to which any future events are sent.
signal.observe(Signal.Observer { event in
switch event {
case let .Next(next):
println("Next: \(next)")
case let .Error(error):
println("Error: \(error)")
case .Completed:
case .Interrupted:
Alternatively, callbacks for the Next
, Error
, Completed
and Interrupted
events can be provided which will be called when a corresponding event occurs.
signal.observe(next: { next in
println("Next: \(next)")
}, error: { error in
println("Error: \(error)")
}, completed: {
}, interrupted: {
Note that it is not necessary to provide all four parameters - all of them are optional, you only need to provide callbacks for the events you care about.
is also available as operator that can be used with |>
Side effects can be injected on a SignalProducer
with the on
operator without actually subscribing to it.
let producer = signalProducer
|> on(started: {
}, event: { event in
println("Event: \(event)")
}, error: { error in
println("Error: \(error)")
}, completed: {
}, interrupted: {
}, terminated: {
}, disposed: {
}, next: { next in
println("Next: \(next)")
Similar to observe
, all the parameters are optional and you only need to provide callbacks for the events you care about.
Note that nothing will be printed until producer
is started (possibly somewhere else).
The |>
operator can be used to apply a signal operator to a signal. Multiple operators can be chained after each other using the |>
|> filter { num in num % 2 == 0 }
|> map(toString)
|> observe(next: { string in println(string) })
Signal operators can be lifted to operate upon SignalProducer
s with the lift
In other words, this will create a new SignalProducer
which will apply the given signal operator to every signal created from the incoming SignalProducer
s just if the operator had been applied to each signal yielded from start()
The |>
operator implicitly lifts signal operators, when used with SignalProducer
These operators transform a signal into a new signal.
The map
operator is used to transform the values in a signal, creating a new signal with the results.
let (signal, sink) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
|> map { string in string.uppercaseString }
|> observe(next: println)
sendNext(sink, "a") // Prints A
sendNext(sink, "b") // Prints B
sendNext(sink, "c") // Prints C
Interactive visualisation of the map
The filter
operator is used to include only values in a signal that satisfy a predicate
let (signal, sink) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
|> filter { number in number % 2 == 0 }
|> observe(next: println)
sendNext(sink, 1) // Not printed
sendNext(sink, 2) // Prints 2
sendNext(sink, 3) // Not printed
sendNext(sink, 4) // prints 4
Interactive visualisation of the filter
The reduce
operator is used to aggregate a signals values into a single combine value. Note, that the final value is only sent after the source signal completes.
let (signal, sink) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
|> reduce(1) { $0 * $1 }
|> observe(next: println)
sendNext(sink, 1) // nothing printed
sendNext(sink, 2) // nothing printed
sendNext(sink, 3) // nothing printed
sendCompleted(sink) // prints 6
The collect
operator is used to aggregate a signals values into a single array value. Note, that the final value is only sent after the source signal completes.
let (signal, sink) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let collected = signal |> collect
collected.observe(next: println)
sendNext(sink, 1) // nothing printed
sendNext(sink, 2) // nothing printed
sendNext(sink, 3) // nothing printed
sendCompleted(sink) // prints [1, 2, 3]
Interactive visualisation of the reduce
These operators combine values from multiple signals into a unified new signal.
The combineLatest
function combines the latest values of two (or more) signals. The resulting signal will only send a the first value after both inputs have sent at least one value each. After that, each value on either of the inputs will cause a new value on the output.
let (numbersSignal, numbersSink) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let (lettersSignal, lettersSink) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
combineLatest(numbersSignal, lettersSignal)
|> observe(next: println, completed: { println("Completed") })
sendNext(numbersSink, 0) // nothing printed
sendNext(numbersSink, 1) // nothing printed
sendNext(lettersSink, "A") // prints (1, A)
sendNext(numbersSink, 2) // prints (2, A)
sendCompleted(numbersSink) // nothing printed
sendNext(lettersSink, "B") // prints (2, B)
sendNext(lettersSink, "C") // prints (2, C)
sendCompleted(lettersSink) // prints "Completed"
The combineLatestWith
operator works in the same way, but as an operator.
Interactive visualisation of the combineLatest
The zip
function combines values of two (or more) signals into pairs. The elements of any Nth pair are the Nth elements of the input signals. That means the output signal will always wait for all input signals to send and output.
let (numbersSignal, numbersSink) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let (lettersSignal, lettersSink) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
zip(numbersSignal, lettersSignal)
|> observe(next: println, completed: { println("Completed") })
sendNext(numbersSink, 0) // nothing printed
sendNext(numbersSink, 1) // nothing printed
sendNext(lettersSink, "A") // prints (0, A)
sendNext(numbersSink, 2) // nothing printed
sendCompleted(numbersSink) // nothing printed
sendNext(lettersSink, "B") // prints (1, B)
sendNext(lettersSink, "C") // prints (2, C) & "Completed"
The zipWith
operator works in the same way, but as an operator.
Interactive visualisation of the zip
The flatten
operator transforms a SignalProducer
s into a single SignalProducer
whose values are forwarded from the inner producer in accordance with the provided FlattenStrategy
To understand, why there are different strategies and how they compare to each other, take a look at this example and imagine the column offsets as time:
let values = [
// imagine column offset as time
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 4, 5, 6 ],
[ 7, 8 ],
let merge =
[ 1, 4, 2, 7,5, 3,8,6 ]
let concat =
[ 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8]
let latest =
[ 1, 4, 7, 8 ]
Note, how the values interleave and which values are even included in the resulting array.
