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File metadata and controls

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DABL JS is a JavaScript ORM inspired by the likes of:

The primary goals of DABL JS are:

  • To create a generic interface/ORM for JavaScript models
  • Keep a smaller codebase than JayData and Breeze
  • Run on older browsers, such as IE 8, unlike Persistence.js and others
  • Avoid getter and setter methods for records, for compatibility with frameworks like Angular JS
  • Provide the same routing templates, but features that Angular Resource does not, such as:
    • Model subclassing
    • Promises
    • "Strong" Field data types
    • Foreign keys
    • Adapters for CRUD that aren't necessarily HTTP REST, such as SQLite databases
  • Work as a standalone ORM or integrate with frameworks Angular JS, tying into the Angular scope lifecycle


bower install dabl


git clone [email protected]:ManifestWebDesign/DABL-JS.git


Include the DABL base and any adapters required for your project:

<script src="js/dabl.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/"></script> <!-- AngularRESTAdapter -->
<script src="js/"></script> <!-- AngularRESTAdapter extends RESTAdapter -->

Defining a Model

var MyClass = dabl.Model.extend('MyClass', {
	adapter: adapter,
	url: 'my-class-records/:id.json',
	fields: {
		id: { type: 'int', key: true, computed: true }, // primary key
		moneys: Number, // number
		otherModel: OtherModel, // instance of another model class
		listOfModels: { type: Array, elementType: OtherModel }, // if you use instance.listOfModels.push({ }), the object will be cast to an instance of OtherModel
		listOfDates: { type: Array, elementType: Date },
		list: Array, // generic array with no type specified
		hash: Object, // Object in memory and an Object when saved
		jsonString: JSON, // Object in memory, but a JSON string when saved
		created: Date // Date in memory, ISO string like 2014-07-11T06:23:28.894Z when saved
	prototype: {
		init: function(){}, // optional override of constructor.  Call this._super() to call parent constructor,
		customMethod: function(){} // any other methods you want...

Model Instance Methods

  • init(values) - Constructor with object hash of field values
  • toString()
  • copy() - Returns a new instance with the same values, minus the primary keys
  • isModified() - Returns true if any field values have been modified
  • isModified(field) - Returns true if the given field has been modified
  • getModified() - Returns a hash of modified field names, keyed by the field names with the value true.
  • resetModified() - Consider the current state to be unmodified
  • revert() - Revert all field values to the last known saved state
  • fromJSON(values) - Update this object with the values
  • toJSON() - Returns a plain object with the object's values
  • hasKeyValues() - Returns true if all primary key fields are not null
  • getKeyValues() - Returns a hash of key field names and their values
  • isNew() - Returns true if this object has not been saved
  • setNew() - Consider this object new
  • validate() - Returns true if all required fields have a truthy value
  • getValidationErrors() - Returns an array of the validation errors from the last validation run
  • save() - Save this object to the adapter's datasource. Returns a promise.
  • remove() - Delete this object from the adapter's datasource. Returns a promise.

Model Class Methods

  • isFieldType(type) - Returns true if type is a valid field type.
  • isTemporalType(type) - Returns true if type is a time based type: Date or 'TIME'
  • isTextType(type) - Returns true if type is a text based type: String or 'TEXT'
  • isNumericType(type) - Returns true if type is a numeric type: Number or 'int'
  • isIntegerType(type) - Returns true if type is an integer type: 'int'
  • isObjectType(type) - Returns true if type is an object of some sort: JSON, Array, Object or a function (assumed to be a constructor)
  • coerceValue(value, field) - Attempts to "cast" or convert the given value to the field type specified in field.
  • coerceValues(values) - Takes an object of values, keyed by field name, and attemps to coerce the values to the field types.
  • convertArray(values, elementType) - Takes an array of values and attemps to convert them to the given elementType.
  • getAdapter() - Returns the adapter that is used for actions like find, remove, save, etc.
  • setAdapter(adapter) - Sets the adapter that is used for actions like find, remove, save, etc.
  • inflate(object) - Converts a normal object into an instance of this class and returns that new isntance.
  • inflateArray(array) - Inflates the values of array in place, unless array is not an instanceof Array. If it is not, then a new Array will be created and populated with the values of array.
  • getTableName() - Get the "table" name of this class' dataset.
  • getFields() - Returns a hash of this class' field definitions, keyed by field name.
  • getField(fieldName) - Returns the field definition for the given fieldName.
  • getFieldType(fieldName) - Returns the type part of the field definition for the given fieldName.
  • hasField(fieldName) - Returns true if a field definition exists for the given fieldName.
  • getKeys() - Returns an Array of field names that are primary keys.
  • addField(fieldName, field) - Adds a field definition for the given fieldName. field may be just a type like Date or an object like { type: 'int', key: true, computed: true, required: true }.
  • extend(table, options) - Creates a subclass of this. table is the table/dataset name. options is a model definition (see the defining a model section above).
  • toString() - Retuns the table/dataset name.
  • countAll([query arguments]) - Returns a count of the objects that match the given query. This call is passed through to the adapter.
  • findAll([query arguments]) - Returns an Array of objects that match the given query. This call is passed through to the adapter.
  • removeAll([query arguments]) - Removes the objects that match the given query. This call is passed through to the adapter.
  • find([query arguments]) - Returns a single object that matches the given query. This call is passed through to the adapter.
  • findBy(fieldName, value) - Alias of find, indended to be a key value lookup.

Angular App Example

angular.module('app', ['dabl'])

// setup 'db' service with models
.service('db', ['dabl', function(dabl) {
	var adapter = new dabl.AngularRESTAdapter('rest/'),
		Model = dabl.Model,
		db = {};

  // base model is the parent class for models with id, created, and updated fields
	var BaseModel = Model.extend('base_model', {
		adapter: adapter,
		fields: {
			id: { type: 'int', key: true, computed: true },
			created: Date,
			updated: Date

	db.Author = BaseModel.extend('author', {
		url: 'authors/:id.json',
		fields: {
			// id, created, updated
			name: String
		prototype: {
			toString: function() {

	db.Post = BaseModel.extend('post', {
		url: 'posts/:id.json',
		fields: {
			// id, created, updated
			content: String,
			author: db.Author

  // circular foreign keys require a separate addField call
	db.Author.addField('posts', { type: Array, elementType: db.Post });

	return db;

.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'db', function($scope, db) {

	$ = [];

	var search = {
		limit: 10000,
		order_by: 'id'

	var doSearch = function() {
			$scope.authors = r;
	$scope.deleteAuthor = function (author) {
	  if (author.isModified() && !confirm("This is author has been modified.  Are you sure?")) {
	    // success
	  }, function(){
	    // error
	$scope.getAuthorById = function (id) {
	  return db.Author.find(id).then(function(){
	    // success
	  }, function(){
	    // error
