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Documentation Style Guide

Benjamin Staneck edited this page Jul 28, 2021 · 10 revisions

Manticore Documentation Style Guide

Writing Conventions

  • If you are copy-pasting from Google Docs, please make sure you disable "Smart Quotes" in "Tools" -> "Preferences" before.
  • Follow the Core Lua Style Guide for scripting.
  • Name your objects in the hierarchy informatively.
  • Favor best practices like using CoreObject Asset References rather than script.parent.parent:GetChildren([3]).
  • Tutorials should be less than an hour in length, and if higher, should be split into multi-part tutorials as part of a series.
  • Make functions and variables local unless global is completely necessary.
  • If describing a command outside a code snippet, put the command in code format like so tostring.
  • Encourage use of the Event Log and use print() more than UI.PrintToScreen().
  • Put parentheses around your conditions in any compound conditional.
  • Bold any button or object a user has to click on like **Edit Terrain*.
  • Make sure anything referenced in "Community Content" will exist in the future. (e.g. by checking with the gameplay team)
  • Make sure to include <!-- TODO: XX --> comments for stuff that needs clarification or you are planning changes for.
  • Use ++key++ to highlight keyboard buttons. (read more)
  • Please use the Oxford comma.

Tutorial Layout

To encourage consistent styling, we provide Core tutorial styling and writing guidelines.

Topic Tags

Topic categories are added at the top of every file in this format:

id: costumes_in_core
name: Costumes in Core
title: Costumes in Core
    - Reference
    - Art

The following tags are available:

Topic Tag Example Tutorial
Game Creation First Platformer, First FPS
Scripting Intro to Lua, Coding Best Practices
Editor Essentials Player Settings, Script Debugger
Audio SFX, Rhythm Games
Networking Replicators, Client-Server
UI Main Menu Creation, Regen HP Bar
Terrain Basic Terrain, Import Height Maps
Weapon Intro to Melee Weapons, Intro to Guns
Ability How to Sprint, How to Cast a Magic Spell

Note: Setting a name and id and title is mandatory, tags are optional. If you add categories to a file, they will be listed on the sitemap after you run npm run tags.


  • Introduction with goal of the tutorial (2-3 sentences)
  • Image of finished work
  • Skills the learner will acquire (3-5 bullet points)
  • Estimated Time for Completion
  • Difficulty Level
  • Author/Audience Assumptions
  • Link to any recommended basic tutorials
  • If applicable, link to other tutorials in the series

Estimated Time for Completion

It is recommended to keep your tutorials short and below the 30 minute mark for estimated time of completion. If longer, it is recommended to split your tutorial into a series.

Difficulty Level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Tutorial Content

  • Include commented code that follows conventions
  • Include pictures of the Hierarchy often
  • Link to the finished example project at the end
  • Published project should be on Prod
  • Provide related tutorials / additional resources

Note: If we have a file that is no longer "done" due to editor changes, include the following after the # Title section of your file.

!!! warning
    Flagged for review.
    Incomplete or outdated information may be present.


In addition to the standard Markdown we also use additional extensions for code highlighting, info blocks, icons, etc. and, also a few custom features that help with getting good layouts done faster:

  • {: .image-inline-text} for positioning text vertically centered next to an image.


    ![alt_text](../../img/EnvironIntro/terrain_subtract.png "image_tooltip") **Subtract Terrain**: Lower the terrain level
    {: .image-inline-text}
  • {: .image-cluster} for easily placing two images next to each other and centering a description text below them.


    ![alt_text](../../img/EnvironIntro/image9.png "image_tooltip")
    ![alt_text](../../img/EnvironIntro/image44.png "image_tooltip")
    _Randomized Color unchecked (left) vs. checked (right)_
    {: .image-cluster}
  • {: .center} to quickly center elements like images.


    ![MyFirstScript](../../img/scripting/MyFirstScript.png){: .center}
  • {: style="color: $css_color_code"} to color text elements.


    **Pancakes**{: style="color: red"}
  • {: .style-good|.style-bad|.style-exception} to highlight good/bad practice code examples.


    local foo = {
        bar = 2,

    if foo then
        -- do something
    {: .style-good}


  1. Create a new folder for your tutorial inside of src/img/ and name it appropriately.
  2. Use lowercase file extensions. (eg .jpg not .JPG)
  3. No spaces in file names.
  4. Reference images using a relative path, examples present throughout.
  5. Please make sure your images are all the same size or at least stick to a common ratio.
  6. If you want to use GIFs, make sure they are not huge or convert them into videos.


If you want to use smaller pictures that get shown in full size on click, use the following markup:


Converting GIF to Video

You can either use any online video convertor or install ffmpeg from here (direct link) and put it onto your $PATH (howto) or the same folder as the GIF.

Now run ffmpeg.exe -i file.gif -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" out.mp4 from the command line.

After that is done, embed the video like this:

<div class="mt-video">
    <video autoplay loop muted playsinline poster="img/placeholderimagehere">
        <source src="cat.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

Long Tutorial Videos

  • Message Tasha to get access to the Core Games YouTube account and upload and then use the following code to embed them into your documents.


<lite-youtube videoid="k4JzElJ3pTc" playlabel="Making a Pistol Shooter: Part 1"></lite-youtube>
{: .video-container }

<lite-youtube videoid="k4JzElJ3pTc" playlabel="Making a Pistol Shooter: Part 1"></lite-youtube>
{: .video-container }