It’s a my LibGDX Library learning project, Cross-Platform ( Windows, Linux and android)
Shows a starting Splash screen within my Animated Glitch-Art Self-made Logo
Importing projects into your IDE should be painless if setup correctly. It is highly recommended that you use the Intellij IDE.
- File > Open > ProjectRoot/build.gradle
- Uncheck 'Create separate module per source set'
- Select OK on the 'Import Project from Gradle dialog'
- Import all modules If you have any issues when importing, resolve these before continuing!
Once the project has imported you should run a Gradle sync in the IDE to make sure everything is OK. To do this you bring up the Gradle tool window (View > Tool windows > Gradle), and hit the sync button, which is in the top left of the Gradle tool window. If this succeeds, you are all imported and ready to get developing.