This plugin adds 8 extra view mode options to the list of view modes available on your Collection settings.
By default, every Tainacan collection can show the item's list with seven view modes:
- Table
- Cards
- Records
- Masonry
- Thumbnails (if the Tainacan theme is used)
- List
- Slideshow
Most of them are available on the admin list view as well. This plugin installs extra view modes that will be visible on the theme side of the installation (the website itself) and that do not follow Tainacan's default design guidelines. It was created in the early days of Tainacan development to demonstrate the possibility of this kind of customization and serves as a good first step for any developer who wants to learn how to create your custom view mode. We also cover this possibility - of using new view modes - on this post in our official page.
The new view modes available are:
- Gallery - A masonry view mode that displays two metadata and opens a slider lightbox.
- Mosaic - A simple and marginless mosaic of item thumbnails.
- Frame - A centered aligned, framed thumbnails view, like gallery expositions.
- Exhibition - A framed record view, where image and metadata are expanded on hover.
- Albums - Thumbnails displayed as album covers with a disk inside.
- Document - Records with stacked papers style, for displaying published research.
- Books - A book cover view, made for library visualizations.
- Polaroid - A framed picture view, similar to polaroid photographs.
In your *WordPress *plugins page, search for "Tainacan" and activate the "Tainacan Extra View Modes plugin". You will also find i in this link. From there you can just install it by pressing a button.
If you prefer, you can also download the .zip file from the GitHub repository and follow the install instructions described in our plugins install secion.
Activate our plugin on the WordPress administrative panel section for plugins.
Go to your collection settings page. Look for the Available View Modes section and check the ones that you wish to be available on theme list:
And that's it! Now you can view your list with a different style. Below are screenshots taken with the available view modes: