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User Guide


Are you having a hard time remembering all the work you have to do? Do you have trouble finding a task manager that suits your preference for keyboard input? Well, worry no more, Taskell is here for you!
Taskell will be your personal secretary. It will keep track of your daily tasks and remind you of any important dates and deadlines. What distinguishes Taskell from other task managers is that Taskell only requires a single line of command for every task input. This means that you can record each one of your tasks with just a single statement. You will no longer have to use a mouse if you do not wish to.
Ready to begin life anew with a more efficient task manager? Read on to find out more!

Quick Start

Step 1: Ensure you have Java version 1.8.0_60 or later installed in your Computer.

Having any Java 8 version is not enough.
This application will not work with earlier versions of Java 8.

Step 2: Download the latest Taskell.jar from here.


Step 3: Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Task Manager.
Step 4: Double-click the file to start the application. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

Diagram 1: A screenshot of the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Step 5: Type the relevant command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
Step 6: Some example commands you can try:

  • list : displays all tasks
  • add buy MA1101R textbook today : adds a task called buy MA1101R textbook to be done by today.
  • delete 3 : deletes the 3rd task shown in the current list
  • exit : exits the application
    Refer to the Features section below for details of each command.


This section shows the different commands that you can use in Taskell. Words that are in UPPER_CASE are parameters. The parameters are listed below.

  • TASK: Indicates the content of a work
  • DATE: Indicates a date

Please refer to Appendix A for date format that Taskell supports.
Default start date has been set to today's date.
Default end date has been set to be the same as the start date.

  • TIME: Indicates a time

Please refer to Appendix B for time format that Taskell supports.
Default start time has been set to 12:00AM
Default end time has been set to 11:59PM
If the start date is today and no start time is provided, the default start time will be set to be the current time.

  • PRIORITY: Indicates the level of importance of a task ranging from level 0 to 3. Level 0, 1, 3 indicates default, low and high priority respectively.

In the GUI, level 1,2 and 3 tasks are marked as green, yellow and red respectively. Tasks with default priority level are not marked with any colors.

  • RECURRING: Indicates the repetitive nature of a task. A task can be repeated daily, weekly or monthly.
  • TAG: Indicates the category a task belongs to

Words that are in italics are used to identify the parameters while words enclosed in SQUARE_BRACKETS are optional.
INDEX refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.

Viewing list of commands : help

To open the help window
Format: help

Adding a task: add

You can use the add command to add different tasks.

To add a floating task
Format: add TASK
Example: add Read Harry Potter book

To add a task with priority
Format: add TASK p/PRIORITY
Example: add Complete math assignment p/3

To add a task with tag(s)

  • add TASK #TAG
    Example: add Meet Alice in Bugis #friends
  • add TASK #TAG [#MORE_TAGS]
    Example: add Swimming with Jane #friends #leisure

To add a recurring task
Format: add TASK r/RECURRING
Example: add Read newspaper on mon r/daily

Floating tasks are not allowed to have recurring status since there have no element of date or time

To add a task with date and time

  • add TASK from START_DATE to END_DATE
    Example: add Go camping at Kota Tinggi from 3-jun-2016 to 7-jun-2016
  • add TASK from START_TIME to END_TIME
    Example: add Watch Dr Strange from 7.30pm to 9.25pm

To allow greater flexibility in the command format, Taskell supports a few natural variation such as by, on and at.

The by keyword indicates that the task is a deadline task. Any date or time preceded by this keyword will be stored as an end date and end time respectively.

  • add TASK by DATE
    Example: add Buy textbook by tuesday
  • add TASK by TIME
    Example: add visit Sandy at her house by the seaside by 3.35pm
  • add TASK by DATE by TIME
    Example: add Do lab homework by Friday by 7pm

The on keyword indicates that the task has to be done on the given date. Any date preceded by this keyword will be stored as a start date.

Format: add TASK on DATE
Example: add Go for meeting on mon

The at keyword indicates that the task has to be done at the given time. Any time preceded by this keyword will be stored as a start time.

Format: add TASK at TIME
Example: add Go for meeting at 3pm

Having understood the aforementioned behaviors of the by, on, at, from and to keyword, you can fuse them together to form more complex tasks.

  • add TASK on DATE at TIME
    Example: add Go for meeting on Sunday at 3pm
  • add TASK on DATE by TIME
    Example: add Go for meeting by 3pm on 1-jan
  • add TASK from DATE
    Example:add Go out with friends from 9am
  • add TASK on DATE from TIME to TIME
    Example: add Watch webcast on sat from 4.45pm to 7pm
  • add TASK from DATE to DATE from TIME to TIME [#TAG] [p/PRIORITY] [r/RECURRING]
    Example: add Holiday in San Francisco at Ocean Beach by the sea from may to aug from 9am to 11pm #holiday #leisure p/3 r/monthly

Moreover, Taskell is able to make automatic adjustments to the date and time so that the task entered remains relevant.

  • add Create powerpoint slides for project from 11pm to 3am
    This task will be added as a valid task that starts today at 11pm and ends tomorrow at 3pm.
  • add Staycation with friends from sunday to tues
    If today is a Saturday, this task will be added as a valid task that starts from tomorrow and end on this coming Tuesday.
    If today is a Sunday, this task will be added as a valid task that starts from next Sunday and end on the following Tuesday.

Listing tasks : list

You can use the list command to display a certain type of tasks.


  • list
    Displays a list of uncompleted tasks.
  • list-all
    Displays a list of all tasks, both complete and incomplete.
  • list-date DATE
    Displays a list of all the tasks due on the specific date.
  • list-done
    Displays a list of completed tasks.
  • list-priority PRIORITY
    Displays a list of tasks with given priority.

    Diagram 2: Displays all the tasks to be done by today after typing list-date today.

Finding tasks: find

You can use the find command to view tasks with specific keywords.

    Displays a list of tasks with description or tags that match all the keywords.
    Example: find banana milk essay
    This returns all tasks with description or tags that match all keywords banana, milk, and essay.

Tasks with words that match the keyword include those that contain the keyword. For example, searching for "book" will match with "book", "textbook", "storybook" etc.

  • find-tag TAG [MORE_TAGS]
    Displays list of tasks with the same tags.
    Example: find homework essay cs2103
    This returns any task with either tag homework, essay, or cs2103.

    Diagram 3: Keying in find cs2010 displays list of tasks with "cs2010" as one of the keywords in task description.

Take Note!

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. chicken egg will match egg chicken.
  • Tasks matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. chicken will match chicken duck

Showing history : history or hist

You can view the command history available for undo on the right panel to refer to when undoing previous commands.
To save your time, Taskell has a short form command hist.
Format: history

Diagram 4: hist will show list of command history on the right panel

Take Note!

  • Only commands available for undo are shown here.
  • Refer to undo section for more information about what commands undo supports.

Reverting previous action : undo

If you wish to undo your most recent action, you can do so by using the undo command.
You can also undo previous commands, Enter hist to see a list of previous commands that can be undone.
Then use undo command with specified INDEX from the list of command history.
Undo most recent command executed.
-undo INDEX
Undo by index of command history.
Example: hist, then undo 3, will undo third command in command history.

Diagrams 5 and 6: undo 2 will undo 2nd command in history

Take Note!

  • Undo command only supports add, edit, delete, done, undone and undo commands.
  • Clear commands are irreversible!

Deleting a task : delete

To delete a task, use the delete command. This command deletes the task at a specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the most recent listing.
Format: delete INDEX
Example: find violin, then delete 1
This deletes the 1st task in the results of the find command.

Diagrams 7 and 8: Entering delete 20 will delete "read lord of the rings trilogy".

Marking a task as completed: done

Format: done INDEX
Example: done 1
This marks the first task as finished and moves it to the completed list.

