- Register for a Google Cloud Platform account
- Access the Google Cloud Platform console
- Next to "Google Cloud Platform" branding in the top left, select from the dropdown menu
- Click on the "+" button to the far right of the "Search projects and folders" form field
- Create a new project with a new name
- From the "Dashboard" interface, click "Enable APIs and Services"
- Within "Search for APIs & Services" enter for "Google Drive", and select the "Google Drive API"
- Click the "Enable" button
- From the "Google Drive API" management interface, select "Create credentials"
- "Which API are you using?" should contain the value "Google Drive API"
- "Where will you be calling the API from?" should contain the value "Web server (e. g. node.js, Tomcat)"
- "What data will you be accessing?" should contain "User data"
- Select "What credentials do I need?"
- Provide the "name" for your Figgy
- Select "Create client ID"
- Provide the e-mail address for the repository administrator
- Provide the product name for users granting your Figgy access to Google Drive accounts
- Provide the authorized redirect URIs
will be sufficient for testing using an instance on the localhost- Otherwise, please offer some URI of the structure
- You do not need to download the credentials
- From the "Credentials" interface, select the "Edit OAuth client" button (it features a pencil icon to the right of the name of your Figgy)
- Copy the "Client ID" and "Client secret" into the
configuration file- Should your client secret every be compromised, please note that one can "Reset Secret" at the top of this interface
- After restarting your instance of Figgy, one should be able to upload files from Google Drive within the File Manager for resources in the repository