The .Merge
strategy immediately forwards every value of the inner SignalProducer
s to the outer SignalProducer
. Any error sent on the outer producer or any inner producer is immediately sent on the flattened producer and terminates it.
let (producerA, lettersSink) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(5)
let (producerB, numbersSink) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(5)
let (signal, sink) = SignalProducer<SignalProducer<String, NoError>, NoError>.buffer(5)
signal |> flatten(FlattenStrategy.Merge) |> start(next: println)
sendNext(sink, producerA)
sendNext(sink, producerB)
sendNext(lettersSink, "a") // prints "a"
sendNext(numbersSink, "1") // prints "1"
sendNext(lettersSink, "b") // prints "b"
sendNext(numbersSink, "2") // prints "2"
sendNext(lettersSink, "c") // prints "c"
sendNext(numbersSink, "3") // prints "3"
Interactive visualisation of the flatten(.Merge)
The .Concat
strategy is used to serialize work of the inner SignalProducer
s. The outer producer is started immediately. Each subsequent producer is not started until the preceeding one has completed. Errors are immediately forwarded to the flattened producer.
let (producerA, lettersSink) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(5)
let (producerB, numbersSink) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(5)
let (signal, sink) = SignalProducer<SignalProducer<String, NoError>, NoError>.buffer(5)
signal |> flatten(FlattenStrategy.Concat) |> start(next: println)
sendNext(sink, producerA)
sendNext(sink, producerB)
sendNext(numbersSink, "1") // nothing printed
sendNext(lettersSink, "a") // prints "a"
sendNext(lettersSink, "b") // prints "b"
sendNext(numbersSink, "2") // nothing printed
sendNext(lettersSink, "c") // prints "c"
sendCompleted(lettersSink) // prints "1", "2"
sendNext(numbersSink, "3") // prints "3"
Interactive visualisation of the flatten(.Concat)
The .Latest
strategy forwards only values from the latest input SignalProducer
let (producerA, sinkA) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(5)
let (producerB, sinkB) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(5)
let (producerC, sinkC) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(5)
let (signal, sink) = SignalProducer<SignalProducer<String, NoError>, NoError>.buffer(5)
signal |> flatten(FlattenStrategy.Latest) |> start(next: println)
sendNext(sink, producerA) // nothing printed
sendNext(sinkC, "X") // nothing printed
sendNext(sinkA, "a") // prints "a"
sendNext(sinkB, "1") // nothing printed
sendNext(sink, producerB) // prints "1"
sendNext(sinkA, "b") // nothing printed
sendNext(sinkB, "2") // prints "2"
sendNext(sinkC, "Y") // nothing printed
sendNext(sinkA, "c") // nothing printed
sendNext(sink, producerC) // prints "X", "Y"
sendNext(sinkB, "3") // nothing printed
sendNext(sinkC, "Z") // prints "Z"
These operators are used to handle errors that might occur on a signal.
The catch
operator catches any error that may occur on the input SignalProducer
, then starts a new SignalProducer
in its place.
let (producer, sink) = SignalProducer<String, NSError>.buffer(5)
let error = NSError(domain: "domain", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
|> catch { error in SignalProducer<String, NSError>(value: "Default") }
|> start(next: println)
sendNext(sink, "First") // prints "First"
sendNext(sink, "Second") // prints "Second"
sendError(sink, error) // prints "Default"
The retry
operator will restart the original SignalProducer
on error up to count
var tries = 0
let limit = 2
let error = NSError(domain: "domain", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
let producer = SignalProducer<String, NSError> { (sink, _) in
if tries++ < limit {
sendError(sink, error)
} else {
sendNext(sink, "Success")
|> on(error: {e in println("Error")}) // prints "Error" twice
|> retry(2)
|> start(next: println, // prints "Success"
error: { _ in println("Signal Error")})
If the SignalProducer
does not succeed after count
tries, the resulting SignalProducer
will fail. E.g., if retry(1)
is used in the example above instead of retry(2)
, "Signal Error"
will be printed instead of "Success"
The mapError
operator transforms errors in the signal to new errors.
enum CustomError: String, ErrorType {
case Foo = "Foo"
case Bar = "Bar"
case Other = "Other"
var nsError: NSError {
return NSError(domain: "CustomError.\(rawValue)", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
var description: String {
return "\(rawValue) Error"
let (signal, sink) = Signal<String, NSError>.pipe()
|> mapError { (error: NSError) -> CustomError in
switch error.domain {
case "":
return .Foo
case "":
return .Bar
return .Other
|> observe(error: println)
sendError(sink, NSError(domain: "", code: 42, userInfo: nil)) // prints "Foo Error"
The promoteErrors
operator promotes a signal that does not generate errors into one that can.
let (numbersSignal, numbersSink) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let (lettersSignal, lettersSink) = Signal<String, NSError>.pipe()
|> promoteErrors(NSError)
|> combineLatestWith(lettersSignal)
The given signal will still not actually generate errors, but some operators to combine signals require the incoming signals to have matching error types.