Marking a task as incomplete: undone

Format: undone INDEX
Example: undone 1
This marks the 1st task as incomplete and moves it to the uncompleted list.

Editing a task : edit

To edit a task


    Diagram 9: Edits the 1st task on the list.

Entering "edit 1 desc: send all emails sd: 11-11-2016 ed: 12-11-2016 st: 3pm et: 4pm p: 3", will update description to "send all emails", start date to 11-11-2016, end date to 12-11-2016, start time to 3pm end time to 4pm and priority to 3.

Showing calendar view : calendar or cal

You can view the calendar for the week on the right panel to refer to the dates and any events scheduled when adding tasks and scheduling events. There is also a single red line displayed to show you the current time for your ease in checking your schedule.

Diagram 10: An example of how the current time marker looks like.

Calendar view depends on the list of tasks on the left panel, with each section marked with the index corresponding to the task, meaning a block marked "4" would correspond with the 4th task.
By default, the calendar view will be shown on the right panel. As history displays command history on the right panel as well, this command is meant for your convenience if you want to view calendar again.
Please note that entering other commands (i.e. find, add) will also revert the right panel back to calendar as it is the default view.
To save your time, Taskell has a short form command cal.
Format: calendar

Saving the information in Taskell : save

You can specify the path of a folder to store Taskell's data file. Please note that you should have permissions to access the folder.
To obtain the filepath, navigate to the required file in your File Explorer. Copy the path at the top of the screen and paste into Taskell. Refer to diagram 12 for an example of a filepath.

Diagram 11: Screenshot of File Explorer in Windows.

If the specified directory is valid but the file is missing, for example if command is save C:\Users\Jim\Documents\chicken, and C:\Users\Jim\Documents\chicken is valid but chicken file is not created, Taskell will create the file for you.
Format: save FOLDERPATH
Example: save C:\Users\Jim\Documents

Take Note!

  • If you only specify a folder name without directory, i.e. save cat, Taskell will create a file named "cat" within Taskell's own directory. Whereas save C:/Users/Jim/Documents/cat will open a file named "cat" within your desktop's Documents folder.
  • Both Windows and Linux OS have restricted symbols not allowed for filenames. Please be aware of the symbols shown in the table below.
Windows Linux
* > | * <
* < | * >
* : | * :
* " | * &
* / | * /
* \ | * |
* | | 
* ? |
* * |

Clearing all entries : clear

Permanently clears all task data.
Format: clear

Diagram 12: Typing clear will prompt a confirm pop-up window

Take Note!

  • Clear commands are irreversible!

Exiting the program : exit

Format: exit


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the application in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Taskell folder.

Q: Do I have to save the data every time I enter new tasks?
A: No, Taskell auto-saves your data every time you enter new tasks. Use save only when you want to transfer your data to a new location on your computer.

Q: Do I have to use exit command when I want to exit the application?
A: There is no need to, as Taskell can be closed by the top right X button with the mouse as well. This command is for your convenience if you prefer to use the keyboard.


  1. GUI: Graphical User Interface
  2. Floating task: A task without date and time

Command Summary

Command Format
Add Floating Task add TASK p/[PRIORITY] #[TAG]
Add Event add TASK by DATE
add TASK by TIME
add TASK by DATE by TIME
add TASK at TIME
add TASK on DATE
add TASK on DATE by TIME
add Task on DATE at TIME
add TASK from DATE to DATE
add TASK from TIME to TIME
Calendar View calendar or cal
Clear clear
Delete delete INDEX
Find Tasks by Tag find-tag KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
Help help
History history or hist
List Incomplete Tasks list
List All Tasks list-all
List by Given Date list-date [DATE]
List Done Tasks list-done
Mark Task Done done INDEX
Mark Task Undone undone INDEX
Undo undo or undo INDEX

Appendix A

Supported Date Format Example
DD-MM-YYYY 1-3-2016
MM-YYYY jul-2016
MM mar
day today

Appendix B

Supported Time Format Example
In 12-hour format 12am
In words now